Failed to run the mfc application when calling a mfc dll with the Common Language Runtime Support (/clr) - c++

I need to add Common Language Runtime Support (/clr) to my mfc dll project in order to use managed code in it.
I have do some setting for the all projects according to how to compile MFC and ATL Code By Using /clr from msdn.
I have done a lot of testing. But still failed to run my application although I only add the /clr support to the project without adding any managed code.
See below for details:
The exception, call stack, output information, the difference of output information and dependency dll between using and without using /clr please see Exception Detail
I can't get any useful information from call stack. I don't know even where to add the break point for debugging. Anyway, it's too later to add the break point at the InitInstance() of the application.
It seems the exception caused by loading dlls according the output information. But I don't know the really reason.
Otherwise I have downloaded a sample solution from msdn see Sample about Using /clr in MFC. The sample contains a mfc application calling a mfc dll with /clr support. And it works well. When I add my mfc dll(with /clr support) into this sample, it can work well too. I really don't down why it can't work in my solution. I have checked the property setting of my project compare with the sample solution. There seems nothing special.
I do need help, any suggestion?

Thank you all.
I have solved the issue by delaying loaded the dll that cotaines /clr support in the project calling it. See Set Delay Loaded DLL for how to delay dlls. It seems the exception caused by the chaotic unmanaged and managed initialization.
"Unmanaged and managed initialization is performed in two separate and distinct stages. Unmanaged initialization takes place first (via DllMain), and managed initialization takes place afterwards, through a .NET-supported construct called a .cctor. " See Initialization of Mixed Assemblies for details


Customizing MFC ribbon controls with dynamic linking

I have a VS2017 MFC C++ application which uses a ribbon based UI. Up until now I have been using the statically linked MFC libraries but now have to move to MFC in a DLL as I need Multithreaded DLL linkage /MD in order to support another third party SDK (Vulkan). One of the reasons for using statically linked MFC is that it allowed me overcome some problems in the implementation simply by including the source for the item I needed to change in my application. e.g. to use data the edit part of a combo box to select the nearest item in the drop down. This doesn't work when I use the DLL version of MFC for obvious reasons, is there any way around this? I can't simply inherit from MFC base classes as my application is building the ribbon interface from a ribbon resource file and there don't seem to be any hooks to customise this behaviour.
My current thoughts for possibilities include building my own version of the MFC DLLs or simply adding the full MFC source as a sub-project and change my main project Use of MFC to Use Standard Windows Libraries. Both of these seem like nasty hacks.
Edit: In response to the comment below from IInspectable, I'm not entirely sure why the current behaviour doesn't work but have some ideas. Linking the static lib version of the code, if I include my own copy of a function that occurs in the lib, the lib version never gets called (possibly never even gets linked). When linking the DLL version of MFC, my modified function never gets called. This could be because it is called by another function in the same DLL which never sees my code or it has a slightly different decorated name. My thinking is that including all the MFC source in my app and not linking any MFC in the compiler options is one brute force solution, though a pretty horrible one.
I ended up recompiling a custom version of the MFC DLL based on this project, This lets me keep my MFC modifications while also using MFC in a DLL with minimal changes to my existing project

MFC: Why does this heap corruption happen? (array_s.cpp / afxcoll.inl)

