Void Pointers in Red Black Tree - c++

There are two integers x and 7 which are randomly generated integers. The program uses a red black tree member fucntion insert to insert new values into the tree.
I'm not understand the arguments of the insert function, more specifically the use of
(void*)x and (void*y)
Here's the function call in main
rbt.rbtree_insert(t, (void*)x, (void*)y, compare_int);
Here's the insert function defined
void RBTree::rbtree_insert(rbtree t, void* key, void* value, compare_func compare)
node inserted_node = new_node(key, value, RED, NULL, NULL);
if (t->root == NULL)
t->root = inserted_node;
node n = t->root;
while (1)
int comp_result = compare(key, n->key);
if (comp_result == 0)
n->value = value;
else if (comp_result < 0)
if (n->left == NULL)
n->left = inserted_node;
n = n->left;
assert(comp_result > 0);
if (n->right == NULL)
n->right = inserted_node;
n = n->right;
inserted_node->parent = n;
insert_case1(t, inserted_node);

void* is a type. More specifically, it is a pointer type. Even more specifically, it is a special pointer type that can point to any type. void* is a way to implement polymorphism in C. It's usually not recommended to use void* in C++.
(void*)x is an explicit type conversion also known as C-style type cast expression. The type of variable x is converted to void*. The use of C-style casts is discouraged in C++.
Presumably the type of x is not void* and therefore a conversion is needed to match the type of the argument.

The author of this code uses the most abstract pointer type available in C++: void*. It is a pointer so "something". What this "something" might be is not defined at compile time. (void*)x is a type cast in legacy C-syntax, that interprets any other pointer as void*. The prefered C++ syntax is static_cast<void*>(x), though void* should only be used, when there are very, very good reasons to do so.
I understand, that this is legacy code, you have been asked to work on. So let's be frank, there is quite a lot wrong with it.
There are exactly two reason to implement a red-black-tree class: learning data structures and std::map<> as part of a standard library implementation. In all other cases, there is no reason not to prefer std::map<>. It'd save you from all the design pitfalls, the author of this code has stepped in.
It is redundant to add the name of the class to the name of a member function. Call it RBTree::insert() instead of RBTree::rbtree_insert(). When you use consistent member function names for different container types, you can easily exchange them in future, without having to change all the calls to all the member functions. The standard containers are a good source of inspiration here.
A red-black-tree instance always has to work with the same compare function. To pass the compare function again and again to insert(), find(), erase(), etc. is not only redundant but also error prone. Either have it as a parameter to the constructor, or better as a template parameter to a red-black-tree class template.
In any case a red-black-tree should be a template, that has a key and a value type as template parameters. Then all the member functions like insert(), find(), etc. can be typesafe.
Why should one pass the this object explicitly to a member function. I guess, the author of that code has been trying to write Python in C++. In C++ this is always implicit for member functions, in contrast to self in Python.
Putting it all together I'd propose an interface like this:
template<typename key_t,
typename value_t,
typename Compare = std::less<key_t>>
class rb_tree {
void insert(const key_t& key, const value_t& value);
void erase(const key_t& key);
value_t find(const key_t& key);
As you see, we now define types for keys and values and use them in insert(), erase() and find(). These functions can never try to walk a tree with int keys as if it had std::string keys. They also always use the same compare function, which defaults to the operator <.
The usage is a lot better to understand as well:
rb_tree<int, int> rbt; // we use the default comparison
int x = 42;
int y = 4711;
rbt.insert(x, y);
assert(rbt.find(x) == y);
Well, actually my real suggestion is to drop than homegrown red-black-tree and use std::map<> instead. Its usage is even more intuitive:
std::map<int, int> rbt;
int x = 42;
int y = 4711;
rbt[x] = y;
assert(rbt[x] == y);


