Clojure reduce transducer - clojure

I am looking for a simple example of transducers with a reducing function.
I was hoping that the following would return a transducing function, since (filter odd?) works that way :
(def sum (reduce +))
clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (1) passed to: core$reduce
My current understanding of transducers is that by omitting the collection argument, we get back a transducing function that we can compose with other transducing functions. Why is it different for filter and reduce ?

The reduce function doesn't return a transducer.
It's that way because of reduce is the function which returns a value which could be sequence. Other function like filter or map always returns sequences(even empty), that allows to combine this functions.
For combining something with a reduce function, you can use a reducer library
which gives a functionality similar to what you want to do (if I correctly understood this).
Ok, my answer is a bit confusing.
First of all let's take a look on an how filter, map and many other functions works: it's not surprise, that all this function is based on reduce, it's an reduction function(in that way, that they doesn't create a collection with bigger size that input one). So, if you reduce some coll in any way - You can combine your reduction to pass reducible value from reducible coll between all the reduction function to get final value. It is a great way to improve performance, because part of values will hopefully nil somehow (as a part of transformation), and there is only one logical cycle (I mean loop, you iterate over sequence only one time and pass every value through all the transformation).
So, why the reduce function is so different, because everything built on it?
All transducer based on a simple and effective idea which in my opinion looks like sieve. But the reduction may be only for last step, because of the only one value as the result. So, the only way you can use reduce here is to provide a coll and a reduction form.
Reduce in sieve analogy is like funnel under the sieve:
You take your collection, throw it to some function like map and filter and take - and as you can see the size of new collection, which is the result of transformation, will never be bigger than the input collection. So the last step may be a reduce which takes a sieved collection and takes one value based on everything what was done.
There is also a different function, which allows you to combine transducers and reducers - transducer, but it's also require a function, because it's like an entry point and the last step in our sieve.
The reducers library is similar to transducers and also allow reduce as a last step. It's just another approach to make the same as a transducer.
To achieve what you want to do you can use partial function instead. It would be like this:
(def sum
(partial reduce +'))
(sum [1 2 3])
will return obvious answer of 6


Why is reduce not causing a stackoverflow in clojure?

Suppose you have this code:
(reduce + 1 (range 1 13000))
Should this not cause a stackoverflow, because it is not tail call optimized? Or is reduce similar to loop?
A reduce will effectively be a loop over the values of the collection.
I say "effectively" because there are actually many different reduce implementation strategies employed by Clojure, depending on the type of the collection. This includes seq traversal via first/next, reduction via iterator, and collections that know how to self-reduce more efficiently.
In this case, the call to range actually returns a LongRange object which implements the IReduceInit interface for self reduction and actually does a tight do/while loop (implemented in Java).
The code for this can be found here in the latest release.

Using Filter on vectors

I am trying to use the filter function over a vector called dataset that is defined like so:
And I want to get all of the values that contain a certain string, something like this:
(filter (contains "AK") dataset)
Which would return:
Is it possible to do this using the filter function?
I already iterate over the vector using doseq but I'm required to use filter at some point in my code.
Thanks :)
The basic answer is yes, you can use filter to do this. Filter expects a
predicate function i.e. a function which returns true or false. The filter
function will iterate over the elements in the collection you pass in and pass
each element from that collection to the predicate. What you do inside the
predicate function is totally up to you (though you should make sure to avoid
side effects). Filter will collect all the elements where the predicate returned
true into a new lazy sequence.
Essentially, you have (long form)
(filter (fn [element]
; some test returning true/fals) col)
where col is your collection. The result will be a LAZY SEQUENCE of elements
where the predicate function returned true. It is important to understand that
things like filter and map return lazy sequences and know what that really means.
The critical bit to understand is the structure of your collection. In your
description, you stated
I am trying to use the filter function over a vector called dataset
that is defined like so:
AK,0.89,0.98 AR,0.49,0.23 AN,0.21,0.78 ...
Unfortunately, your description is a little ambiguous. If your dataset structure
is actually a vector of vectors (not simply a vector), then things are very
straight-forward. This is because it will mean that each 'element' passed to the
predicate function will be one of your 'inner' vectors. The real definition is
more accurately represented as
what will be passed to the predicate is a vector of 3 elements. If you just want
to select all the vectors where the first element is 'AK', then the predicate
function could be as simple as
(fn [el]
(if (= "AK" (first el))
So the full line would be something like
(filter (fn [el]
(if (= "AK" (first el))
false)) [[AK 0.89 0.98] [AR 0.49 0.23] [AN 0.21 0.78]])
and that is just the start and very verbose version. There is lots you can do to
make this even shorter e.g.
(filter #(= "AK" (first %)) [..])
If on the other hand, you really do just have a single vector, then things
become a little more complicated because you would need to somehow group the
values. This could be done by using the partition function to break up your
vector into groups of 3 items before passing them to filter e.g.
(filter pred (partition 3 col))
which would group the elements in your original vector into groups of 3 and pass
each group to the predicate function. This is where the real power of map,
filter, reduce, etc come into play - you can transform the data, passing it
through a pipeline of functions, each of which somehow manipulates the data and
a final result pops out the end.
The key point is to understand what filter (and other functions like this, such
as map or reduce) will understand as an 'element' in your input
collection. Basically, this is the same as what would be returned by 'first'
called on the collection. This is what is passed to the predicate function in
There are a lot of assumptions here. One of the main ones is that your data is
strictly ordered i.e. the value you are looking to test is always the first
element in each group. If this is not the case, then more work will need to be
done. Likewise, we assume the data is always in groups of 3. If it isn't, then other approaches will be needed.

