I wrote a simple tcp/ip connection between a client and a server in localhost in c++. It sends over tcp/ip an array of unsigned char. The size of this array is the following:
unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*96000000);
//array is filled
However when I write on the socket
n = write(sockfd,bytes,96000000);
cout << "error writing"<< endl;
} else{
cout << "bytes written " << n <<endl;
the number of bytes written (the n variable) that the standard output prints out is 5196978 and not 96000000 as I expected. Why? is there a limit in the number of bytes that I can write in a TCP /IP connection? How can I solve this problem?
is there a limit in the number of bytes that I can write in a TCP /IP connection? How can I solve this problem?
Yes - your TCP stack (likely part of your Operating System) won't simply let your application enqueue an arbitrary amount of data, potentially taking up absurd amounts of buffer memory outside your app. Instead, it has a limited buffer size and after that's full you're expected to loop around and enqueue more data in the buffer - by further calls to write - after some has actually been sent over the network. So - loop and resend from where the previous send stopped: if your socket's not been set non-blocking, the call will block until more buffer space is available.
There could be several reasons. There might be some sort of physical limitation (hardware). The client buffer could be full. Some sort of implementation limit could have been reached. Some sort of signal could have been received.
is there a limit in the number of bytes that I can write in a TCP /IP connection?
The limit is around 2^32 bytes.
how can I solve this problem?
Keep track of how much is sent with each write and keep writing until everything in the buffer has been written.
I did not add a sample as the first question could have been answered by checking the documentation for write(), the second could have been answered with a quick search and the third question has a lot of samples out there already.
Summary: Some of the memory within the TCP socket to be overwritten by other incoming data.
A client/server system that utilizes TCP within Qt (QTcpSocket and QTcpServer). The client request a frame from the server(just a simple string message), and the response (Server -> Client) which consists of that frame (614400 bytes for testing purposes). Frame sizes are established in advance and are fixed.
Implementation Details:
From the guarantees of the TCP protocol (Server -> Client), I know that I should be able to read the 614400 bytes from the socket and that they are in order. If any either of these two things fails, the connection must have failed.
Important Code:
Assuming the socket is connected.
This code requests a frame from the server. Known as the GetFrame() function.
// Prompt the server to send a frame over
if(socket->isWritable() && !is_receiving) { // Validate that socket is ready
is_receiving = true; // Forces only one request to go out at a time
qDebug() << "Getting frame from socket..." << image_no;
int written = SafeWrite((char*)"ReadyFrame"); // Writes then flushes the write buffer
if (written == -1) {
qDebug() << "Failed to write...";
return temp_frame.data();
is_receiving = false;
qDebug() << image_no << "- Image Received";
image_no ++;
return temp_frame.data();
This code waits for the frame just requested to be read. This is the SocketRead() function
size_t byte_pos = 0;
qint64 bytes_read = 0;
do {
if (!socket->waitForReadyRead(500)) { // If it timed out return existing frame
if (!(socket->bytesAvailable() > 0)) {
qDebug() << "Timed Out" << byte_pos;
bytes_read = socket->read((char*)temp_frame.data() + byte_pos, frame_byte_size - byte_pos);
if (bytes_read < 0) {
qDebug() << "Reading Failed" << bytes_read << errno;
byte_pos += bytes_read;
} while (byte_pos < frame_byte_size && is_connected); // While we still have more pixels
qDebug() << "Finished Receiving Frame: " << byte_pos;
As shown in the code above, I read until the frame is fully received (where the number of bytes read is equal to the number of bytes in the frame).
The issue that I'm having is that the QTcpSocket read operation is skipping bytes in ways that are not in line with the guarantees of the TCP protocol. Since I skip bytes I end up not reaching the end of the while loop and just "Time Out". Why is this happening?
What I have done so far:
The data that the server sends is directly converted into uint16_t (short) integers which are used in other parts of the client. I have changed the server to simply output data that just counts up adding one for each number sent. Since the data type is uint16_t and the number of bytes exceeds that maximum number for that integer type, the int-16's will loop every 65535.
This is a data visualization software so this debugging configuration (on the client side) leads to something like this:
I have determined (and as you can see a little at the bottom of the graphic) that some bytes are being skipped. In the memory of temp_frame it is possible to see the exact point at which the memory skipped:
Under correct circumstances, this should count up sequentially.
From Wireshark and following this specific TCP connection I have determined that all of the bytes are in fact arriving (all 6114400), and that all the numbers are in order (I used a python script to ensure counting was sequential).
This is work on an open source project so this is the whole code base for the client.
Overall, I don't see how I could be doing something wrong in this solution, all I am doing is reading from the socket in the standard way.
