Ember re render component - ember.js

I have a component with a jquery menu that transforms the DOM. I need to re render the component for initiate the structure again. The jquery menu doesn't work dinamically, so I need to re render the component.
//Parent Component hbs
<div id="container">
{{menu-jquery model=model}}
//Parent Component js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
callToServer()// ajax call
updateModel()// generate model from ajax response
-> //how to delete and create menu component? or re render menu component?

A component has a function called rerenderthat you can call to force a rerender of the component. Although, I might recommend a better approach. Upon resolution of the promise that fetches your server data, manually destroy the jquery plugin and then reinit said plugin.

I found a workaround putting the component inside a conditional block. I set loading in false before the server call and true after data parsing.
{{#if loading}}
// show loading message
{{menu-jquery model=model}}
This force the menu component to re render.

Your question is not quite clear. I am assuming that, you will be using jquery ajax for server calls inside the component. In Ember.Component, you have to use .on("didInsertElement") which works similarly as that of jQuery(document).ready(). So your component will look something like this
export default Ember.Component.extend({
_onReady: function() {
//whatever jquery code you want to execute here
If you can provide your example in Ember Twiddle or JSBin, I can help you better.


Ember integration test fails after click event

I have this integration test:
test('can change chord text', function(assert) {
this.render(hbs`{{chart-editor-chord chord=chord}}`);
but the assertion fails, the component template looks like this:
<div {{action 'changeChord'}} class="measure-chord chord-big">
{{#if chord.editing}}
<input type="text" value="{{chord.name}}" class="chord-input">
and the component code:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
store: Ember.inject.service(),
actions: {
changeChord() {
this.chord.set('editing', true);
I'm updating the chord model in the changeChord() action and it does work if I test in the browser, but the integration test fails. So, does this change in the model have to be rendered synchronously to the template? I tried using wait() in the test but that doesn't make a difference. So how should I test this?
While I'm trying to create a twiddle for you, I found three things:
Where do you create chord mock in your test?
You are not sending event to the correct html component. Use this.$('.measure-chord') or this.$('.chord-big').
Instead of this.chord.set you should use this.get('chord').set. Actually Ember.set(this, 'chord.isEditing', ...) is even better.
And bonus: You don't need a div wrapper, component does this for you.
working copy
without div
It looks like your click helper is clicking the div that your component.js controls instead of the initial div in your template. If you specify the div in your click helper it should work:

Dynamic add/remove a component to the page via action

I am creating a FlashCard app and I would like to dynamically insert a component with property into the view via the action inside the route. See screenshot below,
Click "Add Card" button
Dynamically create a card-editor component in the view
I think one possible way to achieve this is to add a conditional handlebar block inside the view and render the component based on the property state; however, I wish to keep my view as clean as possible and think it could be better if I can dynamically render a component to the view only when the action is triggered.
My solution
<div style="margin-left: 200px;">
{{#if cardEditor}}
In view's controller
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
cardEditor: false,
actions: {
addNewCardEditor() {
this.set('cardEditor', true));
What I have tried
Based on the answer How to programatically add component via controller action in ember 2.x, but it does not work for me. I get an error,
ember.debug.js:41417 Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate a component without a renderer. Please ensure that you are creating <(subclass of Ember.Component):ember604> with a proper container/registry.
Inside the view HTML,
Inside the view route,
import Ember from 'ember';
import CardEditorComponent from '../../components/app/card-editor';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
addNewCardEditor() {
Inside the component JS,
actions: {
addNewCardPressed() {
So my question is how can I use the action inside the routes/home/index.js to render the component to the view.
The View HTML,
The Index Page route,
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
What should I put inside the addNewCardEditor function to generate a component in the view on the fly?
Thanks for your time.
in the global.js of your EmberCLI application:
export function initialize(application) {
window.EmberApp = application; // or window.Whatever
Where you want to create dynamically your component, even though it might look like a hack, there might be cleaner way to do it without relying on EmberCLI variables.
"App" below is the namespace of your global EmberCLI application that you define in application.js.
var component = App.CardEditorComponent.extend({
renderer: window.EmberApp.__container__.lookup('renderer:-dom'),
Ember.setOwner(component , window.EmberApp);

