How to use libraries in C++? [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hello I'm new to coding in C++, thankfully I'm quickly learning how to use it. So far I've heard of libraries and how they can be used in an application.
My questions is are:
What do I need to do after I download ANY library?
How do I #include "library.h" or #include <library> and use it
in a project without intellisense or the compiler going nuts?
What if the library is header only?
What should I look for?
Are there any apps I need?
What if there's no build folder?
Usually the instructions are unclear to me, maybe it's because I'm still green.
Please try to explain this in an easy to follow manner like if you were teaching it to someone that knows NOTHING: I've tried to follow other guides but with no luck.
Beforehand, thank you very much!

If it's header-only, including the header is enough. Otherwise, a library can be any piece of code in any form (source in various languages, binary, shared, static, ...). It's impossible to cover all the cases, each library is supposed to come with its own documentation.

Each and every library has a specific license (eg MIT, GPL, LGPL etc) for it's use. There can be differences between uses (eg personal, academic and commercial etc) but often not. It's quite easy to learn about the major licenses and how they might apply to your use case on the internet. But if you are doing this for commercial purposes or have any doubt whatsoever consult a lawyer.


Can the C++ Keywords be used with just only the iostream include directive? What else is there besides keywords that can be used with only iostream? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I consider myself a C++ beginner and have come to a question when dreading the fact of using many include directives. So instead of figuring it out myself the long way, I have come to get some help before I can learn and practice more.
From the book Absolute C++ 5th edition by Walter Savitch, says that "The operator sizeof is part of the core C++ Language and requires no include directive or using directive." 12.4 Random Access to Files, page 585
I want to know where can I find other operators or codes that does not use the include directive or using directive.
This could help me build programs before I can start learning more of the C++ Libraries.
Thank you!
What you are asking about can all be answered by going on cppreference. Basically there are many default libraries that can be included by writing #include <lib>. So for example you want to use vectors (well optimized dynamic array), you write #include <vector>, if you want to handle input and output you write #include <iostream>, etc.
All of this can be found documented on page I've linked above. If you don't know with what to start some basic and most libraries would be iostream, string, vector, map.
Then there is an memory library, which provides for example an unique pointer which is a really strong tool in C++.
Then there is an algorithm library, containing useful functions working with containers over iterators.
These are just examples that came to my mind first and I've used them the most. If you are not sure about anything you can always search on cppreference for full documentation on it.
If you have any other or more specific question feel free to ask.

What advantage do we get in using xml as a database in Embedded systems? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have seen recently that people use xml files as a database to store the settings. However, I don't know why exactly is it done. I am from a C/C++, Linux background. Thus, please help me to understand this concept. Any simple C/C++ example will help me to understand it's benefit better?
XML is a very common tool with tons of libraries to handle it. Although it isn't the most beautiful format in the world, it is possible to read and modify it by both hand and program. Probably one want to use it when program configuration modified by some gui or tool. If you intend manual configuration, it's probably better to choose something else, for example ini. This is why linux tools rarely use XML, BTW.
As a C++ programmer you'd probably find interesting the "boost::property_tree" library to deal with configs. Examples of usage included in the documentation. Also it provides with plenty of different backends to store configuration, so you haven't to stick to some one format.

Ideas for a C/C++ library [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I thought one of the best ways to familiarise myself with C/C++, is to make a helpful library. I was maybe thinking like a geometry library, like to calculate areas, surface area, etc. It would be useful in game programming. Or maybe an algebra library, like for different formulas like the distance formula, quadratic formula, etc. Or maybe like a standard library for very simple functions, like calculating the number of items in an array.
If it is for the sake of an exercise, writing a library to deal with fractions is a good one.
Implement the basic operations and a way to print them.
Find a problem that you need to solve. Look around to see if a library exists already. If not, then solve it in a way that others can benefit and put the library up on something like github.
But please be prepared to support it if you want to really see it being used - nothing worse than a open source project that isn't well supported.
I'd encourage you to try and come up with an application that would make use of the library. A game, a business app, whatever. Maybe even come up with an application idea first then determine what libraries you would need that aren't readily available.
That way you know you'll be creating something of practical value and not just undertaking a purely intellectual exercise. Try and avoid just plucking a library idea out of the air as you'll inevitably reimplement something that already exists. That's fine for you to learn but it would be awesome if you could create something others could benefit from in the process :)
Also, your application will provide a ready made test for your library.
Much of what you're listing has been done and can be found in Boost and or GSL. If learning is your goal, how about write a Qt application that uses some of these math functions?
Creating 'toy' level libraries doesn't help much on learning C++. I'd suggest you look at the libstdc++ bugs, try to understand and help fixing some ones.

Projects for C++ Beginner/Intermediate? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I really want to learn more about C++. I know the basics, and I know the concepts, and I have even been able to create C++ projects myself, but my problem is being able to view, fix, and add to code I haven't written myself. I have looked at some open source projects on sourceforge, etc, but many of them are so big or there are soooo many projects available until I don't know what to do.
Are there any "small or simple" projects or tasks in C++ that will allow me to extend my knowledge of C++ by use of hands on experience?
If you are already able to create own projects, I think the best way to learn how to read&change someone's code is to get job in software company. They even will pay for it :)
Creating your own client / server application using socket programming is a big and fun area in programming which you should check out.
...but my problem is being able to
view, fix, and add to code I haven't
written myself.
That is tough even for experienced programmers.
A book that might help you is Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective by Diomidis Spinellis.
Read The Art of Unix Programming ( TAOUP ). Its available online, well written and has lots of case studies that represent well designed programs. You may also find some good C++ opensource software amongst those case studies.
Apart from TAOUP, take a look at Boost C++ Libraries. They provide peer reviewed source libraries that are very well documented.
Another one, I have heard is Postfix ( an Open source email server for Unix ) that is said to have well written C++ code. Though, I must admit I do not have any direct experience with it.
Hope this helps :)

qpThreads documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any documentation on qpThreads? In what way is it different from pthreads?
It looks like qpthread has become a sourceforge project. It hasn't changed in four or five years from the CVS repository and doesn't seem to contain any documentation. Chances are that if you don't have docs on it, then none exist save for the source code and headers of course.
I grabbed the source out of curiosity and it looks like a pretty standard threading implementation that is layered over pthreads. The largest difference is that pthreads is a C-style interface and qpThreads is an OO interface more akin to what you might find in Java. I haven't delved into it very deeply, but you might want to look at the interfaces like java.util.Timer and java.util.concurrent. Some of the interfaces look quite similar to what qpThreads offers.
You might want to investigate replacing it with Boost.thread or something more recent. Chances are that you will have better luck maintaining it. It shouldn't be that hard to do depending on how much code you have to deal with.
From a cursory look at google search results, qpThreads seems to be an obscure C++ threading class library. pthreads is a very widely used, POSIX-compliant, multi-platform threading C API.
The most important thing about using libraries is making sure they are actively maintained.
You should use a well known and heavily used library if possible. This way you will also have a vast number of people to ask questions if you have any.
Please see this similar SO question for more details:
Good c++ lib for threading (or use the search box for more).
Found some documentation finally.
Sourceforge qpthreads