How to develop remotely in PyCharm? - python-2.7

I have a lab system (with a hardware piece attached to it) which has some python test scripts. The test script sends commands to the attached hardware and receives response.
I don't want to work on the lab computer all the time. Currently, I'm using SSH from my local machine to the lab computer and using the shell to modify the scripts, run the commands etc. Using nano is cumbersome especially while debugging. I want to use an IDE (Pycharm) on my local machine in order to edit and run the scripts on the remote server. Pycharm has remote interpreters which uses the remote python but I want to be able to access and modify the scripts too, just like SSH from terminal.
How can I do that?

PyCharm (Professional Edition only) is also capable of Deployments. You can upload/download files via SFTP directly within Pycharm and run your scripts remotely.
You can visit the following pages for further instructions on how to set everything up:
Setting up a deployment
Configuring a remote interpreter

Yes, PyCharm Professional Edition can do this. Since PyCharm 2018.1 setting up a remote interpreter also automatically sets up deployment. If you have automatic deployments configured (Tools | Deployment | Automatic Deployment) all changes will automatically be uploaded to your SSH box.
See here for a tutorial on configuring an SSH box in PyCharm Professional Edition:


Can a Docker remote host keep its files synced with your local machine? Django project that needs auto-reloading

I'm considering the purchase of one of the new Macbook M1's. Docker Desktop is apparently unworkable with their Rosetta 2 engine, and all of my development efforts rely on Docker desktop, and a local development environment that auto-reloads when files are changed.
I haven't done much with Docker remote hosts, but I see that this could be a stop-gap solution until Docker rewrites its engine. Google is failing me... can you keep files on your local machine synced up with your Docker remote host?
No, Docker doesn't do this. Instead, Docker packages your application code into an image; that image can be transferred to a repository (with Docker Hub being the most prominent option), and then run on the remote system, without necessarily needing to have the application code or the interpreter directly installed there. Beyond the image system, Docker has no direct ability to transfer or mount files from one system to another (you could do something like create an NFS-backed named volume, but you would need to run the NFS server yourself).
For day-to-day development, using your language's native isolation system often will work better than trying to simulate a local development environment using Docker. For Python, consider using a tool like Pipfile to create a virtual environment. Python is reasonably platform-independent, so you shouldn't notice any trouble using Apple silicon vs. Intel's.
Don't even consider using the Docker remote API. If you don't configure it perfectly, it's trivial to use it to root the host (and there are many instances of this in the wild). Even if it is configured, you can't use it to mount files from your local system (a docker run -v bind-mount option is always interpreted relative to the Docker host it runs on). If you need to work directly on the remote host for whatever reason, use an ordinary ssh connection.

Selenium cloud execution on a machine without code or IDE

I set up my Selenium project (Maven, Java, TestNG) in GitHub repo and it is connected to Jenkins. I am able to execute the Maven project via Jenkins and do the testing. This requires all dependant tools (Maven,Java,Jenkins) set up in my local machine.
But we have a requirement to do this in the cloud. I know we can use Selenium Grid-Docker, BrowserStack or GCP to execute the tests in the cloud but what we need is to have everything installed in the cloud and any external user with access being able to execute any test via UI or executable file without installing anything in user's local machine.
Is this possible at all? If yes,how?
I searched a lot and couldn't find anything. One of my friends said it can be done using AWS but doesn't know how. I just need guidance on the path to take here and I'm willing to learn and implement it myself.
Solved this my deploying code to AWS-EC2.
Here's what I did.
I created a TestNG-Maven project and uploaded to GitHub. Then created a AWS-EC2 t2.micro linux instance and installed Chrome and Jenkins in it. I accessed Jenkins from my local machine and connected it to GitHub repo. From Jenkins when I build the project everything was getting downloaded in EC2 and execution happened in EC2. This will be chrome-headless execution.

Is it possible to SSH in AWS instances using any IDEs such PYCHARM?