Crashing Code
The following code makes my program crash (program exits) by heap corruption when the third line (the 'delete' command) is called:
1: CStringArray* pStringArray = new CStringArray();
2: ClassInDll::addToStringArray(_T("asdf"), *pStringArray);
3: delete pStringArray;
1: ClassInDll::addToStringArray(CString s, CStringArray& sa){
2: sa.Add(s);
3: }
addToStringArray() is static
Be aware that this is not actually my code, but simply the minimum with which I can reproduce the error. It is reproducible with CArray<CString> as well.
I verified, that the heap corruption does indeed not happen before that code line via
gflags /p /enable MyExe.exe /full
What seems to be the problem
Dll dependency
MFC source
CStringArray creation
MyExe.exe > MFC
...\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\array_s.cpp
Internal array allocation
MyExe.exe > MyDll.dll > MFC
...\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\atlmfc\include\afxcoll.inl
MyExe.exe > MFC
...\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\array_s.cpp
The fact that the internal array is not deleted the same way it was created is probably the error. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
Project Settings
I made sure that the same MFC settings are used in MyExe.exe as well as MyDll.dll, i.e.:
Use of MFC
Use MFC in a Shared DLL
Use of ATL
Not using ATL
Character Set
Use Unicode Character Set
I test in debug mode, so there is no optimization.
MyDll.dll is not the only dll that is loaded, and there is too much going on with project dependencies (to third party dlls etc), so I cannot make all this part of my question.
So my questions boil down to:
Is my assumption correct that array_s.cpp and afxcoll.inl are not compatible with one another?
What makes one piece of code call array_s.cpp, and the other call afxcoll.inl?
What else could be the problem?
I have tried turning it off and on again ;)
Thank you in advance!
PaulMcKenzie pointed out that this is the case if I build against different CRTs which was the case. One was "Multithreaded Debug DLL", the other was "Multithreaded DLL". Still, the problem persists, after making both equal. This page states that if using VS 2015 and above with Windows 10 and having project settings so that the same runtime library is used, the same CRT library is used at runtime (and therefore should use the same heap, right?).
I've made sure, that every entry within "Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation" is exactly the same in the exe and dll.
Passing MFC objects (even via pointers) between modules (EXEs and DLLs, or different DLLs) is a very tricky business. If you're simply using classes in the DLL, then you should (at the very least) be using the AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro (see here) in the DLL.
However, if your DLL is defining its own MFC-derived classes (your ClassInDll seems to be such), it should really be built as an MFC Extension DLL.
The whole process of building extension DLLs (and even using the 'regular' MFC DLLs) is rather too broad for me to provide any usable source code for you here. But, from the second link above, the following section is likely relevant to the problem(s) you are seeing (bold italics are mine):
Memory Management
MFCx0.dll and all MFC extension DLLs loaded into a client
application's address space use the same memory allocator, resource
loading, and other MFC global states as if they were in the same
application. This is significant because the non-MFC DLL libraries and
the regular MFC DLLs do the exact opposite and have each DLL
allocating out of its own memory pool.
If an MFC extension DLL allocates memory, that memory can freely
intermix with any other application-allocated object. Also, if an
application that dynamically links to MFC fails, the protection of the
operating system maintains the integrity of any other MFC application
sharing the DLL.
Similarly other global MFC states, like the current executable file to
load resources from, are also shared between the client application
and all MFC extension DLLs as well as MFCx0.dll itself.
It turned out that release and debug dlls were both being loaded (because of another dll):
The "modules" window sure does help, if you only know that you should look there.
Thanks to PaulMcKenzie and IInspectable for leading me into the right direction.

Show an (custom) error when "required" runtime libraries are not present?

I've been making a program in Visual Studio 2012, what comes with it is that when I send my application to someone, they need the VS2012 Runtime, which sometimes they don't know where to download or what they need (for normal users "xxx.dll is missing" is very misleading).
I know exactly which dependencies my application requires (fantom.dll [Lego Mindstorms stuff] and the VC++ 2012 Redist).
I would like to show a dialog when these libraries are missing on application startup and provide the user with download links for these libraries.
Is this possible to accomplish?
Yeah you could do something like:
Move all of the code in your binary into a DLL.
Create an EXE which dynamically loads the DLL using LoadLibrary and unloads it with FreeLibrary.
If LoadLibrary fails, check if its due to missing DLLs, if so then display a MessageBox/your custom message and exit.
Of course this means your EXE project must NOT depend on the runtime itself - this shouldn't be an issue since you'll only need to call 3 win32 API's.
No it's not possible but you can create an installer for your program. The error is thrown during the loading of your program, before your code execution...
You can try with that :
I can't speak for testing the VS2012 Runtime dynamically, but you can certainly validate fantom.dll dynamically. Instead of static-linking to the DLL directly, you can dynamically load it instead. You can configure your project to delay-load the DLL at run-time, and then provide a delay-load callback handler that the RTL will call if the delay-load fails. Or you can simply skip the delay-load feature and load the DLL yourself manually by calling LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() directly.
Sure, you can verify if a dependency exists on the deployed system. A few things come to mind...
You can see if the assembly is recognized on the running system by calling AppDomain.AssemblyResolve() . Further reading here
Another more primitive option is to call a File.Exists(your assembly path here) test, but I would advise against this as it's a bad practice to require hard-pathed installation locations.
That said, and as others have stated, it's still by far the best approach to create yourself an installation distribution.

OleInitialize fails when Common Lanuage Runtime is enabled?

