OpenMP computation errors - fortran
When I enable the OpenMP lines in the following code, I do not often get the correct solutions (so I suspect something is wrong with the parallelization). I have gone through the code over and over again, yet I still could not find where is the problem.
!$OMP PARALLEL SHARED(w, h, u, v, hu, hv, d) &
!$OMP& SHARED(nxw, nyw) &
!$OMP& SHARED(rx, ry, rxg, ryg) &
!$OMP& SHARED(ispans, ispane, jspans, jspane, chunk) &
!$OMP& SHARED(a) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(i, j, it) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(ip1, im1, im2, jp1, jm1, jm2, iu1, jv1) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(ww, hh, uu, vv, hu1, hu2, hv1, hv2, dd, df) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(xvv, xuu, xve, xue, advx, advy) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(c, dwdt_i, dwdt_f, dwdt, ref, coef) &
!$OMP& PRIVATE(du, dv, noflux)
ompstart = OMP_GET_WTIME()
do it = 1, itlast
do j = 2, nyw-1
do i = 2, nxw-1
if (d(i,j) .gt. rpmax) then
ww = w(i,j,1) - rx*(u(i,j,1) - u(i-1,j,1)) &
- ry*(v(i,j,1) - v(i,j-1,1))
if (abs(ww) .lt. eps) ww = 0.0
hh = ww + d(i,j)
if (hh .ge. gx) then
h(i,j,2) = hh
w(i,j,2) = ww
h(i,j,2) = 0.0
w(i,j,2) = -d(i,j)
end if
h(i,j,2) = 0.0
w(i,j,2) = -d(i,j)
end if
end do
end do
do j = 1, nyw
do i = 1, nxw-1
hu1 = 0.25*(h(i,j,2) + h(i+1,j,2) + h(i,j,1) + h(i+1,j,1))
hu2 = 0.50*(h(i,j,2) + h(i+1,j,2))
if (hu1 .lt. gx) hu1 = 0.0
if (hu2 .lt. gx) hu2 = 0.0
hu(i,j,1) = hu1
hu(i,j,2) = hu2
end do
end do
do j = 1, nyw-1
do i = 1, nxw
hv1 = 0.25*(h(i,j,2) + h(i,j+1,2) + h(i,j,1) + h(i,j+1,1))
hv2 = 0.50*(h(i,j,2) + h(i,j+1,2))
if (hv1 .lt. gx) hv1 = 0.0
if (hv2 .lt. gx) hv2 = 0.0
hv(i,j,1) = hv1
hv(i,j,2) = hv2
end do
end do
do i = 1, nxw-1
ip1 = i+1
im1 = i-1
if (im1 .le. 1) im1 = 1
if (ip1 .ge. nxw-1) ip1 = nxw-1
do j = 1, nyw
noflux = 0
jp1 = j+1
jm1 = j-1
jv1 = j
if (jm1 .le. 1) jm1 = 1
if (jp1 .ge. nyw) jp1 = nyw
if (jv1 .ge. nyw-1) jv1 = nyw-1
du = 0.5*(d(i,j) + d(i+1,j))
if (d(i,j) .le. rpmax .or. du .le. rpmax) then
u(i,j,2) = 0.0
noflux = 1
if (h(i,j,2) .gt. gx .and. h(i+1,j,2) .gt. gx) then
dd = hu(i,j,2)
df = hu(i,j,1)
else if (h(i,j,2) .gt. gx .and. h(i+1,j,2) .le. gx &
.and. d(i+1,j) + w(i,j,2) .gt. gx) then
dd = 0.5*h(i,j,2)
df = dd
else if (h(i,j,2) .le. gx .and. h(i+1,j,2) .gt. gx &
.and. d(i,j) + w(i+1,j,2) .gt. gx) then
dd = 0.5*h(i+1,j,2)
df = dd
u(i,j,2) = 0.0
noflux = 1
end if
if (dd .lt. gx) then
u(i,j,2) = 0.0
noflux = 1
end if
end if
if (noflux .ne. 1) then
xvv = 0.25*(v(i,jv1,1) + v(i+1,jv1,1) + &
v(i,jm1,1) + v(i+1,jm1,1))
uu = u(i,j,1) - rxg*dd*(w(i+1,j,2) - w(i,j,2))
if (hu(i,j,1) .ge. gx .and. &
