grass fire algorithm taking way too long, how to optimize? - c++

So I am working with openCV and trying to write a bunch of algorithms "from scratch" so to speak so that I can really understand what the library is doing. I wrote a modified grass fire algorithm to segment BLOBs from an image that I have already digitized. However, the algorithm takes over 2 minutes to run on my very capable laptop (16 gigs ram, quad core i7, etc...). What am I doing here that is making it so complex? Alternately, is there a better algorithm for extracting BLOBs from a digitized image?
Here is the algorithm
std::vector<boundingBox> grassFire(cv::Mat digitalImage){
std::vector<boundingBox> blobList;
int minY, minX, maxY, maxX, area, yRadius, xRadius, xCenter, yCenter;
for(int curRow = 0; curRow<digitalImage.rows; curRow++){
for(int curCol = 0; curCol<digitalImage.cols; curCol++){
//if there is something at that spot in the image
if((int)<unsigned char>(curRow, curCol)){
minY = curRow;
maxY = curRow;
minX = curCol;
maxX = curCol;
area = 0;
yRadius = 0;
xRadius = 0;
for(int fireRow=curRow; fireRow<digitalImage.rows; fireRow++){
//is in keeps track of the row and started keeps track of the col
//is in will break if no pixel in the row is part of the blob
//started will break the inner loop if a nonpixel is reached AFTER a pixel is reached
bool isIn = false;
bool started = false;
for(int fireCol = curCol; fireCol<digitalImage.cols; fireCol++){
//make sure that the pixel is still in
if((int)<unsigned char>(fireRow, fireCol)){
//signal that an in pixel has been found
started = true;
//signal that the row is still in
isIn = true;
//add to the area
//reset the extrema variables
if(fireCol > maxX){maxX = fireCol;}
if(fireCol < minX){minX = fireCol;}
if(fireRow > maxY){maxY = fireRow;}
//no need to check min y since it is set already by the loop trigger
//set the checked pixel values to 0 to avoid double counting<unsigned char>(fireRow, fireCol) = 0;
//break if the next pixel is not in and youve already seen an in pixel
//do nothing otherwise
//if the entire blob has been detected
}else{}//just continue the loop if the current pixel is not in
//calculate all blob specific values for the blob at hand
xRadius =(int)((double)(maxX - minX)/2.);
yRadius =(int)((double)(maxY - minY)/2.);
xCenter = maxX - xRadius;
yCenter = maxY - yRadius;
//add the blob to the vector in the appropriate position (largest area first)
int pos = 0;
for(auto elem : blobList){
if(elem.getArea() > area){
blobList.insert(blobList.begin() + pos, boundingBox(area, xRadius, yRadius, xCenter, yCenter));
return blobList;

You say `just continue the loop if the current pixel is not in but you don't continue the loop there, and fall thru to the code that adds another element to blobList (which code will access past the end of the lit of no element satisfies the condition in that for loop).
And using this
for(const auto &elem : blobList)
would avoid making copies of all those boundingBoxes.


Alive neighbour cells not correctly counted

I know my title isn't very specific but that's because I have no idea where the problem comes from. I'm stuck with this problem since 2 or 3 hours and in theory everything should be working, but it's not.
This piece of code:
for ( int x = -1; x <= 1; x++ ) { //Iterate through the 8 neighbour cells plus the one indicated
for ( int y = -1; y <= 1; y++ ) {
neighbour = coords(locX + x, locY + y, width); //Get the cell index in the array
if (existsInOrtho(ortho, neighbour)) { //If the index exists in the array
if (ortho[neighbour] == 0) { //Cell is dead
cnt--; //Remove one from the number of alive neighbour cells
} else { //Cell is not in the zone
cnt--; //Remove one from the number of alive neighbour cells
Iterates through all the neighbour cells to get their value in the array (1 for alive, 0 for dead). The "coords" function, shown here:
int coords(int locX, int locY, int width)
int res = -1;
locX = locX - 1; //Remove one from both coordinates, since an index starts at 0 (and the zone starts at (1;1) )
locY = locY - 1;
res = locX * width + locY; //Small calculation to get the index of the pixel in the array
return res;
Gets the index of the cell in the array. But when I run the code, it doesn't work, the number of neighbour cells is not correct (it's like a cell is not counted every time there's some alive in the neighborhood). I tried decomposing everything manually, and it works, so I don't know what ruins everything in the final code... Here is the complete code. Sorry if I made any English mistake, it's not my native language.
This code ...
for ( int x = -1; x <= 1; x++ ) { //Iterate through the 8 neighbour cells plus the one indicated
for ( int y = -1; y <= 1; y++ ) {
Actually checks 9 cells. Perhaps you forgot that it checks (x,y) = (0,0). That would include the cell itself as well as its neighbours.
A simple fix is:
for ( int x = -1; x <= 1; x++ ) { //Iterate through the 8 neighbour cells plus the one indicated
for ( int y = -1; y <= 1; y++ ) {
if (x || y) {
Also, the simulate function (from your link) makes the common mistake of updating the value of the cell in the same array before processing state changes required for the cells beside it. The easiest fix is to keep two arrays -- two complete copies of the grid (two ortho arrays, in your code). When reading from orthoA, update orthoB. And then on the next generation, flip. Read from orthoB and write to orthoA.

