What are other more clojure-idiomatic ways than looping over a sequence to go through a sequence, and pick up each element from it? This is the loop-version of what i mean:
(def a-seq (list 700 600 500 400 300 200 100))
(loop [s a-seq]
(if (seq s)
(do (instrument (first s)) (recur (rest s)))
I will be feeding the (first s) as a frequency into a sin-wave generator as follows (in the overtone lib):
(use 'overtone.core)
(definst instrument [frequency 0] (sin-osc frequency))
The map function is what you want to use.
(map instrument a-seq)
This will call the instrument function once for each element in a-seq, in order.
Note that map is lazy, so you will need to consume the results of map to guarantee that any side-effects to take place, or call doall.
Use doseq:
(doseq [item a-seq]
(println item))
(println "End")
I want to know if this is the right way to loop through an collection:
(def citrus-list ["lemon" "orange" "grapefruit"])
(defn display-citrus [citruses]
(loop [[citrus & citruses] citruses]
(println citrus)
(if citrus (recur citruses))
(display-citrus citrus-list)
I have three questions:
the final print displays nil, is it ok or how can avoid it?
I understand what & is doing in this example but I donĀ“t see it in other cases, maybe you could provide a few examples
Any other example to get the same result?
First of all your implementation is wrong. It would fail if your list contains nil:
user> (display-citrus [nil "asd" "fgh"])
;;=> nil
And print unneeded nil if the list is empty:
user> (display-citrus [])
;;=> nil
you can fix it this way:
(defn display-citrus [citruses]
(when (seq citruses)
(loop [[citrus & citruses] citruses]
(println citrus)
(if (seq citruses) (recur citruses)))))
1) it is totally ok: for non-empty collection the last call inside function is println, which returns nil, and for empty collection you don't call anything, meaning nil would be returned (clojure function always returns a value). To avoid nil in your case you should explicitly return some value (like this for example):
(defn display-citrus [citruses]
(when (seq citruses)
(loop [[citrus & citruses] citruses]
(println citrus)
(if (seq citruses) (recur citruses))))
user> (display-citrus citrus-list)
;;=> lemon
;;=> orange
;;=> grapefruit
["lemon" "orange" "grapefruit"]
2) some articles about destructuring should help you
3) yes, there are some ways to do this. The simplest would be:
(run! println citrus-list)
Answering your last question, you should avoid using loop in Clojure. This form is rather for experienced users that really know what they do. In your case, you may use such more user-friendly forms as doseq. For example:
(doseq [item collection]
(println item))
You may also use map but keep in mind that it returns a new list (of nils if your case) that not sometimes desirable. Say, you are interested only in printing but not in the result.
In addition, map is lazy and won't be evaluated until it has been printed or evaluated with doall.
For most purpose, you can use either map, for or loop.
=> (map count citrus-list)
(5 6 10)
=> (for [c citrus-list] (count c))
(5 6 10)
=> (loop [[c & citrus] citrus-list
counts []]
(if-not c counts
(recur citrus (conj counts (count c)))))
[5 6 10]
I tend to use map as much of possible. The syntax is more concise, and it clearly separates the control flow (sequential loop) from the transformation logic (count the values).
For instance, you can run the same operation (count) in parallel by simply replacing map by pmap
=> (pmap count citrus-list)
[5 6 10]
In Clojure, most operations on collection are lazy. They will not take effect as long as your program doesn't need the new values. To apply the effect immediately, you can enclose your loop operation inside doall
=> (doall (map count citrus-list))
(5 6 10)
You can also use doseq if you don't care about return values. For instance, you can use doseq with println since the function will always return nil
=> (doseq [c citrus-list] (println c))
I am using taoensso.carmine redis client and want to achieve the following: given sequence s, get all its elements that aren't exist in redis. (I mean for which redis's EXISTS command return false)
At first I thought to do the following:
(wcar conn
(remove #(car/exists %) s))
but it returns sequence of car/exists responses rather than filtering my sequence by them
(remove #(wcar conn (car exists %)) s)
Does the job but takes a lot of time because no-pipeling and using new connection each time.
So I end up with some tangled map manipulation below, but I believe there should be simplier way to achieve it. How?
