Why std::bad_alloc is thrown? - c++

I'm implementing a map/reduce parallel project. However, using an input file of (more or less) 1GB, for a word count toy example, with only one mapper (which maps the whole file) i receive a std::bad_alloc exception. Unfortunately this happens only on the remote Xeon Phi (with smaller RAM), so no deep debugging.
However, the memory is occupied in 2 places: when the mapper read (store) the whole file in a char *:
void getNextKeyValue() {
key = pos;//int
value = new char[file_size];//file_size only with 1 mapper
ssize_t result = pread(fd, value, file_size, pos);
assert(result == ( file_size ) );
morePairs = false;
And the other one when the map function is called and a series of pair<char*,int> is stored inside a vector as the map's result:
The map function:
std::function<void(int key, char *value,MapResult<int,char*,char*,int> *result)> map_func = [](int key,char *value,MapResult<int,char*,char*,int> *result) {
const char delimit[]=" \t\r\n\v\f";
char *token , *save;
token = strtok_r(value, delimit, &save);
while (token != NULL){
token = strtok_r (NULL,delimit, &save);
emit implementation (and maps' result generation):
void emit(char* key, int value) {
vector<pair<char*,int>> res;
note: normally key and value in emit are template-based, but I omit them for claricity in this example.
In the first place I thought that std::bad_alloc was thrown because of char *value (which takes 1GB), but the exception was thrown after a testing cout message placed after the value allocation (so that'not the problem).
From what I've read about the strtok implementation, the original char* is modified (adding \0 at the end of each token) so no addition memory is allocated.
The only remaining possibility is the vector<pair<char*,int>> occupied space, but I'm not able to figure its space (please help me about it). Supposing an average word length of 5 chars, we should have ~ 2*10^8 words.
UPDATE AFTER 1201ProgramAlarm's answer :
Unfortunately, precompute the number of words and then call resize() in order to eliminate unused vector's memory isn't feasible for two reasons:
It would greatly reduce the performance. Without calling emit and only counting the words of a file of 280MB, it take 1242ms over 1329ms total time execution (~5000s when file is read for the first time).
Using this solution, the final user should deeply consider memory usage when he writes the map function, which usually doesn't happen in classic map/reduce frameworks like Hadoop.

The problem isn't the space used by the vector, it's all the space previously used by the vector when its capacity was smaller. Unless you call reserve on the vector, it starts empty and allocates a small amount of space (typically large enough for one element) when you push the first element. During later pushes, if it doesn't have enough remaining space allocated, it will allocate more (1.5x or 2x the current size). This means you need enough free memory for both the smaller size and the larger one. Because the freed memory chunks, when combined, still won't be enough for the next larger requested amount, there can be a lot of free but unused memory.
You should call res.reserve(/*appropriate large size*/), or switch containers to a deque that, while it will need more space in the end, won't need to do the reallocations as it grows. To get the size to reserve, you can walk your file once to see how many words are really in it, reserve space for them, then walk it again and save the words.


Fast way to push_back a vector many times

I have identified a bottleneck in my c++ code, and my goal is to speed it up. I am moving items from one vector to another vector if a condition is true.
In python, the pythonic way of doing this would be to use a list comprehension:
my_vector = [x for x in data_vector if x > 1]
I have hacked a way to do this in C++, and it is working fine. However, I am calling this millions of times in a while-loop and it is slow. I do not understand much about memory allocation, but I assume that my problem has to do with allocating memory over-and-over again using push_back. Is there a way to allocate my memory differently to speed up this code? (I do not know how large my_vector should be until the for-loop has completed).
std::vector<float> data_vector;
// Put a bunch of floats into data_vector
std::vector<float> my_vector;
while (some_condition_is_true) {
for (i = 0; i < data_vector.size(); i++) {
if (data_vector[i] > 1) {
// Use my_vector to render graphics on the GPU, but do not change the elements of my_vector
// Change the elements of data_vector, but not the size of data_vector
Use std::copy_if, and reserve data_vector.size() for my_vector initially (as this is the maximum possible number of elements for which your predicate could evaluate to true):
std::vector<int> my_vec;
std::copy_if(data_vec.begin(), data_vec.end(), std::back_inserter(my_vec),
[](const auto& el) { return el > 1; });
Note that you could avoid the reserve call here if you expect that the number of times that your predicate evaluates to true will be much less than the size of the data_vector.