Casting void pointer to type specified by string

Is there a way to cast a void* pointer to a type given by a string without a huge if-block?
Something like parsePtr(void *ptr, String s) { return static_cast<s>(ptr); } would be optimal.
I tried using a macro like#define parsePtr(ptr, type) static_cast<type>(ptr), which works fine for types (like int or float) but not for strings.
#define parsePtr(ptr, type) type == "int" ? static_cast<int*>(ptr) : static_cast<float*>(ptr) also does not work for me.
I know one could do this:
if (s == "int")
return (int*)ptr;
else if (s == "float")
return (float*)ptr;
else if (s == "char*")
return (char**)ptr;
but then my code would be long and hard to read.
Is there a way to cast a void Pointer to a type given by a String without a huge if-block?
No, there is no such way. C++ programming language is a statically-typed programming language, which means that every type has to be typed out and handled separately in the source file before compiling the program.
As several folks have already said in the comments, this isn't going to happen with a string. C++ is a statically-typed language, so such a runtime conversion is not possible.
However, C++ provides template metaprogramming for use cases like this.
template <typename T>
T* convert_pointer(void* ptr) {
return static_cast<T*>(ptr);
Then you can call this function as
void* my_data = ...;
int* my_int = convert_pointer<int>(my_data);
But, again, this is of questionable utility. The better question is where these void pointers are coming from and how to make sure that the data is actually of the requisite type, and trusting the caller of your function to know the type of a void* without any validation is less than ideal.
C++ does not support what you are asking for. However, you can use a std::(unordered_)map instead of a series of ifs, at least, eg:
using vptr_t = std::variant<int*, float*, char**, etc>;
using convert_func_t = vptr_t (*)(void*);
template <typename T>
vptr_t convert_func(void* ptr) {
return static_cast<T*>(ptr);
vptr_t parsePtr(void *ptr, const std::string &type)
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, convert_func_t> cvt = {
{"int", &convert_func<int>},
{"float", &convert_func<float>},
{"char*", &convert_func<char*>},
return cvt.at(type)(ptr);

