Consistent Timestamping in C++ with std::chrono - c++

I'm logging timestamps in my program with the following block of code:
// Taken at relevant time
m.timestamp = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
// After work is done
std::size_t secs = std::chrono::duration_cast <std::chrono::seconds> (timestamp).count();
std::size_t nanos = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds> (timestamp).count() % 1000000000;
std::time_t tp = (std::time_t) secs;
std::string mode;
char ts[] = "yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS";
char format[] = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S";
strftime(ts, 80, format, std::localtime(&tp));
std::stringstream s;
s << ts << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(9) << nanos
<< " - " << message << std::endl;
return s.str();
I'm comparing these to timestamps recorded by an accurate remote source. When the difference in timestamps is graphed and ntp is not enabled, there is a linear looking drift through the day (700 microseconds every 30 seconds or so).
After correcting for a linear drift, I find that there's a non-linear component. It can drift in and out hundreds of microseconds over the course of hours.
The second graph looks similar to graphs taken with same methodology as above, but NTP enabled. The large vertical spikes are expected in the data, but the wiggle in the minimum is surprising.
Is there a way to get a more precise timestamp, but retain microsecond/nanosecond resolution? It's okay if the clock drifts from the actual time in a predictable way, but the timestamps would need to be internally consistent over long stretches of time.

high_resolution_clock has no guaranteed relationship with "current time". Your system may or not alias high_resolution_clock to system_clock. That means you may or may not get away with using high_resolution_clock in this manner.
Use system_clock. Then tell us if the situation has changed (it may not).
Also, better style:
using namespace std::chrono;
auto timestamp = ... // however, as long as it is based on system_clock
auto secs = duration_cast <seconds> (timestamp);
timestamp -= secs;
auto nanos = duration_cast<nanoseconds> (timestamp);
std::time_t tp = system_clock::to_time_t(system_clock::time_point{secs});
Stay in the chrono type system as long as possible.
Use the chrono type system to do the conversions and arithmetic for you.
Use system_clock::to_time_t to convert to time_t.
But ultimately, none of the above is going to change any of your results. system_clock is just going to talk to the OS (e.g. call gettimeofday or whatever).
If you can devise a more accurate way to tell time on your system, you can wrap that solution up in a "chrono-compatible clock" so that you can continue to make use of the type safety and conversion factors of chrono durations and time_points.
struct my_super_accurate_clock
using rep = long long;
using period = std::nano; // or whatever?
using duration = std::chrono::duration<rep, period>;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<my_super_accurate_clock>;
static const bool is_steady = false;
static time_point now(); // do super accurate magic here

The problem is that unless your machine is very unusual, the underlying hardware simply isn't capable of providing a particularly reliable measurement of time (at least on the scales you are looking at).
Whether on your digital wristwatch or your workstation, most electronic clock signals are internally generated by a crystal oscillator. Such crystals have both long (years) and short-term (minutes) variation around their "ideal" frequency, with the largest short-term component being variation with temperature. Fancy lab equipment is going to have something like a crystal oven which tries to keep the crystal at a constant temperature (above ambient) to minimize temperature related drift, but I've never seen anything like that on commodity computing hardware.
You see the effects of crystal inaccuracy in a different way in both of your graphs. The first graph simply shows that your crystal ticks at a somewhat large offset from true time, either due to variability at manufacturing (it was always that bad) or long-term drift (it got like that over time). Once you enable NTP, the "constant" or average offset from true is easily corrected, so you'll expect to average zero offset over some large period of time (indeed the line traced by the minimum dips above and below zero).
At this scale, however, you'll see the smaller short term variations in effect. NTP kicks in periodically and tries to "fix them", but the short term drift is always there and always changing direction (you can probably even check the effect of increasing or decreasing ambient temperature and see it in the graph).
You can't avoid the wiggle, but you could perhaps increase the NTP adjustment frequency to keep it more tightly coupled to real time. Your exact requirements aren't totally clear though. For example you mention:
It's okay if the clock drifts from the actual time in a predictable
way, but the timestamps would need to be internally consistent over
long stretches of time.
What does "internally consistent" mean? If you are OK with arbitrary drift, just use your existing clock without NTP adjustments. If you want something like time that tracks real time "over large timeframes" (i.e,. it doesn't get too out of sync), why could use your internal clock in combination with periodic polling of your "external source", and change the adjustment factor in a smooth way so that you don't have "jumps" in the apparent time. This is basically reinventing NTP, but at least it would be fully under application control.


