Calculating distance and speed using gps coordinates using qt c++ - c++

I am attempting to convert the first code snippet at:
Calculate distance between 2 GPS coordinates
// var R = 6371; // km
// var dLat = (lat2-lat1).toRad();
// var dLon = (lon2-lon1).toRad();
// var lat1 = lat1.toRad();
// var lat2 = lat2.toRad();
// var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
// Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2);
// var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
// var d = R * c;
(also shown below) for use in qt c++. It is used in a program that simulates gps flight inside of a radio control simulator. The GpsCalcLoop grabs gps latitude and longitude (in decimal format) once per second. These are fed into my converted code in hopes of getting a distance traveled during that one second of time. Speed would then be calculated.
I used the information at this page:
to convert the math functions. The output, however, is not what I expected. No matter what is input into lat2, lat1, lon2, and lon1 the results are always the same, '16777200.00'.
I am hoping that someone more familiar with qt c++ will be able to show me where I have gone wrong with the conversion. or point me to where I can find qt c++ code that is working.
I will add that I have attempted to use "#include "<"QGeoPositionInfo">" but get a 'No such file or directory' error when running the program.
void TelemetrySimulator::onGpsCalcLoop()
ui -> valuetest1 -> setValue(flat);
ui -> valuetest2 -> setValue(flat2);
ui -> valuetest3 -> setValue(flon);
ui -> valuetest4 -> setValue(flon2);
ui -> valuetest5 -> setValue(flat-flat2);
ui -> valuetest6 -> setValue(flon-flon2);
flat2 = flat;
flon2 = flon;
//-- //calculate-distance-between-2-gps-coordinates--
// var R = 6371; // km
// var dLat = (lat2-lat1).toRad();
// var dLon = (lon2-lon1).toRad();
// var lat1 = lat1.toRad();
// var lat2 = lat2.toRad();
// var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
// Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2);
// var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
// var d = R * c;
//--------------my conversio to qt c++---------
//---converted to qt using this web page ->
double R, dLat, dLon, lat1, lat2, lon2, lon1, a, c, d;
lat2 = flat2;
lat1 = flat;
lon2 = flon2;
lon1 = flon;
R = 6371; // km
dLat = qAcos(lat2-lat1); //dLat = (lat2-lat1).toRad(); instead of qAcos could be qAsin, qAtan, qCos, qSin,
// qTan. All refer to Radials.
dLon = qAcos(lon2-lon1); //dLon = (lon2-lon1).toRad();
lat1 = qAcos(lat1); //lat1 = lat1.toRad();
lat2 = qAcos(lat2); //lat2 = lat2.toRad();
a = qSin(dLat/2) * qSin(dLat/2) + //Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
qSin(dLon/2) * qSin(dLon/2) * qCos(lat1) * qCos(lat2);//Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2);
c = 2 * qAtan2(qSqrt(a), qSqrt(1-a)); //Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
d = R * c;
ui -> valuetest7 -> setValue(d);
Thanks to everyone for your great help! Here is the final code:
void MainWindow::onGpsCalcLoop()
//Get initial values from gps run loop-------
double lat2 = flat2;
double lat1 = flat;
double lon2 = flon2;
double lon1 = flon;
//GPS distance and speed calculation -------
double dLat = .01745329 * (lat2 - lat1);
double dLon = .01745329 * (lon2 - lon1);
lat1 = .01745329 * lat1;
lat2 = .01745329 * lat2;
double a = qSin(dLat/2) * qSin(dLat/2) +
qSin(dLon/2) * qSin(dLon/2) * qCos(lat1) * qCos(lat2);
double c = 2 * qAtan2(qSqrt(a), qSqrt(1-a));
double d = 3975 * c;
//Distance calculation done. Next is total distance and speed------
td = td + d;
if (d > .1)
d = 0;
td = 0;
if (ui -> metric -> isChecked())
ui -> valuetest1 -> setValue(td * 1.6);
ui -> valuetest2 -> setValue((d * 3600) * 1.6);
ui -> valuetest1 -> setValue(td);
ui -> valuetest2 -> setValue(d * 3600);
flat2 = flat;
flon2 = flon;
I used .01745329*(whatever) instead of qDegreesToRadians(whatever) just to keep things as simple as possible.
Again, thanks to all for your help!


How do I make the canonical PROC CALIS LINEQS example work?

