Returning template argument explicitly - c++

I have a function which takes an "auto" and returns an "auto". This function takes numeric types (eg, complex, int, or doubles). However, depending on the result of the function, I need to return something explicitly. For example, if a complex number is passed to the function, I need to return "complex(0, 0)" if the "real" part of the number is less than zero. The code looks something like the following:
if(myNumber<0){ return 0.0;} else{ return myNumber; }
Now of course I have to overload the "less than" operator but the difficult part is how to allow returning 0 when myNumber is not a double. I have overloaded the "=" operator to allow assignment of doubles to complex numbers, however I still get compiling errors.
Is there any good way to accomplish this?
My complete code looks like the following.
auto BSCall(const auto &S0, const auto &k, const auto &discount, const auto &sigma){
return 0.0;
double s=sqrt(2.0);
auto d1=log(S0/(discount*k))/(sigma)+sigma*.5;
return S0*(.5+.5*erf(d1/s))-k*discount*(.5+.5*(erf((d1-sigma)/s)));
Edit again:
It turns out that I didn't have my class have a constructor which took a double. My code works when I have both the operator "=" overloaded AND a constructor which has a single double.

I see two ways:
First is to try initializer list:
return {}; // <= it means you return T()
return myNumber;
Second is to use std::result_of from type_traits header.
return std::result_of<YourFunctionReference>::type();
return myNumber;
Of course your function is templated so I'm not quite sure if second way will work. Please post additional code from your project so I will be able to tell you how to use std::result_of in your case.

I think you are running into issues because you have two returns that are returning different types, and the compiler can't decide which type to use as the return type.
You can get around this by putting your calculation into a helper function:
auto BSCallHelper(
const auto &S0,
const auto &k,
const auto &discount,
const auto &sigma
double s=sqrt(2.0);
auto d1=log(S0/(discount*k))/(sigma)+sigma*.5;
return S0*(.5+.5*erf(d1/s))-k*discount*(.5+.5*(erf((d1-sigma)/s)));
Then you can use the helper function to make your return type be explicit:
auto BSCall(
const auto &S0,
const auto &k,
const auto &discount,
const auto &sigma
) -> decltype(BSCallHelper(S0,k,discount,sigma))
return 0.0;
return BSCallHelper(S0,k,discount,sigma);
You can also use the ?: operator to resolve a common type:
auto BSCall(
const auto &S0,
const auto &k,
const auto &discount,
const auto &sigma
return (sigma<=0) ? 0 : BSCallHelper(S0,k,discount,sigma);


How to pass std::isspace to function taking unary predicate as argument?

I have the following trim function
std::string trim(const std::string& str, std::function<bool(int ch)> isCharToTrim)
auto trimmedStart = std::find_if_not(str.begin(), str.end(), isCharToTrim);
if (trimmedStart == str.end())
return "";
auto trimmedEnd = std::find_if_not(str.rbegin(), str.rend(), isCharToTrim);
return std::string(trimmedStart, trimmedEnd.base());
When I pass std::isspace as second argument, it compiles with MSVC.
But I get an error with gcc: error: cannot resolve overloaded function 'isspace' based on conversion to type 'std::function<bool(int)>'.
Usage of the function that works on MSVC
const auto trimmed = trim(test, std::isspace);
const auto trimmed2 = trim(test, std::not_fn(std::isgraph));
const auto trimmed3 = trim(test, [](int ch) { return ch == ' '; });
What changes can I make to get it to compile on gcc? Change the argument type?
You should not use function pointers to functions in the standard library unless they are explicitly addressable functions.
You can wrap them in a lambda:
const auto trimmed = trim(test, [](auto c) { return std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)); });
Note that it is not necessary to convert all callables to std::function just to call them or pass them to an algorithm. You can accept any callable by making the function a template:
template <typename C>
std::string trim(const std::string& str, C isCharToTrim);
The error complains about an overload because there is in addition to the function you want to pass. Anyhow, strictly speaking the standard merely specifies what happens when you call std::isspace(int). There needs not actually be a function int std::isspace(int), it could be int std::isspace(int,int=42). There can be other overloads present. For this (and perhaps other) reasons it is generally not allowed to take pointers to standard functions.

Mutate return type of a lambda

The full context of this problem is unfortunately too involved to explain, but suffice to say it involves some complicated template metaprogramming and I find myself having to do some funny things. I've tried to boil down an issue I've encountered into a minimal example, so the question may seem awkward. If it's possible to do this I'd be interested to know how, if not I'd be interested in hearing possible alternatives.
I'd like to create a function that takes as input a lambda function that may return void or something else. If it does return void, I'd like to convert it into an identical lambda that, instead of returning void, returns true.
template <typename InputFuncType>
auto function_converter(InputFuncType lambda_func)
// I also need to figure out how to deduce the return type of lambda_func
// might be something like this.
if constexpr (std::is_same<std::result_of<InputFuncType>::type, void>::value)
// Current best guess. Note that in the context of the converter, I don't explicitly know
// lambda_func's input type, so I'm not sure how to do something like this.
return [](InputFuncType::input_args_t... args) {lambda_func(args); return true;};
return lambda_func;
// target usage
const auto lam1 = [](int a) {return;};
const auto lam2 = function_converter(lam1);
int x = 4;
lam1(x); // returns void
const bool y2 = lam2(x); // returns true
I'm using c++17.
A little redundant, I suppose, but the following wrapper should works
template <typename InputFuncType>
auto function_converter (InputFuncType lf)
return [=](auto && ... args)
using RT = decltype(lf(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...));
if constexpr ( true == std::is_same_v<void, RT> )
return true;
return lf(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
Substantially, the idea is transfer the check, about the returned type, inside the internal lambda.

