How to replace "->"? - clojure

I wonder, how can I replace this without "->"?
(defn -main [& args]
"" URL. html-resource
I tried this and it didn't print anything:
(defn -main [& args]
(print(URL. html-resource ""))

You can replace it like so:
(print (html-resource (URL. "")))
The way you have it, you are passing 2 args to URL. The thread-first macro passes your url string to URL., then html-resource, then to print.


Clojure macros call function from macro

I have this ns with a macro in it. The annoying thing im dealing with is that the taoensso.timbre macro only works as a variadic expression (timbre/info "a" "b" "c"). A list of items wont log right (timbre/info ["a" "b" "c"]). Im trying to create a wrapper macro that lets the code call (logger/info) in the same variadic form, then process all elements, and then pass to timbre/info
(ns logger
(:require [taoensso.timbre :as timbre :include-macros true])) ; a third party logger
;; A bit of pseudo code here. If you pass in a vector of args, you should get a vector of args with some changes
(defn scrub [args]
(if (listy)
(mapv (fn [a] (scrub args) args)
(if (is-entry a) {:a "xxx"} a)
(defmacro info
[& args]
`(timbre/info ~#(scrub args)))
This doesnt work because scrub is called immediately and wont resolve symbols passed in. I need something like either of these that dont work.
(defmacro info
[& args]
`(timbre/info #(scrub-log-pii ~args)))
(defmacro info
[& args]
`(timbre/info ~#('scrub-log-pii args)))
My last thought was to try to wrap the timbre macro in a function so the macro and evaluation happen in the right order. There is however, no way to "apply" to a macro.
(defn info3
[& args]
(timbre/info (scrub-log-pii (vec args))))
Any ideas?
not exactly an answer to the question as phrased (macro application stuff), but rather the practical timbre solution, that may be applicable in your specific case:
here you can see that all timbre macros use log! macro, which in turn accepts the collection of args.
so, just implementing your procedure as
(defmacro info* [args] `(log! :info :p ~args ~{:?line (fline &form)}))
should do the trick.
You have encountered a problem of using macros known as "turtles all the way down". That is, instead of using function composition, you may need to write a wrapper macro, then another wrapper macro for that, etc.
The detailed steps to writing a macro are described in this answer:
How do I write a Clojure threading macro?
For your specific problem, we could to this:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test)
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defn infix-impl
[a op b]
(list op a b))
(defmacro infix
"Allows user to have Java-style infix operators:
(infix 2 + 3)
[a op b] (infix-impl a op b))
(defn infix-seq-impl
`(let [form# (cons 'infix ~args)
result# (eval form#)]
(defmacro infix-seq
[args] (infix-seq-impl args))
(is= 5 (infix 2 + 3))
(let [params '[2 + 3]]
(pp/pprint (infix-seq-impl 'params))
(is= 5 (infix-seq params))))
Here we use the infix macro to show how to create a wrapper macro infix-seq that accepts a sequence of params instead of N scalar params. The printed output shows the generated code:
[form__24889__auto__ (clojure.core/cons 'tst.demo.core/infix params)
result__24890__auto__ (clojure.core/eval form__24889__auto__)]
A more general version
The applied macro below allows you to pass in the name of the macro to be "applied" to the param sequence:
(defn applied-impl
[f args]
`(let [form# (cons ~f ~args)
result# (eval form#)]
(defmacro applied
[f args] (applied-impl f args))
(let [params '[2 + 3]]
; (applied 'infix params) ; using a single quote fails
(is= 5 (applied `infix params)) ; using a backquote works
(is= 5 (applied 'tst.demo.core/infix params)) ; can also use fully-qualified symbol with single-quote
(is= 5 (applied (quote tst.demo.core/infix) params)) ; single-quote is a "reader macro" for (quote ...)

Is there an idiomatic way to dry up similar function definitions in clojure?