Why is cons necessary to prevent infinite recursion

When defining an infinite sequence, I noticed that cons is necessary to avoid infinite recursion. However, what I don't understand is why. Here is the code in question:
(defn even-numbers
([] (even-numbers 0))
([n] (cons n (lazy-seq (even-numbers (+ 2 n))))))
(take 10 (even-numbers))
;; (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18)
This works great; but since I love to question things, I began to wonder why the cons was needed (other than to include 0). After all, the lazy-seq function creates a lazy-seq. Which means, the rest of the values should not be calculated until called (or chunked). So, I tried it.
(defn even-numbers-v2
([] (even-numbers-v2 0))
([n] (lazy-seq (even-numbers-v2 (+ 2 n)))))
(take 10 (even-numbers-v2))
;; Infinite loooooooooop
So, now I know that cons is necessary, but I'd like to know why cons is necessary to cause lazy evaluation of a supposedly lazy sequence
Lazy seqs are a way to defer computation of actual seq elements, but those elements do need to be computed eventually. That doesn't actually have to involve cons – for example clojure.core/concat uses "chunked conses" when processing chunked operands, and it's ok to wrap any concrete seq type whatsoever in lazy-seq – but some kind of non-lazy return after however many layers of lazy-seq is necessary if any seq processing is to take place. Otherwise there won't even be a first element to get to.
Put yourself in the position of a function that's been handed a lazy seq. The caller has told it, in effect, "here's this thing that's for all intents and purposes a seq, but I don't feel like computing the actual elements until later". Now our function needs some actual elements to operate, so it pokes and prods the seq to try and get it to produce some elements… and then what?
If peeling off some lazy-seq layers eventually produces a Cons cell, a list, a seq over a vector or any other concrete seq-like thing with actual elements, then great, the function can read off an element from that and make progress.
But if the only result of peeling off those layers is that more layers are revealed, and it's lazy-seqs all the way down, well… There are no elements to be found. And since in principle there is no way to determine whether by peeling off sufficiently many layers some elements could eventually be produced (cf. the halting problem), the function consuming an unrealizable lazy seq of this sort has in general no choice but to continue looping forever.
To take another angle, let's consider your even-numbers-v2 function. It takes an argument and returns a lazy-seq object wrapping a further call to itself. Now, the original argument it receives (n) is used to compute the argument to the recursive call ((+ 2 n)), but otherwise isn't placed in any data structure or otherwise conveyed to the caller, so there is no reason why it would occur as an element of the resulting seq. All the caller sees is that the function has produced a lazy seq object and it has no choice but to unwrap that in search for an actual element of the sequence; and of course then the situation repeats itself (not strictly forever in this case, but only because + will eventually complain about arithmetic overflow when dealing with longs).

Why clojure collections don't implement ISeq interface directly?

