How to use QML_IMPORT_PATH with Qt Cmake Project? - c++

I need to provide some modules for project.
Now, it looks for them in QT directory(I've installed it in $HOME), but instead of it I want to make it search in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/.
What I have tried:
a) Defining QML_IMPORT_PATH in .bashrc - didn't work out
b) Copying needed module in $HOME/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qml/:
Here we have something different. If I open of the .qml files - it wouldn't underscore import line (which is ok). But, If I run executable with console - the same message module org.bla.bla is not installed.
So, If copying didn't help, maybe I had to just make QtCreator(or smth else) search for modules in appropriate folder, but how?
Well, you can define path to your modules with QML2_IMPORT_PATH(not just QML, but QML2). As I mentioned above, I've copied module folder in $HOME/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qml/ which is completely wrong! The right way was to copy it in $QT_HOME/5.5/gcc_64/qml/. It runs now fine, but I can't say the same about "how" it works. Unfortunately, this is not related to the question I've asked. Therefore, I'll not ask others to answer my question, but won't close it as well until find real problem and mention it here, so I can help others.

With the new and upcoming QtCreator 4.1 you will be able to do that. Just set QML_IMPORT_PATH in your CMake cache. If you have multiple paths, separate them with a ; which is just how a list is done in CMake.
list(APPEND QML_DIRS "dir1")
list(APPEND QML_DIRS "dir2")
set(QML_IMPORT_PATH "${QML_DIRS}" CACHE STRING "Qt Creator 4.1 extra qml import paths")

Here is an improvement of #Tom Deblauwe's answer that allows to keep system-specific local settings out of the repository's makefile. It assumes you use QT Creator as your IDE.
In Qt Creator, open the "Projects" sidebar tab and there go to "Build & Run → [your build config's entry] → Build → CMake".
In the list of CMake configuration settings you find there, set the value of setting QML_IMPORT_PATH according to your system. Separate multiple directories
with ";".
You can additionally provide some common defaults in the repository's CMakeLists.txt makefile so that users with common setups don't need to set their their QML_IMPORT_PATH. The code below will not overwrite the user's QML_IMPORT_PATH but append to it. You'd add the following to CMakeLists.txt:
# Directories where Qt Creator can find QML files.
# (Not needed for builds, but makes Qt Creator code completion happy.)
list(APPEND QML_IMPORT_PATH "/example/path/to/qml")
list(APPEND QML_IMPORT_PATH "/second/example/path/to/qml")
# Prevent adding duplicate values at each run of CMake.
# The variable is cached in ${BUILD_DIR}/CMakeCache.txt. We need FORCE to
# change it there immediately. Also, add a comment to the cache file.
CACHE STRING "Qt Creator 4.1 extra qml import paths"
After running CMake, QML_IMPORT_PATH is now the user-defined value plus some CMakeLists.txt defined values appended to it. Qt Creator's CMake configuration settings from steps 1-2 will still show the user's value in the table. But when mousing over that value, the full value incl. the appended portion is shown in a popover.


If I find_package in CMakeLists.txt, must I find_dependency in my installed config.cmake?

I'm using CMake to build and to install a certain library, foo.
My library depends on some other library, bar, which has a config CMake script, so I have:
find_package(bar REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC bar::bar)
That's as far as building goes. For installation, I have appropriate install() commands, with exports, and version configuration and all that stuff. This generates the package's -config.cmake file (as well as a version config file), so I don't need to keep one in the repository, nor generate one line-by-line within my CMakeLists.txt
Now, CMake has a module named find_dependency(), whose documentation suggests is to be used in package configuration files. But - I don't explicitly add it there. Should I? And more generally: Under which circumstances should I manually ensure a package configuration file has a find_dependency() for various find_package()'s?
First, CMake does not support "Transitive" behavior for find_package() (check this question).
The documentation recommends that "All REQUIRED dependencies of a package should be found in the Config.cmake file":
# <package>Config.cmake file
find_dependency(Stats 2.6.4)
include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/ClimbingStatsTargets.cmake") # They depend on Stats
So, answering your questions:
"I don't explicitly add it there. Should I?" You actually have to, at least for REQUIRED packages.
"Under which circumstances should I manually ensure a package configuration file has a find_dependency() for various find_package()'s?" For required packages, you must. For optional package, you might want to add it in the configuration file so that optional features will be available.
I am working on a project which depends on an external package (Catch2). In my top level CMakelists.txt I have:
# Top level CMakelists.txt
set(Catch2_DIR "${PATH_TO_CATCH2}/lib/cmake/Catch2/")
find_package(Catch2 ${CATCH2_VERSION} REQUIRED)
Then I added the following to my package configuration file:
# <package>Config.cmake file
set(Catch2_DIR "#PATH_TO_CATCH2#/lib/cmake/Catch2/") #be careful, path hard coded
find_dependency(Catch2 REQUIRED)
Just be careful because the find_dependency is a macro and it will change the value of PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR variable in your package configuration file.