I'm trying out the PROC CALIS LINEQS example outlined here (it works when I use the PATH and RAM examples) using the Wheaton dataset (I've renamed the headers to match the code below) with this code:
proc calis nobs=932 data=Wheaton;
Anomie67 = 1.0 * f_Alien67 + E1,
Powerless67 = 0.833 * f_Alien67 + E2,
Anomie71 = 1.0 * f_Alien71 + E3,
Powerless71 = 0.833 * f_Alien71 + E4,
Education = 1.0 * f_SES + E5,
SEI = lambda * f_SES + E6,
f_Alien67 = gamma1 * f_SES + D1,
f_Alien71 = gamma2 * f_SES + beta * Alien67 + D2;
E1 = theta1,
E2 = theta2,
E3 = theta1,
E4 = theta2,
E5 = theta3,
E6 = theta4,
D1 = psi1,
D2 = psi2,
f_SES = phi;
E1 E3 = theta5,
E2 E4 = theta5;
but I get this error:
"Predictor variable Alien67 in the equation with outcome variable f_Alien71 is neither a manifest, an F, an E, nor a D variable."
What am I doing wrong?
okay, I found the error - I had to consult page 450 of the SAS OnlineDoc™: Version 8 to find the solution which is basically to change this line of code:
f_Alien71 = gamma2 * f_SES + beta * Alien67 + D2;
f_Alien71 = gamma2 * f_SES + beta * f_Alien67 + D2;
I got a clue when I was reading page 450 because V5 in the book which corresponds to SEI in the code was using F3 (which was f_SES) as an input and then I noticed that the input to F2 in the book (which was f_Alien71 in the code) was F1 (which was f_Alien67 in the code) and I found that there was a mismatch.

Speed up R performance or convert R function to C++ function

I have an R function to compute the probability of the integer k; k = 1, ....., m from the given values of the other parameters. When the size of the k is very large (e.g., m = 10,000), the function is very slow. Do you have any suggestions to improve the performance of the function?
I also want to create an equivalent function in C++ if needed so that I can use RCPP package from R, but I do not know C++. Before learning C++ from the scratch, I also would like to have your suggestions.
prob <- function(k, et, ey, nrep = 10000, m0, m1)
m = m0 + m1
t <- rnorm(nrep, et, 1)
p0 <- pnorm(-t)
p1 <- pnorm(ey - t)
mean0 <- (m0 - 1)*p0 + m1*p1 + 1
mean1 <- m0*p0 + (m1 - 1)*p1 + 1
var0 <- (m0 - 1)*p0*(1 - p0) + m1*p1*(1 - p1)
var1 <- m0*p0*(1 - p0) + (m1 - 1)*p1*(1 - p1)
prob <- ifelse(et == 0, mean(dnorm(k, mean0, sqrt(var0))),
mean(dnorm(k, mean1, sqrt(var1))))
apply the function
prob_k <- sapply(1:10000, prob, et=1, ey=1 ,m0 = 5000, m1 = 5000)
Since dnorm is a vectorized function, you can just call prob like
prob_k <- prob(1:10000, et = 1, ey = 1 ,m0 = 5000, m1 = 5000)
To get verctorized outputs, you will have to change the code of the function a bit though
prob <- function(k, et, ey, nrep = 10000, m0, m1)
m = m0 + m1
t <- rnorm(nrep, et, 1)
p0 <- pnorm(-t)
p1 <- pnorm(ey - t)
mean0 <- (m0 - 1)*p0 + m1*p1 + 1
mean1 <- m0*p0 + (m1 - 1)*p1 + 1
var0 <- (m0 - 1)*p0*(1 - p0) + m1*p1*(1 - p1)
var1 <- m0*p0*(1 - p0) + (m1 - 1)*p1*(1 - p1)
if( et == 0 )
dnorm(k, mean0, sqrt(var0))
dnorm(k, mean1, sqrt(var1))
This is pretty fast on my machine (5 milliseconds on average)
microbenchmark(prob_k <- prob(1:10000, et = 1, ey = 1 ,m0 = 5000, m1 = 5000))
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min
# prob_k <- prob(1:10000, et = 1, ey = 1, m0 = 5000, m1 = 5000) 4.68232
# lq mean median uq max neval
# 4.776912 5.168405 4.817979 4.907612 7.023989 100

