Multithread server doesn't work - c++

I am writing simple client server program in Qt that server is multi thread.
For one server it work correctly and it can send message from client to server but in multi thread form it doesn't work, it connect to thread and also show the message "client connected" but it can't show message sent from client!
I searched a lot bud I couldn't find what is the problem and any solution for it.. Here is my code:
Could you please help me. Thanks in advance.
#include "myserver.h"
#include "mythread.h"
myserver::myserver(QObject * parent): QTcpServer(parent)
void myserver::startserver()
int port = 6666;
if (!this - > listen(QHostAddress::Any, port)) {
qDebug() << "Could not start server ";
} else {
qDebug() << "Listening to port ";
void myserver::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Connecting...";
mythread * thread = new mythread(socketDescriptor, this);
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
thread - > start();
#include "mythread.h"
#include "myserver.h"
mythread::mythread(qintptr ID, QObject *parent) : QThread(parent)
this->socketDescriptor = ID;
void mythread::run()
qDebug() << " Thread started";
socket = new QTcpSocket();
if(!socket->setSocketDescriptor(this->socketDescriptor)) {
emit error(socket->error());
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readSocket()));
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Client connected";
void mythread::readSocket()
QByteArray Data = socket->readAll();
qDebug()<< socketDescriptor <<" Data in: " << Data;

If you read the documentation for the QThread::run function you will see
Returning from this method will end the execution of the thread.
You need to call the QThread::exec function to enter the thread event loop.


QTcpSocket not Receiving Data Sent from Server

I'm having trouble sending data from a server to a client using Qt. Whenever I do QTcpSocket::waitForBytesWritten() after a call to QTcpSocket::write(...), it returns false.
I tried using the bytesWritten signal, but that never gets emitted, presumably because no data is able to be written, and no data is received on the client side.
The writeData method is what is being called in the MainWindow class, but to try and narrow down the cause of the problem, I moved the writing of data to the client into the newConnection method.
The message Connection received is printed to the output window. I'm sending the string Some random data in the newConnection method to the client for testing purposes, but this is not being received by the client (the code to output the received data on the client side is inside Character::readData() method).
The value of the returnValue variable is true, and the code returns from the call to the client->waitForBytesWritten(-1) method. client->errorString() gives Unknown error, and then the message Bytes written is printed (even though, evidently, nothing is written, but I'm just using it as a status message).
#include "Server.h"
Server::Server(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
server = new QTcpServer(this);
qDebug() << connect(server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), SLOT(newConnection()));
qDebug() << connect(server, SIGNAL(bytesWritten()), SLOT(bytesWritten()));
qDebug() << "Listening:" << server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 1451);
void Server::newConnection()
qDebug("Connection received");
client = server->nextPendingConnection();
client->write("Some random data\n");
bool returnValue = client->flush();
qDebug() << "Return value: " << returnValue;
qDebug() << client->waitForBytesWritten(-1);
qDebug() << "Error: " << client->errorString();
qDebug() << "Bytes written";
void Server::bytesWritten(qint64 bytes)
qDebug() << "Bytes written: " << QString::number(bytes);
void Server::writeData(std::string data)
QByteArray byteArray = QByteArray(data.c_str());
qDebug() << "Write data: " << QString::fromStdString(data);
#include "Client.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
Client::Client(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent)
socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
(void)QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connected()));
qDebug() << "Connect signal" << QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData()));
bool Client::connectToHost(QString host)
socket->connectToHost(host, 1451);
qDebug() << "Error: " << QString::number(socket->error() == QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError);
return true;
void Client::connected()
qDebug("Socket is connected");
qDebug() << QString::number(socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState);
void Client::readData()
qDebug("Read data");
QTcpSocket* sender = static_cast<QTcpSocket*>(QObject::sender());
QByteArray data = sender->readAll();
std::string character = data.toStdString();
qDebug() << "Character received: " << QString::fromStdString(character);

Error: Cannot connect (null)::readyRead() to mythread::readyRead()

I am writing a multithread server but during the compile in "mythraed" class i get the following errors":
1) Cannot connect (null)::readyRead() to mythread::readyRead()
2) Cannot connect (null)::disconnected() to mythread::disconnected()
How should i fix it?
here is my code:
void mythread::run()
qDebug() << " Thread started";
connect(m_client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()), Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(m_client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected()));
qDebug() << " Client connected";
void mythread::readyRead()
QByteArray Data = m_client->readAll();
qDebug()<< " Data in: " << Data;
void mythread::disconnected()
qDebug() << " Disconnected";
myclient::myclient(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
QObject::connect(&m_client, SIGNAL(connected()),this, SLOT(startTransfer()));
void myclient::start(QString address, quint16 port)
QHostAddress LocalHost;
m_client.connectToHost(LocalHost, 6666);
void myclient::startTransfer()
m_client.write("Hello", 5);
Apparently, m_client is nullptr.
if (m_client) {
connect(m_client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()), Qt::DirectConnection);
Also you don't need explicitly disconnect your connection, from documentation:
All signals to and from the object are automatically disconnected, and any pending posted events for the object are removed from the event queue. However, it is often safer to use deleteLater() rather than deleting a QObject subclass directly.