(let [s (range 1 100)
existance (wcar conn
(for [i s]
(car/exists i))))
existance-map (zipmap s existance)]
(mapv first (remove (fn [[k v]] (= v 1)) existance-map)))
Your remove function is lazy, so it won't do anything. You also can't do data manipulation inside the wcar macro so I'd so something like this:
(let [keys ["exists" "not-existing"]]
(zipmap keys
(mapv pos?
(car/wcar redis-db
(mapv (fn [key]
(car/exists key))
Could you reexamine you're first solution? I don't know what wcar does, but this example shows that you're on the right track:
> (remove #(odd? %) (range 9))
(0 2 4 6 8)
The anonymous function #(odd? %) returns either true or false results which are used to determine which numbers to keep. However, it is the original numbers that are returned by (remove...), not true/false.
I am reading Strings in from the standard input with
(line-seq (java.io.BufferedReader. *in*))
How can I:
Store the lines in a collection
At some interval (say 5 minutes) process the collection and also
Process the collection as soon as its size grows to n (say 10) regardless of timing?
Here i left you my purposes:
As you can check in http://clojuredocs.org/clojure_core/clojure.core/line-seq the result of(line-seq (BufferedReader. xxx)) is a sequence, so this function stores the result (return a new ) collection
You can do it with clojure/core.async timeout function http://clojure.github.io/core.async/#clojure.core.async/timeout, you can take a look at https://github.com/clojure/core.async/blob/master/examples/walkthrough.clj to get acquainted with the library
Just use a conditional (if, when ...) to check the count of the collection
As #tangrammer says, core-async would be a good way to go, or Lamina (sample-every)
I pieced something together using a single atom. You probably have to adjust things to your need (e.g. parallel execution, not using a future to create the periodic processing thread, return values, ...). The following code creates processor-with-interval-and-threshold, a function creating another function that can be given a seq of elements which is processed in the way you described.
(defn- periodically!
[interval f]
(while true
(Thread/sleep interval)
(defn- build-head-and-tail
[{:keys [head tail]} n elements]
(let [[a b] (->> (concat tail elements)
(split-at n))]
{:head (concat head a) :tail b}))
(defn- build-ready-elements
[{:keys [head tail]}]
{:ready (concat head tail)})
(defn processor-with-interval-and-threshold
[interval threshold f]
(let [q (atom {})]
(letfn [(process-elements! []
(let [{:keys [ready]} (swap! q build-ready-elements)]
(when-not (empty? ready)
(f ready))))]
(periodically! interval process-elements!)
(fn [sq]
(let [{:keys [head]} (swap! q build-head-and-tail threshold sq)]
(when (>= (count head) threshold)
The atom q manages a map of three elements:
:head: a seq that gets filled first and checked against the threshold,
:tail: a seq with the elements that exceed the threshold (possibly lazy),
:ready: elements to be processed.
Now, you could for example do the following:
(let [add! (processor-with-interval-and-threshold 300000 10 your-fn)]
(doseq [x (line-seq (java.io.BufferedReader. *in*))]
(add! [x])))
That should be enough to get you started, I guess.
(This is a question regarding style. I am aware this can be done with a bunch of conditionals, multimethods, etc.)
In the following function, null-vector is defined on each implementation. How can I set it once for the entire function? In general, is it possible to set a common binding to all implementations?
A closure won't work, since it null-vector needs an "argument", but I suppose I could partial it. However, that would still need computation of the size parameter. I'd like to avoid repeating code, obviously.
(defn path
"Returns a lazy sequence of vectors representing a monotonic path
walked over coll in n-dimensional space, where n is the cardinality
of coll's alphabet."
(let [alphabet (set coll)
cardinality (count alphabet)
alpha-map (apply hash-map (interleave alphabet (range cardinality)))
null-vector (vec (repeat cardinality 0))]
(path coll null-vector alpha-map)))
([coll alpha-map]
(let [null-vector (vec (repeat (count (keys alpha-map)) 0))]
(path coll null-vector alpha-map)))
([coll origin alpha-map]
(let [null-vector (vec (repeat (count origin) 0))
unit-vector #(assoc null-vector (alpha-map %) 1)
sum-vectors #(vec (map + %1 %2))]
(reductions sum-vectors origin (map unit-vector coll)))))
I would create a "private" helper function:
(defn- null-copy-vector [coll]
(vec (repeat (count coll) 0)))
and then just call it in each branch of the function:
(defn path
"Returns a lazy sequence of vectors representing a monotonic path
walked over coll in n-dimensional space, where n is the cardinality
of coll's alphabet."
