How does [] work in a function in Clojure?
(def square (fn [x] (* x x)))
(square 10) ; -> 100
As I understand from the above, we pass 10 in the place of x. Shouldn't I be able to do the following?
(def square (fn [x y] (* x y)))
(square 5 10) ; -> 50
In Clojure, [] is used to represent the argument list. That is to say, the anonymous function defined in square takes a single argument and multiplies it against itself.
You can absolutely extend that, but you're probably going to want to change the name of the function to better reflect what it's actually doing instead.
(def multiply (fn [x y] (* x y)))
Some comments on Makoto's answer.
You don't need to name a function in order to use it:
((fn [x] (* x x)) 10) ; 100
((fn [x y] (* x y)) 5 10) ; 50
Anonymous functions often crop up as arguments to higher order functions such as map.
Clojure (and other Lisps) separate the act of making a function as a thing from the act of naming it. def does the naming. A subsequent def for a name erases/obliterates/overwrites an earlier one.
Nor do you need to explicate a function in order to name it. Instead of
(def multiply (fn [x y] (* x y)))
just write
(def multiply *)
There's a lovely explanation of this (for Common Lisp) in Paul Graham's On Lisp.
I like my code to have a "top-down" structure, and that means I want to do exactly the opposite from what is natural in Clojure: functions being defined before they are used. This shouldn't be a problem, though, because I could theoretically declare all my functions first, and just go on and enjoy life. But it seems in practice declare cannot solve every single problem, and I would like to understand what is exactly the reason the following code does not work.
I have two functions, and I want to define a third by composing the two. The following three pieces of code accomplish this:
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(defn mycomp [x] (f (g x)))
(println (mycomp 10))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(def mycomp (comp f g))
(declare f g)
(defn mycomp [x] (f (g x)))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
But what I would really like to write is
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (comp f g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
And that gives me
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to call unbound fn: #'user/g,
That would mean forward declaring works for many situations, but there are still some cases I can't just declare all my functions and write the code in any way and in whatever order I like. What is the reason for this error? What does forward declaring really allows me to do, and what are the situations I must have the function already defined, such as for using comp in this case? How can I tell when the definition is strictly necessary?
You can accomplish your goal if you take advantage of Clojure's (poorly documented) var behavior:
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (comp #'f #'g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(mycomp 10) => 45
Note that the syntax #'f is just shorthand (technically a "reader macro") that translates into (var f). So you could write this directly:
(def mycomp (comp (var f) (var g)))
and get the same result.
Please see this answer for a more detailed answer on the (mostly hidden) interaction between a Clojure symbol, such as f, and the (anonymous) Clojure var that the symbol points to, namely either #'f or (var f). The var, in turn, then points to a value (such as your function (fn [x] (* x 3)).
When you write an expression like (f 10), there is a 2-step indirection at work. First, the symbol f is "evaluated" to find the associated var, then the var is "evaluated" to find the associated function. Most Clojure users are not really aware that this 2-step process exists, and nearly all of the time we can pretend that there is a direct connection between the symbol f and the function value (fn [x] (* x 3)).
The specific reason your original code doesn't work is that
(declare f g)
creates 2 "empty" vars. Just as (def x) creates an association between the symbol x and an empty var, that is what your declare does. Thus, when the comp function tries to extract the values from f and g, there is nothing present: the vars exist but they are empty.
There is an exception to the above. If you have a let form or similar, there is no var involved:
(let [x 5
y (* 2 x) ]
;=> 10
In the let form, there is no var present. Instead, the compiler makes a direct connection between a symbol and its associated value; i.e. x => 5 and y => 10.
I think Alan's answer addresses your questions very well. Your third example works because you aren't passing the functions as arguments to mycomp. I'd reconsider trying to define things in "reverse" order because it works against the basic language design, requires more code, and might be harder for others to understand.
