I am currently learning OpenGL on Windows, and there is something I don't understand. If I want to call a function like glShaderSource, it's undefined unless I link GLEW. However, once I link GLEW and call glewInit, glShaderSource is suddenly defined and available to use. What kinds of functions do I need to explicitly load with GLEW, and what ones are automatically loaded in once I initialize GLEW?
The whole point of GLEW is that you don't need to "explicitly load" functions. If you wanted to explicitly load things, you wouldn't be using an OpenGL Loading Library. ;)
By initializing GLEW, you're telling it to load all OpenGL functionality (that it knows about) that your implementation provides. You can check the version numbers or extensions to see what was actually loaded. But once GLEW is initialized, it's loaded. Period.
I've been using GLAD with SFML for some time and I've been using GLAD's built-in function loader, gladLoadGL which worked just fine for me. Now I'm looking at GLFW and it's saying both in their guide and on the Khronos opengl wiki that you should be using gladLoadGLLoader((GLADloadproc) glfwGetProcAddress) instead. Is there any particular reason for it?
Is there any particular reason for it?
Using gladLoadGL in conjunction with for example GLFW is resulting in having two code parts in the same program which basically do the same thing, without having any benefit.
For example, look at what GLFW does on Windows (it is similar on the other platforms):
_glfw.wgl.instance = LoadLibraryA("opengl32.dll");
It dynamically loads the GL library behind your back. And it provides an abstraction for querying OpenGL function pointers (the core ones, and extension ones, using both wglGetProcAddress and raw GetProcAdress).
The GL loader glad generates does the same things:
libGL = LoadLibraryW(L"opengl32.dll");
Now one might argue that loading the same shared library twice isn't a big deal, as this should result in re-using the same internal handles and is dealt by reference counting, but even so, it is just unnecessary code, and it still consumes memory and some time during initialization.
So unless you have some very specific reason for why you would need glad's code - maybe in a modified form to really do something else (like using a different GL library then the one which your system would use by default), there is no use case for this code - and it seems a reasonable recommendation to not include code which isn't needed.
As a side note: I often see projects using GLFW and GL loaders like GLAD or GLEW linking opengl32.lib or libGL.so at link time - this is absolutely unnecessary also, as the code will always load the libraries at runtime manually, and there should not be any GL symbols left at link time which the linker could resolve from the GL lib anyway.
I am trying to use a glX function (glXSwapIntervalMESA()) but the compiler is returning an undefined reference error.
I have tried linking with X11 and Xext, and glx, though the last library apparently does not exist. libGL includes some entry points for glx, but I would guess that others (e.g. the one I am trying to use) are platform dependent*.
I cannot find anywhere though which will tell me how to find the names of these platform dependent libraries. For a given system, how do I determine the linker settings in order to use glx?
(*I would guess this because I have seen example linker settings with odd library names.)
The function you want to use is an extension function, and you will need to dynamically load it to a function pointer. I would suggest using any one the available extension loader libraries (glew, gl3w, glad...) to help simplifying this process. Alternatively, consider a higher level library like SDL which takes care of a lot of things for you, which should include swapping like in this case.
I am writing a program which depends on OpenGL 2.0 or above. Looking at the specs of GL 2.0 I see that the extension defined in ARB_shader_objects has been promoted which I suppose mean that the ARB prefix is no more required for GL version 2.0 and above and any implementation supporting > GL2.0 will have this as part of the core implementation.
Having said that when I compile my program gcc on Linux gives warning: implicit declaration of function. One way to get these functions is to declare them in the program itself and then get the function pointers via *GetProcAddress function.
The other way is to define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES before including glext.h which circumvents the problem of getting the function pointers for each of the functions which are by default now present in GL2.0 or above. Could someone please suggest if that is a recommended and right way? The base line is that my program requires OpenGL 2.0 or above and I don't want to support anything less than GL2.0.
Just in case someone suggests to use glee or glew, I don't want to use/ have option to use glee or glew libraries for achieving the same.
There are two issues here.
