How to lock screen 30 minutes after unlock - screen-lock

I would like my children to only use the computer for 30 minutes, at which time I would like the screen to be locked. At that point, if I choose to unlock the screen again, I would like the screen to lock again in another 30 minutes.
How can I write a script to do this?
To lock the screen from the command line (on ubuntu), I can use the command
gnome-screensaver-command -l
but how do I activate this command 30 minutes after unlock?

Thank you for the comment, which helps. Here is the solution I came up with, in python 2.x:
import gobject, dbus, time, subprocess
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
subprocess.Popen(["gnome-screensaver-command", "-l"])
def lock_status(bus, message):
if message.get_member() != "EventEmitted":
args = message.get_args_list()
if args[0] == "desktop-unlock":
subprocess.Popen(["gnome-screensaver-command", "-l"])
bus = dbus.SessionBus()


Stopping a While loop when it ends a cycle in Python

This may be a strange request. I have an infinite While loop and each loop lasts ~7 minutes, then the program sleeps for a couple minutes to let the computer cool down, and then starts over.
This is how it looks:
import time as t
t_cooling = 120
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Right now if I want to interrupt the process, I have to wait until the program sleeps for 2 minutes, otherwise all the calculations done in the running cycle are wasted. Moreover the calculations involve writing on files and working with multiprocessing, so interrupting during the calculation phase is not only a waste, but can potentially damage the output on the files.
I'd like to know if there is a way to signal to the program that the current cycle is the last one it has to execute, so that there is no risk of interrupting at the wrong moment. To add one more limitation, it has to be a solution that works via command line. It's not possible to add a window with a stop button on the computer the program is running on. The machine has a basic Linux installation, with no graphical environment. The computer is not particularly powerful or new and I need to use the most CPU and RAM possible.
Hope everything is clear enough.
Not so elegant, but it works
#!/usr/bin/env python
import signal
import time as t
stop = False
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print('You pressed Ctrl+C!')
global stop
stop = True
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
print('Press Ctrl+C')
t_cooling = 1
while not stop:
You can use a separate Thread and an Event to signal the exit request to the main thread:
import time
import threading
evt = threading.Event()
def input_thread():
while True:
if input("") == "quit":
print("Exit requested")
t_cooling = 5
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
print("starting calculation")
if evt.is_set():
Just for completeness, I post here my solution. It's very raw, but it works.
import time as t
t_cooling = 120
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
f = open('stop', 'r')
stop = f.readline().strip()
if stop == '0':
I just have to create a file named stop and write a 0 in it. When that 0 is changed to something else, the program stops at the end of the cycle.

Python time.sleep only for one part of script

I have sript for 3 lcd display on my rassbery pi, and have problem with
time sleep function.
I would like to have a pause only for screen 3 ( after 10s show different data ), and the other LCD should run normaly, without time sleep - pause
example :
# LCD1
mylcd1.lcd_display_string ("%s" %time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"),3, 0)
# LCD2
# LCD3
In this example is problem time in LCD1, It does not run smoothly, it has to wait 10s, and temperature data on LCD 1 and LCD 2 it must be refreshed in real time without delay....
Thank you for help!
I would say an easy way to go about this is have your LCD's that need to be updated running in a loop, and have a variable that is keeping track of the time.
Then within your loop have an if statement checking if the time % 10 seconds == 0 then run the refresh of the Screen that needs the delay.
I forgot to write .... the compete code is already in loop...
I want add time.sleep only for part for LCD3 ...
LCD3 change data every 10 sec.

How to run 10 processes at a time from a list of 1000 processes in python 2.7

def get_url(url):
# conditions
import multiprocessing
threads = []
thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=get_url,args=(url))
for st in threads:
Now i want to execute 10 requests at a time, once those 10 are completed. Pick other 10 and so on. I was going through the documentation but i haven't found any use case. I am using this module for the first time. Any help would be appreciated.

Python 2.7 : How to track declining RAM?

Data is updated every 5 min. Every 5 min a python script I wrote is run. This data is related to signals, and when the data says a signal is True, then the signal name is shown in a PyQt Gui that I have.
In other words, the Gui is always on my screen, and every 5 min its "main" function is triggered and the "main" function's job is to check the database of signals against the newly downloaded data. I leave this GUI open for hours and days at a time and the computer always crashes. Random python modules get corrupted (pandas can't import this or numpy can't import that) and I have to reinstall python and all the packages.
I have a hypothesis that this is related to the program being open for a long time and using up more and more memory which eventually crashes the computer when the memory runs out.
How would I test this hypothesis? If I can just show that with every 5-min run the available memory decreases, then it would suggest that my hypothesis might be correct.
Here is the code that reruns the "main" function every 5 min:
class Editor(QtGui.QMainWindow):
# my app
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Editor()
milliseconds_autocheck_frequency = 300000 # number of milliseconds in 5 min
timer = QtCore.QTimer()
if __name__ == '__main__':

How to make Python do something every half an hour?

I would like my code (Python) to execute every half an hour. I'm using Windows. For example, I would like it to run at 11, 11:30, 12, 12:30, etc.
This should call the function once, then wait 1800 second(half an hour), call function, wait, ect.
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
def func():
your actual code code here
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thread(target = func).start()
while True:
Thread(target = func).start()
Windows Task Scheduler
You can also use the AT command in the command prompt, which is similar to cron in linux.