Calling templated function with type unknown until runtime

I have a this function to read 1d arrays from an unformatted fortran file:
template <typename T>
void Read1DArray(T* arr)
unsigned pre, post;
file.read((char*)&pre, PREPOST_DATA);
for(unsigned n = 0; n < (pre/sizeof(T)); n++)
file.read((char*)&arr[n], sizeof(T));
file.read((char*)&post, PREPOST_DATA);
std::cout << "Failed read fortran 1d array."<< std::endl;
I call this like so:
float* new_array = new float[sizeof_fortran_array];
Assume Read1DArray is part of a class, which contains an ifstream named 'file', and sizeof_fortran_array is already known. (And for those not quite so familiar with fortran unformatted writes, the 'pre' data indicates how long the array is in bytes, and the 'post' data is the same)
My issue is that I have a scenario where I may want to call this function with either a float* or a double*, but this will not be known until runtime.
Currently what I do is simply have a flag for which data type to read, and when reading the array I duplicate the code something like this, where datatype is a string set at runtime:
Can someone suggest a method of rewriting this so that I dont have to duplicate the function call with the two types? These are the only two types it would be necessary to call it with, but I have to call it a fair few times and I would rather not have this duplication all over the place.
In response to the suggestion to wrap it in a call_any_of function, this wouldnt be enough because at times I do things like this:
// More stuff happening in between
If you think about the title you will realize that there is a contradiction in that the template instantiation is performed at compile time but you want to dispatch based on information available only at runtime. At runtime you cannot instantiate a template, so that is impossible.
The approach you have taken is actually the right one: instantiate both options at compile time, and decide which one to use at runtime with the available information. That being said you might want to think your design.
I imagine that not only reading but also processing will be different based on that runtime value, so you might want to bind all the processing in a (possibly template) function for each one of the types and move the if further up the call hierarchy.
Another approach to avoid having to dispatch based on type to different instantiations of the template would be to loose some of the type safety and implement a single function that takes a void* to the allocated memory and a size argument with the size of the type in the array. Note that this will be more fragile, and it does not solve the overall problem of having to act on the different arrays after the data is read, so I would not suggest following this path.
Because you don't know which code path to take until runtime, you'll need to set up some kind of dynamic dispatch. Your current solution does this using an if-else which must be copied and pasted everywhere it is used.
An improvement would be to generate a function that performs the dispatch. One way to achieve this is by wrapping each code path in a member function template, and using an array of member function pointers that point to specialisations of that member function template. [Note: This is functionally equivalent to dynamic dispatch using virtual functions.]
class MyClass
template <typename T>
T* AllocateAndRead1DArray(int sizeof_fortran_array)
T* ptr = new T[sizeof_fortran_array];
return ptr;
template <typename T>
void Read1DArrayAndDoStuff(int sizeof_fortran_array)
template <typename T>
void Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff(int sizeof_fortran_array)
// map a datatype to a member function that takes an integer parameter
typedef std::pair<std::string, void(MyClass::*)(int)> Action;
static const int DATATYPE_COUNT = 2;
// find the action to perform for the given datatype
void Dispatch(const Action* actions, const std::string& datatype, int size)
for(const Action* i = actions; i != actions + DATATYPE_COUNT; ++i)
if((*i).first == datatype)
// perform the action for the given size
return (this->*(*i).second)(size);
// map each datatype to an instantiation of Read1DArrayAndDoStuff
MyClass::Action ReadArrayAndDoStuffMap[MyClass::DATATYPE_COUNT] = {
MyClass::Action("float", &MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoStuff<float>),
MyClass::Action("double", &MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoStuff<double>),
// map each datatype to an instantiation of Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff
MyClass::Action ReadArrayAndDoOtherStuffMap[MyClass::DATATYPE_COUNT] = {
MyClass::Action("float", &MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff<float>),
MyClass::Action("double", &MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff<double>),
int main()
MyClass object;
// call MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoStuff<float>(33)
object.Dispatch(ReadArrayAndDoStuffMap, "float", 33);
// call MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff<double>(542)
object.Dispatch(ReadArrayAndDoOtherStuffMap, "double", 542);
If performance is important, and the possible set of types is known at compile time, there are a few further optimisations that could be performed:
Change the string to an enumeration that represents all the possible data types and index the array of actions by that enumeration.
Give the Dispatch function template parameters that allow it to generate a switch statement to call the appropriate function.
For example, this can be inlined by the compiler to produce code that is (generally) more optimal than both the above example and the original if-else version in your question.
class MyClass
enum DataType
static MyClass::DataType getDataType(const std::string& datatype)
if(datatype == "float")
return MyClass::DATATYPE_FLOAT;
return MyClass::DATATYPE_DOUBLE;
// find the action to perform for the given datatype
template<typename Actions>
void Dispatch(const std::string& datatype, int size)
case DATATYPE_FLOAT: return Actions::FloatAction::apply(*this, size);
case DATATYPE_DOUBLE: return Actions::DoubleAction::apply(*this, size);
struct Action
static void apply(MyClass& object, int size)
struct ReadArrayAndDoStuff
typedef Action<&MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoStuff<float>> FloatAction;
typedef Action<&MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoStuff<double>> DoubleAction;
struct ReadArrayAndDoOtherStuff
typedef Action<&MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff<float>> FloatAction;
typedef Action<&MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff<double>> DoubleAction;
int main()
MyClass object;
// call MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoStuff<float>(33)
object.Dispatch<ReadArrayAndDoStuff>("float", 33);
// call MyClass::Read1DArrayAndDoOtherStuff<double>(542)
object.Dispatch<ReadArrayAndDoOtherStuff>("double", 542);