Caveat: This isn't a definitive answer to your problem, but some things to try (it's too large for a comment).
With (e.g.) GigE, your data rate is ~100MB/s. With a [total] amount of kernel buffer space of 614400, this will be refilled ~175 times per second. IMO, this is still too small. When I've used SO_RCVBUF [for a commercial product], I've used a minimum of 8MB. This allows a wide(er) margin for task switch delays.
Try setting something huge like 100MB to eliminate this as a factor [during testing/bringup].
First, it's important to verify that the kernel and NIC driver can handle the throughput/latency.
You may be getting too many interrupts/second and the ISR prolog/epilog overhead may be too high. The NIC card driver can implement polled vs interrupt driver with NAPI for ethernet cards.
See: https://serverfault.com/questions/241421/napi-vs-adaptive-interrupts
See: https://01.org/linux-interrupt-moderation
You process/thread may not have high enough priority to be scheduled quickly.
You can use the R/T scheduler with sched_setscheduler, SCHED_RR, and a priority of (e.g.) 8. Note: going higher than 11 kills the system because at 12 and above you're at a higher priority than most internal kernel threads--not a good thing.
You may need to disable IRQ balancing and set the IRQ affinity to a single CPU core.
You can then set your input process/thread locked to that core [with sched_setaffinity and/or pthread_setaffinity].
You might need some sort of "zero copy" to bypass the kernel copying from its buffers into your userspace buffers.
You can mmap the kernel socket buffers with PACKET_MMAP. See: https://sites.google.com/site/packetmmap/
I'd be careful about the overhead of your qDebug output. It looks like an iostream type implementation. The overhead may be significant. It could be slowing things down significantly.
That is, you're not measuring the performance of your system. You're measuring the performance of your system plus the debugging code.
When I've had to debug/trace such things, I've used a [custom] "event" log implemented with an in-memory ring queue with a fixed number of elements.
Debug calls such as:
Here eventadd populates a fixed size "event" struct with the event type, event data, and a hires timestamp (e.g. struct timespec from clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,...).
The overhead of each such call is quite low. The events are just stored in the event ring. Only the last N are remembered.
At some point, your program triggers a dump of this queue to a file and terminates.
This mechanism is similar to [and modeled on] a H/W logic analyzer. It is also similar to dtrace
Here's a sample event element:
struct event {
long long evt_tstamp; // timestamp
int evt_type; // event type
int evt_data; // type specific data
I've been reading through Beej's Guide to Network Programming to get a handle on TCP connections. In one of the samples the client code for a simple TCP stream client looks like:
if ((numbytes = recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) == -1) {
buf[numbytes] = '\0';
printf("Client: received '%s'\n", buf);
I've set the buffer to be smaller than the total number of bytes that I'm sending. I'm not quite sure how I can get the other bytes. Do I have to loop over recv() until I receive '\0'?
*Note on the server side I'm also implementing his sendall() function, so it should actually be sending everything to the client.
See also 6.1. A Simple Stream Server in the guide.
Yes, you will need multiple recv() calls, until you have all data.
To know when that is, using the return status from recv() is no good - it only tells you how many bytes you have received, not how many bytes are available, as some may still be in transit.
It is better if the data you receive somehow encodes the length of the total data. Read as many data until you know what the length is, then read until you have received length data. To do that, various approaches are possible; the common one is to make a buffer large enough to hold all data once you know what the length is.
Another approach is to use fixed-size buffers, and always try to receive min(missing, bufsize), decreasing missing after each recv().
The first thing you need to learn when doing TCP/IP programming: 1 write/send call might take
several recv calls to receive, and several write/send calls might need just 1 recv call to receive. And anything in-between.
You'll need to loop until you have all data. The return value of recv() tells you how much data you received. If you simply want to receive all data on the TCP connection, you can loop until recv() returns 0 - provided that the other end closes the TCP connection when it is done sending.
If you're sending records/lines/packets/commands or something similar, you need to make your own protocol over TCP, which might be as simple as "commands are delimited with \n".
The simple way to read/parse such a command would be to read 1 byte at a time, building up a buffer with the received bytes and check for a \n byte every time. Reading 1 byte is extremely inefficient, so you should read larger chunks at a time.
Since TCP is stream oriented and does not provide record/message boundaries it becomes a bit more tricky - you'd
have to recv a piece of bytes, check in the received buffer for a \n byte, if it's there - append the bytes to previously received bytes and output that message. Then check the remainder of the buffer after the \n - which might contain another whole message or just the start of another message.
Yes, you have to loop over recv() until you receive '\0' or an
error happen (negative value from recv) or 0 from recv().
