XSS DOM vulnerable - xss

I tested site for vulnerables (folder /service-contact) and possible XSS DOM issue came up (using Kali Linux, Vega and XSSER). However, i tried to manually test url with 'alert' script to make sure it's vulnerable. I used
No alert box/pop-up was shown, only the html code showed up in contact form box.
I am not sure i used the right code (i'm a rookie) or did the right interpretation. Server is Apache, using javascript/js.
Can you help?

This is Not Vulnerable to XSS, Whatever you are writing in the URL is Coming in Below Form section ( Vraag/opmerking ) . And the Double Quotes (") are Escaped. If you try another Payload like <script>alert(/xss/)</script> That Also won't work, Because this is Not Reflecting neither Storing. You will see output as a Text in Vraag/opmerking. Don't Rely on Online Scanners, Test Manually, For DOM Based XSS ..Check Sink and Sources and Analyze them.

The tool is right. There is a XSS-Vulnerability on the site, but the proof of concept (PoC) code is wrong. The content of a <textarea> can only contain character data (see <textarea> description on MDN). So your <script>alert("test")</script> is interpreted as text and not as HTML code. But you can close the <textarea> tag and insert the javascript code after that.
Here is the working PoC URL:
which is rendered as:
<textarea rows="" cols="" id="comment" name="comment"></textarea<script>alert("test")</script></textarea>
A little note to testing for XSS injection: Chrome/Chromium has a XSS protection. So this code doesn't exploit in this browser. For manual testing you can use Firefox or run Chrome with: --disable-web-security (see this StackOverflow Question and this for more information).


django - ckeditor bug renders text/string in raw html format

am using django ckeditor. Any text/content entered into its editor renders raw html output on the webpage.
for ex: this is rendered output of ckeditor field (RichTextField) on a webpage;
<p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">this is a test file ’s forces durin</span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">galla’s good test is one that fails Thereafter, never to fail in real environment. </span></p>
I have been looking for a solution for a long time now but unable to find one :( There are some questions which are similar but none of those have been able to help. It will be helpful if any changes suggested are provided with the exact location where it needs to be changed. Needless to say I am a newbie.
You need to mark the relevant variable that contains the html snippet in your template as safe
Obviously you should be sure, that the text comes from trusted users and is safe, because with the safe filter you are disabling a security feature (autoescaping) that Django applies per default.
If your ckeditor is part of a comment form and your mark the entered text as safe, anybody with access to the form could inject Javascipt and other (potentially nasty) stuff in your page.
The whole story is explained pretty well in the official docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/templates/#automatic-html-escaping

How to ensure users only embed SoundCloud iFrame?

I am building a social networking website for musicians and I would like them to be able to enter the embed code provided by SoundCloud, so that they may have a sound clip on their posts.
However, I am unsure how I would sanitise the input, to ensure that it's only a SoundCloud iframe embed code that they enter. I want to avoid them pasting in embed code for say, YouTube or anything else for that matter.
An example embed code from SoundCloud looks like:
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F85146642"></iframe>
I am using the HTML parser, jSoup to sanitise input.
The key fragment to this is the src content:
One possibility I thought of, was to extract the src parameters value and then rebuild the iframe myself, this way, only storing the URL and ensuring that any HTML output to the browser is that which I have created myself. Doing this may also allow me to run checks on the domain name etc.
I'm wondering what the best approach would be for this?
Appreciate any input you may have.
PS - I am using Railo (ColdFusion server) and the Java jSoup library, but I guess the same principles would apply regardless of what language one would use.

