Working on WSO2 UES application for a dashboard project, in this, need to call REST api using GET method with HEADER data. (var headers ={"Authorization",getSecureToken};) not giving enough info
var getSecureToken = session.get("wso2-token");
var headers ={"Authorization",getSecureToken};
var userListUrl = "";
var userListData = get(userListUrl,headers,"json");;
Any help will be appreciated. :-)
GET method function :
var VarBasicAuthCode = session.get('wso2-token');
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, URL);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization" , VarBasicAuthCode);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", CONTENTTYPE);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", ACCEPTTYPE);
var VarResponse = xhr.responseText;
return VarResponse;
var userListUrl = "https://99.999.99.999:9445/users/1.0.0/users/list";
var headers ={"Authorization",getSecureToken};
var usersList = FnMakeRequestGETCall(userListUrl,"GET","Basic RlN4S2RrZEpNN3VaYWhHN0NFcEtlaTZEa3RzYTpXbmUxd29seHp2UTNSQ2RZbXhUUTJ2WkJTd0Fh","application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8","application/json; charset=utf-8","");;
I think you can use the get() instead of creating a new XMLHttpRequest().
I think the problem of your get() is that it is asynchronous. So the usrsList variable doesn't get any value assigned right away. So what you basically have to do is use the get() and pass a success function.
General get() usage is as below.
get(url[, data][, headers][, data-type][, success(data, xhr)])
In your case get() should look as below.
If you used the XMLHttpRequest() because of the multiple header adding ability you can do the same with get. what you have to do is add those to your headers object.
var headers ={
"Content-Type" : CONTENTTYPE,
please buzz me if this didn't work out.
(Note: I think you added your IP address with the question update ... :D)
I’m quite new to postman (and coding) and was trying to find and piece together many snippets of scripts to make it work the way I want.
What I want is very simple: I have a list of IDs that I want to make a POST in each of them, get one of the responseBody as a variable and do another POST. I think I’m close but I can’t manage to get it to work.
I’ve tried:
Two POST request in the same Collection and running the collection.
In the first request I have a POST to
On the Pre-request Script tab:
var orderids = pm.environment.get(“orderids”);
if (!orderids) {
orderids = [“bc46bf79-2846-44ed-ac4d-78c77c92ccc8”,“81aacc33-1ade-41a3-b23e-06b03b526b8f”];
var currentOrderId = orderids.shift();
pm.environment.set(“orderid”, currentOrderId);
pm.environment.set(“orderids”, orderids);
On the Tests tab:
var orderids = pm.environment.get(“orderids”);
if (orderids && orderids.length > 0) {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setNextRequest(“Create invoice”);
} else {
} is a environment variable populated with the response body of the first action/post and then using the variable on the second action/post.
And then the second request would be a POST to
Of course this doesn’t work. Either it doesn't run the second request in the collection or it doesn't do the loope to more than 1 ID on the list.
So I thought that putting the second POST inside the first one would solve it. But I had no luck.
Can please someone help me?
I have tried mentioned use case with sample API's provided by POSTMAN.
Can you try it?
First POST Method Request :
Pre-request Script of first POST method
var orderids = pm.environment.get("orderids");
if(!orderids ){
orderids = ["bc46bf79-2846-44ed-ac4d-78c77c92ccc8","81aacc33-1ade-41a3-b23e-06b03b526b8f"];
var currentOrderId = orderids.shift();
pm.environment.set("orderid", currentOrderId);
pm.environment.set("orderids", orderids);
Tests Tab of first POST Method
var orderids = pm.environment.get("orderids");
if (orderids && orderids.length > 0) {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
} else {
Second POST Method Reqeust:{{}}
After executing the above collection it will set orederids and value in environment variables and then it will call next POST Method.
Hope this will help you.
Thanks #HalfBloodPrince, from the Postman Echo it worked but in my case it doesn't :S
What I manage to get it working was using a Json file as a list of Orderids.