(i .gt. ispans .and. i .lt. ispane .and. &
j .gt. jspans .and. j .lt. jspane)) then
advx = 0.0
advy = 0.0
if (u(i,j,1) .lt. zero) then
if (hu(ip1,j,1) .lt. gx .or. &
h(ip1,j,2) .lt. gx) then
advx = rx*(-u(i,j,1)**2.0/hu(i,j,1))
advx = rx*(u(ip1,j,1)**2.0/hu(ip1,j,1) &
- u(i,j,1)**2.0/hu(i,j,1))
end if
if (hu(im1,j,1) .lt. gx .or. &
h(i,j,2) .lt. gx) then
advx = rx*(u(i,j,1)**2.0/hu(i,j,1))
advx = rx*(u(i,j,1)**2.0/hu(i,j,1) &
- u(im1,j,1)**2.0/hu(im1,j,1))
end if
end if
if (xvv .lt. zero) then
if (h(i,jp1,2) .lt. gx .or. &
h(ip1,jp1,2) .lt. gx) then
advy = ry*(-u(i,j,1)*xvv/hu(i,j,1))
else if (hu(i,jp1,1) .lt. gx) then
advy = ry*(-u(i,j,1)*xvv/hu(i,j,1))
xve = 0.25*(v(i,jp1,1) + v(ip1,jp1,1) &
+ v(i,j,1) + v(ip1,j,1))
advy = ry*(u(i,jp1,1)*xve/hu(i,jp1,1) &
- u(i,j,1)*xvv/hu(i,j,1))
end if
if (h(i,jm1,2) .lt. gx .or. &
h(ip1,jm1,2) .lt. gx) then
advy = ry*(u(i,j,1)*xvv/hu(i,j,1))
else if (hu(i,jm1,1) .lt. gx) then
advy = ry*(u(i,j,1)*xvv/hu(i,j,1))
jm2 = j-2
if (jm2 .le. 1) jm2 = 1
xve = 0.25*(v(i,jm1,1) + v(ip1,jm1,1) &
+ v(i,jm2,1) + v(ip1,jm2,1))
advy = ry*(u(i,j,1)*xvv/hu(i,j,1) &
- u(i,jm1,1)*xve/hu(i,jm1,1))
end if
end if
DWDT_F = 0.08*C
DWDT_I = 0.65*C
DWDT = ABS(W(I,J,2) - W(I,J,1))/DELT
A = 1.0
uu = uu - advx - advy
end if
if (abs(uu) .lt. eps) uu = 0.0
if (uu .gt. 20.0*dd) uu = 20.0*dd
if (uu .lt. -20.0*dd) uu = -20.0*dd
u(i,j,2) = uu
u(i,j,2) = 0.0
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, nxw
ip1 = i+1
im1 = i-1
iu1 = i
if (im1 .le. 1) im1 = 1
if (ip1 .ge. nxw) ip1 = nxw
if (iu1 .ge. nxw-1) iu1 = nxw-1
do j = 1, nyw-1
noflux = 0
jp1 = j+1
jm1 = j-1
if (jm1 .le. 1) jm1 = 1
if (jp1 .ge. nyw-1) jp1 = nyw-1
dv = 0.5*(d(i,j) + d(i,j+1))
if (d(i,j) .le. rpmax .or. dv .le. rpmax) then
v(i,j,2) = 0.0
noflux = 1
if (h(i,j,2) .gt. gx .and. h(i,j+1,2) .gt. gx) then
dd = hv(i,j,2)
df = hv(i,j,1)
else if (h(i,j,2) .gt. gx .and. h(i,j+1,2) .le. gx &
.and. d(i,j+1) + w(i,j,2) .gt. gx) then
dd = 0.5*h(i,j,2)
df = dd
else if (h(i,j,2) .le. gx .and. h(i,j+1,2) .gt. gx &
.and. d(i,j) + w(i,j+1,2) .gt. gx) then
dd = 0.5*h(i,j+1,2)
df = dd
v(i,j,2) = 0.0
noflux = 1
end if
if (dd .lt. gx) then
v(i,j,2) = 0.0
noflux = 1
end if
end if
if (noflux .ne. 1) then
xuu = 0.25*(u(iu1,j,1) + u(iu1,jp1,1) + &
u(im1,j,1) + u(im1,jp1,1))
vv = v(i,j,1) - ryg*dd*(w(i,j+1,2) - w(i,j,2))
if (hv(i,j,1) .ge. gx .and. &
(i .gt. ispans .and. i .lt. ispane .and. &
j .gt. jspans .and. j .lt. jspane)) then
advx = 0.0
advy = 0.0
if (v(i,j,1) .lt. zero) then
if (hv(i,jp1,1) .lt. gx .or. &
h(i,jp1,2) .lt. gx) then
advy = ry*(-v(i,j,1)**2.0/hv(i,j,1))
advy = ry*(v(i,jp1,1)**2.0/hv(i,jp1,1) &
- v(i,j,1)**2.0/hv(i,j,1))
end if
if (hv(i,jm1,1) .lt. gx .or. &