Though there are various great solutions posted by others for your query, it seems there is still no much explanation for the memory allocation, which you do not much understand, so I would like to share my knowledge about this topic with you. Hope this helps.
Firstly, in C++, there are several types of memory: stack, heap, data segment.
Stack is for local variables. There are some important features associated with it, for example, they will be automatically deallocated, operation on it is very fast, its size is OS-dependent and small such that storing some KB of data in the stack may cause an overflow of memory, et cetera.
Heap's memory can be accessed globally. As for its important features, we have, its size can be dynamically extended if needed and its size is larger(much larger than stack), operation on it is slower than stack, manual deallocation of memory is needed (in nowadays's OS, the memory will be automatically freed in the end of program), et cetera.
Data segment is for global and static variables. In fact, this piece of memory can be divided into even smaller parts, e.g. BBS.
In your case, vector is used. In fact, the elements of vector are stored into its internal dynamic array, that is an internal array with a dynamic array size. In the early C++, a dynamic array can be created on the stack memory, however, it is no longer that case. To create a dynamic array, ones have to create it on heap. Therefore, the elements of vector are stored in an internal dynamic array on heap. In fact, to dynamically increase the size of an array, a process namely memory reallocation is needed. However, if a vector user keeps enlarging his or her vector, then the overhead cost of reallocation cost will be high. To deal with it, a vector would firstly allocate a piece of memory that is larger than the current need, that is allocating memory for potential future use. Therefore, in your code, it is not that case that memory reallocation is performed every time push_back() is called. However, if the vector to be copied is quite large, the memory reserved for future use will be not enough. Then, memory allocation will occur. To tackle it, vector.reserve() may be used.
I am a newbie. Hopefully, I have not made any mistake in my sharing.
Hope this helps.
Run the code twice, first time only counting, how many new elements you will need. Then use reserve to already allocate all the memory you need.
while (some_condition_is_true) {
int newLength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < data_vector.size(); i++) {
if (data_vector[i] > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < data_vector.size(); i++) {
if (data_vector[i] > 1) {
// Do stuff with my_vector and change data_vector
I doubt allocating my_vector is the problem, especially if the while loop is executed many times as the capacity of my_vector should quickly become sufficient.
But to be sure you can just reserve capacity in my_vector corresponding to the size of data_vector:
while (some_condition_is_true) {
for (auto value : data_vector) {
if (value > 1)
If you are on Linux you can reserve memory for my_vector to prevent std::vector reallocations which is bottleneck in your case. Note that reserve will not waste memory due to overcommit, so any rough upper estimate for reserve value will fit your needs. In your case the size of data_vector will be enough. This line of code before while loop should fix the bottleneck:

set the size of a string object [duplicate]

I wan to use std::string simply to create a dynamic buffer and than iterate through it using an index. Is resize() the only function to actually allocate the buffer?
I tried reserve() but when I try to access the string via index it asserts. Also when the string's default capacity seems to be 15 bytes (in my case) but if I still can't access it as my_string[1].
So the capacity of the string is not the actual buffer? Also reserve() also does't allocate the actual buffer?
string my_string;
// I want my string to have 20 bytes long buffer
my_string.reserve( 20 );
int i = 0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
// store the character in
my_string[i++] = ch; // this crashes
If I do resize() instead of reserve() than it works fine. How is it that the string has the capacity but can't really access it with []? Isn't that the point to reserve() size so you can access it?
