UWP/WinRT: App stopped working after November update - c++

I have a Universal Windows Platform app that was working fine. My development machine is running Windows 10, and after the Windows 10 November Update (1511, build 10586), the development version built by Visual Studio has stopped working. I was actually running this day-to-day as a standalone app, and I noticed this problem when after the update the app started immediately closing after the splash screen.
I uninstalled the development version of my app and installed the store version, and that works fine, even though no code has changed between the two versions. I updated Visual Studio to Update 1, and it still doesn't work. I've fully uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio but that didn't help either. I've also tried changing the Project Properties to target platform version 10.0.10586.0 and rebuilding, but that also doesn't seem to help.
This occurs on both Release and Debug builds, and on both x86 and x64.
On launch, it gets as far as the splash screen before informing me that I've triggered a breakpoint. The breakpoint was not set by me, but rather is in KernelBase.dll, and no source is available.
If I hit Continue, then I get an Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFC4C431F08 (KernelBase.dll). The body of the error is:
0x00000004: The system cannot open the file (parameters: 0xFFFFFFFF80004005, 0x0000000000000005).
Hitting Continue again will get me into my code, which dies with:
Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x000000C1517FAF50. HRESULT:0x802B000A The text associated with this error code could not be found.
Any ideas on what happened and how to correct?


Visual Studio Debugging program that you have the source code for

I have an old program that started crashing recently, it only crashes on this particular pc running windows 7 x64 ultimate (I tried this program on another installation of Windows 7 x64 ultimate and there it works completly fine)
It crashes early due to acsess violation (c0000005) in msvcrt.dll
I have the source code for it: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.7.2/src/mozilla-source-1.7.2.tar.gz
and here is the binary I am testing against: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.7.2/mozilla-win32-1.7.2.zip
it crashes on from_strstr_to_strchr() function in msvcrt.dll
Visual Studio Debugger only shows me the dissasembly for msvcrt.dll and stacktrace starts there, it doesn't show me where firefox called this function and what data it passed to it...
I tried to add source code in solution->Common properties->Debug source files
but it still says Source code not uvailable (Source information is missing from the debug information for this module), I even tried to go to Options->Debugging and unchecked Require source code to be an exact match the original version, but visual studio still does not use the source code
I though ok, maybe its because I am trying to debug a release build, so I went and compiled firefox from source
this is the .mozconfig options I used
ac_add_options --disable-tests
ac_add_options --without-system-nspr
ac_add_options --without-system-zlib
ac_add_options --without-system-jpeg
ac_add_options --without-system-png
ac_add_options --without-system-mng
ac_add_options --enable-crypto
the problem is I cannot build firefox and debug it on the same machine (because on my build machine it works of course), and once I move it to my test machine it doesn't start because its missing msvcrtd.dll (and even if I provide it the dll from the internet or from my development machine it crashes (probably because DLL is for Visual C++ 6 and I have Visual C++ 2008 runtime installed on my test machine)
So how do I tell visual studio to debug an exe, provide it with the source code and let it show me on what function does the crash accour and what was the input to that function (I am suspecting its eather some file or registry entry that is somewhere on that pc that this old firefox is trying to read and failing), I even tried to uninstall and reinstall firefox (but sadly its installer never cleans everything up), even used Revo uninstaller to clean everything that it found, even trying to uninstall all the Visual C++ runtimes I found and reinstalled them again, but nothing...
Hope someone can help me because it drives me crazy (and yes, I need that version of firefox for a very old company application we are using....)
What is wierd the most is that firefox used to work a while ago, but then it just started to crash suddenly

IONIC 2, debuging ios application - emulate?target return 404

I tried to build ios version of my ionic application which I build using Visual Studio 2017, but it seems it never can "install" to the simulator. The simulator is launched on the mac computer, but the application is not running, even I cannot find the icon in the simulator.
I suspect that it because the wrong naming of the target device.
I notice there is /cordova/build/.../emulate?target=iPhone+5 404 line on the mac's terminal, while when I try to the list the available target, it should be target=iPhone-5.
I'm a newbie in ionic and I don't know if it is the cause of problem that make the application is not shown at the emulator.
If it is not the problem, is there anybody can help me to find out what is the cause so the application cannot be debugged (not shown in the emulator)?
If it is the cause of the problem, then how can I change the command send from visual studio to the mac computer?
Thanks in advance for the help.

