Time between training set images for individual facial recognition - computer-vision

Edit: I didn't make this clear, for this is for the possible future development of an application.
I am looking into individual facial recognition for an application, but an essential part of this seems to be a fairly large training set of images for each individual to be recognized.
Is it important for the images to be taken at different times in different environments, or could several images captured over a few seconds with a handheld camera possibly provide the necessary variations for a good training set?
(This isn't for human facial recognition, by the way, so existing tools and databases won't really help too much. I'm aware that 2D image recognition can not necessarily be applied to all species; let's just assume that it does work in my use case.)

This paper may answer some of your questions:
From the pattern classification point of view, a usual problem in face recognition is having a plethora of classes and only a few, possibly only one, training sample(s) per class. For this reason, more sophisticated classifiers are not needed but a nearest-neighbour classifier is used.
While I'm not an expert on the subject, it appears to be a common problem to have only one image per person as a training sample and one that has been solved with at least some level of accuracy in controlled lighting/positional situations.
To specifically answer your question, a training set that had multiple images of each person with little or no variation ("several images captured over a few seconds with a handheld camera"), would not be as valuable as one that had more variation (e.g. different facial expressions, lighting, backgrounds).


Quick and Dirty Image Registration Tool

Given two images, e.g. two cats, is there a library that includes a "quick and dirty" way of telling by how much the two images differ regarding translation and rotation? Image registration is a big field and every application I run into seems to be tailored to medical scans and usually has certain domain specific caps on the transformation ranges. The tool I require should take two images as an input and return an angle of rotation and a translation vector, maybe even a confidence metric, it's that simple. (Most algorithms out there are heavy-duty and focus on minute details for alignment, the tool I'm looking for need not be as exact.)
If it needs not be very precise, you can probably tweak the code from PyImageSearch to better suit your application.
If you know that the two images you are going to compare do contain the same object (i.e., if there is no additional object recognition problem that comes before this step), then you can maybe try using the ORB detector to find the good keypoints, and then estimate the homography using ViSP

Face recognition using neural networks

I am doing a project on face recognition, for that I have already used different methods like eigenface, fisherface, LBP histograms and surf. But these methods are not giving me an accurate result. Surf gives good matches for exact same images, but I need to match one image with it's own different poses(wearing glasses,side pose,if somebody is covering his face) etc. LBP compares histogram of images, i.e., only color informations. So when there is high variation on lighting condition it is not showing good results. So I heard about neural networks, but I don't know much about that. Is it possible to train the system very accurately by using neural networks. If possible how can we do that?
According to this OpenCV page, there does seem to be some support for machine learning. That being said, the support does seem to be a bit limited.
What you could do, would be to:
User OpenCV to extract the face of the person.
Change the image to grey scale.
Try to manipulate so that the face is always the same size.
All the above should be doable with OpenCV itself (could be wrong, haven't messed with OpenCV in a while) so that should save you some time.
Next, you take the image, as a bitmap maybe, and feed the bitmap as a vector to the neural network. Alternatively, as #MatthiasB recommended, you could feed the features instead of individual pixels. This would simplify the data being passed, thus making the network easier to train.
As for training, you manipulate these images as above, and then feed them to the network. If a person uses glasses occasionally, you could have cases of the same person with and without glasses, etc.

Object Annotation in images with OpenCV

I am trying to develop an automatic(or semi-automatic) image annotator for my final year project with OpenCV. I have been studying many OpenCV resources and have come across cascade classification for training and detection purposes. I understood that part, and also tried the Face Detection tutorial provided with OpenCV. So, now I know how to train and detect objects.
However, I still cannot understand how can I annotate objects present in the image?
For example, the system will show that this is an object, but I want the system to show that it is a ball. How can i accomplish that?
Thanks in advance.
One binary classificator (detector) can separate objects by two classes:
positive - the object type classifier was trained for,
and negative - all others.
If you need detect several distinguished classes you should use one detector for each class, or you can train multiclass classifier ("one vs all" type of classifiers for example), but it usually works slower and with less accuracy (because detector better search for similar objects). You can also take a look at convolutional networks (by Yann LeCun).
This is a very hard task. I suggest simplifying it by using latent SVM detector and limiting yourself to the models it supplies:

Pose independent face detection

I'm working on a project where I need to detect faces in very messy videos (recorded from an egocentric point of view, so you can imagine..). Faces can have angles of yaw that variate between -90 and +90, pitch with almost the same variation (well, a bit lower due to the human body constraints..) and possibly some roll variations too.
I've spent a lot of time searching for some pose independent face detector. In my project I'm using OpenCV but OpenCV face detector is not even close to the detection rate I need. It has very good results on frontal faces but almost zero results on profile faces. Using haarcascade .xml files trained on profile images doesn't really help. Combining frontal and profile cascades yield slightly better results but still, not even close to what I need.
Training my own haarcascade will be my very last resource since the huge computational (or time) requirements.
By now, what I'm asking is any help or any advice regarding this matter.
The requirements for a face detector I could use are:
very good detection rate. I don't mind a very high false positive rate since using some temporal consistency in my video I'll probably be able to get rid of the majority of them
written in c++, or that could work in a c++ application
Real time is not an issue by now, detection rate is everything I care right now.
I've seen many papers achieving these results but i couldn't find any code that I could use.
I sincerely thank for any help that you'll be able to provide.
perhaps not an answer but too long to put into comment.
you can use opencv_traincascade.exe to train a new detector that can detect a wider variety of poses. this post may be of help. http://note.sonots.com/SciSoftware/haartraining.html. i have managed to trained a detector that is sensitive within -50:+50 yaw by using feret data set. for my case, we did not want to detect purely side faces so training data is prepared accordingly. since feret already provides convenient pose variations it might be possible to train a detector somewhat close to your specification. time is not an issue if you are using lbp features, training completes in 4-5 hours at most and it goes even faster(15-30min) by setting appropriate parameters and using fewer training data(useful for ascertaining whether the detector is going to produce the output you expected).

Possibility of creating a software that can recognize context of an image?

I raised this question due to curiousity while using Google Goggle and Google's "Search by Image".
If you try giving Google an image to search, it can show you some results. Identical images work best (of course), but taken photo of various objects could be difficult.
I guess Google Goggle has workaround a bit by using text recognition and image matching recognition. If text recognition found the text, for instance, "SONY", then things might get simpler. If a brand's image is detected, then things should be simpler as well. The same goes with other famous brand and famous landmark, such as an Eiffel Tower. Having text and brand's image could help recognize things easily.
But if we are to search for something more obscure (need a better wording here), for instance, take this ramen image.
If you put this image into Google, you will get images of various other images that have similar colors and sometimes similar shape. Heck, there are other ramen images in the result, but I think it would be better if these ramen images are up in the top, since we input a ramen image, and our context here is ramen.
So here is my question, will it be possible to create such a software that can understand the context of the image? How can we express the context in the software?
Man, you just pointet out the very reason why so much people work on computer vision.
Is is quite easy to mathematically describe objects. Color, shape, density, . . .
All those can be calculated easily.
But computer vision becomes very complex when talking about "real life objects".
Angle, luminosity, and simply non consistency make it really almost impossible to detect an object accurately.
When working on computer vision, you should always ask yourself : what makes the object I want to recognize unique ?
What descriptor can I use that no other object possess ?
Ask yourself the question for theses ramen. Let's say I simply want to detect ramens.
What if the color of the soup changes? What if the meat is bigger ?
If you want to know more, you should read about pattern recognition and pattern matching.
And if you can find the solution to this kind of problems in a generic way, you can register for the nobel price I think :)
Some things are quite well known nowadays, like face recognition or OCR; but they are often quite specialized and apply to only one domain.
Think about it, even Google's image search algorithm sucks when you feed it with ramen.
It is pretty efficient with sudoku though, as he knows exactly what he is searching for.
All the difference is made in training, where you give a list of assumptions to help the algorithm.
So basically you got it. either you create a really nice computer vision system good at detecting one thing based on a lot of assumptions, or an "ok" but quite generic one :).
The choice mostly depends on your application