Using grep to match one digit with TCL - regex

The file that I want to grep contains many lines.
I want to grep lines which contain only 1 digit: "0" or "1".
I used this command:
exec grep -e "^\[0-1\]{1}$" file
But I got:
child process exited abnormally
What's wrong with RegExp of grep?

The most common issue when running grep as a Tcl subprocess is that it exits with a non-zero error code when it doesn't find anything at all. This always causes Tcl to throw an exception. The simplest workaround is perhaps this:
exec /bin/sh -c {grep -e '^[0-1]{1}$'; true} < file
Note that we are feeding in the file using a redirection here; this means that it is not necessary to strip the name of the file from the results.


Bash on macOS: How replace a path in a file with another string?

For integration tests, I have output that contains full file paths. I want to have my test script replace the user-specific start of the file path (e.g. /Users/uli/) with a generic word (USER_DIR) so that I can compare the files.
The problem, of course, are the slashes in the path. I tried the solutions given here and here, but they don't work for me:
sed -i "s#$old_path#$new_path#g" /Users/uli/Desktop/replacetarget.txt
I get the error
sed: 1: "/Users/uli/Desktop/repl ...": invalid command code u
This is the version of sed that comes with macOS 10.14.6 (it has no --version option and is installed in /usr/bin/, so no idea what exact version).
I also tried
echo $old_path
echo $regex
sed -i $regex /Users/uli/Desktop/replacetarget.txt
But I get the same error. What am I doing wrong?
BSD sed requires an argument following -i (the empty string '' indicates no backup, similar to argumentless -i in GNU sed). As a result, your script is being treated as the backup-file extention, and your input file as the script.
sed -i '' "s#$old_path#$new_path#g" /Users/uli/Desktop/replacetarget.txt
However, sed is a stream editor, based on the file editor ed, so using -i is an indication you are using the wrong tool to begin with. Just use ed.
printf 's#%s#%s#g\nwq\n' "$old_path" "$new_path" | ed /Users/uli/Desktop/replacetarget.txt
Obligatory warning: neither editor is parameterized as such; you are simpling generating the script dynamically, which means it's your responsibility to ensure that the resulting script is valid. (For example, if either parameter contains a ;, it had better be escaped to prevent (s)ed from seeing it as a command separator.)

Linux console perl replace not working on large file

On ubuntu I'm running a console perl replace on a csv file of ~500MB. This is the call:
perl -i -pe 's/AS100\n/AS100/g' test.csv
Before run it on the complete file, I extracted a subset of it of ~30MB and run this script successfully.
When running on the full file, no substitution is done, and no error or message is showed.
I've tried also with sed, but the behavior is the same.
How can I solve this issue?
Thank you
If you have room, try to do this instead to look at the substitution as it is done to another file:
perl -pe 's/AS100\n/AS100/g' test.csv | tee > test2.csv
My question is though, is it only the rows ending with AS100 that needs the newline removal?
After trying everything, I found out that in the original file the pattern was:
and that the \n was a conversion done by Sublime Text when saving the test file.
So the correct code to do the trick was:
perl -i -pe 's/AS100\r/AS100/g' test.csv

Using grep with execl()

A little context for my project: We have an arbitrary number of files that need a separate process for each file then need to search using an exec() call to find every time a specific KEY is used. I know how to use grep from the command line using this command:
grep -o KEY FILENAME.txt | wc -l > OUTPUT.txt
But I cannot figure out how to do this in c++. I found a thread on here that gave me this line.
It compiles and runs so I think it works but the problem is I need to output the number of times the pattern occurred to a file and I tried the line below but expectedly it didn't work. It gave this error "grep: out.txt: No such file or directory"
execl("/bin/grep", "grep",pattern,fileName,output,NULL);
Here are the directions of this part of my project.
You can do this by means of the
system call exec() , providing it with the path to the executable of the shell (typically, /bin/sh )
and, as arguments of /bin/sh , the string -c and the string corresponding to the search command
( grep -o ... ).
Some guidance here would be much appreciated!
For the actual execution as you would do on command line would be:
execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", "grep -o KEY FILENAME.txt | wc -l > OUTPUT.txt")
This will mean that the shell would take the line grep -o KEY FILENAME.txt | wc -l > OUTPUT.txt, interpret it and run it. Note that this will include wild card expansion and all what the shell does.
Then of course if you wan't to continue after it has completed you will have to fork first because execl does not return if it's successful at starting the program (ie bash).