I started with the following code (imagine more than this, but I think this gets the point across):
(defn fun1 [arg] {:fun1 arg})
(defn funA [arg] {:funA arg})
(defn funOne [arg] {:funOne arg})
(defn funBee [arg] {:funBee arg})
(defn -main [& args] (prn (fun1 "test-data")))
My next pass rendered it so:
(defmacro item-defn [a]
`(defn ~(symbol a) [arg#] {~(keyword a) arg#}))
(item-defn "fun1")
(item-defn "funA")
(item-defn "funOne")
(item-defn "funBee")
(defn -main [& args] (prn (fun1 "test-data")))
Is there a way to get this down to something like:
(defmacro item-defn [a]
`(defn ~(symbol a) [arg#] {~(keyword a) arg#}))
(map #(item-defn %) ["fun1" "funA" "funOne" "funBee"])
(defn -main [& args] (prn (fun1 "test-data")))
(I tried that in the repl, and it seems to work, but when I load a clj file with it in it, then it doesn't work. It gives me a "CompilerException" "Unable to resolve symbol: fun1")
Am I misusing macros? How would you do this?
You may define another macro for this purpose, e.g.:
(defmacro item-defn [a]
`(defn ~(symbol a) [arg#] {~(keyword a) arg#}))
(defmacro items-defn [& names]
`(do ~#(for [n names] `(item-defn ~n))))
then you'll be able to use it to define any number of functions:
(items-defn "fun1" "funA" "funOne" "funBee")
I wonder if you map expression really works in the REPL. I suspect that the fun1 and funA functions you have are still in your REPL because you first eval-ed (item-defn "fun1") and (item-defn "funA"). On my box I get:
(map #(item-defn %) ["fun1" "funA"])
;=> (#'user/p1__22185# #'user/p1__22185#)
So no function is defined with name fun1 or funA. The problem is that map is a function and item-defn is a macro. What happens in your map epxression is that item-defn gets macroexpanded at compile time at which moment the strings with function names are not visible. The macroexpander has no way of knowing that you want to use "fun1" as a name for your to be defn-ed function. Instead the macroexpander just sees % and then uses a gen-symed name as name of the defn-ed function. The map expression is evaluated at runtime but then it is too late for the macroexpanded function to do anything with the supplied strings.
The solution of Leonid works because he uses another macro to iterate over the function names. So that the iteration also happens at compile time. You see, macros are kind of contagious. Once you start, you cannot stop.
Inside your macro, the name is already a symbol so you can do:
(defmacro item-defn [name]
`(defn ~name [arg#] {~(keyword name) arg#}))
(item-defn fun1)

Errors when trying to pass args in clojure using clj-http

hopefully this is something simple for the more experienced out there. I am using clj-http and trying to pass the command line arg int it (to take a URL). I am an absolute Clojure beginer but I have managed to pass the args through to a ptintln which works.
(ns foo.core
(:require [clj-http.client :as client]))
(defn -main
[& args]
(def url (str args))
(println url)
(def resp (client/get url))
(def headers (:headers resp))
(def server (headers "server"))
(println server))
Error message
Ants-MacBook-Pro:target ant$ lein run ""
Exception in thread "main" no protocol: ("")
This works
(def resp (client/get ""))
thanks in advance.
args is a list, which means that calling str on it returns the representation of the list, complete with parentheses and inner quotes, as you can see in your error trace:
(println (str '("")))
;; prints ("")
Of course, URLs don't start with parentheses and quotes, which is why the JVM tells you your URL is malformed.
What you really want to pass to get is not the string representation of your argument list, but your first argument:
(let [url (first args)]
(client/get url)) ;; Should work!
In addition, you should never use def calls within functions -- they create or rebind vars at the toplevel of your namespace, which don't want.
What you should be using instead is let forms, which create local variables (like url in my example). For more information on let, look at
I'd probably structure your code like so:
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [url (first args)
resp (client/get url)
server (get-in resp [:headers "server"])]
(println url)
(println server)))

How do you evaluate a java.lang.String in clojure

How would I eval to the following?
(defn run-clojure-func []
(println "welcome"))
(defn -main [& args]
(eval (*func* (first args)))
java exam.Hello "run-clojure-func"
Two versions for you to consider – entirely equivalent, but useful as points of comparison:
(defn -main [& args]
((-> args first symbol resolve)))
and this, using destructuring and no -> macro usage:
(defn -main [[fn-name]]
((resolve (symbol fn-name))))
resolve is obviously the key. The docs are your friend. :-) Also, as an unfair generalization, eval is almost never necessary.

Parameters in Clojure functions

I have a function that works like that:
(the-function [one] [two] [three])
and I need a function that calls the-function.
I tried with [& args] but it doesn't seem to pass the arguments correctly.
If it helps, the-function is like the create-table of MySQL found here
my function that is not working is like this:
(defn my-function [& args]
(the-function args))
And I want to be able to do:
(my-function [one] [two] [three])
and call the-function with these arguments
Okay, what you want is this:
(defn my-function [& args] (apply the-function args))
Apply applies a function to a set of arguments in a sequence as if they were individual arguments.
apply is the function-calling-function,, eg:
(defn add-three [x y z] (+ x y z))
(add-three 1 2 3)
(apply add-three '(1 2 3))
Does that help?
I am not sure I understand your question.
Is destructturing what you need?
(defn the-function [[one two three]]
(println (str one two three)))
(defn myfunction [& args]
(the-function args))