In that case I've separated all requests.
Request1 - https://APIADDRESS/?order_id{{orderid}}&contract[copy_order_data]=true
Tests tab:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
Request2 - https://APIADDRESS/invoices/{{}}/finalize.json
That way everything is in a neat and organized way.
I have an environment variable called "url", the value is a combination of several other variables in the same environment.
Here is the bulk environment variable definition:
As you can see, url contains other variables.
This works great in the actual request (I'm using {{url}} when addressing my service), but when I try to use the same variable in my scripted tests (In the Tests tab), I'm getting the un-evaluated version.
var serviceUrl = pm.variables.get("url");
console.log(serviceUrl); //Yields {{scheme}}://{{server}}{{port}}{{application}}
Is there a way to get the evaluated value inside my tests?
Complete test for more insight:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;
var ordrereferanse = jsonData.Ordrereferanse;
tests.OrdreReferanse = ordrereferanse.length > 0;
//Have to do this
var scheme = pm.variables.get("scheme");
var server = pm.variables.get("server");
var port = pm.variables.get("port");
var application = pm.variables.get("application");
var api_key = pm.variables.get("api_key");
var serviceUrl = scheme + "://" + server + port + application;
//Instead of this - an environment variable defined like this "{{scheme}}://{{server}}{{port}}{{application}}"
//var serviceUrl = pm.variables.get("url");
//remaining test - go to url to verify that the resource is created and the order reference is set
var infoUrl = serviceUrl + "ordreinformasjon/" + ordrereferanse + "?format=json&api_key=" + api_key;
pm.sendRequest(infoUrl, function (err, response) {
var info = response.json();
tests.OrdreInformasjonOrdreReferanse = info.OrdreReferanse === ordrereferanse;
This would work but I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve:
var scheme = pm.variables.get("scheme")
var server = pm.variables.get("server")
var port = pm.variables.get("port")
var application = pm.variables.get("application")
That would log out http://localhost:55881/ to the console.
The {{...}} syntax doesn't work in the way that you had it in the environment file. As it's just storing everything as a string so that's why you would get that output.
You could use {{scheme}}://{{server}}{{port}}{{application}} as the URL but not in the tests using the same syntax.
After seeing the update to the question - Could you not combine the separate variables into a single url variable and construct the infoUrl variable in the following way:
var infoUrl = `${pm.variables.get("url")}ordreinformasjon/${ordrereferanse}?format=json&api_key=${pm.variables.get("api_key")}`
Then use a different environment file with the same url key but with a different value if you need to point the request at a staging or production URL.
I've also noticed that you're using the older tests syntax rather than the newer pm.test() syntax, that might clean up some of the code for you.
I am trying to use Twitter typeahead but I am facing a problem. I don't know how typeahead passes the string to the server. Is it through a GET parameter? If so, what is the name of the parameter?
Easiest through a GET parameter, you can choose whatever parameter you want.
In JS:
name: 'Search',
remote: '/search.php?query=%QUERY' // you can change anything but %QUERY, it's Typeahead default for the string to pass to backend
In PHP (or whatever backend you have):
$query = $_GET['query'];
Hope you get the basic idea.
You might want to consider something like this, it is a very basic remote datasource example. The get parameter in this example is 'q'
// Get your data source
var dataSource = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
remote: {
url: 'path/to/your/url/json/datasource/?q=%QUERYSTRING',
wildcard: '%QUERYSTRING'
// initialize your element
var $typehead = $('#form input').typeahead(null, {
source: dataSource
// fire a select event, what you want once a user has selected an item
$typehead.on('typeahead:select', function(obj, datum, name) {
//your code here
# in python (django) we get a query string using the request object passed through a view like this
query = request.GET.get('q') or ""
//the caveat [or ""] is just to prevent null exceptions
# using php
$query = ($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : "";
I have a date/time formatting helper but what it produces does not update when the underlying property changes. This is not a surprise, but does anyone know how to produce bindings in helpers?