use sed replace ""string"\1\"787" to "string"\1\"787" in cygwin

I am trying to search string and replace string in a file. I used the below code:
sed -e 's/{"AP_SESSION_ID"\1\"787"}/{"AP_SESSION_ID"\1\"800"}/g' FILE|tee FILE
but it is not working and the output is like this:
sed: number in \[0-9] invalid
My environment is CYGWIN.
sample file is:
DP_SESSION_ID is a sting for values
DP_SESSION_ID is aplicat
I want search this "DP_SESSION_ID"\1\" sting and replace corresponding number like 808 in file prenatally(windows env), and i wand sing line command in windows bat command or perl command i don't want scrip or program
even i have installed cygwin tool in my server so unix also ok but single line command
server: windows 2008,cygwin x
using tool : datastage server jobs
perl -pi -e 's{" "DP_SESSION_ID"\1\"808 '"}{' "DP_SESSION_ID"\1\"900 '"'"}g' " file name
this code is not working
Please give good solution
You need to "escape" the backslashes by using two in a row:
sed -e 's/{"AP_SESSION_ID"\\1\\"787"}/{"AP_SESSION_ID"\\1\\"800"}/g' FILE|tee FILE
Otherwise the \1 is treated as a backreference, and you have no subgroups (parenthesized expressions) to reference.
Apart from back-slashes, IMO you also need to escape the quotes.
sed -e 's/{\"AP_SESSION_ID\"\\1\\\"787\"}/{\"AP_SESSION_ID\"\\1\\\"800\"}/g' FILE|tee FILE

How to go from a multiple line sed command in command line to single line in script

I have sed running with the following argument fine if I copy and paste this into an open shell:
cat test.txt | sed '/[,0-9]\{0,\}[0-9]\{1,\}[acd][0-9]\{1,\}[,0-9]\{0,\}/{N
The problem is that when I try to move this into a KornShell (ksh) script, the ksh throws errors because of what I think is that new line character. Can anyone give me a hand with this? FYI: the regular expression is supposed to be a multiple line replacement.
Thank you!
This: \{0,\} can be replaced by this: *
This: \{1,\} can be replaced by this: \+
It's not necessary to escape hyphens.
The newline can be replaced by -e (or by a semicolon)
The cat can be replaced by using the filename as an argument to sed
The result:
sed -e '/[,0-9]*[0-9]\+[acd][0-9]\+[,0-9]*/{N' -e 's/[,0-9]*[0-9]\+[acd][0-9]\+[,0-9]*\n---//}' test.txt
sed '/[,0-9]*[0-9]\+[acd][0-9]\+[,0-9]*/{N;s/[,0-9]*[0-9]\+[acd][0-9]\+[,0-9]*\n---//}' test.txt
can you try to put your regex in a file and call sed with the option -f ?
cat test.txt | sed -f file.sed
Can you try to replace the new line character with `echo -e \\r`
The Korn Shell - unlike the C Shell - has no problem with newlines in strings. The newline is very unlikely to be your problem, therefore. The same comments apply to Bourne and POSIX shells, and to Bash. I've copied your example and run it on Linux under both Bash and Korn shell without any problem.
If you use C Shell for your work, are you sure you're running 'ksh ./script' and not './script'?
Otherwise, there is some other problem - an unbalanced quote somewhere, perhaps.
Check out the '-v' and '-n' options as well as the '-x' option to the Korn Shell. That may tell you more about where the problem is.