Every collection in clojure is said to be "sequable" but only list and cons are actually seqs:
user> (seq? {:a 1 :b 2})
user> (seq? [1 2 3])
All other seq functions first convert a collection to a sequence and only then operate on it.
user> (class (rest {:a 1 :b 2}))
I cannot do things like:
user> (:b (rest {:a 1 :b 2}))
user> (:b (filter #(-> % val (= 1)) {:a 1 :b 1 :c 2}))
and have to coerce back to concrete data type. This looks like bad design to me, but most likely I just don't get it as yet.
So, why clojure collections don't implement ISeq interface directly and all seq functions don't return an object of the same class as the input object?
This has been discussed on the Clojure google group; see for example the thread map semantics from February of this year. I'll take the liberty of reusing some of the points I made in my message to that thread below while adding several new ones.
Before I go on to explain why I think the "separate seq" design is the correct one, I would like to point out that a natural solution for the situations where you'd really want to have an output similar to the input without being explicit about it exists in the form of the function fmap from the contrib library algo.generic. (I don't think it's a good idea to use it by default, however, for the same reasons for which the core library design is a good one.)
The key observation, I believe, is that the sequence operations like map, filter etc. conceptually divide into three separate concerns:
some way of iterating over their input;
applying a function to each element of the input;
producing an output.
Clearly 2. is unproblematic if we can deal with 1. and 3. So let's have a look at those.
For 1., consider that the simplest and most performant way to iterate over a collection typically does not involve allocating intermediate results of the same abstract type as the collection. Mapping a function over a chunked seq over a vector is likely to be much more performant than mapping a function over a seq producing "view vectors" (using subvec) for each call to next; the latter, however, is the best we can do performance-wise for next on Clojure-style vectors (even in the presence of RRB trees, which are great when we need a proper subvector / vector slice operation to implement an interesting algorithm, but make traversals terrifying slow if we used them to implement next).
In Clojure, specialized seq types maintain traversal state and extra functionality such as (1) a node stack for sorted maps and sets (apart from better performance, this has better big-O complexity than traversals using dissoc / disj!), (2) current index + logic for wrapping leaf arrays in chunks for vectors, (3) a traversal "continuation" for hash maps. Traversing a collection through an object like this is simply faster than any attempt at traversing through subvec / dissoc / disj could be.
Suppose, however, that we're willing to accept the performance hit when mapping a function over a vector. Well, let's try filtering now:
(->> some-vector (map f) (filter p?))
There's a problem here -- there's no good way to remove elements from a vector. (Again, RRB trees could help in theory, but in practice all the RRB slicing and concatenating involved in producing "real vector" for filtering operations would absolutely destroy performance.)
Here's a similar problem. Consider this pipeline:
(->> some-sorted-set (filter p?) (map f) (take n))
Here we benefit from laziness (or rather, from the ability to stop filtering and mapping early; there's a point involving reducers to be made here, see below). Clearly take could be reordered with map, but not with filter.
The point is that if it's ok for filter to convert to seq implicitly, then it is also ok for map; and similar arguments can be made for other sequence functions. Once we've made the argument for all -- or nearly all -- of them, it becomes clear that it also makes sense for seq to return specialized seq objects.
Incidentally, filtering or mapping a function over a collection without producing a similar collection as a result is very useful. For example, often we care only about the result of reducing the sequence produced by a pipeline of transformations to some value or about calling a function for side effect at each element. For these scenarios, there is nothing whatsoever to be gained by maintaining the input type and quite a lot to be lost in performance.
Producing an output
As noted above, we do not always want to produce an output of the same type as the input. When we do, however, often the best way to do so is to do the equivalent of pouring a seq over the input into an empty output collection.
In fact, there is absolutely no way to do better for maps and sets. The fundamental reason is that for sets of cardinality greater than 1 there is no way to predict the cardinality of the output of mapping a function over a set, since the function can "glue together" (produce the same outputs for) arbitrary inputs.
Additionally, for sorted maps and sets there is no guarantee that the input set's comparator will be able to deal with outputs from an arbitrary function.
So, if in many cases there is no way to, say, map significantly better than by doing a seq and an into separately, and considering how both seq and into make useful primitives in their own right, Clojure makes the choice of exposing the useful primitives and letting users compose them. This lets us map and into to produce a set from a set, while leaving us the freedom to not go on to the into stage when there is no value to be gained by producing a set (or another collection type, as the case may be).
Not all is seq; or, consider reducers
Some of the problems with using the collection types themselves when mapping, filtering etc. don't apply when using reducers.
The key difference between reducers and seqs is that the intermediate objects produced by clojure.core.reducers/map and friends only produce "descriptor" objects that maintain information on what computations need to be performed in the event that the reducer is actually reduced. Thus, individual stages of the computation can be merged.
This allows us to do things like
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(->> some-set (r/map f) (r/filter p?) (into #{}))
Of course we still need to be explicit about our (into #{}), but this is just a way of saying "the reducers pipeline ends here; please produce the result in the form of a set". We could also ask for a different collection type (a vector of results perhaps; note that mapping f over a set may well produce duplicate results and we may in some situations wish to preserve them) or a scalar value ((reduce + 0)).
The main points are these:
the fastest way to iterate over a collection typically doesn't involve produce intermediate results similar to the input;
seq uses the fastest way to iterate;
the best approach to transforming a set by mapping or filtering involves using a seq-style operation, because we want to iterate very fast while accumulating an output;
thus seq makes a great primitive;
map and filter, in their choice to deal with seqs, depending on the scenario, may avoid performance penalties without upsides, benefit from laziness etc., yet can still be used to produce a collection result with into;
thus they too make great primitives.
Some of these points may not apply to a statically typed language, but of course Clojure is dynamic. Additionally, when we do want to a return that matches input type, we're simply forced to be explicit about it and that, in itself, may be viewed as a good thing.
Sequences are a logical list abstraction. They provide access to a (stable) ordered sequence of values. They are implemented as views over collections (except for lists where the concrete interface matches the logical interface). The sequence (view) is a separate data structure that refers into the collection to provide the logical abstraction.
Sequence functions (map, filter, etc) take a "seqable" thing (something which can produce a sequence), call seq on it to produce the sequence, and then operate on that sequence, returning a new sequence. It is up to you whether you need to or how to re-collect that sequence back into a concrete collection. While vectors and lists are ordered, sets and maps are not and thus sequences over these data structures must compute and retain the order outside the collection.
Specialized functions like mapv, filterv, reduce-kv allow you to stay "in the collection" when you know you want the operation to return a collection at the end instead of sequence.
Seqs are ordered structures, whereas maps and sets are unordered. Two maps that are equal in value may have a different internal ordering. For example:
user=> (seq (array-map :a 1 :b 2))
([:a 1] [:b 2])
user=> (seq (array-map :b 2 :a 1))
([:b 2] [:a 1])
It makes no sense to ask for the rest of a map, because it's not a sequential structure. The same goes for a set.
So what about vectors? They're sequentially ordered, so we could potentially map across a vector, and indeed there is such a function: mapv.
You may well ask: why is this not implicit? If I pass a vector to map, why doesn't it return a vector?
Well, first that would mean making an exception for ordered structures like vectors, and Clojure isn't big on making exceptions.
But more importantly you'd lose one of the most useful properties of seqs: laziness. Chaining together seq functions, such as map and filter is a very common operation, and without laziness this would be much less performant and far more memory-intensive.
The collection classes follow a factory pattern i.e instead of implementing ISeq they implement Sequable i.e you can create a ISeq from the collection but the collection itself is not an ISeq.
Now even if these collections implemented ISeq directly I am not sure how that would solve your problem of having general purpose sequence functions that would return the original object, as that would not make sense at all as these general purpose functions are supposed to work on ISeq, they have no idea about which object gave them this ISeq
Example in java:
interface ISeq {
class A implements ISeq {
class B implements ISeq {
static class Helpers {
Filter can only work with ISeq, that's what makes it general purpose.
There is no way it could return A or B objects.
public static ISeq filter(ISeq coll, ...) { }