Regex with iframe in Yahoo! Pipes

I'm building a Yahoo! Pipe to pull an RSS feed from Reddit which links to some content in the description. I'm using a regex to match the href attribute of the anchor link in an item.description field. The regex I'm using is:
As a test, I set the replace to simply:
and I see that the entire description field has been replaced with the URL. So far, so good.
I then put the following in the replace field. The idea being to iframe the content that's linked to:
Content: <iframe src="$1">no iframe support</iframe> End
What I get out however is:
Content: no iframe support End
I've confirmed that this is also coming through in the pipe's output and not just in the Yahoo! Pipes debug console.
I've so far tried replacing my angle brackets with < and > entities. I've tried wrapping the entire thing in a <![CDATA[ ... ]]> block and still, I get nothing. If I break my iframe tag by removing an angle bracket, the broken content comes through fine, but if I have a well-formed iframe element, it vanishes, leaving the "no iframe support" text. Am I doing something wrong here, or is Yahoo! actively preventing me from using iframe tags in my generated pipe? A cursory search on Google isn't turning up anything related to this.
The pipe in question is here:
This Pipes FAQ Question "Why does Pipes Strip <object> and <embed> tags... ?" shows that a certain amount of sanitization is performed, by placing content (at least certain content) into an iframe for the safety of RSS consumers - though it does not state it specifically, this probably also removes other iframes in order to avoid nesting and other work-arounds.
Yahoo is big enough I would doubt they have a week sanitizer, but an extremely long shot is that you might be able to fool it by nesting the iframe in a bunch of other tags (again I doubt this will work). Also depending upon which step does the sanitization, perhaps adding part of the tag in one step, then adding another part somewhere else might work (yet again, doubt overwhelms me)
Not sure what else to suggest, other than getting something else to consume and transform your RSS a little bit more (by fixing otherwise broken tags??) - but that's what you're using pipes for to begin with, isn't it? Idunno...
Good luck!
Pipes has an fanatical devotion to the RSS spec and the spec says the description field is plain text only. HTML etc is supposed to go in the content:encoded field, not that I've had much luck getting pipes to do that.

Preventing XSS in Node.js / server side javascript

Any idea how one would go about preventing XSS attacks on a node.js app? Any libs out there that handle removing javascript in hrefs, onclick attributes,etc. from POSTed data?
I don't want to have to write a regex for all that :)
Any suggestions?
I've created a module that bundles the Caja HTML Sanitizer
npm install sanitizer
Any feedback appreciated.
One of the answers to Sanitize/Rewrite HTML on the Client Side suggests borrowing the whitelist-based HTML sanitizer in JS from Google Caja which, as far as I can tell from a quick scroll-through, implements an HTML SAX parser without relying on the browser's DOM.
Update: Also, keep in mind that the Caja sanitizer has apparently been given a full, professional security review while regexes are known for being very easy to typo in security-compromising ways.
Update 2017-09-24: There is also now DOMPurify. I haven't used it yet, but it looks like it meets or exceeds every point I look for:
Relies on functionality provided by the runtime environment wherever possible. (Important both for performance and to maximize security by relying on well-tested, mature implementations as much as possible.)
Relies on either a browser's DOM or jsdom for Node.JS.
Default configuration designed to strip as little as possible while still guaranteeing removal of javascript.
Supports HTML, MathML, and SVG
Falls back to Microsoft's proprietary, un-configurable toStaticHTML under IE8 and IE9.
Highly configurable, making it suitable for enforcing limitations on an input which can contain arbitrary HTML, such as a WYSIWYG or Markdown comment field. (In fact, it's the top of the pile here)
Supports the usual tag/attribute whitelisting/blacklisting and URL regex whitelisting
Has special options to sanitize further for certain common types of HTML template metacharacters.
They're serious about compatibility and reliability
Automated tests running on 16 different browsers as well as three diffferent major versions of Node.JS.
To ensure developers and CI hosts are all on the same page, lock files are published.
All usual techniques apply to node.js output as well, which means:
Blacklists will not work.
You're not supposed to filter input in order to protect HTML output. It will not work or will work by needlessly malforming the data.
You're supposed to HTML-escape text in HTML output.
I'm not sure if node.js comes with some built-in for this, but something like that should do the job:
function htmlEscape(text) {
return text.replace(/&/g, '&').
replace(/</g, '<'). // it's not neccessary to escape >
replace(/"/g, '"').
replace(/'/g, ''');
I recently discovered node-validator by chriso.
get('/', function (req, res) {
//Sanitize user input
req.sanitize('textarea').xss(); // No longer supported
XSS Function Deprecation
The XSS function is no longer available in this library.
You can also look at ESAPI. There is a javascript version of the library. It's pretty sturdy.
In newer versions of validator module you can use the following script to prevent XSS attack:
var validator = require('validator');
var escaped_string = validator.escape(someString);
Try out the npm module strip-js. It performs the following actions:
Sanitizes HTML
Removes script tags
Removes attributes such as "onclick", "onerror", etc. which contain JavaScript code
Removes "href" attributes which contain JavaScript code
Update 2021-04-16: xss is a module used to filter input from users to prevent XSS attacks.
Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist.
Visit https://www.npmjs.com/package/xss
Project Homepage: http://jsxss.com
You should try library npm "insane".
I try in production, it works well. Size is very small (around ~3kb gzipped).
Sanitize html
Remove all attributes or tags who evaluate js
You can allow attributes or tags that you don't want sanitize
The documentation is very easy to read and understand.