In response to the answers, I would like to ask stl folks, Why would anybody use reserve() when resize() does exactly the same and it also initialize the string? I have to say I don't appreciate the performance argument in this case that much. All that resize() does additional to what reserve() does is that it merely initialize the buffer which we know is always nice to do anyways. Can we vote reserve() off the island?
Isn't that the point to reserve() size so you can access it?
No, that's the point of resize().
reserve() only gives to enough room so that future call that leads to increase of the size (e.g. calling push_back()) will be more efficient.
From your use case it looks like you should use .push_back() instead.
my_string.reserve( 20 );
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
How is it that the string has the capacity but can't really access it with []?
Calling .reserve() is like blowing up mountains to give you some free land. The amount of free land is the .capacity(). The land is there but that doesn't mean you can live there. You have to build houses in order to move in. The number of houses is the .size() (= .length()).
Suppose you are building a city, but after building the 50th you found that there is not enough land, so you need to found another place large enough to fit the 51st house, and then migrate the whole population there. This is extremely inefficient. If you knew you need to build 1000 houses up-front, then you can call
to get enough land to build 1000 houses, and then you call
to construct the house with the assignment of ch to this location. The capacity is 1000, but the size is still 1. You may not say
my_string[16] = 'c';
because the house #16 does not exist yet. You may call
to get houses #0 ~ #19 built in one go, which is why
my_string[i++] = ch;
works fine (as long as 0 ≤ i ≤ 19).
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_array.
For your add-on question,
.resize() cannot completely replace .reserve(), because (1) you don't always need to use up all allocated spaces, and (2) default construction + copy assignment is a two-step process, which could take more time than constructing directly (esp. for large objects), i.e.
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
struct SlowObject
SlowObject() { sleep(1); }
SlowObject(const SlowObject& other) { sleep(1); }
SlowObject& operator=(const SlowObject& other) { sleep(1); return *this; }
int main()
std::vector<SlowObject> my_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
my_vector[i] = SlowObject();
return 0;
Will waste you at least 9 seconds to run, while
int main()
std::vector<SlowObject> my_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
return 0;
wastes only 6 seconds.
std::string only copies std::vector's interface here.
No -- the point of reserve is to prevent re-allocation. resize sets the usable size, reserve does not -- it just sets an amount of space that's reserved, but not yet directly usable.
Here's one example -- we're going to create a 1000-character random string:
static const int size = 1000;
std::string x;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
reserve is primarily an optimization tool though -- most code that works with reserve should also work (just, possibly, a little more slowly) without calling reserve. The one exception to that is that reserve can ensure that iterators remain valid, when they wouldn't without the call to reserve.
The capacity is the length of the actual buffer, but that buffer is private to the string; in other words, it is not yours to access. The std::string of the standard library may allocate more memory than is required to storing the actual characters of the string. The capacity is the total allocated length. However, accessing characters outside s.begin() and s.end() is still illegal.
You call reserve in cases when you anticipate resizing of the string to avoid unnecessary re-allocations. For example, if you are planning to concatenate ten 20-character strings in a loop, it may make sense to reserve 201 characters (an extra one is for the zero terminator) for your string, rather than expanding it several times from its default size.
reserve(n) indeed allocates enough storage to hold at least n elements, but it doesn't actually fill the container with any elements. The string is still empty (has size 0), but you are guaranteed, that you can add (e.g. through push_back or insert) at least n elements before the string's internal buffer needs to be reallocated, whereas resize(n) really resizes the string to contain n elements (and deletes or adds new elements if neccessary).
So reserve is actually a mere optimization facility, when you know you are adding a bunch of elements to the container (e.g. in a push_back loop) and don't want it to reallocate the storage too often, which incurs memory allocation and copying costs. But it doesn't change the outside/client view of the string. It still stays empty (or keeps its current element count).
Likewise capacity returns the number of elements the string can hold until it needs to reallocate its internal storage, whereas size (and for string also length) returns the actual number of elements in the string.
Just because reserve allocates additional space does not mean it is legitimate for you to access it.