For the first option: only if this zero is part of your
protocol (the server sends it). However from your code it seems that
the zero is just to be able to use the buffer content as a
C-string (on the client side).
The check for a return value of 0 from recv:
this means that the connection was closed (it could be part
of your protocol that this happens.)
I'm using boost::asio::write() to write data from a buffer to a com-Port. It's a serial port with a baud rate 115200 which means (as far as my understanding goes) that I can write effectively 11520 byte/s or 11,52KB/s data to the socket.
Now I'm having a quite big chunk of data (10015 bytes) which i want to write. I think that this should take little less than a second to really write on the port. But boost::asio::write() returns already 300 microseconds after the call with the transferred bytes 10015. I think this is impossible with that baud rate?
So my question is what is it actually doing? Really writing it to the port, or just some other kind of buffer maybe, which later writes it to the port.
I'd like the write() to only return after all the bytes have really been written to the port.
EDIT with code example:
The problem is that i always run into the timeout for the future/promise because it takes alone more than 100ms to send the message, but I think the timer should only start after the last byte is sent. Because write() is supposed to block?
void serial::write(std::vector<uint8_t> message) {
//create new promise for the request
promise = new boost::promise<deque<uint8_t>>;
boost::unique_future<deque<uint8_t>> future = promise->get_future();
// --- Write message to serial port --- //
//wait for data or timeout
if (future.wait_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(100))==boost::future_status::timeout) {
cout << "ACK timeout!" << endl;
//delete pointer and set it to 0
delete promise;
//delete pointer and set it to 0 after getting a message
delete promise;
How can I achieve this?
In short, boost::asio::write() blocks until all data has been written to the stream; it does not block until all data has been transmitted. To wait until data has been transmitted, consider using tcdrain().
Each serial port has both a receive and transmit buffer within kernel space. This allows the kernel to buffer received data if a process cannot immediately read it from the serial port, and allows data written to a serial port to be buffered if the device cannot immediately transmit it. To block until the data has been transmitted, one could use tcdrain(serial_.native_handle()).
These kernel buffers allow for the write and read rates to exceed that of the transmit and receive rates. However, while the application may write data at a faster rate than the serial port can transmit, the kernel will transmit at the appropriate rates.
I wrote a simple client-server program. Network.h is a header file which uses Winsock2.h (TCP/IP mode) to create socket, accept/connect in blocking mode, send/recv in non-blocking mode. I made it so that the function string TNetwork::Recv(int size) will return the string "Nothing" if it gets WSAWOULDBLOCK error (no data is received yet)
Here is my main function:
int main(){
string Ans;
TNetwork::StartUp(); //WSA start up, etc
cin >> Ans;
if (Ans == "0"){ // 0 --> server
TNetwork::SetupAsServer(); //accept connection (in blocking mode!)
while (true){
TNetwork::Send("\nAss" + '\0'); //without null terminator, the client may read extra bytes, causing undefined behavior (?)
TNetwork::Send("embly" + '\0');
cin >> Ans;
else{ // others --> regard Ans as IP address. e.g. I can type ""
string Rec;
while (true){
Rec = TNetwork::Recv(1000);
if (Rec != "Nothing"){
cout << Rec;
Supposedly, the client would print "Assembly" when connected, and when the server enters anything to its console window. Sometimes, though, the client would only print out "\nAss" in the console without the "embly.
To my understanding, TCP/IP ensures all data to be sent and in the correct order, so I guess what happens is that both packets arrive at the same time, which happen quite often over the unstable internet. And due to this null terminator, the client would ignore the "embly", since the Recv() function stopped reading when it hits a null terminator.
So, how can I ensure that the client will always read all data packets correctly?
Yes, the network stack will send the data in the correct order and doesn't care what termination type you use. This has to do with how you're receiving and processing the data stream (note: not packets, stream). If you receive all 11 bytes and print it to the screen, the print function will stop when it reaches the zero, but the rest of the data is still there.
Note: since it's a stream, what happens if you received only 10 bytes of data from the stream? You need to scan what you receive for the zero to know if you've received a full "zero-terminated string" if that's how you want to communicate your data.
EDIT: Also, I don't think "\nAss" + '\0' is doing what you think it is. Instead of adding a 0 character to the end of the string (which already has one, by the way), it's adding 0 to your string pointer.
As #mark points out, TCP is all about streams, not packets. TCP takes care of ensuring that data is reliably transmitted from A to B and that the data is delivered to the consumer in the order in which it was transmitted. Yes, the data is packetized on the wire, but the TCP stack on the system takes those packets and builds the stream which it makes available to you through the recv() function. The TCP stack handles out-of-order data, missing data, and duplicated data such that by the time your application sees it, the stream is a mirror-copy of when the sender sent.