Markdown and XSS

Ok, so I have been reading about markdown here on SO and elsewhere and the steps between user-input and the db are usually given as
convert markdown to html
sanitize html (w/whitelist)
insert into database
but to me it makes more sense to do the following:
sanitize markdown (remove all tags -
no exceptions)
convert to html
insert into database
Am I missing something? This seems to me to be pretty nearly xss-proof
Please see this link:
> hello <a name="n"
> href="javascript:alert('xss')">*you*</a>
<p>hello <a name="n"
∴​ you must sanitize after converting to HTML.
There are two issues with what you've proposed:
I don't see a way for your users to be able to format posts. You took advantage of Markdown to provide nice numbered lists, for example. In the proposed no-tags-no-exceptions world, I'm not seeing how the end user would be able to do such a thing.
Considerably more important: When using Markdown as the "native" formatting language, and whitelisting the other available tags,you are limiting not just the input side of the world, but the output as well. In other words, if your display engine expects Markdown and only allows whitelisted content out, even if (God forbid) somebody gets to the database and injects some nasty malware-laden code into a bunch of posts, the actual site and its users are protected because you are sanitizing it upon display, as well.
There are some good resources on the web about output sanitization:
Sanitizing user data: Where and how to do it
Output sanitization (One of my clients, who shall remain nameless and whose affected system was not developed by me, was hit with this exact worm. We have since secured those systems, of course.)
BizTech: Best Practices: Never heard of XSS?
Well certainly removing/escaping all tags would make a markup language more secure. However the whole point of Markdown is that it allows users to include arbitrary HTML tags as well as its own forms of markup(*). When you are allowing HTML, you have to clean/whitelist the output anyway, so you might as well do it after the markdown conversion to catch everything.
*: It's a design decision I don't agree with at all, and one that I think has not proven useful at SO, but it is a design decision and not a bug.
Incidentally, step 3 should be ‘output to page’; this normally takes place at the output stage, with the database containing the raw submitted text.
insert into database
convert markdown to html
sanitize html (w/whitelist)
use Text::Markdown ();
use HTML::StripScripts::Parser ();
my $hss = HTML::StripScripts::Parser->new(
Context => 'Document',
AllowSrc => 0,
AllowHref => 1,
AllowRelURL => 1,
AllowMailto => 1,
EscapeFiltered => 1,
strict_comment => 1,
strict_names => 1,
convert markdown to html
sanitize html (w/whitelist)
insert into database
Here, the assumptions are
Given dangerous HTML, the sanitizer can produce safe HTML.
The definition of safe HTML will not change, so if it is safe when I insert it into the DB, it is safe when I extract it.
sanitize markdown (remove all tags - no exceptions)
convert to html
insert into database
Here the assumptions are
Given dangerous markdown, the sanitizer can produce markdown that when converted to HTML by a different program will be safe.
The definition of safe HTML will not change, so if it is safe when I insert it into the DB, it is safe when I extract it.
The markdown sanitizer has to know not just about dangerous HTML and dangerous markdown, but how the markdown->HTML converter does its job. That makes it more complex, and more likely to be wrong than the simpler unsafeHTML->safeHTML function above.
As a concrete example, "remove all tags" assumes you can identify tags, and would not work against UTF-7 attacks. There might be other encoding attacks out there that render this assumption moot, or there might be a bug that causes the markdown->HTML program to convert (full-width '<', exotic white-space characters stripped by markdown, SCRIPT) into a <script> tag.
The most secure would be:
sanitize markdown (remove all tags - no exceptions)
convert markdown to HTML
sanitize HTML
insert into a DB column marked risky
re-sanitize HTML every time you fetch that column from the DB
That way, when you update your HTML sanitizer you get protection against any newly discovered attacks. This is often inefficient, but you can get pretty good security by storing a timestamp with HTML inserted so that you can tell which might have been inserted during the time when someone knew about an attack that gets past your sanitizer.