return an array of void*

I am building a C++ program that needs to store a map of strings to function pointers. However, every function may have different return types and parameters. The way I am attempting to solve this problem is by creating the functions as taking an array of void pointers and returning an array of void pointers, and then casting the arguments and return values as needed.
To figure out how this would work, I'm trying to build a simple dummy, but can't get it to compile. I've tried a number of things, but I keep getting different errors. here's an example:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
void** string2map(void** args){
//takes a string of the form "key:value;key:value;..." and returns a map<string,string>
string st = *((string**) args)[0];
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
//code doesnt matter
return (void*) &((void*) &result);
int main(){
string test = "hello:there;how:are you?";
map<string, string> result = *(map<string, string>**)string2map((void*) &((void*) &test))[0];
return 0;
when I try to compile, I get:
void.cpp: In function 'void** string2map(void**)':
void.cpp:12:34: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
void.cpp: In function 'int main()':
void.cpp:17:89: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
Obviously there are plenty of things wrong here, but I really just don't know where to start. Can anyone either show me what's wrong with the code above, or give me an alternative to the way I am currently doing it?
The reason I am returning a void** instead of just void* is that there might be a circumstance where I need to return multiple values of different types. An example would be if, above, I wanted to return both the resulting map AND the number of entries in the map. I haven't even gotten to the point of figuring out how to construct that array yet, though.
So based on the responses so far, it seems pretty clear that this is the wrong way of solving this problem. With that in mind, can anyone suggest a better one? I need to be able to store the various function in a single map, which means I need to be able to define a single data type to functions that take and return different types. And it IS important to be able to return multiple values.
You're converting a map<string,string> to a void**, returning it then converting it back to a map<string,string. Why not just return a map<string,string>? It's also called string2map which implies you will only ever call it with a string (backed up by the fact you pass in a string, which is converted to a void** then converted straight back). Unless you have a good reason to convert to and from void** all over the place this is probably what you need:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
map<string, string> string2map(string st){
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
//code doesnt matter
return result;
int main(){
string test = "hello:there;how:are you?";
map<string, string> result = string2map(test);
return 0;
I've just reread your question. You might want to look up Generalised Functors and look at Boost's std::function as possible solutions to this problem. It's possible to change the return type of a function via a wrapper class, something like:
template< class T >
class ReturnVoid
ReturnVoid( T (*functor)() ) : m_functor( functor ) {}
void operator() { Result = functor(); }
T (*m_functor)();
T Result;
// Specialise for void since you can't have a member of type 'void'
ReturnVoid< void >
ReturnVoid( T (*functor)() ) : m_functor( functor ) {}
void operator() { functor(); }
T (*m_functor)();
Using this as a wrapper might help you store functors with different return types in the same array.
Ignoring my own horror at the idea of blatantly throwing type safety to the wind, two things spring immediately to mind.
First, what exactly do you think will be pointed to when string2map goes out of scope?