Lotka-Volterra Models in Swift 3

I am trying to implement an rk4 function to solve 2 differential equations. I have this code that implements the Runge Kutta 4 method:
//RK4 method
func rk4_func(y_array: [Double], f_array: [(([Double], Double) -> Double)], t_val: Double, h_val: Double) -> [Double] {
let length = y_array.count
let t_half_step = t_val + h_val / 2.0
let t_step = t_val + h_val
var k1 = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length)
var k2 = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length)
var k3 = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length)
var k4 = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length)
var w = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length)
var result = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length)
for i in 0...length {
k1[i] = h_val * f_array[i](y_array, t_val)
w[i] = y_array[i] + k1[i]/2.0
for i in 0...length {
k2[i] = h_val * f_array[i](w, t_half_step)
w[i] = y_array[i] + k2[i]/2.0
for i in 0...length {
k3[i] = h_val * f_array[i](w, t_half_step)
w[i] = y_array[i] + k3[i]
for i in 0...length {
k4[i] = h_val * f_array[i](w, t_step)
for i in 0...length {
result[i] = y_array[i] + (k1[i] + 2.0*k2[i] + 2.0*k3[i] + k4[i])/6.0
return result;
But now I need to actually use it, which is the part I'm confused about. If anyone has experience with numerically computing solutions to differential equations, that would help.
What arrays do I need to feed this function?
What does the t_val argument represent? Is it a maximum time?
How does the output "solve" the equation?
What does the output give me?
In the line k1[i] = h_val * f_array[i](y_array, t_val), what does f_array[i](y_array, t_val) mean? Is it saying that for the i-th value of f_array, find the corresponding i-th value for y_array? Then what does the t_val mean there?
For reference, here are the 2 differential equations needed to be solved. The context is that I'm trying to numerically solve these Lotka-Volterra Models to plot a time series and a phase space plot in Xcode (Swift 3.x).
y is the vector of the current state (implemented as double array). f_array is a function pointer to a function doty = f_array(y,t).
t_val is the time for the current state, h_val is the time step.
One call of rk4_func performs the time step from t_val to t_val+h_val and
returns the new state, y_next = rk4_func(y, f_array, t, h).
One would have to study the language internals. Hopefully, that is, for the code to work correctly, the first call of f_array[0](y_array, t_val) computes the full vector/array-valued result and further calls just extract the components of the cached result.
The original code as found at is severely deficient in its RK4 realization and out-of-date in language standards. A working version as tested at is
import Foundation
func RK4step(y: [Double], f: ([Double], Double) -> [Double], t: Double, h: Double) -> [Double] {
let length = y.count
var w = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length )
var result = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: length)
let k1 = f(y,t)
assert(k1.count == y.count, "States and Derivatives must be the same length")
for i in 0..<length { w[i] = y[i] + 0.5*h*k1[i] }
let k2 = f(w, t+0.5*h)
for i in 0..<length { w[i] = y[i] + 0.5*h*k2[i] }
let k3 = f(w,t+0.5*h)
for i in 0..<length { w[i] = y[i] + h*k3[i]
let k4 = f(w,t+h)
for i in 0..<length {
result[i] = y[i] + (k1[i] + 2.0*k2[i] + 2.0*k3[i] + k4[i])*h/6.0
return result;
func test_exp(){
// Integrate: y' = y
// y_0 = 1.0
// from 0 to 2.0
var y = [1.0]
func deriv (y: [Double], t: Double) -> [Double] {
return [ y[0] ]
var t = 0.0
let h = 0.1
while t < 2.0 {
y = RK4step(y:y, f:deriv, t:t, h:h)
t += h
print("t: \(t), y: \(y[0]) exact: \(exp(t))\n")
let exact = exp(2.0)
let error = abs(y[0] - exact)
assert(error < pow(h, 4.0))
print("y: \(y[0]) exact: \(exact) error: \(error)\n")
For the Volterra-Lotka dynamics one would have to change
var y = [150.0, 5.0]
let a = 5.0
let b = 1.0
let eps = 0.1
let m = 5.0
func deriv (y: [Double], t: Double) -> [Double] {
let p = y[0]
let q = y[1]
return [ a*p-b*p*q, eps*b*p*q - m*q ]
with properly fixed global constants a,b,eps,m and a two-dimensional initial value. Add print statements where required.