I am stuck in a technical issue on a project and I think you the forum could help me out.
I have an EC2 Instance Type:p2.xlarge running on AWS, I cloned a repository in this instance which requires pytorch and cuda dependencies(this point has been taken care of).
Now, The issue is that I wanna work & run this code-base(which is is AWS instance now) somehow in my local pyCHARM IDE. In short, I didn't have proper resources on my laptop to run the repository, so I have to run in an AWS instance but for debugging purposes the local IDE would be a great option.
Is it possible to do that?. In other words, we can do SSH into AWS instance and run code, but all will be done through command line, if we could SSH through PYCHARM and can see the code in AWS here in local machine within PYCHARM and change, debug or run it as it was local but actually it gets executed in the instance.
Please suggest a solution to it.
Thanks in advance.
After following, #Cromulent suggestion, I have arrived here
Setting the remote:
Upload happening within the local & remote repo.
I still didn't understand the requirement of syncing the local and remote folders, when I only want to open the remote folder in my PYCHARM IDE and work on it.
I think after this setup, I have to change the code in local copy and the PYCHARM will sync the code in remote copy. How will I be running(using resources-GPUs of the remote Instance, not my local machine.) the remote code in PYCHARM in this scenario, I am just syncing it, for running again I have to ssh through command line and run the script(This does not serve the purpose)?
After #Cromulent suggestions.
Actually, it did work, but still, I am not able to run the remote code locally.
I am getting the below error while running any remote script. If I run the same script using ssh in the terminal, the scripts run normally. I tried to fix the problem using this post on StackOverflow, but it didn't work too.
ssh:// -u <08ad9807-3477-4916-96ce-ba6155e3ff4c>/home/ubuntu/InsightProject/scripts/
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/bin/python: can't open file '<08ad9807-3477-4916-96ce-ba6155e3ff4c>/home/ubuntu/InsightProject/scripts/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
The below is the screenshot for the above problem:
PyCharm Professional supports remote Python interpreters (either the globally installed Python interpreter or a virtualenv). It works by creating an SSH connection to the server and then running the code on the remote host. The results are then displayed locally in PyCharm Professional. You can also do remote debugging as well.
You MUST be using the professional version of PyCharm though. The free community version does not support this feature.
You can find the documentation here:
One more solution is to deploy a Jupyter Notebook on your remote server. Then you will be able to use it from PyCharm Professional Edition.
Don't forget to make rules for the jupyter ports (e.g. allow all 8888) in your AWS console and in your instance.
To configure a remote interpreter for your notebook do this (source):
Open the Jupyter Notebook page of the Settings/Preferences dialog.
On this page, select or clear the Markdown cells rendering enabled option, and specify the username and password. Note that for the
single-user notebooks these fields are optional - leave them blank.
Fill in the username (for JupyterHub) and password.
Click the link Configure remote interpreter. You'll find yourself at the Project Interpreter page.
Configure the remote interpreter, as described in the section Configuring Python Interpreter.
You will want to configure a remote interpreter.
I tried the above approach but it didn't work for me. I have edited my post so that I can get additional input from the community, but I didn't any after the first answer was posted.
My friend actually figured out a secondary way to fix the issue. He actually uses "NOMACHINE" on the local machine and open connection to the remote desktop. Then you can directly install PYCHARM in the remote machine and work in there. I hope this will help others.
The solution is in his blog post. (Thanks to Shaobo Guan)
Another solution would be to use VNC instead of NoMachine

Programming the Pepper robot without "Choreography" software?

Usually the developer can use Softbanks own software Choreography to give programs to Pepper robot.
Isn't there a way to setup a different development environment? e.g. Access via SSH and creating Python scripts with a simple text editor and starting the script manually? It means writing and starting Python scripts for Pepper without using Choreography.
You can also use qibuild (pip install qibuild) :
It contains a qipkg command, just run
qipkg deploy-package path/to/your/file.pml --url USER#IP:/home/nao
A pml file is a project, it is created by Choregraph, or you can use this tool :
in order to get a sample app.
Of course, using Choregraphe is not an obligation, you can use the different SDKs directly.
You can for instance create a python script on your computer, copy it on the robot
scp path/to/script/ nao#robotIp
And then ssh onto the robot and launch the script
ssh nao#robotIp
You can also ssh onto the robot, create a script (using nano for instance) and launch it from there.
I've been using Pycharm Pro for 6 months and I am happy with it. You get automatic deployment and remote debugging. The most basic setup must still be done with Choregraphe, but it takes less than one minut.

Remote builds with IntelliJ

I am having the following problem:
a) I have a UNIX build environment set up on a remote server I can ssh into
b) I have IntelliJ on Windows
What I would like to do is to edit the files through a remote connection
(similar to the functionality that exists for Emacs) and issue shell commands
such as 'make' and running simple 'test-scripts' which exist on the server..
Are the functions to do this integrated into IntelliJ or will I need a plug-in?
There is a SSH plugin for Intellij IDEA. It is available in
For anyone still looking for a way to edit files remotely while running Intellij locally, version 2016.3 Ultimate Edition has a Remote Server Configuration option. It allows to access files remotely using either FTP, SFTP or FTPS.
More details on how to configure the remote servers can be found in Intellij's Help Pages.