Persistent std::chrono time_point<steady_clock>

I am using in my projects some time_point<steady_clock> variables in order to do operations at a specific interval. I want to serialize/deserialize in a file those values.
But it seems that the time_since_epoch from a steady_clock is not reliable, although time_since_epoch from a system_clock is quite ok, it always calculates the time from 1970/1/1 (UNIX time)
What's the best solution for me? It seems that I have to convert somehow from steady_clock to system_clock but I don't think this is achievable.
P.S. I already read the topic here: Persisting std::chrono time_point instances
On the cppreference page for std::chrono::steady_clock, it says:
This clock is not related to wall clock time (for example, it can be time since last reboot), and is most suitable for measuring intervals.
The page for std::chrono::system_clock says that most implementations use UTC as an epoch:
The epoch of system_clock is unspecified, but most implementations use Unix Time (i.e., time since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds).
If you're trying to compare times across machines or hoping to correlate the recorded times to real world events (i.e. at 3pm today there was an issue), then you'll want to switch your code over to using the system clock. Anytime you reboot the steady clock will reset and it doesn't relate to wall time at all.
Edit: if you wanted to do an approximate conversion between steady and system timestamps you could do something like this:
template <typename To, typename FromTimePoint>
typename To::time_point approximate_conversion(const FromTimePoint& from) {
const auto to_now = To::now().time_since_epoch();
const auto from_now = FromTimePoint::clock::now().time_since_epoch();
// compute an approximate offset between the clocks and apply that to the input timestamp
const auto approx_offset = to_now - from_now;
return typename To::time_point{from.time_since_epoch() + approx_offset};
int main() {
auto steady = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto system = approximate_conversion<std::chrono::system_clock>(steady);
This assumes the clocks don't drift apart very quickly, and that there are no large discontinuities in either clock (both of which are false assumptions over long periods of time).

chrono: can I validate system clock with steady clock on a time scale of an hour?

My application needs absolute timestamp (i.e. including date and hour) with error below 0.5s. The server synchronises via NTP, but I still want to detect if the server clock is not well synchronised for whatever reason.
My idea is to use steady clock to validate the system clock. I assume that within a period of, say, 1 hour steady clock should deviate very little from the real time (well below 0.5s). I compare time measured with steady and system clocks periodically. If the difference between the two grows or jumps large, it may suggest NTP is adjusting the system clock, which may mean that some of the time values were incorrect.
This is an example code:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
int main() {
const int test_time = 3600; //seconds, approximate
const int delay = 100; //milliseconds
const int iterations = test_time * 1000 / delay;
int64_t system_clock = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
int64_t steady_clock = std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
const int64_t offset = system_clock - steady_clock;
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
system_clock = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
steady_clock = std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
int64_t deviation = system_clock - offset - steady_clock;
std::cout<<deviation/1e3<<" µs"<<std::endl;
* Here I put code making use of system_clock
Does this procedure make sense? What I'm not sure about in particular is stability of the steady clock. I assume that it might be subject only to a slight deviation due to imperfectness of whatever is the internal server clock, but maybe I'm missing something?
I was very positively surprised by the test results with the code above. Even if I set it to run for 8 hours the maximum deviation I saw was only –22µs, and only around 1µs for vast majority of the times.
This question has little to do with C++.
1) Whether this method has a chance to work depends on accuracy of your computer's internal clock. Cheap clock might drift a minute a day - which is way over 0.5sec per hour.
2) The method is unable to identify a systematic offset. Say, you are constantly behind by a second due to network lagging, ping, or some other issues. The method will display a negligible deviation in this case.
Basically, it can only tell if time measured is precise but provides little knowledge on the accuracy (google: accuracy vs precision). Also in comments were mentioned issues of the algo regarding general clock adjustment.

Get nanoseconds since midnight with the lowest latency

I'd like to get the current number of nanoseconds since midnight, with the lowest latency.
My platform is Linux/Centos 7 with Clang. I do not care about portability.
I found this <chrono> struct,
but they are dividing by seconds/milliseconds etc to get the result.
I also found this which could be modified for nanoseconds:
struct timeval tv;
int msec = -1;
if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == 0)
msec = ((tv.tv_sec % 86400) * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000);
but again they are using a division. Is there anything quicker, avoiding modulus and divisions?
I would assume the fastest way would be:
Get the time now
Multiple number of hours, minutes seconds by necessary nanoseconds and then add the current number of nanos to the total
There isn't any hardware that provides a nanoseconds counter; therefore hardware that provides something else (e.g. "CPU cycles") must be used and scaled by software somewhere.
The clock_gettime() function on Linux will scale to nanoseconds for you. More importantly (depending on security vs. performance compromises) this may be done purely in user-space, avoiding the overhead of calling the kernel API (which is likely to be at least 10 times more expensive than a measly division).
However; at these scales you need to be extremely specific about what you actually want. For example; what is expected during leap seconds? 2 computers can disagree simply because one is configured to smear leap seconds and the other isn't.
For another example; if you want to calculate latency (e.g. like "latency = current_time_at_receiver - time_packet_says_it_was_sent") then 2 computers can be out of sync (e.g. the sender's clock being a few seconds behind the receiver's, so latency ends up being negative); and to deal with that you'll probably need a training phase (a bit like the NTP protocol) where you try to estimate the initial difference between the 2 computers' time sources, followed by monitoring/tracking (to try to compensate for any long term drift).