h(i,j,2) .lt. gx) then
advy = ry*(v(i,j,1)**2.0/hv(i,j,1))
advy = ry*(v(i,j,1)**2.0/hv(i,j,1) &
- v(i,jm1,1)**2.0/hv(i,jm1,1))
end if
end if
if (xuu .lt. zero) then
if (h(ip1,j,2) .lt. gx .or. &
h(ip1,jp1,2) .lt. gx) then
advx = rx*(-v(i,j,1)*xuu/hv(i,j,1))
else if (hv(ip1,j,1) .lt. gx) then
advx = rx*(-v(i,j,1)*xuu/hv(i,j,1))
xue = 0.25*(u(ip1,j,1) + u(ip1,jp1,1) &
+ u(i,j,1) + u(i,jp1,1))
advx = rx*(v(ip1,j,1)*xue/hv(ip1,j,1) &
- v(i,j,1)*xuu/hv(i,j,1))
end if
if (h(im1,j,2) .lt. gx .or. &
h(im1,jp1,2) .lt. gx) then
advx = rx*(v(i,j,1)*xuu/hv(i,j,1))
else if (hv(im1,j,1) .lt. gx) then
advx = rx*(v(i,j,1)*xuu/hv(i,j,1))
im2 = i-2
if (im2 .le. 1) im2 = 1
xue = 0.25*(u(im1,j,1) + u(im1,jp1,1) &
+ u(im2,j,1) + u(im2,jp1,1))
advx = rx*(v(i,j,1)*xuu/hv(i,j,1) &
- v(im1,j,1)*xue/hv(im1,j,1))
end if
end if
DWDT_F = 0.08*C
DWDT_I = 0.65*C
DWDT = ABS(W(I,J,2) - W(I,J,1))/DELT
A = 1.0
vv = vv - advx - advy
end if
if (abs(vv) .lt. eps) vv = 0.0
if (vv .gt. 20.0*dd) vv = 20.0*dd
if (vv .lt. -20.0*dd) vv = -20.0*dd
v(i,j,2) = vv
v(i,j,2) = 0.0
end if
end do
end do
call tuna_openbc
call tuna_update
end do
ompend = OMP_GET_WTIME()
Above code is the computation part (it is a lengthy code). I make sure all the loop counters it, i, j, and dummy loop counters ip1, im1, jp1, jm1, etc are set as private. Also all the dummy variables ww, uu, vv, etc are all set as private. I am not sure where I did wrong. All my variables and constants are declared in a module as shown below.
real, parameter :: gx = 1.0e-5
real, parameter :: eps = 1.0e-10
real, parameter :: zero = 0.0
real, parameter :: rpmax = -20.0
real, parameter :: grav = 9.807
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: w
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: h
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: u
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: v
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: hu
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: hv
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: d
integer :: nxw, nyw
real :: delx, dely, delt
Please share if you find something is not right.
AFAICS, your code exposes two oddities:
The variable a is declared shared whereas it looks like it should have been declared private
The two variables ompstart and ompend should probably be initialised outside of the parallel region. Otherwise, all threads will try to update them concurrently.
All other variables look fine to me. In addition, I tried to check for potential dependencies between various indexes of u and v, but didn't spot any. So maybe declaring a private might be enough to fix your code.
How do I draw graph in sympy?