Merging Overlapping Rectangle in OpenCV

I'm using OpenCV 3.0. I've made a car detection program and I keep running into the problem of overlapping bounding boxes:
Is there a way to merge overlapping bounding boxes as described on the images below?
I've used rectangle(frame, Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2), Scalar(255,255,255)); to draw those bounding boxes. I've searched for answer from similiar threads but I can't find them helpful. I'd like to form a single outer bounding rectangle after merging those bounding boxes.
Seems as if you are displaying each contour you are getting. You don't have to do that. Follow the algorithm and code given below.
In this case what you can do is iterate through each contour that you detect and select the biggest boundingRect. You don't have to display each contour you detect.
Here is a code that you can use.
for( int i = 0; i< contours.size(); i++ ) // iterate through each contour.
double a=contourArea( contours[i],false); // Find the area of contour
largest_contour_index=i; //Store the index of largest contour
bounding_rect=boundingRect(contours[i]); // Find the bounding rectangle for biggest contour
As I've mentioned in a similar post here, this is a problem best solved by Non Maximum Suppression.
Although your code is in C++, have a look at this pyimagesearch article (python) to get an idea on how this works.
I've translated this code from python to C++,.
struct detection_box
cv::Rect box; /*!< Bounding box */
double svm_val; /*!< SVM response at that detection*/
cv::Size res_of_detection; /*!< Image resolution at which the detection occurred */
\brief Applies the Non Maximum Suppression algorithm on the detections to find the detections that do not overlap
The svm response is used to sort the detections. Translated from
\param boxes list of detections that are the input for the NMS algorithm
\param overlap_threshold the area threshold for the overlap between detections boxes. boxes that have overlapping area above threshold are discarded
\returns list of final detections that are no longer overlapping
std::vector<detection_box> nonMaximumSuppression(std::vector<detection_box> boxes, float overlap_threshold)
std::vector<detection_box> res;
std::vector<float> areas;
//if there are no boxes, return empty
if (boxes.size() == 0)
return res;
for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++)
std::vector<int> idxs = argsort(boxes);
std::vector<int> pick; //indices of final detection boxes
while (idxs.size() > 0) //while indices still left to analyze
int last = idxs.size() - 1; //last element in the list. that is, detection with highest SVM response
int i = idxs[last];
pick.push_back(i); //add highest SVM response to the list of final detections
std::vector<int> suppress;
for (int pos = 0; pos < last; pos++) //for every other element in the list
int j = idxs[pos];
//find overlapping area between boxes
int xx1 = max(boxes[i].box.x, boxes[j].box.x); //get max top-left corners
int yy1 = max(boxes[i].box.y, boxes[j].box.y); //get max top-left corners
int xx2 = min(boxes[i], boxes[j]; //get min bottom-right corners
int yy2 = min(boxes[i], boxes[j]; //get min bottom-right corners
int w = max(0, xx2 - xx1 + 1); //width
int h = max(0, yy2 - yy1 + 1); //height
float overlap = float(w * h) / areas[j];
if (overlap > overlap_threshold) //if the boxes overlap too much, add it to the discard pile
for (int p = 0; p < suppress.size(); p++) //for graceful deletion
idxs[suppress[p]] = -1;
for (int p = 0; p < idxs.size();)
if (idxs[p] == -1)
idxs.erase(idxs.begin() + p);
for (int i = 0; i < pick.size(); i++) //extract final detections frm input array
return res;