Second is that you don't have to cast to void*. Void* gets special treatment in C++ in that anything can be cast to it.
If you insist on trying to push this, I'd start by changing the return type to void, and then take the void* as an input parameter to your function.
For example:
void string2map(void* args, void* returnedMap);
This way you'd have to instantiate your map in a scope that will actually have a map to point to.
$5.3.1/3 - "The result of the unary & operator is a pointer to its
operand. The operand shall be an lvalue or a qualifiedid."
$5.3.1/2 - "The result of each of the following unary operators is a
So, in effect you are trying to take the address of an rvalue which is not allowed.
Further, C++ does not allow to return an array.
So, you really want to start looking at what you want. Return the map by value instead is one definite option.
The way I am attempting to solve this problem is by creating the functions as taking an array of void pointers and returning an array of void pointers, and then casting the arguments and return values as needed.
That's (really really) bad. Have a look instead at std::function and std::bind - those should cover differences between function signatures and bound arguments in an elegant way.
The reason I am returning a void** instead of just void* is that there might be a circumstance where I need to return multiple values of different types.
Then return an object that contains the values. For generics have a look at std::tuple or boost::any.
Here's some code:
void function1(int, const char); // defined elsewhere
std::tuple<int,int> function2(std::string&); // defined elsewhere
std::map<std::string,std::function<void(void)>> functionmap;
functionmap.insert( std::make_pair("function1", std::bind(&function1, 2, 'c')) );
std::tuple<int,int> result;
functionmap.insert( std::make_pair("function2", [&result] {
result = function2("this is a test"); } );
// call function1
// call function2
functionmap["function2"](); // result will now contain the result
// of calling function2
Is this what you tried to do?
int Foo(int a) { return a; }
typedef int (*FooFunc)(int);
void Bar(){}
typedef std::map<std::string, void*> FunctionMap;
// you should use boost::any or something similar instead of void* here
FunctionMap CreateFunctionMap(const std::string& args)
FunctionMap result;
result["Foo"] = &Foo;
result["Bar"] = &Bar;
return result;
void Call(FunctionMap::const_reference functionInfo)
// #hansmaad The key will give information on the signatures.
// there are a few distinct options, so it will be a conditional
// with a couple of clauses.
if (functionInfo.first == "Foo")
auto f = static_cast<FooFunc>(functionInfo.second);
std::cout << f(42);
else if (functionInfo.first == "Bar")
/* */
int main()
auto functions = CreateFunctionMap("...");
std::for_each(begin(functions), end(functions), Call);
#hansmaad The key will give information on the signatures. there are a few distinct options, so it will be a conditional with a couple of clauses. – ewok 33 mins ago
In that case, the typical solution is like this:
typedef void (*func_ptr)();
std::map<std::string, func_ptr> func_map;
map<string,string> string2map(string arg){
//takes a string of the form "key:value;key:value;..." and returns a map<string,string>
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
return result;
// ...
// Add function to the map
func_map["map<string,string>(string)" = (func_ptr)string2map;
// Call function in the map
std::map<std::string, func_ptr>::iterator it = ...
if (it->first == "map<string,string>(string)")
map<string,string> (*func)(string) = (map<string,string>(*)(string))it->second;
map<string,string> result = func("key1;value1;key2;value2");
For brevity, I have used C-style casts of the function pointers. The correct C++ cast would be reinterpret_cast<>().
The function pointers are converted to a common type on insertion into the map and converted back to their correct type when invoking them.