To properly receive TCP data, you will typically need some kind of loop that reads data from the socket when it becomes available. The way I normally do this is to have a thread that is dedicated to servicing the socket. In the thread function is a loop that reads data from the socket when it becomes available and is idle otherwise. This loop reads data into a buffer of, say, 1 KB. Once the data is received from the socket into this buffer, the buffer is copied to another thread for processing. In the thread function for the processing thread is a loop that receives the 1 KB buffers from the socket thread and adds them to the back end of a master buffer of, say, 1 MB. The processing thread then processes the messages out of this master buffer and makes them available to the application.
For a simple demo application, two threads may be overkill. The two threads I've described could be certainly be combined into one, but for my application, it is more efficient to have two threads and take advantage of the multiple cores on my system. The point is, if you're going to have a front-end UI, there's not going to be a way around using at least one thread and still have the UI be responsive.
One other thing. There are two commonly-used mechanisms for protocol design. You're using one, namely, a marker (e.g., a null terminator, etc.) to signal the begin/end of a message. I don't prefer this mechanism mainly because the marker may actually need to be part of the message at some point. The other mechanism is to have a header on each message that tells, at a minimum, how long the message is. I prefer this mechanism and include in my headers a sync word and the message type as well. For example,
struct Header
__int16 _sync; // a hex pattern, e.g., 0xABCD
__int16 _type;
__int32 _length;
That's a total of 8 bytes. So when processing from the master buffer, I read the first 8 bytes, verify the sync word, and get the length. I determine if there are 'length' bytes available in the master buffer. If not, I have to wait until the socket thread provides me more data before checking again. If so, I extract 'length' bytes from the master buffer and pass that to an object created according to the specified type, which knows how to interpret that particular message. Then repeat.
As I mentioned, I use a master buffer of 1 MB or so. As messages are processed, it is important to remove them from the master buffer so there is additional space available for new data on the back end. This involves simply copying the unprocessed data, if any, to the beginning of the buffer. In cases where data comes in faster than you can process it, the master buffer may need the ability to resize itself to accommodate the additional data.
I hope that's not overwhelming. Start simple and add as you go.
I've been reading through Beej's Guide to Network Programming to get a handle on TCP connections. In one of the samples the client code for a simple TCP stream client looks like:
if ((numbytes = recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) == -1) {
buf[numbytes] = '\0';
printf("Client: received '%s'\n", buf);
I've set the buffer to be smaller than the total number of bytes that I'm sending. I'm not quite sure how I can get the other bytes. Do I have to loop over recv() until I receive '\0'?
*Note on the server side I'm also implementing his sendall() function, so it should actually be sending everything to the client.
See also 6.1. A Simple Stream Server in the guide.
Yes, you will need multiple recv() calls, until you have all data.
To know when that is, using the return status from recv() is no good - it only tells you how many bytes you have received, not how many bytes are available, as some may still be in transit.
It is better if the data you receive somehow encodes the length of the total data. Read as many data until you know what the length is, then read until you have received length data. To do that, various approaches are possible; the common one is to make a buffer large enough to hold all data once you know what the length is.
Another approach is to use fixed-size buffers, and always try to receive min(missing, bufsize), decreasing missing after each recv().
The first thing you need to learn when doing TCP/IP programming: 1 write/send call might take
several recv calls to receive, and several write/send calls might need just 1 recv call to receive. And anything in-between.
You'll need to loop until you have all data. The return value of recv() tells you how much data you received. If you simply want to receive all data on the TCP connection, you can loop until recv() returns 0 - provided that the other end closes the TCP connection when it is done sending.
If you're sending records/lines/packets/commands or something similar, you need to make your own protocol over TCP, which might be as simple as "commands are delimited with \n".
The simple way to read/parse such a command would be to read 1 byte at a time, building up a buffer with the received bytes and check for a \n byte every time. Reading 1 byte is extremely inefficient, so you should read larger chunks at a time.
Since TCP is stream oriented and does not provide record/message boundaries it becomes a bit more tricky - you'd
have to recv a piece of bytes, check in the received buffer for a \n byte, if it's there - append the bytes to previously received bytes and output that message. Then check the remainder of the buffer after the \n - which might contain another whole message or just the start of another message.
Yes, you have to loop over recv() until you receive '\0' or an
error happen (negative value from recv) or 0 from recv().
For the first option: only if this zero is part of your
protocol (the server sends it). However from your code it seems that
the zero is just to be able to use the buffer content as a
C-string (on the client side).
The check for a return value of 0 from recv:
this means that the connection was closed (it could be part
of your protocol that this happens.)