But... just for laughs and to demonstrate what's possible with Clojure macros, here's an alternative (worse) implementation of comp that works for your preferred syntax, without dealing directly in vars:
(defn- comp-fn-arity [variadic? args f & fs] ;; emits a ([x] (f (g x)) like form
(let [args-vec (if variadic?
(into (vec (butlast args)) ['& (last args)])
(apply vector args))
body (reduce #(list %2 %1)
(if variadic?
(apply list 'apply (last fs) args)
(apply list (last fs) args))
(reverse (cons f (butlast fs))))]
`(~args-vec ~body)))
(defmacro momp
([] identity)
([f] f)
([f & fs]
(let [num-arities 5
args-syms (repeatedly num-arities gensym)]
`(fn ~#(map #(apply comp-fn-arity (= % (dec num-arities)) (take % args-syms) f fs)
(range num-arities))))))
This will emit something kinda like comp's implementation:
(macroexpand '(momp f g))
([] (f (g)))
([G__1713] (f (g G__1713)))
([G__1713 G__1714] (f (g G__1713 G__1714)))
([G__1713 G__1714 G__1715] (f (g G__1713 G__1714 G__1715)))
([G__1713 G__1714 G__1715 & G__1716] (f (apply g G__1713 G__1714 G__1715 G__1716))))
This works because your (unbound) functions aren't being passed as values to another function; during compilation the macro expands "in place" as if you'd written the composing function by hand, as in your third example.
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (momp f g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(mycomp 10) ;; => 45
(apply (momp vec reverse list) (range 10)) ;; => [9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]
This won't work in some other cases, e.g. ((momp - dec) 1) fails because dec gets inlined and doesn't have a 0-arg arity to match the macro's 0-arg arity. Again, this is just for the sake of example and I wouldn't recommend it.
I have a series of functions that all do different things but are passed the same data. Let's say I have the following as a parameter vector.
[{:keys [x y vx vy x-min x-max y-min y-max] :or {x-min 0 x-max c-width y-min 0 y-max c-height}}]
Basically the type of thing you do not want to have to repeat more than once. One thought I had was to do something like.
(def func-args [x y z])
(defn func func-args (+ x y z))
Then I could re-use func-args if I had a similar function. However the first line of the previous example throws an error that symbol x cannot be resolved.
Is there a way to leave vector members as symbols?
Is there a more idiomatic way to accomplish function parameter code bloat reduction than the method I am suggesting?
Quoting a vector will leave it's symbols unevaluated, however defn expects a literal vector in the definition, so this won't work like you're suggesting.
The easiest way to do this is to create a macro. Macros let you create your own syntax. This kind of (anaphoric) macro is discouraged in Clojure as it's easy to run into problems with macros that create symbols for you.
Something like:
(def cheight 100)
(def cwidth 100)
(defmacro defx [name & body]
`(defn ~name [{:keys [~'x ~'y ~'vx ~'vy ~'x-min ~'x-max ~'y-min ~'y-max]
:or {~'x-min 0 ~'x-max ~'c-width ~'y-min 0 ~'y-max ~'c-height}}]
(defx func (+ x y))
(func {:x 1 :y 2}) ;; 3
Here is another way of doing it that accepts the function args spec vector as a parameter to the macro:
(defmacro defn-args
[fn-name fn-args & forms]
`(defn ~fn-name ~(eval fn-args) ~#forms))
(def square-args '[x] ) ; must quote [x] here
(defn-args my-square square-args (* x x))
(my-square 3)
;=> 9
I'm trying to learn functional programming with SICP. I want to use Clojure.
Clojure is a dialect of Lisp but I'm very unfamiliar with Lisp. This code snippet unclean and unreadable. How to write more efficient code with Lisp dialects ?
And how to pass multiple parameters function from other function ?
(defn greater [x y z]
(if (and (>= x y) (>= x z))
(if (>= y z)
(if (and (>= y x) (>= y z))
(if (>= x z)
(if (and (>= z x) (>= z y))
(if (>= y x)
(defn sum-of-squares [x y]
(+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(defn -main
[& args]
(def greats (greater 2 3 4))
(def sum (sum-of-squares greats)))
You are asking two questions, and I will try to answer them in reverse order.
