How to run lein run and lein figwheel? - clojure

For a bit now I've just been running lein figwheel to start up my application. I generated the project using the luminus template. However, recently when connecting to a database I found that lein figwheel does not allow me to connect to database. I'm assuming this is because it does not initialize the app. Which is weird because it will reload my plain clj files with no problem.
However, if I just use lein run then I have the database connection.
After poking around I reread the Luminus docs and it says that I need to run both. And this is where I am very confused. lein run opens a port to 3000, and figwheel opens up a port to 3449. Like I said, the first lets me connect to the database and the other gives me autobuilding. Do I connect to both ports?
So what step am I missing to get both worlds?

Harley mentioned this in the comment to the other answer, but I wanted to vouch for it. First, run your server however you'd like (I launch from the repl, but you can also use lein run). Then use your browser navigate to whatever port you choose to run on. Then run lein figwheel in another terminal and it will connect.

I too, have never done both at the same time. However, I have done them separately and the different ports handle different "services". Port 3000 is the http port. If you built this from a luminus template, then you are probably building a web site. So, connect to 3000 with your browser.
Port 3449 is the web socket port that figwheel uses to push changes to the browswer. So,you start up a command-line lein figwheel an it goes looking for your 3449 port to talk to the browser. Now mind you, this command-line is both a repl and a monitor program. As you make changes to the source, figwheel recompiles your changes and sends the to the page at 3449. You can also execute code from the repl by changing the namespace of the repl (i.e. in-ns).
So, two different ports, two different protocols. What does port 3000 return to the browser? Well, depending on your server, whatever page you tell it to. Whereas, the 3449 is whatever figwheel defaults it to.
The real question is how to get figwheel to connect up to an existing page in a browser, not started by figwheel. I thought I had seen where someone had a JavaScript function that you embedded in your page and it talked/listened to figwheel.


Connect a repl to Charles Proxy

I'm trying to debug my networked application to find out a network bug with one of my requests. Instead of using the command line, as the error happens inside a library, I'd rather use Charles Proxy for it.
My problem is that the connection is done by https and it's not visible as the REPL is not going through the proxy. I have tried to add -Dhttp.proxyHost and -Dhttp.proxyPort as parameters to the run/debug config to no avail.
Other applications are running through the proxy correctly.
What options am I missing?
It seems the http client library used by twitter-api doesn't honor the JVM http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort properties.
You could try add :proxy {:host "localhost" :port 8888 :protocol :https} as a named parameter to your twitter-api call.

transferring values from remote nrepl

I have a remote nrepl which I started via Screen, that I connect to using lein repl :connect. Can I have a value transfer over to a local repl ? The reason I ask is that:
Using Screen means I get headless exceptions when I want to do graphics operations and
Sometimes I would like to get a local copy of a remote value to play with.
As far as I know there is no transport protocol to send actual Clojure values over the wire. What you can do is launch a local nREPL server, connect to the remote instance and read/eval the response values locally. This should be pretty straightforward when you are just trying to copy basic data from one side to the other. Check the nREPL documentation on how to connect to a server programmatically.
Directly copying things like the state of a java object is not really possible though. You can work around that by creating a new object based on input data you got from the remote, assuming you have a local copy of the source code. The same goes for rendering graphics, get the state as data from the remote and use it locally to trigger the rendering.
Hope this helps!
I'm assuming your remote process has an open nrepl port that you are connecting to. If that's the case, the best way to connect to that nrepl port from your local machine is probably an ssh tunnel.
ssh -L :localhost: remote-host
Then you'll be able to make an nrepl connect to that port on localhost and do everything you want.

Add webapp frontend to existing clojure app

I have a Clojure-based chat bot that I start up in typical leiningen fashion with lein run. I'd like to add a front end to this app, but not totally sure how to go about it. From reading docs on compojure, lib-noir and ring, looks like the standard way to serve is with lein ring server. I'd rather just start up the app and the front end with a single lein command if possible. Would this involve manually starting up the server (in another thread perhaps) with something like (run-jetty handler {:port 3000}), or could anyone recommend a better approach?
What do you understand under 'frontend' in your case? I see two possibilities.
First one is when your Clojure bot is completely standalone and has some external interface to interact with. In this case your frontend will be separate application talking with the bot via this external interface, and indeed in this case if you want to start your programs with single lein command you should be using explicit -main function in your webapp which will first run your bot and then start the server. I don't know exact command to start the server though; yours looks fine for me, but I think I read somewhere that this kind of startup was deprecated...
Another possibility is when you want the webapp to be integrated into the bot. In this case you just write the webapp in such way that it uses namespaces of the bot directly; no -main function is required, and all you have to do is run the lein ring server command.
The second one looks clearer to me, but it depends on overall architecture of your bot.
I have looked more thoroughly at how ring and leiningen work together, and it seems that the simplest way for you to get what you want is as follows. First, install lein-ring plugin as its readme directs.
Next, configure your project.clj similarly to the following:
(defproject your-project "0.0.1"
:dependencies [...]
... ; All other configuration
:ring {:handler your-namespace.web/handler
See, you should have additional options in your project.clj file (they are described in the readme I have linked to above). :handler is your main web application handler (refer to ring documentation on what it is and why it is needed). :init should be your initialization function. This is exactly the place you should add the code to to start your bot.
Finally, issue lein ring server command to start your webapp. This will first call a function you specified as :init in your project.clj, which in turn will start your bot, and then your webapp will be launched.

Is there a way to talk to a Clojure REPL process from another process?

I'm wondering if I can make a Vim plugin that sends forms over to the REPL session that lein repl starts. Is there a way to send messages to an existing jline.ConsoleRunner process?
Slightly OT, but this is what nrepl is for. IIUC, vimclojure uses nrepl now for the REPLs it starts, and allows you to connect to remote Clojure processes that have started an nrepl server. I don't think Leiningen has an nrepl plugin, though (yet).
You may find the slimv vim plugin helpful.
see this SO question Sending input to a screen window from vim
A general approach is to start a screen session run lein repl, then sent the vim output to the screen session. does more or less that ... I don't know if it's using nrepl or not, but with lein-tarsier you can have vimclojure talk via nailgun to a JVM which is also running a REPL. HTH

How do I stop jetty server in clojure?

I am writing a web application using ring and clojure. I am using the jetty adapter for the development server and emacs/SLIME for IDE. While wrap-reload does help, run-jetty blocks my slime session and I would like to be able to start/stop it at will without having to run it in a separate terminal session. Ideally, I would like to define a server agent and functions start-server and stop-server that would start/stop the server inside the agent. Is this possible?
I usually have a line in my Ring app that looks like the following:
(defonce server (run-jetty #'my-app {:port 8080 :join? false}))
This prevents locking up the REPL. It also allows me to recompile this file without worrying that my server will get redefined. It also lets you interact at the REPL like so:
user=> (.stop server)
user=> (.start server)
The Jetty documentation has some information on graceful shutdown of Jetty. That's probably not enough information but it may get you started.
I haven't started playing with compojure yet, but overall I prefer to work with Tomcat. It's more full-featured; among other things, there is a well-documented API for starting it up and shutting it down, it listens for the shutdown command on a dedicated port; there are ant tasks to do this, and they could of course be called from a Java app as well. I just don't know what kind of magic Compojure does with connecting the REPL to a running instance of the Web container, and if/how automatic class reloading happens... hopefully someone else will be able to provide more information.
12 years later.
VSCode / Calva:
If you are like me starting jetty from the repl inside VSCode / Calva
you have to CTRL-C the server process at the terminal not the REPL.
In fact the server process is bound to the terminal not to the REPL.