(let [alphabet (set coll)
alpha-map (zipmap alphabet (iterate inc 0)) ;; note 1
null-vector (null-copy-vector alphabet)]
(path coll null-vector alpha-map null-vector)))
([coll alpha-map]
(let [null-vector (null-copy-vector alpha-map)] ;; note 2
(path coll null-vector alpha-map null-vector)))
([coll origin alpha-map]
(path coll origin alpha-map (null-copy-vector origin)))
([coll origin alpha-map null-vector]
(let [unit-vector #(assoc null-vector (alpha-map %) 1)
sum-vectors #(vec (map + %1 %2))]
(reductions sum-vectors origin (map unit-vector coll)))))
It may be this isn't satisfying to you because null-copy-vector isn't "inside" the overall function here, but I think this is pretty idiomatic. On a function that did not take multiple arities, I might use letfn to separate out an "internal" function but that won't work here.
Breaking things up like this also lets you a) reuse the basic building block functions elsewhere and b) lets you test in smaller chunks. You might want to skip the defn- and just use defn to make testing easier (although it is possible to test defn- with a bit more work).
I also broke out a new 4-arg form that takes the null-vector as the last arg, letting you pass it in directly if you know it so that you can avoid re-creating it from an already null vector. If you wanted to hide that 4-arg form, you could pull it into a separate defn- helper function.
Unrelated notes:
I modified your first branch to a simpler (imho) impl using zipmap and an infinite sequence.
Instead of (count (keys map)), just doing (count map) is sufficient (the count here is inside your helper function).
I had an idea for a higher-order function today that I'm not sure how to write. I have several sparse, lazy infinite sequences, and I want to create an abstraction that lets me check to see if a given number is in any of these lazy sequences. To improve performance, I wanted to push the values of the sparse sequence into a hashmap (or set), dynamically increasing the number of values in the hashmap whenever it is necessary. Automatic memoization is not the answer here due to sparsity of the lazy seqs.
Probably code is easiest to understand, so here's what I have so far. How do I change the following code so that the predicate uses a closed-over hashmap, but if needed increases the size of the hashmap and redefines itself to use the new hashmap?
(defn make-lazy-predicate [coll]
"Returns a predicate that returns true or false if a number is in
coll. Coll must be an ordered, increasing lazy seq of numbers."
(let [in-lazy-list? (fn [n coll top cache]
(if (> top n)
(not (nil? (cache n)))
(recur n (next coll) (first coll)
(conj cache (first coll)))]
(fn [n] (in-lazy-list? n coll (first coll) (sorted-set)))))
(def my-lazy-list (iterate #(+ % 100) 1))
(let [in-my-list? (make-lazy-predicate my-lazy-list)]
(doall (filter in-my-list? (range 10000))))
How do I solve this problem without reverting to an imperative style?
This is a thread-safe variant of Adam's solution.
(defn make-lazy-predicate
(let [state (atom {:mem #{} :unknown coll})
update-state (fn [{:keys [mem unknown] :as state} item]
(let [[just-checked remainder]
(split-with #(<= % item) unknown)]
(if (seq just-checked)
(-> state
(assoc :mem (apply conj mem just-checked))
(assoc :unknown remainder))
(fn [item]
(get-in (if (< item (first (:unknown #state)))
(swap! state update-state item))
[:mem item]))))
One could also consider using refs, but than your predicate search might get rolled back by an enclosing transaction. This might or might not be what you want.
This function is based on the idea how the core memoize function works. Only numbers already consumed from the lazy list are cached in a set. It uses the built-in take-while instead of doing the search manually.
(defn make-lazy-predicate [coll]
(let [mem (atom #{})
unknown (atom coll)]
(fn [item]
(if (< item (first #unknown))
(#mem item)
(let [just-checked (take-while #(>= item %) #unknown)]
(swap! mem #(apply conj % just-checked))
(swap! unknown #(drop (count just-checked) %))
(= item (last just-checked)))))))