test.check: let-style behaviour in 'properties/for-all' - clojure

Following on this question, and the blog post referenced there, is there a reason why prop/for-all does not just roll in this sort of capability directly? E.g. something like:
(require '[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen])
(require '[clojure.test.check.properties :as prop])
(require '[clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer :all])
(defspec some-props-test
(prop/for-all [n (gen/choose 1 10)
v (gen/vector gen/int n) ;; treat n like its produced value
e (gen/element v)]
... do stuff with n, v & e ...
Basically, I want to re-use the value produced by one generator in another generator and then reference both values produced within the actual test code. This would essentially extend the sugar/magic of for-all into allowing references to the generated values within the let-like block provided by the macro, as it works within the expression blocks below.
Please let me know if I'm missing something else that makes this possible or it just wouldn't make sense for some reason to implement.

I agree that this functionality would probably be more useful than what for-all currently does. The primary reason it hasn't been changed is for backwards-compatibility (though admittedly code using the old style wouldn't break, it would just not shrink as well as it used to).
But you have more options available than just monads:
gen/let, which uses let-style bindings (it isn't a drop-in replacement for for-all but you can use them together)
com.gfredericks.test.chuck.generators/for defined in the test.chuck helper library — it's like a fancier version of gen/let
com.gfredericks.test.chuck.properties/for-all, in the same library, which is a drop-in replacement for for-all

I found the later blog post in that series which fully flushes out usage with test.check (needed to read up a little on monads first to grok it). So first the monad can be declared:
(require '[clojure.algo.monads :as m])
(m/defmonad gen-m
[m-bind gen/bind
m-result gen/return])
(def vector-and-elem
(m/domonad gen-m
[n (gen/choose 1 10)
v (gen/vector gen/int n)
e (gen/element v)]
[n v e]))
The gen-m monad allows referencing the value that will be generated for previously declared generators.
Then, it can be used directly in the for-all call:
(defspec some-props-test
(prop/for-all [[n v e] vector-and-elem]
... do stuff with n, v & e ...
You can just pass all the values that are relevant to your constraint-checking code in the expression produced by the gen-m monad call via a vector (or map if you like) and de-structure it to get what you need.
Still, it would be nice if this was done automatically in for-all, but this works well enough.


In Clojure, why do you have to use parenthesis when def'ing a function and use cases of let

I'm starting to learn clojure and I've stumbled upon the following, when I found myself declaring a "sum" function (for learning purposes) I wrote the following code
(def sum (fn [& args] (apply + args)))
I have understood that I defined the symbol sum as containing that fn, but why do I have to enclose the Fn in parenthesis, isn't the compiler calling that function upon definition instead of when someone is actually invoking it? Maybe it's just my imperative brain talking.
Also, what are the use cases of let? Sometimes I stumble on code that use it and other code that don't, for example on the Clojure site there's an exercise to use the OpenStream function from the Java Interop, I wrote the following code:
(defn http-get
(let [url-obj (java.net.URL. url)]
(slurp (.openStream url-obj))))
(http-get "https://www.google.com")
whilst they wrote the following on the clojure site as an answer
(defn http-get [url]
(java.net.URL. url))))
Again maybe it's just my imperative brain talking, the need of having a "variable" or an "object" to store something before using it, but I quite don't understand when I should use let or when I shouldn't.
To answer both of your questions:
(def sum (fn [& args] (apply + args)))
Using def here is very unorthodox. When you define a function you usually want to use defn. But since you used def you should know that def binds a name to a value. fn's return value is a function. Effectively you bound the name sum to the function returned by applying (using parenthesis which are used for application) fn.
You could have used the more traditional (defn sum [& args] (apply + args))
While using let sometimes makes sense for readability (separating steps outside their nested use) it is sometimes required when you want to do something once and use it multiple times. It binds the result to a name within a specified context.
We can look at the following example and see that without let it becomes harder to write (function is for demonstration purposes):
(let [db-results (query "select * from table")] ;; note: query is not a pure function
;; do stuff with db-results
(f db-results)
;; return db-results
This simply re-uses a return value (db-results) from a function that you usually only want to run once - in multiple locations. So let can be used for style like the example you've given, but its also very useful for value reuse within some context.
Both def and defn define a global symbol, sort of like a global variable in Java, etc. Also, (defn xxx ...) is a (very common) shortcut for (def xxx (fn ...)). So, both versions will work exactly the same way when you run the program. Since the defn version is shorter and more explicit, that is what you will do 99% of the time.
Typing (let [xxx ...] ...) defines a local symbol, which cannot be seen by code outside of the let form, just like a local variable (block-scope) in Java, etc.
Just like Java, it is optional when to have a local variable like url-obj. It will make no difference to the running program. You must answer the question, "Which version makes my code easier to read and understand?" This part is no different than Java.