In your example, either use resize, or rewrite it to something like this:
string my_string;
// I want my string to have 20 bytes long buffer
my_string.reserve( 20 );
int i = 0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
// store the character in
my_string += ch;
std::vector instead of std::string might also be a solution - if there are no requirements against it.
vector<char> v; // empty vector
vector<char> v(10); // vector with space for 10 elements, here char's
Your example:
vector<char> my_string(20);
int i=0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
my_string[i++] = ch;

hashtable needs lots of memory

I've declared and defined the following HashTable class. Note that I needed a hashtable of hashtables so my HashEntry struct contains a HashTable pointer. The public part is not a big deal it has the traditional hash table functions so I removed them for simplicity.
class HashTable{
struct HashEntry{
std::string key;
Status current_status;
std::string ip;
int access_count;
Type entry_type;
HashTable *table;
const std::string &k = std::string(),
Status s = EMPTY,
const std::string &u = std::string(),
const int &a = int(),
Type e = DNS_ENTRY,
HashTable *t = NULL
): key(k), current_status(s), ip(u), access_count(a), entry_type(e), table(t){}
std::vector<HashEntry> array;
int currentSize;
HashTable(int size = 1181, int csz = 0): array(size), currentSize(csz){}
I am using quadratic probing and I double the size of the vector in my rehash function when I hit array.size()/2. The following list is used when a larger table size is needed.
int a[16] = {49663, 99907, 181031, 360461,...}
My problem is that this class consumes so much memory. I've just profiled it with massif and found out that it needs 33MB(33 million bytes!) of memory for 125000 insertion. To be clear, actually
1 insertion -> 47352 Bytes
8 insertion -> 48376 Bytes
512 insertion -> 76.27KB
1000 insertion 2MB (array size increased to 49663 here)
27000 insertion-> 8MB (array size increased to 99907 here)
64000 insertion -> 16MB (array size increased to 181031 here)
125000 insertion-> 33MB (array size increased to 360461 here)
These may be unnecessary but I just wanted to show you how memory usage changes with the input. As you can see, when rehashing is done, memory usage doubles. For example, our initial array size was 1181. And we have just seen that 125000 elements -> 33MB.
To debug the problem, I changed the initial size to 360461. Now 127000 insertion does not need rehashing. And I see that 20MB of memory is used with this initial value. That is still huge, but I think it suggests there is a problem with rehashing. The following is my rehash function.
void HashTable::rehash(){
std::vector<HashEntry> oldArray = array;
for(int j = 0; j < array.size(); j++){
array[j].current_status = EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < oldArray.size(); i++){
if(oldArray[i].current_status == ACTIVE){
int pos = findPos(oldArray[i].key);
array[pos] = oldArray[i];
int nextprime(int arraysize){
int a[16] = {49663, 99907, 181031, 360461, 720703, 1400863, 2800519, 5600533, 11200031, 22000787, 44000027};
int i = 0;
while(arraysize >= a[i]){i++;}
return a[i];
This is the insert function used in rehashing and everywhere else.
bool HashTable::insert(const std::string &k){
int currentPos = findPos(k);
return false;
array[currentPos] = HashEntry(k, ACTIVE);
if(++currentSize > array.size() / 2){
return true;
What am I doing wrong here? Even if it's caused by rehashing, when no rehashing is done it is still 20MB and I believe 20MB is way too much for 100k items. This hashtable is supposed to contain like 8 million elements.
The fact that 360,461 HashEntry's take 20 MB is hardly surprising. Did you try looking at sizeof(HashEntry)?