I invoke the helper like this...
{{timestamp created_at}}
...and here is the helper itself:
Handlebars.registerHelper('timestamp', function(context, options) {
var formatter = options.hash['format'] ? options.hash['format'] : 'hh:mm a MM-DD-YYYY';
var original_date = Ember.getPath(this, context); // same as this.get(context) ?
var parsed_date = moment(original_date);
var formatted_date = parsed_date.format(formatter);
return new Handlebars.SafeString("<time datetime=" + original_date +">" + formatted_date + "</time>");
It is now possible to create bound Handlebars helpers using a public Ember API.
Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('timestamp', function(date, options) {
var formatter = options.hash['format'] ? options.hash['format'] : 'hh:mm a MM-DD-YYYY';
var parsed_date = moment(date);
var formatted_date = parsed_date.format(formatter);
return new Handlebars.SafeString("<time datetime=" + date +">" + formatted_date + "</time>");
The parameter passed to the helper will have already been resolved, and the helper will be called again whenever the path changes.
It is unfortunately more complex than I'd like to create a custom helper with bound content. Here's an example that Peter Wagenet wrote:
I'll be lobbying for this to become easier.
Not sure if this applies to this particular question, but I also created helpers in views and wanted the values to update when data in the Ember.js view changed. The way I solved this problem was to write an observer on the values I wanted changed and used jQuery to update the specific value.
For example (in Coffeescript):
attrObserver: ->
I am quite new to Django and jquery stuff. I am trying to populate a comboBox (ChoiceField in Django) based ont the choice selected in another comboBox (without reloading the page).
I can't find any simple example of such a basic application of ajax.
For now I'm call the following ajax function when I select an item from the first dropdown list.
function get_asset_from_type(){
var type_asset = $("#id_type").val();
var data = {type_asset:type_asset};
var args = {type:"POST", url:"/asset/etatType/", data:data};
return false;
It alerts the right type but gives a 403 error on the given url. Weird thing is this url works the first time I load the page. I don't understand what's going on..
403 error seems to be gone, remains the initial question :)
I think you're running up against a CSRF problem. As Django by default blocks POST requests that do not have a CSRF Token with a 403. There are a couple ways to deal with this in JS. One is to pull the value out of the cookie, the code to do that can be found here:
or you can do it by passing the CSRF_TOKEN in with the javascript script tag:
<script src='myjavascript.js?CSRF_TOKEN={{ csrf_token }}'></script>
Note that it's using a double braket, instead of {%%}. This gets the value of the token, instead of the form input.
function getOptionsFromScriptSrc() {
// Get last script tag in parsed DOM.
// Due to the way html pages are parsed,
// the last one is always the one being loaded.
var options = {}
var js_src = $('script').last().attr('src');
if(js_src.match(/\?/)) {
var options_list = js_src.split('?')[1].split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < options_list.length; i++) {
var tmp = options_list[i].split('=');
options[$.trim(tmp[0])] = $.trim(tmp[1]);
return options;
function get_asset_from_type(){
var options = getOptionsFromScriptSrc();
var type_asset = $("#id_type").val();
var data = {type_asset: type_asset, csrfmiddlewaretoken: options['CSRF_TOKEN']};
var args = {type:"POST", url:"/asset/etatType/", data:data};
return false;
I haven't, of course, tested this code, but I have used this method before and it works pretty well.
To the main problem of populating a select box, you need to specify a callback for your ajax post, and then deal with the data returned from your server:
function get_asset_from_type(){
var options = getOptionsFromScriptSrc();
var type_asset = $("#id_type").val();
var post_data = {type_asset: type_asset, csrfmiddlewaretoken: options['CSRF_TOKEN']};
$.post('/asset/etatType/', post_data, function(data){
// Assuming server is going to respond with the html of the options, eg: <option value="1">One</option><option value="2">Two</option>...