How can I measure sub-second durations?

In my calculator-like program, the user selects what and how many to compute (eg. how many digits of pi, how many prime numbers etc.). I use time(0) to check for the computation time elapsed in order to trigger a timeout condition. If the computation completes without timeout, I will also print the computation time taken, the value of which is stored in a double, the return type of difftime().
I just found out that the time values calculated are in seconds only. I don't want a user input of 100 and 10000 results to both print a computation duration of 0e0 seconds. I want them to print, for example, durations of 1.23e-6 and 4.56e-3 seconds respectively (as accurate as the machine can measure - I am more acquainted to the accuracy provided in Java and with the accuracies in scientific measurements so it's a personal preference).
I have seen the answers to other questions, but they don't help because 1) I will not be multi-threading (not preferred in my work environment). 2) I cannot use C++11 or later.
How can I obtain time duration values more accurate than seconds as integral values given the stated constraints?
Edit: Platform & machine-independent solutions preferred, otherwise Windows will do, thanks!
Edit 2: My notebook is also not connected to the Internet, so no downloading of external libraries like Boost (is that what Boost is?). I'll have to code anything myself.
You can use QueryPerformanceCounter (QPC) which is part of the Windows API to do high-resolution time measurements.
LARGE_INTEGER StartingTime, EndingTime, ElapsedMicroseconds;
// Activity to be timed
ElapsedMicroseconds.QuadPart = EndingTime.QuadPart - StartingTime.QuadPart;
// We now have the elapsed number of ticks, along with the
// number of ticks-per-second. We use these values
// to convert to the number of elapsed microseconds.
// To guard against loss-of-precision, we convert
// to microseconds *before* dividing by ticks-per-second.
ElapsedMicroseconds.QuadPart *= 1000000;
ElapsedMicroseconds.QuadPart /= Frequency.QuadPart;
On Windows, the simplest solution is to use GetTickCount, which returns the number of milliseconds since the computer was started.
#include <windows.h>
DWORD before = GetTickCount();
DWORD duration = GetTickCount() - before;
std::cout<<"It took "<<duration<<"ms\n";
it works only on Windows;
the resolution (milliseconds) is not stellar;
given that the result is a 32 bit integer, it wraps around after one month or something; thus, you cannot measure stuff longer than that; a possible solution is to use GetTickCount64, which however is available only from Vista onwards;
since systems with the uptime of more than one month are actually quite common, you may indeed have to deal with results bigger than 231; thus, make sure to always keep such values in a DWORD (or an uint32_t), without casting them to int, or you are risking signed integer overflow. Another option is to just store them in a 64 bit signed integer (or a double) and forget the difficulties of dealing with unsigned integers.
I realize the compiler you're using doesn't support it, but for reference purposes the C++11 solution is simple...
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
long ts = std::chrono::duration<long, std::chrono::nano>(end - start).count();

extending the std::chrono functionality to deal with run-time (non compile-time) constant periods