Each HashEntry includes two std::strings, a pointer, and three int's. As the old joke has it, it's not easy to answer the question "How long is a string?", in this case because there are a large variety of string implementations and optimizations, so you might find that sizeof(std::string) is anywhere between 4 and 32 bytes. (It would only be 4 bytes on a 32-bit architecture.) In practice, a string requires three pointers and the string itself unless it happens to be empty. If sizeof(std::string) is the same as sizeof(void*), then you've probably got a not-too-recent GNU standard library, in which the std::string is an opaque pointer to a block containing two pointers, a reference count, and the string itself. If sizeof(std::string) is 32 bytes, then you might have a recent GNU standard library implementation in which there is a bit of extra space in the string structure for the short-string optimization. See the answer to Why does libc++'s implementation of std::string take up 3x memory as libstdc++? for some measurements. Let's just say 32 bytes per string, and ignore the details; it won't be off by much.
So two strings (32 bytes each) plus a pointer (8 bytes) plus three ints (another 12 bytes) and four bytes of padding because one of the ints is between two 8-byte aligned objects, and that's a total of 88 bytes per HashEntry. And if you have 360,461 hash entries, that would be 31,720,568 bytes, about 30 MB. The fact that you're "only" using 20MB is probably because you're using the old GNU standard library, which optimizes empty strings to a single pointer, and the majority of your strings are empty strings because half the slots have never been used.
Now, let's take a look at rehash. Reduced to its essentials:
void rehash() {
std::vector<HashEntry> tmp = array; /* Copy the entire array */
array.resize(new_size()); /* Internally does another copy */
for (auto const& entry : tmp)
if (entry.used()) array.insert(entry); /* Yet another copy */
At peak, we had two copies of the smaller array as well as the new big array. Even if the new array is only 20 MB, it's not surprising that peak memory usage was almost twice that. (Indeed, this is again surprisingly small, not surprisingly big. Possibly it was not actually necessary to change the address of the new vector because it was at the end of the current allocated memory space, which could just be extended.)
Note that we did two copies of all that data, and array.resize() potentially did another one. Let's see if we can do better:
void rehash() {
std::vector<HashEntry> tmp(new_size()); /* Make an array of default objects */
for (auto const& entry: array)
if (entry.used()) tmp.insert(entry); /* Copy into the new array */
std::swap(tmp, array); /* Not a copy, just swap three pointers */
This way, we only do one copy. Instead of a (possible) internal copy by resize, we do a bulk construction of the new elements, which should be similar. (It's just zeroing out the memory.)
Also, in the new version we only copy the actual strings once each, instead of twice each, which is the fiddliest part of the copy and thus probably quite a large saving.
Proper string management could reduce that overhead further. rehash doesn't actually need to copy the strings, since they are not changed. So we could keep the strings elsewhere, say in a vector of strings, and just use the index into the vector in the HashEntry. Since you are not expecting to hold billions of strings, only millions, the index could a four-byte int. By also shuffling the HashEntry fields around and reducing the enums to a byte instead of four bytes (in C++11, you can specify the underlying integer type of an enum), the HashEntry could be reduced to 24 bytes, and there wouldn't be a need to leave space for as many string descriptors.
Since you are using open addressing, half your hash slots have to be empty. Since HashEntry is quite large, storing a full HashEntry in each empty slot is terribly wasteful.
You should store your HashEntry structs somewhere else and put HashEntry* in your hash table, or switch to chaining with a much denser load factor. Either one will reduce this waste.
Also, if you're going to move HashEntry objects around, swap instead of copying, or use move semantics so you don't have to copy so many strings. Be sure to clear out the strings in any entries you're no longer using.
Also, even though you say you need HashTables of HashTables, you don't really explain why. It's usually more efficient to use one hash table with efficiently represented compound keys if small hash tables are not memory-efficient.
I have changed my structure a little bit just as you all suggested, but there is this one thing that nobody has noticed.
When rehashing/resizing is being done, my rehashfunction calls insert. In this insert function I am incrementing the currentSize, which holds how many elements a hashtable has. So each time a resizing is needed, currentSize doubles itself while it should have stayed the same. I removed that line and wrote the proper code for rehashing and now I think I'm okay.
I am using two different structs now, and the program consumes 1.6GB memory for 8 million elements, which is what expected due to multibyte strings, and integers. That number was like 7-8GB before.