I'm high school student, and I'm writing a report about profile velocity. I don't know much about differential equations and Python, but I have to use both of them. I'm trying to induce the velocity from (ma = mg - kv), and caculate a and s from v. I caculated v successfully, but I have few questions. import sympy init_printing() %matplotlib inline (m, g, k, t) = symbols('m g k t') v = Function('v') deq = Eq( m*v(t).diff(t), m*g - k*v(t) ) eq = dsolve( deq, v(t) ) C1 = Symbol('C1') C1_ic = solve( eq.rhs.subs( {t:0}), C1)[0] r = expand(eq.subs({C1:C1_ic})) the simple way to caculate C1 doesn't work v(0) = 0 so I write eq = dsolve( deq, ics={v(0):0}) but it has same result with eq = dsolve( deq, v(t) ) how to caculate acc and draw a graph? I try this code, but it doesn't work a = diff(r, t) r = dsolve( a, v(t)) r.subs({m:1, g:9.8, k:1}) plot( r , (t,0,100))
I don't get the same result from eq = dsolve( deq, ics={v(0):0}). Also you should declare m, g and k with positive=True. In [50]: m, g, k = symbols('m g k', positive=True) In [51]: t = Symbol('t') In [52]: v = Function('v') In [53]: deq = Eq( m*v(t).diff(t), m*g - k*v(t) ) In [54]: deq Out[54]: d m⋅──(v(t)) = g⋅m - k⋅v(t) dt In [55]: dsolve(deq, v(t)) Out[55]: k⋅(C₁ - t) ────────── m g⋅m + ℯ v(t) = ───────────────── k In [56]: dsolve(deq, v(t), ics={v(0):0}) Out[56]: ⎛ m⋅log(g) m⋅log(m) ⅈ⋅π⋅m⎞ k⋅⎜-t + ──────── + ──────── + ─────⎟ ⎝ k k k ⎠ ──────────────────────────────────── m g⋅m + ℯ v(t) = ─────────────────────────────────────────── k In [57]: sol = dsolve(deq, v(t), ics={v(0):0}).rhs In [58]: sol.expand() Out[58]: -k⋅t ───── m g⋅m g⋅m⋅ℯ ─── - ────────── k k In [59]: factor_terms(sol.expand()) Out[59]: ⎛ -k⋅t ⎞ ⎜ ─────⎟ ⎜ m ⎟ g⋅m⋅⎝1 - ℯ ⎠ ──────────────── k You can compute and plot the acceleration like In [62]: sol = factor_terms(sol.expand()) In [64]: a = sol.diff(t) In [65]: a = sol.diff(t).subs({m:1, g:9.8, k:1}) In [66]: a Out[66]: -t 9.8⋅ℯ In [67]: plot(a, (t, 0, 100))
Derivative of Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function to Variable E
I wrote a Fortran code to compute the derivative of Fermi-Dirac distribution function to variable E. The Fermi-Dirac distribution function itself is written below. $$f_{(E)} =\frac{1}{e^{\frac{E-E_f}{k_BT}}+1}$$ where, $$E$$ and $$T$$ are variables; $$E_f$$ and $$k_B$$ are constant The derivative of this function to variable is written below. $$\frac{\partial f_{(E)}}{\partial E} =\frac{1}{k_BT}\frac{e^{\frac{E-E_f}{k_BT}}}{(e^{\frac{E-E_f}{k_BT}}+1)^2}$$ I suppose this derivative function should act as a delta function $$\delta (E-E_F)$$, when $$T$$ is zero. However, I obtain 'NAN' sign after I ran my Fortran code to compute this derivative function. Here are the results after I ran my code. t=0.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=-0.5 NaN t=0.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=0.5 NaN t=0.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=1.0 NaN t=0.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=5.0 NaN t=5.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=0.1 0.000000000000000E+000 t=5.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=-0.5 0.000000000000000E+000 t=5.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=0.5 -3.621485258019960E+021 t=5.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=1.0 NaN t=5.0d0 ef = 0.5 e=5.0 NaN Here are my code. PROGRAM TEST IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION :: e, ef, t,df t = 0.0d0 ef = 5.0d-1 e = 1.0d-1 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=0.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=0.1 ', df e = -5.0d-1 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=0.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=-0.5 ', df e = 5.0d-1 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=0.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=0.5 ', df e = 1.0d0 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=0.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=1.0 ', df e = 5.0d0 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=0.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=5.0 ', df t = 5.0d0 e = 1.0d-1 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=5.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=0.1 ', df e = -5.0d-1 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=5.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=-0.5 ', df e = 5.0d-1 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=5.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=0.5 ', df e = 1.0d0 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=5.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=1.0 ', df e = 5.0d0 CALL FE(e,ef,t,df) WRITE (UNIT=*, FMT=*) 't=5.0d0 ', 'ef = 0.5 ', 'e=5.0 ', df STOP END PROGRAM TEST SUBROUTINE FE(e,ef,t,df) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION :: e, ef, kb, t,df kb = 1.380649d-23 df = 0.0d0 df = 1.0d0 / kb / t * EXP(1.0d0 / kb / t * (e - ef)) df = df / (EXP(1.0d0 / kb / t * (e - ef)) + 1.0d0) ** 2 df = df * -1.0d0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE FE Would anyone please give me some suggestions on how to sort out the problem? Thank you in advance.