auto variable declaration without definition

I was wondering if there's an elegant solution for the following issue:
Let's say I'd like to have a variable holding a value with a pretty complex type and would the compiler to automatically infer it's type, but declare first and give value later in the code because of initialization in an if statement.
For example:
auto a;
if (some predicate)
a = init_a(1);
a = init_a(2);
Obviously this code doesn't compile, but the I think that the compiler has all the information it needs to infer the type.
If 'a' was just an int, this was not a problem, but if the type is a complex template, I don't want to have to write it (or in some cases even know it).
Also, i wouldn't want to call the default constructor of a and then write over it.
Possible solutions:
Template the type of 'a'.
initialize 'a' using a lambda and move the predicate into the lambda.
Just write the type of 'a' instead auto.
Use a void pointer/shared_ptr and then init 'a' on the heap.
Each of these has its own drawbacks.
Is there a more elegant solution for it?
The compiler doesn't have infinite lookahead what is happening further on in the code. It only knows what's happening at the current statement. Therefore it can't deduce any types without an initializer.
If you don't know the return-type of init_a then you could use decltype:
decltype(init_a(1)) a;
You can also use a lambda call to initialize the variable:
auto a = [ /* Captures needed for the condition... */ ]()
if (some_condition)
return init_a(1);
return init_a(2);
}(); // Call the lambda immediately
Or, as mentioned in many comments, use the ternary conditional expression:
auto a = some_condition ? init_a(1) : init_a(2);
There's a technique called "Immediately Invoked Lambda Expression" that is using lambda to initialize a variable in a complex way. Using this approach your a can be const which improves const-correctness. More details here.
For a simple binary predicate, consider just using the ternary operator:
struct A { int a; };
A initA(int a) { return A{a}; }
bool somePredicate(int input) { return input == 42; }
int main() {
const auto input = 42;
const auto a = somePredicate(input) ? initA(1) : initA(2);
for more complex initialization logic (beyond a binary case), wrap the initialization logic in a lambda:
struct A { int a; };
A initA(int a) { return A{a}; }
bool somePredicate(int input) { return input == 42; }
int main() {
const auto input = 42;
const auto a = []() {
if (somePredicate(input)) { return initA(1); }
else if (input == 100) { return initA(100); }
else { return initA(2); }}();
Both these approaches come with additional possibility of making the variable to be initialized const.
If the return types of your lambda are different but convertible to some type then you can force the return type (note the -> is mandatory when specifying a return type):
auto a = [=]() -> ConvertedType {
if (some_predicate) {
return CovertibleType1(1);
} else if (other_predicate) {
return ConvertibleType2(2);
return ConvertibleType3(3);
Though I realize this basically defeats the auto declaration...

How to create two functions with the same name and different return type and runned based on boolean parameter

I have two functions with the same name but different return types. I want to run the function based on their third parameter. If the third parameter is true I want to run the first and If the parameter is false to run the second function. I was trying different things on my own because I couldn't find information online and I wasn't sure how is this called. Here is what I tried to do:
static int function(int a, int b, const bool=true);
static std::string function(int a, int b, const bool=false);
I would be grateful if someone can explain how to do this or at least give me a link to some information.
This solution is not about having two different functions but if you wanted the function to return a different type depending on the bool value using boost::any.
boost::any function(int a, int b, const bool c) {
std::string str = "Hello world!";
int num = 10;
if ( c ) {
return boost::any(num);
} else {
return boost::any(str);
This would use the third parameter in the function in order to decide which return you should do. Depending on how big function is this might be a worse solution but if you really wanted to use a boolean as a parameter I believe this should work.
Docs: Boost
Related question to this answer: Function which returns an unknown type
You can create a function template and add specializations for the different return types. Then you could use the bool argument as a template parameter:
auto function(int, int);
auto function<true>(int a, int b)
// ...
return int{};
auto function<false>(int a, int b)
// ...
return std::string{};
The functions would then be called like this:
int a = function<true>(1,2);
std::string b = function<false>(1,2);
Here's a demo.
Note the important caveat that the bool parameter must be known at compile time, and can't be a run time argument.
While this technique will work, do be aware that this will confuse a lot of c++ programmers. They usually expect a function to always return a particular type.
More relevant to your question; this is not actually going to make the code much more readable. Instead, having separate named functions is probably a more readable approach:
int int_function(int a, int b);
std::string str_function(int a, int b);
which could be called like this:
int a = int_function(1,2);
std::string b = str_function(1,2);