Applying Collections as Arguments
To use a collection as an function argument, where each item is a positional argument to the function, you would use the apply function.
(apply sum-of-squares greats) ;; => 25
As for the more general question of readability:
You can gain readability by generalizing the problem. From your code sample, it looks like the problem consists of performing the sum, of the squares, on the two largest numbers in a collection. So, it would be visually cleaner to sort the collection in descending order and take the first two items.
(defn greater [& numbers]
(take 2 (sort > numbers)))
(defn sum-of-squares [x y]
(+ (* x x) (* y y)))
You can then use apply to pass them to your sum-of-squares function.
(apply sum-of-squares (greater 2 3 4)) ;; => 25
Keep in Mind: The sort function is not lazy. So, it will both realize and sort the entire collection you give it. This could have performance implications in some scenarios. But, in this case, it is not an issue.
One Step Further
You can further generalize your sum-of-squares function to handle multiple arguments by switching the two arguments, x and y, to a collection.
(defn sum-of-squares [& xs]
(reduce + (map #(* % %) xs)))
The above function creates an anonymous function, using the #() short hand syntax, to square a number. That function is then lazily mapped, using map, over every item in the xs collection. So, [1 2 3] would become (1 4 9). The reduce function takes each item and applies the + function to it and the current total, thus producing the sum of the collection. (Because + takes multiple parameters, in this case you could also use apply.)
If put it all together using one of the threading macros, ->>, it starts looking very approachable. (Although, an argument could be made that, in this case, I have traded some composability for more readability.)
(defn super-sum-of-squares [n numbers]
(->> (sort > numbers)
(take n)
(map #(* % %))
(reduce +)))
(super-sum-of-squares 2 [2 3 4]) ;;=> 25
(defn greater [& args] (take 2 (sort > args)))
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [greats (greater 2 3 4)
sum (apply sum-of-squares greats)]
A key to good clojure style is to use the built in sequence operations. An alternate approach would have been a single cond form instead of the deeply nested if statements.
def should not be used inside function bodies.
A function should return a usable result (the value returned by -main will be printed if you run the project).
apply uses a list as the args for the function provided.
To write readable code, use the functions provided by the language as much as possible:
e.g. greater can be defined as
(defn greater [& args]
(butlast (sort > args)))
To make sum-of-squares work on the return value from greater, use argument destructuring
(defn sum-of-squares [[x y]]
(+ (* x x) (* y y)))
which requires the number of elements in the argument sequence to be known,
or define sum-of-squares to take a single sequence as argument
(defn sum-of-squares [args]
(reduce + (map (fn [x] (* x x)) args)))
I have a function that I basically yanked from a discussion in the Clojure google group, that takes a collection and a list of functions of arbitrary length, and filters it to return a new collection containing all elements of the original list for which at least one of the functions evaluates to true:
(defn multi-any-filter [coll & funcs]
(filter #(some true? ((apply juxt funcs) %)) coll))
I'm playing around with making a generalizable solution to Project Euler Problem 1, so I'm using it like this:
(def f3 (fn [x] (= 0 (mod x 3))))
(def f5 (fn [x] (= 0 (mod x 5))))
(reduce + (multi-any-filter (range 1 1000) f3 f5))
Which gives the correct answer.
However, I want to modify it so I can pass ints to it instead of functions, like
(reduce + (multi-any-filter (range 1 1000) 3 5))
where I can replace 3 and 5 with an arbitrary number of ints and do the function wrapping of (=0 (mod x y)) as an anonymous function inside the multi-any-filter function.
Unfortunately this is past the limit of my Clojure ability. I'm thinking that I would need to do something with map to the list of args, but I'm not sure how to get map to return a list of functions, each of which is waiting for another argument. Clojure doesn't seem to support currying the way I learned how to do it in other functional languages. Perhaps I need to use partial in the right spot, but I'm not quite sure how.