Eval with local bindings function

I'm trying to write a function which takes a sequence of bindings and an expression and returns the result.
The sequence of bindings are formatted thus: ([:bind-type [bind-vec] ... ) where bind-type is either let or letfn. For example:
([:let [a 10 b 20]] [:letfn [(foo [x] (inc x))]] ... )
And the expression just a regular Clojure expression e.g. (foo (+ a b)) so together this example pair of inputs would yeild 31.
Currently I have this:
(defn wrap-bindings
[[[bind-type bind-vec :as binding] & rest] expr]
(if binding
(let [bind-op (case bind-type :let 'let* :letfn 'letfn*)]
`(~bind-op ~bind-vec ~(wrap-bindings rest expr)))
(defn eval-with-bindings
([bindings expr]
(eval (wrap-bindings bindings expr))))
I am not very experienced with Clojure and have been told that use of eval is generally bad practice. I do not believe that I can write this as a macro since the bindings and expression may only be given at run-time, so what I am asking is: is there a more idiomatic way of doing this?
eval is almost always not the answer though sometimes rare things happen. In this case you meet the criteria because:
since the bindings and expression may only be given at run-time
You desire arbitrary code to be input and run while the program is going
The binding forms to be used can take any data as it's input, even data from elsewhere in the program
So your existing example using eval is appropriate given the contraints of the question at least as I'm understanding it. Perhaps there is room to change the requirements to allow the expressions to be defined in advance and remove the need for eval, though if not then i'd suggest using what you have.

This map destructuring isn't working quite how I'd expect. What am I doing wrong?

As an example that, hopefully, states things far better than I could in words:
(let [{:keys [a b c] :or {a 1 b 2 c 3} :as m} {}]
(println a b c) ; => works as expected, output is: 1 2 3
(println m) ; => this doesn't work, output is: {}
I expected the output of the second println to be the map containing the default values as though shoved in there by merge (that is {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}).
Instead it looks like vars are being conjured and or'd after m is bound. Why does :as not get affected by :or like :keys does?
What's wrong with my mental model? How should I be looking at this?
I figured out how it works as I thought I'd shown above (although thanks for the links nonetheless). I've also since read through the source of clojure.core/destructure and now know exactly what it is doing. My question really is 'Why?'
In Clojure there always seems to be a reason things work the way they do. What are they here?
I apologize that the question came across as 'how does destructuring work with :as and :or'.
I'm not Rich, so obviously I didn't choose how this works, but I can think of a couple reasons the current behavior is better than the behavior you expected.
It's faster. A lot of Clojure's low-level core features get used all the time in your program, and they are optimized more for speed than elegance, in order to get acceptable performance. Of course if this were a matter of correctness it'd be a different story, but here there are two reasonable-sounding ways for :as to behave, so picking the faster one seems like a good plan. As for why it's faster, I presume this is obvious, but: we already have a pointer to the original map, which we can just reuse. To use the "modified" map, we have to build it with a bunch of assoc calls.
If :as doesn't give you back the original object, how can you possibly get the original object? You can't, really, right? Whereas if :as gives you back the original object, you can easily construct a modified version if you want. So one behavior leaves more options open to you.
According to Special Forms, :as and :or are both on their own in regards to the init-expr:
In addition, and optionally, an :as key in the binding form followed by a symbol will cause that symbol to be bound to the entire init-expr. Also optionally, an :or key in the binding form followed by another map may be used to supply default values for some or all of the keys if they are not found in the init-expr
As you have discovered, the :or key in the destructuring does not influence :as. :as will capture the original input, regardless of the application of defaults or encapsulation of remaining elements via & etc.
To quote the docs on clojure.org
Also optionally, an :or key in the binding form followed by another
map may be used to supply default values for some or all of the keys
if they are not found in the init-expr
Finally, also optional, :as followed by a symbol will cause that
symbol to be bound to the entire init-expr

Applying a map to a function's rest argument

In Clojure, if I have a function f,
(defn f [& r] ... )
and I have a seq args with the arguments I want to call f with, I can easily use apply:
(apply f args)
Now, say I have another function g, which is designed to take any of a number of optional, named arguments - that is, where the rest argument is destructured as a map:
(defn g [& {:keys [a b] :as m}] ... )
I'd normally call g by doing something like
(g :a 1 :b 2)
but if I happen to have a map my-map with the value {:a 1 :b 2}, and I want to "apply" g to my-map - in other words, get something that would end up as the above call, then I naturally couldn't use apply, since it would be equivalent to
(g [:a 1] [:b 2])
Is there a nice way to handle this? May I have gone off track in my design to end up with this? The best solution I can find would be
(apply g (flatten (seq my-map)))
but I surely don't like it. Any better solutions?
EDIT: A slight improvement to the suggested solution might be
(apply g (mapcat seq my-map))
which at least removes one function call, but it may still not be very clear what's going on.
I have stumbled into this problem myself and ended up defining functions to expect one map. A map can have a variable amount of key/value pairs, and if flexible enough, so there is no need for & rest arguments. Also there is no pain with apply. Makes life a lot easier!
(defn g [{:keys [a b] :as m}] ... )
There is no better direct way than converting to a seq.
You are done. You have done all you can.
It's just not really clojurish to have Common Lisp style :keyword arg functions. If you look around Clojure code you will find that almost no functions are written that way.
Even the great RMS is not a fan of them:
"One thing I don't like terribly much is keyword arguments (8). They don't seem quite Lispy to me; I'll do it sometimes but I minimize the times when I do that." (Source)
At the moment where you have to break a complete hash map into pieces just to pass all of them as keyword mapped arguments you should question your function design.
I find that in the case where you want to pass along general options like :consider-nil true you are probably never going to invoke the function with a hash-map {:consider-nil true}.
In the case where you want to do an evaluation based on some keys of a hash map you are 99% of the time having a f ([m & args]) declaration.
When I started out defining functions in Clojure I hit the same problem. However after thinking more about the problems I tried to solve I noticed myself using destructoring in function declaration almost never.
Here is a very simplistic function which may be used exactly as apply, except that the final arg (which should be a map) will be expanded out to :key1 val1 :key2 val2 etc.
(defn mapply
[f & args]
(apply f (reduce concat (butlast args) (last args))))
I'm sure there are more efficient ways to do it, and whether or not you'd want to end up in a situation where you'd have to use such a function is up for debate, but it does answer the original question. Mostly, I'm childishly satisfied with the name...
Nicest solution I have found:
(apply g (apply concat my-map))