C++ same function parameters with different return type

I need to find some way to mock an overload of a function return type in C++.
I know that there isn't a way to do that directly, but I'm hoping there's some out-of-the-box way around it.
We're creating an API for users to work under, and they'll be passing in a data string that retrieves a value based on the string information. Those values are different types. In essence, we would like to let them do:
int = RetrieveValue(dataString1);
double = RetrieveValue(dataString2);
// Obviously, since they don't know the type, they wouldn't use int =.... It would be:
AnotherFunction(RetrieveValue(dataString1)); // param of type int
AnotherFunction(RetrieveValue(dataString2)); // param of type double
But that doesn't work in C++ (obviously).
Right now, we're having it set up so that they call:
int = RetrieveValueInt(dataString1);
double = RetrieveValueDouble(dataString2);
However, we don't want them to need to know what the type of their data string is.
Unfortunately, we're not allowed to use external libraries, so no using Boost.
Are there any ways we can get around this?
Just to clarify, I understand that C++ can't natively do it. But there must be some way to get around it. For example, I thought about doing RetrieveValue(dataString1, GetType(dataString1)). That doesn't really fix anything, because GetType also can only have one return type. But I need something like that.
I understand that this question has been asked before, but in a different sense. I can't use any of the obvious answers. I need something completely out-of-the-box for it to be useful to me, which was not the case with any of the answers in the other question asked.
You've to start with this:
template<typename T>
T RetrieveValue(std::string key)
//get value and convert into T and return it
To support this function, you've to work a bit more, in order to convert the value into the type T. One easy way to convert value could be this:
template<typename T>
T RetrieveValue(std::string key)
//get value
std::string value = get_value(key, etc);
std::stringstream ss(value);
T convertedValue;
if ( ss >> convertedValue ) return convertedValue;
else throw std::runtime_error("conversion failed");
Note that you still have to call this function as:
int x = RetrieveValue<int>(key);
You could avoid mentioning int twice, if you could do this instead:
Value RetrieveValue(std::string key)
//get value
std::string value = get_value(key, etc);
return { value };
where Value is implemented as:
struct Value
std::string _value;
template<typename T>
operator T() const //implicitly convert into T
std::stringstream ss(_value);
T convertedValue;
if ( ss >> convertedValue ) return convertedValue;
else throw std::runtime_error("conversion failed");
Then you could write this:
int x = RetrieveValue(key1);
double y = RetrieveValue(key2);
which is which you want, right?
The only sane way to do this is to move the return value to the parameters.
void retrieve_value(std::string s, double& p);
void retrieve_value(std::string s, int& p);
double x;
retrieve_value(data_string1, x);
int y;
retrieve_value(data_string2, y);
Whether it is an overload or a specialization, you'll need the information to be in the function signature. You could pass the variable in as an unused 2nd argument:
int RetrieveValue(const std::string& s, const int&) {
return atoi(s.c_str());
double RetrieveValue(const std::string& s, const double&) {
return atof(s.c_str());
int i = RetrieveValue(dataString1, i);
double d = RetrieveValue(dataString2, d);
If you know your value can never be something like zero or negative, just return a struct holding int and double and zero out the one you don't need...
It's a cheap and dirty, but easy way...
struct MyStruct{
int myInt;
double myDouble;
MyStruct MyFunction(){
If the datastrings are compile-time constants (as said in answering my comment), you could use some template magic to do the job. An even simpler option is to not use strings at all but some data types which allow you then to overload on argument.
struct retrieve_int {} as_int;
struct retrieve_double {} as_double;
int RetrieveValue(retrieve_int) { return 3; }
double RetrieveValue(retrieve_double) { return 7.0; }
auto x = RetrieveValue(as_int); // x is int
auto y = RetrieveValue(as_double); // y is double
Unfortunately there is no way to overload the function return type see this answer
Overloading by return type
int a=itoa(retrieveValue(dataString));
double a=ftoa(retrieveValue(dataString));
both return a string.
As an alternative to the template solution, you can have the function return a reference or a pointer to a class, then create subclasses of that class to contain the different data types that you'd like to return. RetrieveValue would then return a reference to the appropriate subclass.
That would then let the user pass the returned object to other functions without knowing which subclass it belonged to.
The problem in this case would then become one of memory management -- choosing which function allocates the returned object and which function deletes it, and when, in such a way that we avoid memory leaks.
The answer is simple just declare the function returning void* type and in the definition return a reference to the variable of different types. For instance in the header (.h) declare
void* RetrieveValue(string dataString1);
And in the definition (.cpp) just write
void* RetrieveValue(string dataString1)
static double value1=(double)dataString1.size();
return &value1;
static string value2=dataString1+"some string";
return &value2;
Then in the code calling RetrieveValue just cast to the right value
string str;
string str_value;
double dbl_value;
Since you used an example that wasn't really what you wanted, you threw everyone off a bit.
The setup you really have (calling a function with the return value of this function whose return type is unknowable) will not work because function calls are resolved at compile time.
You are then restricted to a runtime solution. I recommend the visitor pattern, and you'll have to change your design substantially to allow for this change. There isn't really another way to do it that I can see.