aerender ERROR: No render settings template was found with the given name - after-effects

I'm trying to run aerender.exe from command-line using
aerender.exe -project /path/to/my/project -comp "Intro" -s 1 -e 10 -RStemplate "Multi-Machine Settings" -OMtemplate "Multi-Machine Sequence"
I actually copy/pasted this command and tweaked it slightly to fit my .aep file and composition name.
However, running it gives me
aerender ERROR: No render settings template was found with the given name.
I've tried running in admin mode to no avail.
I simply dont get it. They're default templates and even Adobe states them on their site (
Why do I get this error?
Can anyone using after effects confirm this?

I found the problem!
I'm using a German version of After Effects CS6.
The template names are translated into German, too.
So the above command should look like:
aerender.exe -project /path/to/my/project -comp "Intro" -s 1 -e 10 -RStemplate "Multi-Machine Settings" -OMtemplate "Sequenz für mehrere Rechner"


How to list all xlinks in Plastic repo

I have Plastic SCM version 9 windows client and I want to list all xlinks inside repo (incl subdirs). I know this is impossible in graphical mode. However I was thinking I could list all dirs with subdirs to file (using command line) and then parse it with cm xlink -s.
I'm stuck at this point. I tried following dos command:
for %%x in (dirlist.txt) do cm xlink -s %%x
but it checks only dirlist.txt file. What is the correct dos command to do this?
dirlist.txt looks like this:
...and so on. Basically I need to check every subdir from within dirlist.txt if it's an xlink or not. If it's not then the command will return message some_dir is not an xlink. but if it encounter xlink then it will show proper message.
Or maybe there is another quicker way to do this?

oh-my-fish `omf: command not found` in WebStorm terminal emulator

I am using WebStorm 2017.1.3 on Fedora 25.
I have fish set up as my default shell and installed oh-my-fish so in
Terminal I see my git branch and other information by default. omf update runs as expected.
In the WebStorm terminal emulator I still get fish, but not omf:
user#host ~> omf
fish: omf: command not found...
I'm a noob fish and omf user, can anyone help?
I have fish set up as my default shell and installed oh-my-fish so in Terminal I see my git branch and other information by default.
Note that you don't need omf for this. Fish ships a number of prompts that include vcs information. You can pick one with fish_config or add the __fish_vcs_prompt function to your fish_prompt.
In the WebStorm terminal emulator I still get fish, but not omf:
user#host ~> omf
fish: omf: command not found...
The "omf" function is stored in a file named "" in a directory in $fish_function_path. This means that directory isn't included there.
The way omf works in a reasonably current (> 2.3.0) fish is that it has a bootstrap file (~/.config/fish/conf.d/ that then sources the rest. It seems this isn't run.
I'd suggest you compare the values of $fish_function_path, $OMF_PATH and possibly $XDG_DATA_HOME in webstorm and outside of it.
An answer was given here: IntelliJ's embedded terminal does not load fish functions. I.e, add some lines of code to the app for the time being (until Jetbrains makes a fix).
I fixed this by going to Settings | Terminal then turning off Shell integration.
This allowed me to run omf and also have the bobthefish theme work with powerline/nerd fonts (after updating the terminal font at Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | Font Console)
I was using phpStorm 2017.3.4 but I assume this will also work in any IntelliJ embedded terminal.

How to run opencv sample surf matcher?

I tried to run this sample code from opencv but I'm confused as to how to run it. It only shows this help message:
Usage: surf_matcher[options]
Available options:
Usage: surf_matcher_2.exe [params]
--cpu_mode, -m (value:false)
run without OpenCL
-h, --help (value:false)
print help message
-l, --1eft (value: box.png)
specify left image
-o, --output (value: SURF output . jpg)
specify output save path
-r, --right (value: box in scene.png)
specify right image
From my basic understanding of arguments, I tried many kinds of input arguments as follows:
-l box.png -r box_in_scene.png
--left box.png --right box_in_scene.png
--l box.png --r box_in_scene.png
But it still did not work. It did have this error but built successfully:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) the default constructor of "SURFMatcher<cv::BFMatcher>" cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function surf_matcher_2 c:\Users\user\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\surf_matcher_2\surf_matcher_2\surf_matcher_2.cpp 195
I got it to run a long time ago but replicating the old project didn't work either.
The syntax to use for CommandLineParser is a bit different. You need to put = after the option. Like this:
-l=box.png -r=box_in_scene.png -o=out.png
--left=box.png --right=box_in_scene.png --output=out.png
Be sure to put the correct path for the images.

How can I select a drop down menu when I save a file using Applescript?

I've been trying to program an AppleScript that writes and exports an AppleScript . And so far, I've gotten as far as automating the writing of the script and getting to the "Export..." menu. I've pasted link to a screen shot of the menu that I've gotten to below.
Link to image
can someone please let me know (in the simplest way possible) a way to automate the clicking of the Application option under the drop down menu (is it called that?) named File Format using apple script. Can someone also please inform me of (if there is) a way to automate the clicking of the Run Only check box? If you are unsure what is where, the two spots (the list and the check box) is squared in red in the image.
#Darrick Herwehe's answer has the crucial pointer: use oascompile to compile AppleScript source code - no need for (cumbersome and error-prone) GUI scripting.
If you wanted to compile your AppleScript (plain-text) source file - e.g., some.applescript to:
application (bundle)
with the execute-only (run-only) option (i.e., the plain-text source code is NOT included in the bundle)
you'd run
osacompile -x -o some.applescript
Alternatively, you can even provide the source code as a _string:
osacompile -x -o -e 'display alert "hello, world"'
If you wanted to achieve the same thing from AppleScript itself:
set src to "display alert \"hello, world\""
do shell script "osacompile -x -o ~/ -e " & quoted form of src
Note that the output format - an application bundle in this case - is inferred from the filename extension of the output filename passed to -o.
To invoke directly from its output folder for a quick test, use:
open ./
Caveat: There's at least 1 bug (around since at least 2012 and still there in OS X 10.9.2) that causes osacompile to compile incorrectly; see osacompile changing the AppleScript output so it won't run

System Call C++ with Weka

I'm writing a C++ project that will occasionally use a system call to Weka to get some machine learning information. First I'd like to ensure that the training model (training.model) is up to date. So, at the beginning of main, I call:
system("\"java weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -t ML_data.arff -d training.model\"");
That gives Error: could not find or load main class weka.classifiers.trees.J48. I know what that means, so I moved the entire Weka project folder, entitled Weka-3-6, to the directory in which my project is found. So then I tried:
system("\"java \Weka-3-6\\weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -t ML_data.arff -d training.model\"");
But that returns Error: could not find or load Weka-3-6\weka.classifiers.trees.J48.
I feel like I'm in the right neighborhood, but I can't get the slashes right, and I'd prefer not to mess with absolute paths because the folders have spaces and that makes it even messier. Any ideas? Help is greatly appreciated.
Open a terminal/cmd prompt and try to run your command in your terminal/cmd prompt. Following is an example cmd batch script for windows. Your problem is most likely java classpath settings not weka problem. If you succeed in following command, then try your command with again in c++.
SET WEKA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Weka-3-7
SET HEAP_OPTION=-Xms4096m -Xmx8192m
%JAVA_COMMAND% weka.core.SystemInfo