Well, I could say there are two thing wrong with just eye viewing the code There is no provision to handle T=0 in the code. When you pass T=0 you should expect NaN, you divide by 0 Looks like units you use are energy in eV, temperature in K. Then your Boltzman constant is completely off. kB = 1/11605 eV/K Try this code, might work better SUBROUTINE FE(e, ef, T, df) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION :: e, ef, T, df DOUBLE PRECISION :: kB, q kB = 1.0d0/11605.0d0 ! eV/K df = 0.0d0 if (T .ne. 0.0d0) then ! 0 at T=0 ? q = (e - ef)/(kB*T) q = EXP( q ) + 1.0d0 df = (q - 1.0d0) / q / q df = df / (kB*T) else ! T = 0 if (e .eq. ef) then df = 1.0d0 endif endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE FE
The index of inner loops, Private or Shared?
This is my code, I want to make it parallel with OpenMP. I have one main loop to make parallel and some inner loops. Are the indices of inner loops, like p, i or Li private or shared? What happend if I do not declare the variables as private or shared? Do you suggest to use the allocatable variables for this parallel loop? !$OMP PARALLEL DO do l = 1,n_rep do p = 1,n_l - 1 do q = 1,n_l - 1 do r = 1,n_l - 1 Li = (p - 1)*(n_l - 1)**2 + (q - 1)*(n_l - 1) + r alpha(Li) = pi*rand() gamma(Li) = pi*rand() beta(Li) = pi/2*rand() R_x(1,1) = 1.d0 R_x(1,2) = 0.d0 R_x(1,3) = 0.d0 R_x(2,1) = 0.d0 R_x(2,2) = cos(alpha(Li)) R_x(2,3) = sin(alpha(Li)) R_x(3,1) = 0.d0 R_x(3,2) = -sin(alpha(Li)) R_x(3,3) = cos(alpha(Li)) R_y(1,1) = cos(beta(Li)) R_y(1,2) = 0.d0 R_y(1,3) = -sin(beta(Li)) R_y(2,1) = 0.d0 R_y(2,2) = 1.d0 R_y(2,3) = 0.d0 R_y(3,1) = sin(beta(Li)) R_y(3,2) = 0.d0 R_y(3,3) = cos(beta(Li)) R_z(1,1) = cos(gamma(Li)) R_z(1,2) = sin(gamma(Li)) R_z(1,3) = 0.d0 R_z(2,1) = -sin(gamma(Li)) R_z(2,2) = cos(gamma(Li)) R_z(2,3) = 0.d0 R_z(3,1) = 0.d0 R_z(3,2) = 0.d0 R_z(3,3) = 1.d0 R_xy = matmul(R_x,R_y) R_xyz = matmul(R_xy,R_z) do i = 1,n_f - 1 do j = 1,n_f - 1 do k = 1,n_f - 1 Li = (i - 1)*(n_f - 1)**2 + (j - 1)*(n_f - 1) + k cf_x(i) = x_f(i) + (p - 1)*d_l - x_c(p) cf_y(j) = y_f(j) + (q - 1)*d_l - y_c(q) cf_z(k) = z_f(k) + (r - 1)*d_l - z_c(r) x_rotated = R_xyz(1,1)*cf_x(i) + R_xyz(1,2)*cf_y(j) & + R_xyz(1,3)*cf_z(k) y_rotated = R_xyz(2,1)*cf_x(i) + R_xyz(2,2)*cf_y(j) & + R_xyz(2,3)*cf_z(k) z_rotated = R_xyz(3,1)*cf_x(i) + R_xyz(3,2)*cf_y(j) & + R_xyz(3,3)*cf_z(k) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO
Personally I would break this problem up a bit. Size_of_Array = n_l * n_l * n_l IF(ALLOCATED(Li)) DEALLOCATE( Li ) ALLOCATE( Li (Size_of_Array)) IF(ALLOCATED(Alpha)) DEALLOCATE( Alpha) ALLOCATE (Alpha (Size_of_Array)) IF(ALLOCATED(Beta)) DEALLOCATE( Beta ) ALLOCATE( Beta (Size_of_Array)) IF(ALLOCATED(Gamma)) DEALLOCATE( Gamma) ALLOCATE( Gamma (Size_of_Array)) indexer = 0 do l = 1,n_rep do p = 1,n_l - 1 do q = 1,n_l - 1 do r = 1,n_l - 1 indexer = indexer + 1 Li(Indexer) = (p - 1)*(n_l - 1)**2 + (q - 1)*(n_l - 1) + r ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO alpha = pi*rand() gamma = pi*rand() beta = pi/2*rand() !?OMP DO PARALLEL DO I= 1, SIZE(Li) CALL Make_Array(Alpha(I), Beta(I), Gamma(I), MyArray(:,:,I) ) ENDDO !etc Basically moving the array to be inside of either an ELEMENTAL FUNCTION or a PURE SUBROUTINE. Then see what it does for speed with inlining and a single parallel do of some sort (OMP or other). PURE SUBROUTINE Make_Array(Alpha, Beta, Gamma, MyArray) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE, INTENT(IN ) :: Alpha DOUBLE, INTENT(IN ) :: Beta DOUBLE, INTENT(IN ) :: Gamma DOUBLE, DIMENSION(3,3) INTENT(INOUT) :: MyArray ! Maybe just intent(OUT)? R_x(:,:) = 0.d0 R_x(1,1) = 1.d0 R_x(2,2) = cos(alpha) R_x(2,3) = sin(alpha) R_x(3,2) = -sin(alpha) R_x(3,3) = cos(alpha) R_y(1,1) = cos(beta) R_y(1,3) = -sin(beta) R_y(2,1) = 0.d0 R_y(2,2) = 1.d0 R_y(2,3) = 0.d0 R_y(3,1) = sin(beta(Li)) R_y(3,2) = 0.d0 R_y(3,3) = cos(beta(Li)) R_z(1,1) = cos(gamma(Li)) R_z(1,2) = sin(gamma(Li)) R_z(1,3) = 0.d0 R_z(2,1) = -sin(gamma(Li)) R_z(2,2) = cos(gamma(Li)) END SUBROUTINE Make_Array Etc... For other elemental functions or pure subroutines R_xy = matmul(R_x,R_y) R_xyz = matmul(R_xy,R_ ...