Returning a "NULL reference" in C++?

In dynamically typed languages like JavaScript or PHP, I often do functions such as:
function getSomething(name) {
if (content_[name]) return content_[name];
return null; // doesn't exist
I return an object if it exists or null if not.
What would be the equivalent in C++ using references? Is there any recommended pattern in general? I saw some frameworks having an isNull() method for this purpose:
SomeResource SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end()) return content_[name];
SomeResource output; // Create a "null" resource
return output;
Then the caller would check the resource that way:
SomeResource r = obj.getSomething("something");
if (!r.isNull()) {
// OK
} else {
However, having to implement this kind of magic method for each class seems heavy. Also it doesn't seem obvious when the internal state of the object should be set from "null" to "not null".
Is there any alternative to this pattern? I already know it can be done using pointers, but I am wondering how/if it can be done with references. Or should I give up on returning "null" objects in C++ and use some C++-specific pattern? Any suggestion on the proper way to do that would be appreciated.
You cannot do this during references, as they should never be NULL. There are basically three options, one using a pointer, the others using value semantics.
With a pointer (note: this requires that the resource doesn't get destructed while the caller has a pointer to it; also make sure the caller knows it doesn't need to delete the object):
SomeResource* SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return &(*it);
return NULL;
Using std::pair with a bool to indicate if the item is valid or not (note: requires that SomeResource has an appropriate default constructor and is not expensive to construct):
std::pair<SomeResource, bool> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return std::make_pair(*it, true);
return std::make_pair(SomeResource(), false);
Using boost::optional:
boost::optional<SomeResource> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return *it;
return boost::optional<SomeResource>();
If you want value semantics and have the ability to use Boost, I'd recommend option three. The primary advantage of boost::optional over std::pair is that an unitialized boost::optional value doesn't construct the type its encapsulating. This means it works for types that have no default constructor and saves time/memory for types with a non-trivial default constructor.
I also modified your example so you're not searching the map twice (by reusing the iterator).
Why "besides using pointers"? Using pointers is the way you do it in C++. Unless you define some "optional" type which has something like the isNull() function you mentioned. (or use an existing one, like boost::optional)
References are designed, and guaranteed, to never be null. Asking "so how do I make them null" is nonsensical. You use pointers when you need a "nullable reference".
One nice and relatively non-intrusive approach, which avoids the problem if implementing special methods for all types, is that used with boost.optional. It is essentially a template wrapper which allows you to check whether the value held is "valid" or not.
BTW I think this is well explained in the docs, but beware of boost::optional of bool, this is a construction which is hard to interpret.
Edit: The question asks about "NULL reference", but the code snippet has a function that returns by value. If that function indeed returned a reference:
const someResource& getSomething(const std::string& name) const ; // and possibly non-const version
then the function would only make sense if the someResource being referred to had a lifetime at least as long as that of the object returning the reference (otherwise you woul dhave a dangling reference). In this case, it seems perfectly fine to return a pointer:
const someResource* getSomething(const std::string& name) const; // and possibly non-const version
but you have to make it absolutely clear that the caller does not take ownership of the pointer and should not attempt to delete it.
I can think of a few ways to handle this:
As others suggested, use boost::optional
Make the object have a state that indicates it is not valid (Yuk!)
Use pointer instead of reference
Have a special instance of the class that is the null object
Throw an exception to indicate failure (not always applicable)
unlike Java and C# in C++ reference object can't be null.
so I would advice 2 methods I use in this case.
1 - instead of reference use a type which have a null such as std::shared_ptr
2 - get the reference as a out-parameter and return Boolean for success.
bool SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name, SomeResource& outParam) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end())
outParam = content_[name];
return true;
return false;
This code below demonstrates how to return "invalid" references; it is just a different way of using pointers (the conventional method).
Not recommended that you use this in code that will be used by others, since the expectation is that functions that return references always return valid references.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#define Nothing(Type) *(Type*)nullptr
//#define Nothing(Type) *(Type*)0
struct A { int i; };
struct B
A a[5];
B() { for (int i=0;i<5;i++) a[i].i=i+1; }
A& GetA(int n)
if ((n>=0)&&(n<5)) return a[n];
else return Nothing(A);
int main()
B b;
for (int i=3;i<7;i++)
A &ra=b.GetA(i);
if (!&ra) std::cout << i << ": ra=nothing\n";
else std::cout << i << ": ra=" << ra.i << "\n";
return 0;
The macro Nothing(Type) returns a value, in this case that represented by nullptr - you can as well use 0, to which the reference's address is set. This address can now be checked as-if you have been using pointers.
From C++17 on, you can use the native std::optional (here) in the following way:
std::optional<SomeResource> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end()) return content_[name];
return std::nullopt;
Here are a couple of ideas:
Alternative 1:
class Nullable
bool m_bIsNull;
Nullable(bool bIsNull) : m_bIsNull(bIsNull) {}
void setNull(bool bIsNull) { m_bIsNull = bIsNull; }
bool isNull();
class SomeResource : public Nullable
SomeResource() : Nullable(true) {}
SomeResource(...) : Nullable(false) { ... }
Alternative 2:
template<class T>
struct Nullable<T>
Nullable(const T& value_) : value(value_), isNull(false) {}
Nullable() : isNull(true) {}
T value;
bool isNull;
Yet another option - one that I have used from time to time for when you don't really want a "null" object returned but instead an "empty/invalid" object will do:
// List of things
std::vector<some_struct> list_of_things;
// An emtpy / invalid instance of some_struct
some_struct empty_struct{"invalid"};
const some_struct &get_thing(int index)
// If the index is valid then return the ref to the item index'ed
if (index <= list_of_things.size())
return list_of_things[index];
// Index is out of range, return a reference to the invalid/empty instance
return empty_struct; // doesn't exist
Its quite simple and (depending on what you are doing with it at the other end) can avoid the need to do null pointer checks on the other side. For example if you are generating some lists of thing, e.g:
for (const auto &sub_item : get_thing(2).sub_list())
// If the returned item from get_thing is the empty one then the sub list will
// be empty - no need to bother with nullptr checks etc... (in this case)