How can I make find_package search with config mode and fallback on module mode?

When a library defines a build with CMake and goes through the trouble of building an install package for itself, there will be a XXXConfig.cmake.
If a library doesn't have a way to export it's targets to CMake, CMake tries to bridge the gap by providing FindXXX.cmake scripts that attempt to locate such libraries.
In the docs, FindXXX.cmake (module mode), is attempted first, and only if that fails does it attempt to use XXXConfig.cmake (config mode). But this seems like a really backwards to me.
The problem is, for example, I have built CURL from source, and the ConfigXXX produces a different target name than FindXXX, so, when trying to use it, it fails because FindXXX took responsibility for the find_package request and loaded a different target name than what I was expecting.
Can I at least tell CMake somehow to do things the other way around? Config mode first.
I know I can disable module mode entirely, but I'd rather have it as a fallback option.
New in version 3.15:
Set CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG to TRUE to tell find_package() to first search using Config mode before falling back to Module mode.
References: 1, 2.
Just use find_package with CONFIG mode, check its result, and, if result is false, repeat the call with MODULE mode:
# First time do not use common *REQUIRED* but use QUIET for do not output error messages on fail.
find_package(XXX CONFIG QUIET)
# Previous call has been failed. Fallback with MODULE mode.
find_package(XXX MODULE REQUIRED) # Now it is OK to use REQUIRED if needed.
# ... There could be additional actions for wrap result "as if" CONFIG mode.
# ... use XXX
You can try this find_package(XXX CONFIG REQUIRED).
see the link: CMake: Of what use is find_package() if you need to specify CMAKE_MODULE_PATH anyway?

Files exclusion (custom and transient) from build

I have many C++ (Google Test) source files in my Visual Studiosolution and I want to have the possibility to keep only a few for the build (to focus on the problem), but also to come back quick enough (two times by day) to the initial configuration.
We are using, more or less, about three solutions: Visual Studio, CMake and QT (but I could add yet another one). I never used QT, so the other two solutions I see are:
Visual Studio: folders are useless, but I can select files and exclude them from build. But these changes are saved in vcproj so I have to pay attention not to save them on the version control, which is annoying.
CMake: easy change the CMakeLists.txt (comment lines with the sources folders), but I always have the version control problem ... maybe I can configure the excluded files in a custom (user) file. Advantage: I can generate only what I want, more flexible and not so boring like the previous one.
By example, if I do not want the sources in src_2:
# next line is commented
# ${SRC_FILES_2}
Is there another solution or a way to improve one of these proposed here?
You can control this with a cmake variable.
option(BUILD_TESTS "builds test cpp files" ON)
This adds an option for your cmake file. It defaults in this case to ON you can change that though. Now lets get on:
set(TEST_CPP_FILES test1.cpp test2.cpp)
add_executabe(foo bar.cpp bar1.cpp $(TEST_CPP_FILES))
Here you define a variable with the source file of your tests (or whatever source files you want to build when the BUILD_TESTS is ON. These then get added to the target. If BUILD_TESTS is off this variable will be empty.
now to change the Value you can run
cmake <...> -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF
Or with ON if you want to turn them back on again. You also can keep the change in version control because it will default to ON and you need to explicitly disable it.
You can also exclude whole subdirectories or targets with this in the if statement if you not just only want to exclude source files.
For your example it could look like this:
SRC_FILES_2 should be empty afterwards.