Clojure: working with a java.util.HashMap in an idiomatic Clojure fashion

I have a java.util.HashMap object m (a return value from a call to Java code) and I'd like to get a new map with an additional key-value pair.
If m were a Clojure map, I could use:
(assoc m "key" "value")
But trying that on a HashMap gives:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative
No luck with seq either:
(assoc (seq m) "key" "value")
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.IteratorSeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative
The only way I managed to do it was to use HashMap's own put, but that returns void so I have to explicitly return m:
(do (. m put "key" "value") m)
This is not idiomatic Clojure code, plus I'm modifying m instead of creating a new map.
How to work with a HashMap in a more Clojure-ish way?
Clojure makes the java Collections seq-able, so you can directly use the Clojure sequence functions on the java.util.HashMap.
But assoc expects a clojure.lang.Associative so you'll have to first convert the java.util.HashMap to that:
(assoc (zipmap (.keySet m) (.values m)) "key" "value")
Edit: simpler solution:
(assoc (into {} m) "key" "value")
If you're interfacing with Java code, you might have to bite the bullet and do it the Java way, using .put. This is not necessarily a mortal sin; Clojure gives you things like do and . specifically so you can work with Java code easily.
assoc only works on Clojure data structures because a lot of work has gone into making it very cheap to create new (immutable) copies of them with slight alterations. Java HashMaps are not intended to work in the same way. You'd have to keep cloning them every time you make an alteration, which may be expensive.
If you really want to get out of Java mutation-land (e.g. maybe you're keeping these HashMaps around for a long time and don't want Java calls all over the place, or you need to serialize them via print and read, or you want to work with them in a thread-safe way using the Clojure STM) you can convert between Java HashMaps and Clojure hash-maps easily enough, because Clojure data structures implement the right Java interfaces so they can talk to each other.
user> (java.util.HashMap. {:foo :bar})
#<HashMap {:foo=:bar}>
user> (into {} (java.util.HashMap. {:foo :bar}))
{:foo :bar}
If you want a do-like thing that returns the object you're working on once you're done working on it, you can use doto. In fact, a Java HashMap is used as the example in the official documentation for this function, which is another indication that it's not the end of the world if you use Java objects (judiciously).
([x & forms])
Evaluates x then calls all of the methods and functions with the
value of x supplied at the front of the given arguments. The forms
are evaluated in order. Returns x.
(doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "a" 1) (.put "b" 2))
Some possible strategies:
Limit your mutation and side-effects to a single function if you can. If your function always returns the same value given the same inputs, it can do whatever it wants internally. Sometimes mutating an array or map is the most efficient or easiest way to implement an algorithm. You will still enjoy the benefits of functional programming as long as you don't "leak" side-effects to the rest of the world.
If your objects are going to be around for a while or they need to play nicely with other Clojure code, try to get them into Clojure data structures as soon as you can, and cast them back into Java HashMaps at the last second (when feeding them back to Java).
It's totally OK to use the java hash map in the traditional way.
(do (. m put "key" "value") m)
This is not idiomatic Clojure code, plus I'm modifying m instead of creating a new map.
You are modifying a data structure that really is intended to be modified. Java's hash map lacks the structural sharing that allows Clojures map's to be efficiently copied. The generally idiomatic way of doing this is to use java-interop functions to work with the java structures in the typical java way, or to cleanly convert them into Clojure structures and work with them in the functional Clojure way. Unless of course it makes life easier and results in better code; then all bets are off.
This is some code I wrote using hashmaps when I was trying to compare memory characteristics of the clojure version vs java's (but used from clojure)
(import '(java.util Hashtable))
(defn frequencies2 [coll]
(let [mydict (new Hashtable)]
(reduce (fn [counts x]
(let [y (.toLowerCase x)]
(if (.get mydict y)
(.put mydict y (+ (.get mydict y) 1))
(.put mydict y 1)))) coll) mydict))
This is to take some collection and return how many times each different thing (say a word in a string) is reused.