Multi Thread server

I am writing multi thread server but i have problem in accept connection and start read function. i don't know where i should write them..
here is my code:
#include "mythread.h"
#include "myserver.h"
mythread::mythread(qintptr ID, QObject *parent) :
this->socketDescriptor = ID;
void mythread::run()
qDebug() << " Thread started";
void mythread::acceptConnection()
c_client = s_server.nextPendingConnection();
this, SLOT(startRead()));
void mythread::startRead()
char buffer[1024] = {0};
c_client->read(buffer, c_client->bytesAvailable());
qDebug() << buffer;
void mythread::readyRead()
QByteArray Data = socket->readAll();
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Data in: " << Data;
void mythread::disconnected()
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Disconnected";
#include "myserver.h"
#include "mythread.h"
myserver::myserver(QObject *parent) :
void myserver::startserver()
int port = 1234;
if(s_server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, port))
qDebug() << "Could not start server";
qDebug() << "Listening to port " << port ;
void myserver::incomingconnection(int socketDescriptor)
connect(&s_server, SIGNAL(newConnection()),
this, SLOT(acceptConnection()));
s_server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, 1234);
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Connecting...";
mythread *thread = new mythread(socketDescriptor,this);
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
i would be grateful if you help me.
You are not using QThread very well. you can use SIGNAL and SLOTS ,and MoveToThread() function. google it.
when you use QThread, the code in Run() function will be run in another thread. acceptConnection will run in main thread.
also search for nextPendingConnection();
void myserver::incomingconnection(int socketDescriptor)
connect(&s_server, SIGNAL(newConnection()),this, SLOT(acceptConnection()));
is not OK. this connect should be called once (maybe constructor). not for any incomming connection.

Multithreaded Qt server not echoing data sent by client

I have a server that can handle multiple threads. The server starts and listens, but it is having trouble echoing when an incoming connection is pending.
I am using telnet to open the socket and send data to the server. However, the server only displays that it's listening, but doesn't echo any of the data I type through telnet or signify that there is an incoming connection. I shut off Windows firewall for private networks and still...nothing.
Also tried seeing if the server error string had anything useful to say, but all it is just an empty string.
This is a complete mystery to me and if anyone had anything constructive to note, it'd be much appreciated. Code for the thread and server is below.
#include "myserver.h"
MyServer::MyServer(QObject *parent) :
void MyServer::StartServer()
qDebug() << "Could not start server";
qDebug() << "Listening...";
void MyServer::incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor)
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Connecting...";
MyThread *thread = new MyThread(socketDescriptor,this);
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()),thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
#include "mythread.h"
MyThread::MyThread(int ID, QObject *parent) :
{ this->socketDescriptor = ID;
void MyThread::run()
qDebug() << socket->errorString();
//thread starts here
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Starting thread";
socket = new QTcpSocket();
emit error(socket->error());
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Client Connected";
void MyThread::readyRead()
QByteArray Data = socket->readAll();
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Data in: " << Data;
void MyThread::disconnected()
qDebug() << socketDescriptor << " Disconnected";
Which version of Qt are you using? In Qt 5, the parameter for the function incomingConnection is of type qintptr and not int. Have a look at the following links:
incomingConnection - Qt 5
Qt 5 - Multithreaded server tutorial

newConnection() signal does not get emitted in QTcpSever even when I am clearly connecting to the server

QTcpServer is supposed to emit the newConnection() signal whenever it receives a new client connection. I am able to connect to the server I created, even telnet to it. But in the server implementation, I have connected the newConnection() signal to a slot and it never gets invoked.
Can you please look at my code and tell me what is it that I am doing wrong ?
First the header :
#include <data_model.pb.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include <QtNetwork>
#include <QVector>
#include <iostream>
#include <QAbstractSocket>
#include <QDebug>
class QTcpServer;
class QNetworkSession;
class superServer : public QObject
explicit superServer(QObject *parent = 0);
data_model::terminal_data fetch_next_record();
void route_data();
private slots:
void sessionOpened();
public slots:
void newTerminalConnection();
void errorconnecting(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError);
QTcpServer *tcpServer;
QNetworkSession *networkSession;
QVector<QTcpSocket*> liveConnections;
Now the implementation:
#include <superServer.hpp>
void superServer::newTerminalConnection()
qDebug() << "someone connected ...";
std::cout << "someone connected ..." << std::endl;
QTcpSocket *socket = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();
superServer::superServer(QObject *parent) :
tcpServer = new QTcpServer();
if(!tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 9889))
qDebug() << "Server could not start";
qDebug() << "Server started!";
connect(tcpServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newTerminalConnection()));
connect(tcpServer, SIGNAL(acceptError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(errorconnecting(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
void superServer::errorconnecting(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError)
qDebug() << "error connecting to client";
Also, I am connecting like this:
void tradeView::doConnect()
socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()),this, SLOT(connected()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),this, SLOT(disconnected()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)),this, SLOT(bytesWritten(qint64)));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(readyRead()));
qDebug() << "connecting...";
// this is not a blocking call
socket->connectToHost("localhost", 9889);
// we need to wait...
qDebug() << "Error: " << socket->errorString();
void tradeView::connected()
qDebug() << "connected...";
void tradeView::disconnected()
qDebug() << "disconnected...";
void tradeView::bytesWritten(qint64 bytes)
qDebug() << bytes << " bytes written...";
The client connects !!! Even Telnet works !!!
But that signal does not get emitted. Can you please tell me what is wrong ?
Trust me I have looked at more than a dozen related threads here on SO and qt-center etc. None give a solution.
Please help.