In other words, I want to be able to pass an arbitrary number of arguments (that are not functions) and then have each of those arguments get wrapped in the same function, and then that list of functions gets passed to juxt in place of funcs in my multi-any-filter function above.
Thanks for any tips!
(defn evenly-divisible? [x y]
(zero? (mod x y)))
(defn multi-any-filter [col & nums]
(let [partials (map #(fn [x] (evenly-divisible? x %)) nums)
f (apply juxt partials)]
(filter #(some true? (f %)) col)))
I coudn't use partial because it applies the arg in the first position of the fn. We want it in the second position of evenly-divisible? We could re-arrange in evenly-divisible? but then it would not really look correct when using it standalone.
user=> (reduce + (multi-any-filter (range 1 1000) 3 5))
I'm starting out learning Clojure, and was trying to implement some basic numerical derivative functions for practice. I'm trying to create a gradient function that accepts an n-variable function and the points at which to evaluate it. To do this in a "functional" style, I want to implement the gradient as a map of a 1-variable derivatives.
The 1-variable derivative function is simple:
(defn derivative
"Numerical derivative of a univariate function."
[f x]
(let [eps 10e-6] ; Fix epsilon, just for starters.
; Centered derivative is [f(x+e) - f(x-e)] / (2e)
(/ (- (f (+ x eps)) (f (- x eps))) (* 2 eps))))
I'd like to design the gradient along these lines:
(defn gradient
"Numerical gradient of a multivariate function."
[f & x]
(let [varity-index (range (count x))
univariate-in-i (fn [i] (_?_))] ; Creates a univariate fn
; of x_i (other x's fixed)
;; For each i = 0, ... n-1:
;; (1) Get univariate function of x_i
;; (2) Take derivative of that function
;; Gradient is sequence of those univariate derivatives.
(map derivative (map univariate-in-i varity-index) x)))
So, gradient has variable arity (can accept any # of x's), and the order of the x's counts. The function univariate-in-i takes an index i = 0, 1, ... n-1 and returns a 1-variable function by partial-ing out all the variables except x_i. E.g., you'd get:
#(f x_0 x_1 ... x_i-1 % x_i+1 ... x_n)
(x_i still variable)
map-ping this function over varity-index gets you a sequence of 1-variable functions in each x_i, and then map-ping derivative over these gets you a sequence of derivatives in each x_i which is the gradient we want.
My questions is: I'm not sure what a good way to implement univariate-in-i is. I essentially need to fill in values for x's in f except at some particular spot (i.e., place the % above), but programmatically.
I'm more interested in technique than solution (i.e., I know how to compute gradients, I'm trying to learn functional programming and idiomatic Clojure). Therefore, I'd like to stay true to the strategy of treating the gradient as a map of 1-d derivatives over partialed-out functions. But if there's a better "functional" approach to this, please let me know. I'd rather not resort to macros if possible.
Thanks in advance!
Using Ankur's answer below, the gradient function I get is:
(defn gradient
"Numerical gradient of a multivariate function."
[f & x]
(let [varity-index (range (count x))
x-vec (vec x)
(fn [i] #(->> (assoc x-vec i %) (apply f)))]
(map derivative (map univariate-in-i varity-index) x)))
which does exactly what I'd hoped, and seems very concise and functional.
You can define univariate-in-i as shown below. (Assuming that all the other position values are defined in some var default which is a vector)
(fn [i] #(->>
(assoc default i %)
(apply f)))
if you find this abit difficult to comprehend (in the context of how to implement gradient), another variant of multivariable gradient implementation using clojure:
then, given f and vector v of a1,....,aN, will differentiate while all the variables except xi are fixed:
(defn partial-diff [f v i]
(let [h 10e-6
w (update v i + h)]
(/ (- (apply f w) (apply f v))
(defn gradient [f v]
(map #(partial-diff f v %) (range (count v))))
(gradient (fn [x y]
(+ (* x x) (* x y y))) [3 3])
=> (15.000009999965867 18.000030000564493)