I am working on a wxWidgets console application that I want to call into = a C# DLL from, via the CLR. Unfortunately, the application hiccups in the wxWidgets application initialization code because OleInitialize is failing. The error I'm seeing is a pop-up simply stating "Cannot initialize OLE."
It seems that this problem is usually avoided by setting the apartment style for threads by applying a directive to the application's entry point but I'm really struggling with what entry point I'm looking for. My C# code is a DLL: there's no specific entry point. The code compiled with /CLR exists in a .lib which is linked into my wxWidgets application. wxWidgets actually defines the WinMain in their code, and allows me to override behaviors via implementing wxApp.
Other suggestions include disabling OLE support in wxWidgets but In my release, 2.8.6, setting wxUSE_OLE, wxUSE_CLIPBOARD, wxUSE_DATAOBJ, wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP to 0 creates unresolved externals while compiling wxWidgets.
Has enjoy encountered this before and found an effective work around? Can anyone provide any clarification on what entry point I need to be modifying?
As mentioned in my question, this is a problem involving the thread style settings between the C++ application and the CLR defaults. This was apparently a bug, once upon a time, and Microsoft has released a fix:
Recompiling the executable the uses the CLR-enabled .lib with /CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE:STA was sufficient to eliminate the errors I was seeing.

Visual Studio Debuging Errors in C++

For some reason the integrated debugger is causing an error as soon as I make reference to a third party vendor's dll class. This same code runs when it is built and ran as a release, stand alone. The two properties for debug and release should be the same as I have not really altered them. I added the lib file to the path for both builds. I simply have:
ClassNameFromDll blah;
When it gets to here, I get this exception:
Unhandled exception at 0x78a3f623 (mfc90ud.dll) in MTGO SO Bot.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xf78e4568.
It occurs in: afxtls.cpp, line 252.
This is an MFC app, but I am not really using any MFC other than a very simple gui which fires off an event that is all win32. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express.
Looking at the atltls.cpp file from my VC9 install, the crash is occurring here:
inline void* CThreadSlotData::GetThreadValue(int nSlot)
ASSERT(nSlot != 0 && nSlot < m_nMax);
ASSERT(m_pSlotData != NULL);
ASSERT(m_pSlotData[nSlot].dwFlags & SLOT_USED); // <== crash
// ...
So the reason the crash doesn't occur in release build is because the ASSERT() is a no-op in that build. I'm not familiar with ATL's use of thread local storage, but this assertion indicates that something is asking for a value in a slot where nothing has been stored yet.
Whether the initialization of that TLS slot is your responsibility or the 3rd party DLL's responsibility, I don't know.
It looks like GetThreadValue() has some additional protections such that it'll return a NULL pointer in the release build for an uninitialized slot (though I'm not sure that this would be guaranteed) - I'd bet that the 3rd party DLL relies on that behavior (ie., it checks for a NULL return) so no crash occurs in release builds. Note that the vendor might be using the CThreadSlotData class indirectly (the stack trace would give a clue about this), so they might not be aware of its expectations.
engaging psychic debugging
The fact that it runs in release mode fine and crashes in debug mode leads me to believe that you've somehow managed to reference, specifically, the release version of that DLL (mfc90u.dll), rather than referencing the library itself and allowing the linker to decide which version to import.
You may not be using MFC for anything in this app, but if it's building as an MFC application, you will get all of the MFC stuff whether you want it or not (which means you also have to solve the MFC dependency problem and ship the MFC DLLs with your app).
Do you have a stack trace you can post? It might have some helpful information.
If the 3rd party DLL is still actively supported by the vendor, then the first thing you should do is see if you can have the same problem occur with a very simple program that you can send to the vendor and ask them to fix it.
If the vendor is not available or responsive enough:
If you have source of the 3rd party DLL and can easily build your own version, you have probably the best way to debug this (short of getting the vendor to support you). Even if you cannot easily build a source-debuggable DLL, you can trace into the constructor's assembly instructions and use the source as a map to help you understand what's going on.
Even if you don't have source for the 3rd party DLL then I think the best course of action is to trace through the constructor for ClassNameFromDll to try to figure out whats going wrong. It might help to compare the instructions path in the Debug build vs. the Release build.
MFC source is distributed with MSVC (probably not with the Express version, but I think with all other versions) so when you get in to the MFC DLL's code you might find the source to be useful in helping to figure out what's going on.