Integrating ember-modal-dialog inside a site header Ember 2.0

I'm very new to the Ember framework and I have a question regarding getting a modal setup. I have the site-header as a component. When I click a login button I'd like for a modal to popup. I found the Ember Modal Dialog
plugin and was able to set it up so that there is a modal always shown in application.hbs. However, I'm having trouble understanding a couple of things but first here are my files.
{{#if isShowingModal}}
{{#modal-dialog close="toggleModal"
Oh hai there!
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
isShowingModal: false,
actions: {
toggleModal: function() {
So, I have this code for the button in my site-header.hbs:
<li class="login-button"><button class="btn btn-block btn-danger" {{action 'toggleModal'}}>Login</button></li>
As I understand it, action is saying to find toggleModal property in the site-header.js and execute the function above which does the property toggling.
However, how does application.hbs "see" the value of isShowingModal? Can it even see that value since the modal isn't showing up?
When most developers have modals, do they all go inside application.hbs since you want them to appear in the middle of the screen {{outlet}} area? How can you improve the process for including multiple modals?
What changes should I make to make the modal show up when the user clicks a button in the header?
Ok give this a try. In site-header.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
toggleModal() {
{{site-header toggleModal='toggleModal'}}
{{#if isShowingModal}}
{{#modal-dialog close="toggleModal"
Oh hai there!
The application controller
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
toggleModal() {
So the action is sent from the site-header component to the site-header component. From there it gets sent to the application controller. In application.hbs, toggleProperty='toggleProperty' connects the action from the component to the controller's action hash. In the controller action hash, it gets handled by toggleModal() and toggles the isShowingModal property. When the modal is closed, ember-modal-dialog fires an close action that is handled by the toggleModal() which again toggles the isShowingModal property.
Application template cannot see the properties of site-header. Only site-header component can see its properties. There are other methods to access them.
It is not necessary to include all modals in application. The plugin will most probably handle the positioning. In your case, you can move the modal code to the site-header component also.
Put the modal code in your site-header template. (or) You can have isShowingModal variable in application, send an action from site-header to application and toggle its value.

How to add a carousel to an ember site

I would like to add a carousel, preferably caroufredsel http://caroufredsel.dev7studios.com/, to a few templates/routes on an ember site. I was wondering what the best way to do that would be?
All that is needed to fire the items that you want to slide is the following jQuery function:
$(document).ready(function() {
Where do you think the best place in the app to put this is?
The best place it to create a custom View for the template that will have the carousel. Then use the didInsertElement hook to initialize the widget once the markup for the carousel once it is in the document. You can also use the willDestroyElement hook to tear down the carousel before the markup is removed from the document.
So, say that you have a /carousel route, and then you have this as your 'carousel' template.
<div id="foo1">
<!-- Other carousel markup goes here-->
Then you'd create a View like this.
App.CarouselView = Ember.View.extend({
didInsertElement : function(){
willDestroyElement : function(){

Emberjs + Handlebars + Object onchange and events

I'm finding that jQuery observers aren't bound to elements that are not shown in handlebars logic.
Let's say I have the following;
{{#if person}}
Welcome back, <b>{{person.firstName}} {{person.lastName}}</b>!
Please <a class="login">log in</a>.
$('.login').click(function() {
alert("Hi there.");
If I run in console, person = null (or whatever's needed to convince that person is empty) - the login observer doesn't work. I'm already using embers didInsertElement() to load a few other things, but is there a "onChange" event I can hook into so I can rebind event observers?
The big question is why you want that? Ember has excellent built in support for click handlers without going via jQuery. The reason your <script> is not working is likely to be down to the deferred way ember inserts views into the DOM. When you do Ember.View.append() the element is inserted in the DOM later.
That said, here's a fiddle that does what I think you want attaching the jQuery click handler in didInsertElement().
didInsertElement: function () {
// appending click handler directly with jQuery
$('.login').click(function() {
alert("Hi there.");
However the ember way would be to just use the click implicit handler function:
click: function () {
alert("Hi there.");
N.B. the latter handler attaches to the surrounding handlebar div and not the a, but clicks bubble.
The problem your facing is that javascript can only bind to elements that exist in the dom. Once you add a new element it wants you to re-bind those events. Luckily, jQuery is your friend on this one.
$('body').on('click', '.login', function() {
alert("Hi there.");
Ideally, your selector is the closest parent to .login that doesn't get added by javascript. The above is safe bet if you're not sure