C++ to VB.NET Conversion: Assignment Within Expressions

Am converting some C++ code to VB.NET and need to convert assignments within expressions. Below are some C++ lines of code for which it's not clear what the converted results would be:
i2 = 1 + (i1 = i + i)
i4 = 1 + (i3 = n - i1)
wr = (wtemp = wr) * wpr - wi * wpi + wr
data(0) = (h1r = data(0)) + data(1)
data(0) = c1 * ((h1r = data(0)) + data(1))
Would the first line translate to:
If i2 = 1 Then i1 = i + i
Hans gave you the procedure - but just in case there's still any doubt about how to do this, your final result should be:
i1 = i + i
i2 = 1 + i1
i3 = n - i1
i4 = 1 + i3
wtemp = wr
wr = wtemp * wpr - wi * wpi + wr
h1r = data(0)
data(0) = h1r + data(1)
h1r = data(0)
data(0) = c1 * (h1r + data(1))
The code is already converted to VB.NET!
For example if you look at the following VB.NET code
Dim i2 As Int16
Dim i1 As Int16
Dim i As Int16
Dim data(0 To 1)
i = 1
i1 = 1
i2 = 0
i2 = 1 + (i1 = i + i) 'Same as your C++ code
It will return 1. The code translates to
i2 = 1 + (if i1= i+i)

hijri (islamic) calendar problem!

I would convert Gregorian date to Hijri (Islamic) date. After may search on the web, I found a source code to convert it.
I converted the code from Java and PHP to C base.
The implement some times working without any problem. But some days has problem.
I need your help either fix the implement or a available code that will work without any problem!
BTW I found another source code ( that is C++ base. As I don't know C++ if anyone can convert that to C Base or Objective C would be prefect (still not sure this code will work correctly or not).
P.S. You can check the correct date in:
void gregorian_to_hijri(int* h_y, int* h_m, int* h_d, int g_y, int g_m, int g_d)
int year, month, day;
int zyr;
int zd;
int zm;
int zy;
float zjd;
int zl;
int zn;
int zj;
year = g_y;
month = g_m;
day = g_d;
zyr = year;
zd = day;
zm = month;
zy = zyr;
if((zy > 1582) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm > 10)) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm == 10) && (zd > 14)))
zjd = ((1461 * (zy + 4800 + ((zm - 14) / 12))) / 4)
+ ((367 * (zm - 2 - 12 * (((zm - 14) / 12)))) / 12)
- ((3 * (((zy + 4900 + ((zm - 14) / 12)) / 100))) / 4) + zd - 32075;
zjd = 367 * zy - ((7 * (zy + 5001 + ((zm - 9) / 7))) / 4)
+ ((275 * zm) / 9) + zd + 1729777;
zl = zjd - 1948440 + 10632;
zn = ((zl - 1) / 10631);
zl = zl - 10631 * zn + 354;
zj = (((10985 - zl) / 5316)) * ((int)((50 * zl) / 17719))
+ ((zl / 5670)) * ((int)((43 * zl) / 15238));
zl = zl - (((30 - zj) / 15)) * (((17719 * zj) / 50))
- ((zj / 16)) * (((15238 * zj) / 43)) + 29;
zm = ((24 * zl) / 709);
zd = zl - ((709 * zm) / 24);
zy = 30 * zn + zj - 30;
*h_y = zy;
*h_m = zm;
*h_d = zd;
Assuming this is for a Mac (Cocoa) or iOS (Cocoa Touch) app, since that's where you see Objective C most often, then you can just do something like this:
// Create a Gregorian Calendar
NSCalendar *gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
// Set up components of a Gregorian date
NSDateComponents *gregorianComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; = 4;
gregorianComponents.month = 12;
gregorianComponents.year = 2010;
// Create the date
NSDate *date = [gregorianCalendar dateFromComponents:gregorianComponents];
[gregorianComponents release];
[gregorianCalendar release];
// Then create an Islamic calendar
NSCalendar *hijriCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCivilCalendar];
// And grab those date components for the same date
NSDateComponents *hijriComponents = [hijriCalendar components:(NSDayCalendarUnit |
NSMonthCalendarUnit |
NSLog(#"[In Hijri calendar ->] Day: %ld, Month: %ld, Year:%ld",
[hijriComponents day],
[hijriComponents month],
[hijriComponents year]);
[hijriCalendar release];
If all you want is the current date, then you can skip setting up the gregorian date altogether and just do this:
// Create an Islamic calendar
NSCalendar *hijriCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCalendar];
// And grab the date components for the current date
NSDateComponents *hijriComponents = [hijriCalendar components:(NSDayCalendarUnit |
NSMonthCalendarUnit |
fromDate:[NSDate date]];
[hijriCalendar release];
Have a look at this topic: how to convert hijari date into gregorian date in java script?
The question mentions JavaScript but the top answer seems to have links to implementations in a variety of languages.
You should be able to do this in Objective-C (if that really is an option) using NSCalendar.