A better array shifting algorithm?

I have an assignment that requires me to sort a heap based C style array of names as they're being read rather than reading them all and then sorting. This involves a lot of shifting the contents of the array by one to allow new names to be inserted. I'm using the code below but it's extremely slow. Is there anything else I could be doing to optimize it without changing the type of storage?
//the data member
string *_storedNames = new string[4000];
//together boundary and index define the range of elements to the right by one
for(int k = p_boundary - 1;k > index;k--)
_storedNames[k]=_storedNames[k - 1];
As suggested by Cartroo I'm attempting to use memmove with the dynamic data that uses malloc. Currently this shifts the data correctly but once again fails in the deallocation process. Am I missing something?
int numberOfStrings = 10, MAX_STRING_SIZE = 32;
char **array = (char **)malloc(numberOfStrings);
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfStrings; i++)
array[i] = (char *)malloc(MAX_STRING_SIZE);
array[0] = "hello world",array[2] = "sample";
//the range of data to move
int index = 1, boundary = 4;
int sizeToMove = (boundary - index) * sizeof(MAX_STRING_SIZE);
memcpy(&array[index + 1], &array[index], sizeToMove);
If you're after minimal changes to your approach, you could use the memmove() function, which is potentially faster than your own manual version. You can't use memcpy() as advised by one commenter as the areas of memory aren't permitted to overlap (the behaviour is undefined if they do).
There isn't a lot else you can do without changing the type of your storage or your algorithm. However, if you change to using a linked list then the operation becomes significantly more efficient, although you will be doing more memory allocation. If the allocation is really a problem (and unless you're on a limited embedded system it probably isn't) then pool allocators or similar approaches could help.
EDIT: Re-reading your question, I'm guessing that you're not actually using Heapsort, you just mean that your array was allocated on the heap (i.e. using malloc()) and you're doing a simple insertion sort. In which case, the information below isn't much use to you directly, although you should be aware that insertion sort is quite inefficient compared to a bulk insert followed by a better sorting algorithm (e.g. Quicksort which you can implement using the standard library qsort() function). If you only ever need the lowest (or highest) item instead of full sorted order then Heapsort is still useful reading.
If you're using a standard Heapsort then you shouldn't need this operation at all - items are appended at the end of the array, and then the "heapify" operation is used to swap them into the correct position in the heap. Each swap just requires a single temporary variable to swap two items - it doesn't require anything to be shuffled down as in your code snippet. It does require everything in the array to be the same size (either a fixed size in-place string or, more likely, a pointer), but your code already seems to assume that anyway (and using variable length strings in a standard char array would be a pretty strange thing to be doing).
Note that strictly speaking Heapsort operates on a binary tree. Since you're dealing with an array I assume you're using the implementation where a contiguous array is used where the children of node at index n are stored at indicies 2n and 2n+1 respectively. If this isn't the case, or you're not using a Heapsort at all, you should explain in more detail what you're trying to do to get a more helpful answer.
EDIT: The following is in response to you updated code above.
The main reason you see a problem during deallocation is if you trampled some memory - in other words, you're copying something outside the size of the area you allocated. This is a really bad thing to do as you overwrite the values that the system is using to track your allocations and cause all sorts of problems which usually result in your program crashing.
You seem to have some slight confusion as to the nature of memory allocation and deallocation, first of all. You allocate an array of char*, which on its own is fine. You then allocate arrays of char for each string, which is also fine. However, you then just call free() for the initial array - this isn't enough. There needs to be a call to free() to match each call to malloc(), so you need to free each string that you allocate and then free the initial array.
Secondly, you set sizeToMove to a multiple of sizeof(MAX_STRING_SIZE), which almost certainly isn't what you want. This is the size of the variable used to store the MAX_STRING_SIZE constant. Instead you want sizeof(char*). On some platforms these may be the same, in which case things will still work, but there's no guarantee of that. For example, I'd expect it to work on a 32-bit platform (where int and char* are the same size) but not on a 64-bit platform (where they're not).