GL_ARB_shader_objects indeed was promoted to core in GL2.0, but the API has been slightly changed for the core version, so it is not just the same function names without the ARB prefix, e.g. there is glCreateShader() instead of glCreateShaderObjectARB(), and the two functions glGetShaderInfoLog() and glGetProgramInfoLog() replacing glGetInfoLogARB() and some other minor differences of this sort.
The second issue is assuming that the GL library exports all
the core functions. On Linux that is usually the case (not only for core functions, but basically for everything), but there is no standard guaranteeing that. The OpenGL ABI for Linux just requires:
3.4. The libraries must export all OpenGL 1.2, GLU 1.3, GLX 1.3, and ARB_multitexture entry points statically.
There are proposals for an update but I haven't heard anything about that recently.
Windows only exports OpenGL 1.1 core, as the opengl32.dll is part of the OS and the ICD is in a separate dll. You have to query the function pointers for virtually everything there.
So the most portable way is definitively to query the stuff, no matter if you do it manually or use some library like glew.
I have 3 things: open source application (let's call it APP),
closed source shared library (let's call it OPENGL)
and open source plugin for OPENGL (let's call it PLUGIN)[also shared library].
OS: Linux.
There is need to share data between APP and PLUGIN,
so APP linking with PLUGIN, and when I run it,
system load it automatically.
After that APP call eglInitialize that belongs to OPENGL,
and after that this function load PLUGIN again.
And after that I have two copies of PLUGIN in the APP memory.
I know that because of PLUGIN have global data, and after debugging
I saw that there are two copies of global data.
So question how I can fix this behaviour?
I want one instance of PLUGIN, that used by APP and OPENGL.
And I can not change OPENGL library.
It obviously depends a lot on exactly what the libraries are doing, but in general some solution should be possible.
First note that normally if a shared library with the same name is loaded multiple times it will continue to use the same library. This of coruse primarily applies to loading via the standard loading/linking mechanism. If the library calls dlopen on its own it still can get the same library but it depends on the flags to dlopen. Try reading the docs on dlopen to get an understanding of how it works and how you can manipulate it.
You can also try positioning the PLUGIN earlier in the linker command so that it gets loaded first and thus might avoid a double load later one. If you must load the PLUGIN dynamically this obviously won't help. You can also check if LD_PRELOAD might resolve the linking order.
As a last resort you may have to resort to using LD_LIBARY_PATH and putting an interface library in from of the real one. This one will simply pass calls to the real one but will intercept duplicate loads and shunt them to the previous load.
This is just a general direction to consider. Your actual answer will depend highly on your code and what the other shared libraries do. Always investigate linker load ordering first, as it is the easiest to check, and then dlopen flags, before going into the other options.
I suspect that OPENGL is loading PLUGIN with the RTLD_LOCAL flag. This
is normally what you want when loading a plugin, so that multiple
plugins don't conflict.
We've had similar problems with loading code under Java: we'd load a
dozen or so different modules, and they couldn't communicate with one
another. It's possible that our solution would work for you: we wrote a
wrapper for the plugin, and told Java that the wrapper was the plugin.
That plugin then loaded each of the other shared objects, using dlopen
with RTLD_GLOBAL. This worked between plugins. I'm not sure that it
will allow the plugins to get back to the main, however (but I think it
should). And IIRC, you'll need special options when linking main for
its symbols to be available. I think Linux treats the symbols in main
as if main had been loaded with RTLD_LOCAL otherwise. (Maybe
--export-dynamic? It's been a while since I've had to do this, and I
can't remember exactly.)
I'm giving a try at OpenCL, and in order to put this in production I'd like to be able to bind dynamically to OpenCL.DLL (when under Windows), in order to handle 'gracefully' the case where no OpenCL is installed on the host computer.
Is there any available library (or code snippet) that takes care of this dynamic binding in C or C++, much like GLEW does for OpenGL ? I'd like to avoid the hassle to do it myself.
Here you go:
Since you're dealing with Win32, the easiest solution is delay loading. If you delay-load OpenCL, and the compiler-added stub fails to find it, it will call __pfnDliFailureHook2(dliFailLoadLib). You can handle the error there; if you don't provide a handler you'll get the default behavior (program aborts). In either case the program will not have a static dependency on OpenCL.
QtOpenCL http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/04/07/using-opencl-with-qt/