LNK 1168: Cannot open .exe VS 2013, Windows Audio is using the .exe

Trying to compile a VS 2013 C++ application and Im getting the LNK1168 cannot open .\bin\foo\bar\foobar.exe for writing.
I've followed other articles. Application Experience is enabled and running. Ive restarted VS. Cleaned and tried to rebuild. Checked the Task Mgr to make sure the application isn't running too.
My only success is after a full system reboot.
Nothing is working except the system reboot. I went to the directory and noticed that when I tried to delete the .exe that is currently there (from a previous successful build) it gives me an error saying that the operation cannot be completed because it is open in Windows Audio..
Has anybody dealt with this before? Restarting my whole OS to build is not going to work for me much longer.
The project is mapped to a D: drive (i.e. not located on C:).

Cannot Attach Kernel Mode Debugger to Process in debugging KMDF driver

I am currently trying to build a simple Win 7 x64 USB driver using this guide: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/hh706187(v=vs.85).aspx
Host is using VS2013 & WDK 8.1
Because I don't have a null-modem cable (or any other means of setting up a debugger connection between host and target), I just filled my settings with the default ones found here, expecting some sort of error to return, but the configuration process went through without a hitch, displaying
WDK Remote User Account successfully created
Installing .NET Framework 9possible reboot)
Installing VC Redist (x64)
Installing test automation (x86)
Installing test automation (x64)
Installing debuggers (x86)
Installing debuggers (x64)
Installing driver test framewok
Registering logging components
Configure debugger settings (x64) (possible reboot)
Configure computer settings (x64) (possible reboot)
Creating system restore point
So I assumed that what I assumed about serial/com ports to be wrong and continued to attach the WKM Debugger to 'Kernel' of my target computer, which was listed under the "Available Processes" datagrid. When I click the 'Attach' button, however, I get an error that says:
Windows Debugging Extension for Visual Studio
Could not start debug session, error 80070002: The system cannot find the file specified
I've tried Building/Rebuilding the project many times, and Provisioning the target computer also multiple times to the same results. I saw that question number 25776839 also had the same issue as me, but he mentioned something about changing VS's default from Kernel Debugger to Remote Debugger, which I'm not sure how that can be accomplished, but also caused other problems. I've also tried to "attach process" using the same setting via WinDBG but did not produce anything useful.
Also, I switched from MSVS2015 and WDK10 to MSVS2013 and WDK8.1 because their tutorial files led me to missing header files (warning.h many others), and package files.
Can anyone show me what I did wrong or what I need to do to fix the 80070002 error? Yes, I am new to driver dev.

C++ runtime error pythonw

I have been trying to run a script to generate a mandelbrot image using matplotlib however I am getting a very peculiar error. I am running the script through IDLE, running it for the first time does nothing but running it again after that brings up a window that says:
"Runtime error!
Program: C:\Python27\pythonw.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way."
The name of the window that pops up is Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
I have previously gotten errors about pythonw when trying to run image related stuff, usually the plot will stop responding and a message displays "pythonw.exe has stopped working".
I have searched high and low for a solution to this and google shows a few people having similar problems but no one replying to their posts.
I have also tried installing microsoft visual x64 C++ 2010 redistributed package but that aborted stating that there was a more up to date version present
interestingly looking through windows update history shows some failed security updates for microsoft visual C++ 2008 that did later install. (don't know if thats relavent)
Running windows 7 64 bit and python 2.7
Was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what was going on and how to fix it because I sure don't
Thanks in advance!