Converting To loop ... recur recursion

As I understand it, recursing in Clojure without using the loop .. recur syntax might not be a problem for short sequences. However, using the loop .. recur syntax is the preferred method for writing recursive functions. So, I would like to start with the preferred method.
However, I have been struggling to convert this function [edit] which returns the skeleton of a sequence (the sequence structure without its values)
(defn skl
(map skl (filter seq? tree)))
tested with this data
(def test_data1 '(1 (2 3) ( ) (( )) :a))
(def test_data2 '(1 2 (3 4) (5 ( 6 7 8))))
to loop .. recur syntax. Any ideas or pointers to examples would be appreciated.
Loop and recur is a transformation of a simple iteration. Descending into a tree is inherently recursive, however. You would have to maintain a stack manually in order to transform it into a single iteration. There is thus no "simple" conversion for your code.
You may want to look into the zipper library which allows for good structured tree editing, though it will likely be less elegant than your origional. I almost never need to use loop ... recur. There is almost always a higher order function that solved the problem more elegantly with the same or better efficiency.
Replacing map with loop ... recur makes code more verbose and less clear. You also lose the benefits of chunked sequences.
Take a look at the clojure.walk source. It's a library to do (bulk) operations on all Clojure nested datastructures (excluding ordered maps). There's some very powerful but deceptively simple looking code in there, using recursion through locally defined anonymous functions without using loop/recur.
Most of the functions in there are based on the postwalk and prewalk functions, which in turn are both based on the walk function. With the source and (prewalk-demo form) and (postwalk-demo form) you can get a good insight into the recursive steps taken.
I don't know if this might help you in solving your problem though. I'm currently trying to do something in the same problem domain: create a function to "flatten" nested maps and vectors into a sequence of all paths from root to leaf, each path a sequence of keys and/or indexes ending in the 'leaf' value.
This library seems to make editing values recursively throughout the whole structure pretty simple. However, I still have no idea how to use it to functionally keep track of accumulated data between iterations that are needed for my 'paths' and probably as well for your 'skeleton' problem.