QtCreator CMake project - how to show all project files

I use QtCreator to open CMake project. Some directories apart from CMakeLists.txt contains only headers files *.h and for those directories QtCreator in the project tree view shows only CMakeLists.txt. How to fix that ? I need to see all project files from QtCreator.
Viewing project as a file system is not a solution at all cause your project editor settings for example would not apply.
And I do not like to add headers to executable target, cause they do not actually belong there. You effectively cripple the project file to work nicely with one particular IDE... not good.
The cleaner option IMHO would be:
FILE(GLOB_RECURSE LibFiles "include/*.hpp")
add_custom_target(headers SOURCES ${LibFiles})
As a bonus you get your includes shown in a separate folder.
(borrowed from
I would suggest you switching your project view to File System. This would display a view where you could view any file you want:
You might want to split your project view into two by clicking the second to right button, if you still desire the Projects mode.
You should add header files to the list of your source files: add_executable(${Executable} ${Sources} ${headers})
You can use GLOB_RECURSE if have many header files:
add_executable(main "main.cpp" ${INC_ALL})
Don't forget to run CMake again (Build>Run Cmake).
Based on another thread asking the same question, I found a generic solution to the problem, working for all IDE's (at least tested with QtCreator and Visual Studio).
Can be found here :
# \brief adds for the given target a fake executable targets which allows all
# headers and symbols to be shown in IDEs.
# \param target_name Which target properties should be added to the IDE support target.
function(target_add_ide_support target_name)
if (NOT TARGET ${target_name})
message(FATAL_ERROR "No target defined with name ${target_name}, cannot target_add_ide_support it.")
set (target_for_ide "${target_name}_ide_support")
if (NOT TARGET ${target_for_ide})
file(GLOB_RECURSE target_for_ide_srcs "*.h" "*.hpp" "*.hxx" "*.c" "*.cpp" "*.cxx")
add_executable(${target_for_ide} ${target_for_ide_srcs})
set_target_properties(${target_for_ide} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 1 EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD 1)
get_target_property(dirs ${target_name} INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
target_include_directories(${target_for_ide} PRIVATE ${dirs})
Usage is then for any targets in the CMakeLists, add the following call (can be made in top-most CMakeLists.txt after all add_subdirectory :
You can try CMakeProjectManager2. Code to display all files already propagated to upstream as a proof of concept. Concept applied but code can't be applied as-is for some reasons. So, simple wait feature in upstream.
There is a closed bug report about this issue: CMake project shows no files.
In that particular case the issue was with the chosen generator, Ninja, which is not well supported by QtCreator.
Please change that to "CodeBlocks - Ninja". Creator needs the CodeBlocks extra generator.
You should see a warning about that when hovering the kit (and the kit should have a warning icon in front of its name).
Using CodeBlocks - Ninja solved it for me too.
Overall, it may help to try up a few generators...

C++ CMake (add non-built files)

I am using cmake to configure my project. I visualize project's files using qtcreator which read the CMakeLists.txt.
I have a few text files (non-code: config files, log, ..) and I would like to add them to my cmake project without (of course) compiling/linking them. Is it possible ?
The main goal it to open them automatically in the tree of my project with qtcreator and edit them ...
Thanks for help.
You should be able to just add them to your list of sources in whichever add_executable or add_library call is appropriate and they will appear in the IDE.
I believe CMake uses the files' extensions to determine if they are actual source files, so if yours have extensions like ".txt" or ".log" they won't be compiled.
Instead of adding files which are not directly needed to build your library or executable, you can create a custom target to make these files appear in you IDE:
SOURCES readme.txt)
Hi I've created this kind of function:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
# cmake_parse_arguments needs cmake 3.5
# This function always adds sources to target, but when "WHEN" condition is not meet
# source is excluded from build process.
# This doesn't break build, but source is always visible for the project, what is
# very handy when working with muti-platform project with sources needed
# only for specific platform
# Usage:
# target_optional_sources(WHEN <condition>
# TARGET <target>
# [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])
set(options OPTIONAL "")
set(oneValueArgs WHEN TARGET)
"${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}"
PUBLIC ${target_optional_sources_PUBLIC}
PRIVATE ${target_optional_sources_PRIVATE}
INTERFACE ${target_optional_sources_INTERFACE})
if (NOT ${target_optional_sources_WHEN})
endif(NOT ${target_optional_sources_WHEN})
On one hand it works as it is desired, on other hand some error is reported, so still working on that. Issu turn out to be problem how I used the function not how it is written. Now it works perfectly.