How to create a container that holds different types of function pointers in C++?

I'm doing a linear genetic programming project, where programs are bred and evolved by means of natural evolution mechanisms. Their "DNA" is basically a container (I've used arrays and vectors successfully) which contain function pointers to a set of functions available.
Now, for simple problems, such as mathematical problems, I could use one type-defined function pointer which could point to functions that all return a double and all take as parameters two doubles.
Unfortunately this is not very practical. I need to be able to have a container which can have different sorts of function pointers, say a function pointer to a function which takes no arguments, or a function which takes one argument, or a function which returns something, etc (you get the idea)...
Is there any way to do this using any kind of container ?
Could I do that using a container which contains polymorphic classes, which in their turn have various kinds of function pointers?
I hope someone can direct me towards a solution because redesigning everything I've done so far is going to be painful.
A typical idea for virtual machines is to have a separate stack that is used for argument and return value passing.
Your functions can still all be of type void fn(void), but you do argument passing and returning manually.
You can do something like this:
class ArgumentStack {
void push(double ret_val) { m_stack.push_back(ret_val); }
double pop() {
double arg = m_stack.back();
return arg;
std::vector<double> m_stack;
ArgumentStack stack;
...so a function could look like this:
// Multiplies two doubles on top of the stack.
void multiply() {
// Read arguments.
double a1 = stack.pop();
double a2 = stack.pop();
// Multiply!
double result = a1 * a2;
// Return the result by putting it on the stack.
This can be used in this way:
// Calculate 4 * 2.
printf("2 * 4 = %f\n", stack.pop());
Do you follow?
You cannot put a polymorphic function in a class, since functions that take (or return) different things cannot be used in the same way (with the same interface), which is something required by polymorphism.
The idea of having a class providing a virtual function for any possible function type you need would work, but (without knowing anything about your problem!) its usage feels weird to me: what functions would a derived class override? Aren't your functions uncorrelated?
If your functions are uncorrelated (if there's no reason why you should group them as members of the same class, or if they would be static function since they don't need member variables) you should opt for something else... If you pick your functions at random you could just have several different containers, one for function type, and just pick a container at random, and then a function within it.
Could you make some examples of what your functions do?
What you mentioned itself can be implemented probably by a container of
std::function or discriminated union like Boost::variant.
For example:
#include <functional>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
struct F {
virtual ~F() {}
template< class Return, class Param = void >
struct Func : F {
std::function< Return( Param ) > f;
Func( std::function< Return( Param ) > const& f ) : f( f ) {}
Return operator()( Param const& x ) const { return f( x ); }
template< class Return >
struct Func< Return, void > : F {
std::function< Return() > f;
Func( std::function< Return() > const& f ) : f( f ) {}
Return operator()() const { return f(); }
static void f_void_void( void ) { puts("void"); }
static int f_int_int( int x ) { return x; }
int main()
F *f[] = {
new Func< void >( f_void_void ),
new Func< int, int >( f_int_int ),
for ( F **a = f, **e = f + 2; a != e; ++ a ) {
if ( auto p = dynamic_cast< Func< void >* >( *a ) ) {
else if ( auto p = dynamic_cast< Func< int, int >* >( *a ) ) {
std::cout<< (*p)( 1 ) <<'\n';
But I'm not sure this is really what you want...
What do you think about Alf P. Steinbach's comment?
This sort of thing is possible with a bit of work. First it's important to understand why something simpler is not possible: in C/C++, the exact mechanism by which arguments are passed to functions and how return values are obtained from the function depends on the types (and sizes) of the arguments. This is defined in the application binary interface (ABI) which is a set of conventions that allow C++ code compiled by different compilers to interoperate. The language also specifies a bunch of implicit type conversions that occur at the call site. So the short and simple answer is that in C/C++ the compiler cannot emit machine code for a call to a function whose signature is not known at compile time.
Now, you can of course implement something like Javascript or Python in C++, where all values (relevant to these functions) are typed dynamically. You can have a base "Value" class that can be an integer, float, string, tuples, lists, maps, etc. You could use std::variant, but in my opinion this is actually syntactically cumbersome and you're better of doing it yourself:
enum class Type {integer, real, str, tuple, map};
struct Value
// Returns the type of this value.
virtual Type type() const = 0;
// Put any generic interfaces you want to have across all Value types here.
struct Integer: Value
int value;
Type type() const override { return Type::integer; }
struct String: Value
std::string value;
Type type() const override { return Type::str; }
struct Tuple: Value
std::vector<Value*> value;
Type type() const override { return Type::tuple; };
// etc. for whatever types are interesting to you.
Now you can define a function as anything that takes a single Value* and returns a single Value*. Multiple input or output arguments can be passed in as a Tuple, or a Map:
using Function = Value* (*)(Value*);
All your function implementations will need to get the type and do something appropriate with the argument:
Value* increment(Value* x)
switch (x->type())
return new Integer(((Integer*) x)->value + 1);
return new Real(((Real*) x)->value + 1.0);
throw TypeError("expected an integer or real argument.")
increment is now compatible with the Function type and can be stored in mFuncs. You can now call a function of unknown type on arguments of unknown type and you will get an exception if the arguments don't match, or a result of some unknown type if the arguments are compatible.
Most probably you will want to store the function signature as something you can introspect, i.e. dynamically figure out the number and type of arguments that a Function takes. In this case you can make a base Function class with the necessary introspection functions and provide it an operator () to make it look something like calling a regular function. Then you would derive and implement Function as needed.
This is a sketch, but hopefully contains enough pointers to show the way. There are also more type-safe ways to write this code (I like C-style casts when I've already checked the type, but some people might insist you should use dynamic_cast instead), but I figured that is not the point of this question. You will also have to figure out how Value* objects lifetime is managed and that is an entirely different discussion.