Thirdly, you can't just assign a string constant (e.g. "hello world") to an allocated block - what you're doing here is replacing the pointer. You need to use something like strncpy() or memcpy() to copy the string into the allocated block. I suggest snprintf() for convenience because strncpy() has the problem that it doesn't guarantee to nul-terminate the result, but it's up to you.
Fourthly, you're still using memcpy() and not memmove() to shuffle items around.
Finally, I've just seen your comment that you have to use new and delete. There is no equivalent of realloc() for these, but that's OK if everything is known in advance. It looks like what you're trying to do is something like this:
bool addItem(const char *item, char *list[], size_t listSize, size_t listMaxSize)
// Check if list is full.
if (listSize >= listMaxSize) {
return false;
// Insert item inside list.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
if (strcmp(list[i], item) > 0) {
memmove(list + i + 1, list + i, sizeof(char*) * (listSize - i));
list[i] = item;
return true;
// Append item to list.
list[listSize] = item;
return true;
I haven't compiled and checked that, so watch out for off-by-one errors and the like, but hopefully you get the idea. This function should work whether you use malloc() and free() or new and delete, but it assumes that you've already copied the string item into an allocated buffer that you will keep around, because of course it just stores a pointer.
Remember that of course you need to update listSize yourself outside this function - this just inserts an item into the correct point in the array for you. If the function returns true then increment your copy of listSize by 1 - if it returns false then you didn't allocate enough memory so your item wasn't added.
Also note that in C and C++, for the array list the syntax &list[i] and list + i are totally equivalent - use the first one instead within the memmove() call if you find it easier to understand.
I think what you're looking for is heapsort: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heapsort#Pseudocode
An array is a common way to implement a binary search tree (i.e. a tree in which left children are smaller than the current node and right children are larger than the current node).
Heapsort sorts an array of a specified length. In your case, since the size of the array is going to increase "online", all you need to do is to call change the input size that you pass to heapsort (i.e. increase the number of elements being considered by 1).
Since your array is sorted and you can't use any other data structure your best bet is likely to perform a binary search, then to shift the array up one to free space at the position for insertion and then insert the new element at that position.
To minimise the cost of shifting the array, you could make it an array of pointers to string:
string **_storedNames = new string*[4000];
Now you can use memmove (although you might find now that an element-by-element copy is fast enough). But you will have to manage the allocation and deletion of the individual strings yourself, and this is somewhat error-prone.
Other posters who recommend using memmove on your original array don't seem to have noticed that each array element is a string (not a string* !). You can't use memmove or memcpy on a class like this.

std::strings's capacity(), reserve() & resize() functions

I wan to use std::string simply to create a dynamic buffer and than iterate through it using an index. Is resize() the only function to actually allocate the buffer?
I tried reserve() but when I try to access the string via index it asserts. Also when the string's default capacity seems to be 15 bytes (in my case) but if I still can't access it as my_string[1].
So the capacity of the string is not the actual buffer? Also reserve() also does't allocate the actual buffer?
string my_string;
// I want my string to have 20 bytes long buffer
my_string.reserve( 20 );
int i = 0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
// store the character in
my_string[i++] = ch; // this crashes
If I do resize() instead of reserve() than it works fine. How is it that the string has the capacity but can't really access it with []? Isn't that the point to reserve() size so you can access it?
In response to the answers, I would like to ask stl folks, Why would anybody use reserve() when resize() does exactly the same and it also initialize the string? I have to say I don't appreciate the performance argument in this case that much. All that resize() does additional to what reserve() does is that it merely initialize the buffer which we know is always nice to do anyways. Can we vote reserve() off the island?
Isn't that the point to reserve() size so you can access it?
No, that's the point of resize().
reserve() only gives to enough room so that future call that leads to increase of the size (e.g. calling push_back()) will be more efficient.
