sed command creating unwanted duplicates of file with -e extension - regex

I am trying to do a recursive find and replace on java files in a directory using a shell script. It works, but it is hiding all the files, and creating duplicates with a -e extension
for file in $(find . -type f -name "*.java")
do sed -i -e 's/foo/bar/g' $file
From my understanding, the -e is optional - but if I do not provide it I get the following error on every file it finds
sed: 1: "./": invalid command code .
Any clue as it what is happening here? For reference I am on Mac OS X running El Capitan
Here is a before and after screenshot of the directory after running the script. The replaced files still exist, they are hidden?

On OSX sed (BSD) sed requires an extension after -i option. Since it is finding -e afterwards it is adding -e to each input filename. btw you don't even need -e option here.
You can pass an empty extension like this:
sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g' $file
Or use .bak for an extension to save original file:
sed -i.bak 's/foo/bar/g' $file

The accepted answer works for OSX but causes issues if your code is run on both GNU and OSX systems since they expect -i[SUFFIX] and -i [SUFFIX] respectively.
There are probably two reasonable solutions in this case.
Don't use -i (inplace). Instead pipe to a temporary file and overwrite the original after.
use perl.
The easiest fix for this I found was to simply use perl. The syntax is almost identical:
sed -i -e 's/foo/bar/g' $file
perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/g' $file


simple SED replace

Just attempting to write a script to do a simple regex replace in php.ini, what I want to do is replace the line ;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 with cgi.fix_pathinfo=0.
Ideally want to avoid installing any additional packages so sed seems a logical choice since it is bundled with FreeBSD. I have tried the following but doesn't seem to work:
sed 's/;cgi\.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi\.fix_pathinfo=0/' /usr/local/etc/php.ini
To change the content of a file in place with sed BSD, you can do that:
sed -i.bak -e 's/;cgi\.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=0/;' /usr/local/etc/php.ini
That creates a copy of the old file with a .bak extension.
Or without creating a copy:
sed -i '' -e 's/;cgi\.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=0/;' /usr/local/etc/php.ini
Note that in this case, a space and an empty string enclosed between quotes are mandatory. You can't simply write sed -i -e '... like with GNU sed.

replacing one word by another in an entire directory - unix

I'm refactoring some code, and I decided to replace one name by another, let's say foo by bar. They appear in multiple .cc and .h files, so I would like to change from:
Foo key();
Bar key();
that's it, replace all the occurrences of Foo by Bar in Unix. And the files are in the same directory. I thought about
sed -e {'s/Foo/Bar/g'}
but I'm unsure if that's going to work.
This should do the trick:
sed -i'.bak' 's/\bFoo\b/Bar/g' *.files
I would use sed:
sed -i.bak -e '/Foo/ s//Bar/g' /path/to/dir/*.cc
Repeat for the *.h files
I don't use sed alot, but iF you have access to Perl on the command line (which many unix's do) you can do:
perl -pi -e 's/Foo key/Bar key/g' `find ./ -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cc'`
This will find (recursively) all files in the current directory ending with .h or .cc and then use Perl to replace 'Foo key' with 'Bar key' in each file.
I like Jaypal's sed command. It useds \b to ensure that you only replace full words (Foo not Foobar) and it makes backup files in case something went wrong.
However, if all of your files are not in one directory, then you will need to use a more sophisticated method to list them all. Use the find command to send them all to sed:
find . -print0 -regex '.*\.\(cc\|h\)' | xargs -0 sed -i'.bak' 's/\bFoo\b/Bar/g'
You probably have perl installed (if its UNIX), so here's something that should work for you:
perl -e "s/Foo/Bar/g;" $(find path/to/DIRECTORY -type f)
Note, this provides a backup of the original file, if you need that as a bit of insurance.
Otherwise, you can do what #Kevin mentioned and just use an IDE refactoring feature.
Note: I just saw you're using Vim, here's a quick tutorial on how to do it