Frustrating code gives Bad real numer in item 1 of list input
I am having a nightmare of a time trying to run the following code with the input values below. Now when i run it i get the following error , i read some place that it was due to the fact that my 2,txt file looks messy if i dont save it in a UTF -16 bit, is that something that is possible? At line 11 of file bndry.f (unit = 5, file = '2.txt') Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input Main code: IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER MS,NS,JS,N,I PARAMETER(MS=50000,NS=50000) REAL*8 S,K,TAU,SIGMA,R,DELTA,SMIN,SMAX,DTAU,ALPHA,BETA,LAM REAL*8 V(0:MS),BD(0:NS),T(0:NS) COMMON/OUTPUT/V,BD,T OPEN(UNIT=5, FILE='2.f') WRITE(6,*) S,K,TAU,SIGMA,R,DELTA,DTAU READ(5,*) S,K,TAU,SIGMA,R,DELTA,DTAU N = TAU/DTAU ALPHA = 2.0D0*R/SIGMA**2 BETA = 2.0D0*(R-DELTA)/SIGMA**2 LAM = (BETA-1.0D0) + DSQRT((BETA-1.0D0)**2+4.0D0*ALPHA) LAM = LAM/2.0D0 SMIN = K/(1.0D0+1.0D0/LAM) ! PERPETUAL BOUNDARY SMAX = 10.0D0*K CALL EXP_DIFF(S,K,TAU,SIGMA,R,DELTA,SMAX,SMIN,DTAU,JS) WRITE(6,*) 'PRICE: ', V(JS) DO I = 0, N WRITE(2,10) T(I),BD(I) ENDDO 10 FORMAT(1X,2F14.8) STOP END C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE EXP_DIFF(S,K,TAU,SIGMA,R,DELTA,SMAX,SMIN,DTAU,JS) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER MS,NS,JS,M,N,I,J,IEARLY PARAMETER(MS=50000,NS=50000) REAL*8 S,K,TAU,SIGMA,R,DELTA,XMIN,XMAX,DTAU,DX,ALPHA,SMIN,SMAX, & P1,P2,P3,VC,A,B REAL*8 VE(0:MS),V(0:MS),BD(0:NS),T(0:NS) COMMON/OUTPUT/V,BD,T IF (S.GT.SMAX) THEN STOP 'THE OPTION IS WORHTLESS' ENDIF IF (S.LT.SMIN) THEN STOP 'THE OPTION WORTHS K-S FOR CERTAIN' ENDIF XMIN = DLOG(SMIN) XMAX = DLOG(SMAX) DX = SIGMA*DSQRT(3.0*DTAU) JS = (DLOG(S)-XMIN)/DX DX = (DLOG(S)-XMIN)/FLOAT(JS) ALPHA = R - DELTA - SIGMA**2/2.0 P1 = SIGMA**2*DTAU/(2.0*DX**2) + ALPHA*DTAU/(2.0*DX) P2 = 1.0 - SIGMA**2*DTAU/DX**2 P3 = 1.0 - P1 -P2 P1 = P1/(1.0+R*DTAU) P2 = P2/(1.0+R*DTAU) P3 = P3/(1.0+R*DTAU) WRITE(6,*) 'P1,P2,P3',P1,P2,P3 IF (P1.LT.0.0.OR.P2.LT.0.0.OR.P3.LT.0.0) STOP 'DECREASE DTAU' M = (XMAX-XMIN)/DX N = TAU/DTAU IF (M.GT.MS.OR.N.GT.NS) STOP 'INCREASE MS AND NS' DO J = 0, M VE(J) = MAX(K-DEXP(J*DX+XMIN),0.0) V(J) = VE(J) ENDDO BD(0) = K T(0) = 0.0 DO I = 1, N IEARLY = 0 A = V(M) B = V(M-1) DO J = M-1, 1, -1 VC = P1*A+P2*B+P3*V(J-1) IF (VC.LT.VE(J).AND.IEARLY.EQ.0) THEN BD(I) = DEXP(XMIN+J*DX) T(I) = DTAU*DFLOAT(I) IEARLY = 1 ENDIF V(J) = MAX(VC, VE(J)) A = B B = V(J-1) ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END Data in 2.f file: S = 100.0DO K = 100.0D0 TAU = 3.0D0 SIGMA = 0.2D0 R = 0.08D0 DELTA = 0.04D0 DTAU = 0.03D0
JS is coming out to zero. You then divide by it. Why is JS an INTEGER?
You're trying to read the names of the variables. The input file works fine like this: 100.0D0 100.0D0 3.0D0 0.2D0 0.08D0 0.04D0 0.03D0 And the last 0 on the first line was a capital O.