From your use case it looks like you should use .push_back() instead.
my_string.reserve( 20 );
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
How is it that the string has the capacity but can't really access it with []?
Calling .reserve() is like blowing up mountains to give you some free land. The amount of free land is the .capacity(). The land is there but that doesn't mean you can live there. You have to build houses in order to move in. The number of houses is the .size() (= .length()).
Suppose you are building a city, but after building the 50th you found that there is not enough land, so you need to found another place large enough to fit the 51st house, and then migrate the whole population there. This is extremely inefficient. If you knew you need to build 1000 houses up-front, then you can call
to get enough land to build 1000 houses, and then you call
to construct the house with the assignment of ch to this location. The capacity is 1000, but the size is still 1. You may not say
my_string[16] = 'c';
because the house #16 does not exist yet. You may call
to get houses #0 ~ #19 built in one go, which is why
my_string[i++] = ch;
works fine (as long as 0 ≤ i ≤ 19).
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_array.
For your add-on question,
.resize() cannot completely replace .reserve(), because (1) you don't always need to use up all allocated spaces, and (2) default construction + copy assignment is a two-step process, which could take more time than constructing directly (esp. for large objects), i.e.
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
struct SlowObject
SlowObject() { sleep(1); }
SlowObject(const SlowObject& other) { sleep(1); }
SlowObject& operator=(const SlowObject& other) { sleep(1); return *this; }
int main()
std::vector<SlowObject> my_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
my_vector[i] = SlowObject();
return 0;
Will waste you at least 9 seconds to run, while
int main()
std::vector<SlowObject> my_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
return 0;
wastes only 6 seconds.
std::string only copies std::vector's interface here.
No -- the point of reserve is to prevent re-allocation. resize sets the usable size, reserve does not -- it just sets an amount of space that's reserved, but not yet directly usable.
Here's one example -- we're going to create a 1000-character random string:
static const int size = 1000;
std::string x;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
reserve is primarily an optimization tool though -- most code that works with reserve should also work (just, possibly, a little more slowly) without calling reserve. The one exception to that is that reserve can ensure that iterators remain valid, when they wouldn't without the call to reserve.
The capacity is the length of the actual buffer, but that buffer is private to the string; in other words, it is not yours to access. The std::string of the standard library may allocate more memory than is required to storing the actual characters of the string. The capacity is the total allocated length. However, accessing characters outside s.begin() and s.end() is still illegal.
You call reserve in cases when you anticipate resizing of the string to avoid unnecessary re-allocations. For example, if you are planning to concatenate ten 20-character strings in a loop, it may make sense to reserve 201 characters (an extra one is for the zero terminator) for your string, rather than expanding it several times from its default size.
reserve(n) indeed allocates enough storage to hold at least n elements, but it doesn't actually fill the container with any elements. The string is still empty (has size 0), but you are guaranteed, that you can add (e.g. through push_back or insert) at least n elements before the string's internal buffer needs to be reallocated, whereas resize(n) really resizes the string to contain n elements (and deletes or adds new elements if neccessary).
So reserve is actually a mere optimization facility, when you know you are adding a bunch of elements to the container (e.g. in a push_back loop) and don't want it to reallocate the storage too often, which incurs memory allocation and copying costs. But it doesn't change the outside/client view of the string. It still stays empty (or keeps its current element count).
Likewise capacity returns the number of elements the string can hold until it needs to reallocate its internal storage, whereas size (and for string also length) returns the actual number of elements in the string.
Just because reserve allocates additional space does not mean it is legitimate for you to access it.
In your example, either use resize, or rewrite it to something like this:
string my_string;
// I want my string to have 20 bytes long buffer
my_string.reserve( 20 );
int i = 0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
// store the character in
my_string += ch;
std::vector instead of std::string might also be a solution - if there are no requirements against it.
vector<char> v; // empty vector
vector<char> v(10); // vector with space for 10 elements, here char's
Your example:
vector<char> my_string(20);
int i=0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
my_string[i++] = ch;