Recursive find and replace based on regex

I have changed up my director structure and I want to do the following:
Do a recursive grep to find all instances of a match
Change to the updated location string
One example (out of hundreds) would be:
from common.utils import debug --> from etc.common.utils import debug
To get all the instances of what I'm looking for I'm doing:
$ grep -r 'common.' ./
However, I also need to make sure common is preceded by a space. How would I do this find and replace?
It's hard to tell exactly what you want because your refactoring example changes the import as well as the package, but the following will change common. -> etc.common. for all files in a directory:
sed -i 's/\bcommon\./etc.&/' $(egrep -lr '\bcommon\.' .)
This assumes you have gnu sed available, which most linux systems do. Also, just to let you know, this will fail if there are too many files for sed to handle at one time. In that case, you can do this:
egrep -lr '\bcommon\.' . | xargs sed -i 's/\bcommon\./etc.&/'
Note that it might be a good idea to run the sed command as sed -i'.OLD' 's/\bcommon\./etc.&/' so that you get a backup of the original file.
If your grep implementation supports Perl syntax (-P flag, on e.g. Linux it's usually available), you can benefit from the additional features like word boundaries:
$ grep -Pr '\bcommon\.'
By the way:
grep -r tends to be much slower than a previously piped find command as in Rob's example. Furthermore, when you're sure that the file-names found do not contain any whitespace, using xargs is much faster than -exec:
$ find . -type f -name '*.java' | xargs grep -P '\bcommon\.'
Or, applied to Tim's example:
$ find . -type f -name '*.java' | xargs sed -i.bak 's/\<common\./etc.common./'
Note that, in the latter example, the replacement is done after creating a *.bak backup for each file changed. This way you can review the command's results and then delete the backups:
$ find . -type f -name '*.bak' | xargs rm
If you've made an oopsie, the following command will restore the previous versions:
$ find . -type f -name '*.bak' | while read LINE; do mv -f $LINE `basename $LINE`; done
Of course, if you aren't sure that there's no whitespace in the file names and paths, you should apply the commands via find's -exec parameter.
This is roughly how you would do it using find. This requires testing
find . -name \*.java -exec sed "s/FIND_STR/REPLACE_STR/g" {}
This translates as "Starting from the current directory find all files that end in .java and execute sed on the file (where {} is a place holder for the currently found file) "s/FIND_STR/REPLACE_STR/g" replaces FIND_STR with REPLACE_STR in each line in the current file.

How to replace text in text file using .SH file script?

So I want to create a script that takes 3 arguments - path to file, exact word to replace and with what to replace it. How to create such thing?
Generally I want6 it to have api like sudo "C:/myTextDoc.xml" "_WORD_TO_REPLACE_" "WordTo Use"
You don't need a script, a simple sed would do (if you're running under cygwin or a POSIX-compliant OS):
sed -i '' 's/_WORD_TO_REPLACE_/WordTo Use/' "C:/myTextDoc.xml"
Something like this?
sed -e "s/$2/$3/g" <$1 >$1.$$ && cp $1.$$ $1 && rm $1.$$
Alternatively, you can use the single command
sed -i -e "s/$2/$3/g" $1
as Yan suggested. I generally use the first form myself. I have seen systems where -i is not supported (SunOS).
This will replace all instances of the second argument with the third, in the file passed as the first. For example, ./replace file oldword newword
$ ruby -i.bak -ne 'print $_.gsub(/WORD_TO_REPLACE/,"New Word")' /path/to/file

Shell script to recursively browse a directory and replace a string

I need to recursively search directories and replace a string (say http://development:port/URI) with another (say http://production:port/URI) in all the files where ever it's found. Can anyone help?
It would be much better if that script can print out the files that it modified and takes the search/replace patterns as input parameters.
find . -type f | xargs sed -i s/pattern/replacement/g
Try this:
find . -type f | xargs grep -l development | xargs perl -i.bak -p -e 's(http://development)(http://production)g'
Another approach with slightly more feedback:
find . -type f | while read file
grep development $file && echo "modifying $file" && perl -i.bak -p -e 's(http://development)(http://prodution)g' $file
Hope this helps.
It sounds like you would benefit from a layer of indirection. (But then, who wouldn't?)
I'm thinking that you could have the special string in just one location. Either reference the configuration settings at runtime, or generate these files with the correct string at build time.
Don't try the above within a working SVN / CVS directory, since it will also patch the .svn/.cvs, which is definitely not what you want. To avoid .svn modifications, for example, use:
find . -type f | fgrep -v .svn | xargs sed -i 's/pattern/replacement/g'
Use zsh so with advanced globing you can use only one command.
sed -i 's:pattern:target:g' ./**