Another good ol' segmentation error in fortran
I know that people ask a LOT of segmentation err questions here, but I've put my effort in solving this problem for more than three hour and still wasn't able to solve this. :/ So here is my code: c sinle event analysis implicit real(a-h,o-z) real day(12), nmonth(12), year(12), clas(12), $ hour(12), nmin(12) integer mark(12) real tst(12), D(12), avgP(12,6), avgA(12,6) integer k, m, n, g real time(2054904), proa(2054904), prob(2054904), w1(2054904), $ w2(2054904), w3(2054904), w4(2054904) D(1) = 31; D(2) = 28; D(3) = 31; D(4) = 30; D(5) = 31; D(6) = 30; D(7) = 31; D(8) = 31; D(9) = 30; D(10) = 31; D(11) = 30; D(12) = 31 open(100,file='singleE.dat') do i=1, 12 tst(i)=0 enddo 900 do i=1, 12 read(100, 1150) day(i), nmonth(i), year(i), $ hour(i), nmin(i), clas(i) do j=1, 12 if (int(nmonth(i)).EQ.(13-j)) then tst(i) = tst(i) + D(12-j) nmonth(i) = nmonth(i)-1 endif enddo tst(i) = tst(i) + day(i) + (year(i) - 2010)*365 $ + (hour(i) + nmin(i)/60)/24 if (year(i) > real(2011)) then tst(i) = tst(i) + 1 endif enddo open(200,file='hole.dat',status='OLD') k = 0 do i=1, 2054904 read(200,950) time(i), proa(i), prob(i), $ w1(i), w2(i), w3(i), w4(i) enddo mark = 0 do i=1, 12 do j=1, 2054904 k = k + 1 if(abs(tst(i)-time(j))<0.0001) then mark(i) = k endif enddo enddo n = 5; do i= 1, 12 do j= 1,6 avgP(i,j) = 0 avgA(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo do i=1, 12 if (mark(i).EQ.0) then go to 750 endif do j = (mark(i)-(n+1)*1440), (mark(i)-n*1440) avgP(i,1) = avgP(i,1) + proa(j) avgP(i,2) = avgP(i,2) + prob(j) avgP(i,3) = avgP(i,3) + w1(j) avgP(i,4) = avgP(i,4) + w2(j) avgP(i,5) = avgP(i,5) + w3(j) avgP(i,6) = avgP(i,6) + w4(j) enddo do g = (mark(i)+n*1440), (mark(i)+(n+1)*1440) avgA(i,1) = avgA(i,1) + proa(g) avgA(i,2) = avgA(i,2) + prob(g) avgA(i,3) = avgA(i,3) + w1(g) avgA(i,4) = avgA(i,4) + w2(g) avgA(i,5) = avgA(i,5) + w3(g) avgA(i,6) = avgA(i,6) + w4(g) enddo 750 print *, avgP(i,1), avgP(i,2), avgP(i,3), avgP(i,4), $ avgP(i,5), avgP(i,6) enddo 850 close(i) 950 FORMAT(F12.7,2x,E10.3,2x,E10.3,2x,E10.3,2x,E10.3, $ 2x,E10.3,2x,E10.3) 1150 FORMAT(F2.0,1x,F2.0,1x,F4.0,1x,F2.0,1x,F2.0,4x F3.1) end The part that is causing me trouble is the loop here: do i=1, 12 if (mark(i).EQ.0) then go to 750 endif do j = (mark(i)-(n+1)*1440), (mark(i)-n*1440) avgP(i,1) = avgP(i,1) + proa(j) avgP(i,2) = avgP(i,2) + prob(j) avgP(i,3) = avgP(i,3) + w1(j) avgP(i,4) = avgP(i,4) + w2(j) avgP(i,5) = avgP(i,5) + w3(j) avgP(i,6) = avgP(i,6) + w4(j) enddo do g = (mark(i)+n*1440), (mark(i)+(n+1)*1440) avgA(i,1) = avgA(i,1) + proa(g) avgA(i,2) = avgA(i,2) + prob(g) avgA(i,3) = avgA(i,3) + w1(g) avgA(i,4) = avgA(i,4) + w2(g) avgA(i,5) = avgA(i,5) + w3(g) avgA(i,6) = avgA(i,6) + w4(g) enddo enddo Using gdb, I found out that the 'j' loop is causing trouble. All of the parameters are fine, but every time I execute the program the 'j' loop goes only once. The peculiar thing is that as 'i' increases the processes start to cripple one by one. for example, at i = 1 the loop executes well. Then, at i = 2, avgP(i,6) = avgP(i,6) + w4(j) causes the seg fault. At i = 3, avgP(i,5) = avgP(i,5) + w3(j) causes the seg fault and in the end at i = 7, entire loop doesn't work. What a strange error! Hope that I can get some help with this.
The loop do j=1, 12 if (int(nmonth(i)).EQ.(13-j)) then tst(i) = tst(i) + D(12-j) nmonth(i) = nmonth(i)-1 endif enddo potentially tries to access the value D(0) when j=12 however D is dimensioned 1:12 so who knows what is being written to tst and its consequences. This should be caught by turning on bounds checking.