I have been experimenting with all kind of timers on Linux and OSX, and would like to try and wrap some of them with the same interface used by std::chrono.
That's easy to do for timers that have a well-defined "period" at compile time, e.g. the POSIX clock_gettime() familiy, the clock_get_time() family on OSX, or gettimeofday().
However, there are some useful timers for which the "period" - while constant - is only known at runtime.
For example:
- POSIX states the period of clock(), CLOCKS_PER_SEC, may be a variable on non-XSI systems
- on Linux, the period of times() is given at runtime by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)
- on OSX, the period of mach_absolute_time() is given at runtime by mach_timebase_info()
- on recent Intel processors, the DST register ticks at a constant rate, but of course that can only be determined at runtime
To wrap these timers in the std::chrono interface, one possibility would be to use a period of std::chrono::nanosecond , and convert the value of each timer to nanoseconds. An other approach could be to use a floating point representation. However, both approaches would introduce a (very small) overhead to the now() function, and a (probably small) loss in precision.
The solution I'm trying to pursue is to define a set of classes to represent such "run-time constant" periods, built along the same lines as the std::ratio class.
However I expect that will require rewriting all the related template classes and functions (as they assume constexpr values).
How do I wrap these kind of timers a la std:chrono ?
Or use non-constexpr values for the time period of a clock ?
Does anyone have any experience with wrapping these kind of timers a
la std:chrono ?
Actually I do. And on OSX, one of your platforms of interest. :-)
You mention:
on OSX, the period of mach_absolute_time() is given at runtime by
Absolutely correct. Also on OSX, the libc++ implementation of high_resolution_clock and steady_clock is actually based on mach_absolute_time. I'm the author of this code, which is open source with a generous license (do anything you want with it as long as you retain the copyright).
Here is the source for libc++'s steady_clock::now(). It is built pretty much the way you surmised. The run time period is converted to nanoseconds prior to returning. On OS X the conversion factor is very often 1, and the code takes advantage of that fact with an optimization. However the code is general enough to handle non-1 conversion factors.
On the first call to now() there's a small cost of querying the run time conversion factor to nanoseconds. In the general case a floating point conversion factor is computed. In the common case (conversion factor == 1) the subsequent cost is calling through a function pointer. I've found that the overhead is really quite reasonable.
On OS X the conversion factor, although not determined until run time, is still a constant (i.e. does not vary as the program executes), so it only needs to be computed once.
If you're in a situation where your period is actually varying dynamically, you'll need more infrastructure to handle this. Essentially you would need to integrate (calculus) the period vs time curve and then compute an average period between two points in time. That would require a constant monitoring of the period as it changes with time, and <chrono> isn't the right tool for that. Such tools are typically handled at the OS level.
[Does anyone have any experience] Or with using non-constexpr values for the time period of a clock ?
After reading through the standard (20.11.5, Class template duration), "period" is expected to be "a specialization of ratio":
Remarks: If Period is not a specialization of ratio, the program is ill-formed.
and all chrono templates rely heavily on constexpr functionality.
Does anyone have any experience with wrapping these kind of timers a la std:chrono ?
I've found here a suggestion to use a duration with period = 1, boost::rational as rep , though without any concrete examples.
I have done a similar thing for my purposes, only for Linux though. You find the code here; feel free to use the code in whatever way you want.
The challenges my implementation addresses overlap partially with the ones mentioned in your question. Specifically:
The tick factor (required to convert from clock ticks to a time unit based on seconds) is retrieved at run time, but only the first time now() is used&ddagger;. If you are concerned about the small overhead this causes, you may call the now() function once at start-up before you measure any actual intervals. The tick factor is stored in a static variable, which means there is still some overhead as – on the lowest level – each call of the now() function implies checking whether the static variable has been initialized. However, this overhead will be the same in each call of now(), so it shouldn't impact measuring time intervals.
I do not convert to nanoseconds by default, because when measuring relatively long periods of time (e.g. a few seconds) this causes overflows very quickly. This is in fact the main reason why I don't use the boost implementation. Instead of converting to nanoseconds, I implement the base unit as a template parameter (called Precision in the code). I use std::ratio from C++11 as template arguments. So I can choose, for example, a clock<micro>, which implies that calling the now() function will internally convert to microseconds rather than nanoseconds, which means I can measure periods of many seconds or minutes without overflows and still with good precision. (This is independent of the unit used to produce output. You can have a clock<micro> and display the result in seconds, etc.)
My clock type, which is called combined_clock combines user time, system time and wall-clock time. There is a boost clock type for this, too, but it's not compatible with the ratio types and units from std, whereas mine is.
&ddagger;The tick factor is retrieved using the ::sysconf() call you suggest, and that is guaranteed to return one and the same value throughout the life time of the process.
So the way you use it is as follows:
#include "util/proctime.hpp"
#include <ratio>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
int main()
using std::chrono::duration_cast;
using millisec = std::chrono::milliseconds;
using clock_type = rlxutil::combined_clock<std::micro>;
auto tp1 = clock_type::now();
/* Perform some random calculations. */
unsigned long step1 = 1;
unsigned long step2 = 1;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 50000000 ; ++i) {
unsigned long step3 = step1 + step2;
/* Sleep for a while (this adds to real time, but not CPU time). */
auto tp2 = clock_type::now();
std::cout << "Elapsed time: "
<< duration_cast<millisec>(tp2 - tp1)
<< std::endl;
return 0;
The usage above involves a pretty-print function that generates output like this:
Elapsed time: [user 40, system 0, real 1070 millisec]