Particle Deposition Terrain Generation

I'm using Particle Deposition to try and create some volcano-like mountains procedurally but all I'm getting out of it is pyramid-like structures. Is anyone familiar with the algorithm that might be able to shed some light on what I might be doing wrong. I'm dropping each particle in the same place at the moment. If I don't they spread out in a very thin layer rather than any sort of mountain.
void TerrainClass::ParticalDeposition(int loops){
float height = 0.0;
//for(int k= 0; k <10; k++){
int dropX = mCurrentX = rand()%(m_terrainWidth-80) + 40;
int dropY = mCurrentZ = rand()%(m_terrainHeight-80) + 40;
int radius = 15;
float angle = 0;
int tempthing = 0;
loops = 360;
for(int i = 0; i < loops; i++){
mCurrentX = dropX + radius * cos(angle);
mCurrentZ = dropY + radius * sin(angle);
/*f(i%loops/5 == 0){
dropX -= radius * cos(angle);
dropY += radius * sin(angle);
angle+= 0.005;
mCurrentX = dropX;
mCurrentZ = dropY;
angle += 360/loops;
//dropX += rand()%5;
//dropY += rand()%5;
//for(int j = 0; j < loops; j++){
float newY = 0;
newY = (1 - (2.0f/loops)*i);
if(newY < 0.0f){
newY = 0.0f;
void TerrainClass::DepositParticle(float heightIncrease){
bool posFound = false;
while(posFound == false){
int offset = 10;
int jitter;
m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX].y += heightIncrease;
posFound = true;
int element = rand()%m_lowerList.size();
int lowerIndex =;
bool TerrainClass::Stable(float deltaHeight){
int index[9];
float height[9];
index[0] = ((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX); //the current index
index[1] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX+1 : -1; // if the index to the right is valid index set index[] to index else set index[] to -1
index[2] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX-1 : -1; //to the left
index[3] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX : -1; // above
index[4] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX : -1; // bellow
index[5] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX+1: -1; // above to the right
index[6] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX+1: -1; // below to the right
index[7] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX-1: -1; // above to the left
index[8] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX-1: -1; // above to the right
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
height[i] = (index[i] != -1) ? m_heightMap[index[i]].y : -1;
for(int i = 1; i < 9; i++){
if(height[i] != -1){
if(height[i] < height[0] - deltaHeight){
return m_lowerList.empty();
bool TerrainClass::ValidIndex(int index){
return (index > 0 && index < m_terrainWidth*m_terrainHeight) ? true : false;
void TerrainClass::MoveTo(int index){
mCurrentX = index%m_terrainWidth;
mCurrentZ = index/m_terrainHeight;
Thats all the code thats used.
You should have a look at these two papers:
Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU
Fast Hydraulic and Thermal Erosion on the GPU (read the first one first, the second one expands on it)
Don't get scared by the "on GPU", the algorithms work just fine on CPU (albeit slower). The algorithms don't do particle sedimentation per se (but you don't either ;) ) - they instead aggregate the particles into several layers of vector fields.
One important thing about this algorithm is that it erodes already existing heightmaps - for example generated with perlin noise. It fails miserably if the initial height field is completely flat (or even if it has insufficient height variation).
I had implemented this algorithm myself and had mostly success with it (still have more work to do, the algorithms are very hard to balance to give universally great results) - see the image below.
Note that perlin noise with the Thermal weathering component from the second paper may be well enough for you (and might save you a lot of trouble).
You can also find C++ CPU-based implementation of this algorithm in my project (specifically this file, mind the GPL license!) and its simplified description on pages 24-29 of my thesis.
Your particles will need to have some surface friction and/or stickiness (or similar) in their physics model if you want them to not spread out into a single-layer. This is performed in the collision detection and collision response parts of your code when updating your particle simulation.
A simple approach is to make the particles stick (attract each-other). Particles need to have a size too so that they don't simply converge to perfectly overlapping. If you want to make them attract each other, then you need to test the distance between particles.
You might benefit from looking through some of the DirectX SDK examples that use particles, and in particular (pun arf!) there is a great demo (by Simon Green?) in the NVidia GPU Computing SDK that implements sticky particles in CUDA. It includes a ReadMe document describing what they've done. You can see how the particles interact and ignore all the CUDA/GPU stuff if you aren't going for massive particle counts.
Also note that as soon as you use inter-particle forces, then you are checking approximately 0.5*n^2 combinations (pairs) of you may need to use a simple spatial partitioning scheme or similar to limit forces to nearby groups of particles only.
Good luck!

Finding Local Maxima Grayscale Image opencv

I am trying to create my personal Blob Detection algorithm
As far as I know I first must create different Gaussian Kernels with different sigmas (which I am doing using Mat kernel= getGaussianKernel(x,y);) Then get the Laplacian of that kernel and then filter the Image with that so I create my scalespace. Now I need to find the Local Maximas in each result Image of the scalespace. But I cannot seem to find a proper way to do so.... my Code so far is
vector <Point> GetLocalMaxima(const cv::Mat Src,int MatchingSize, int Threshold)
vector <Point> vMaxLoc(0);
if ((MatchingSize % 2 == 0) ) // MatchingSize has to be "odd" and > 0
return vMaxLoc;
vMaxLoc.reserve(100); // Reserve place for fast access
Mat ProcessImg = Src.clone();
int W = Src.cols;
int H = Src.rows;
int SearchWidth = W - MatchingSize;
int SearchHeight = H - MatchingSize;
int MatchingSquareCenter = MatchingSize/2;
uchar* pProcess = (uchar *); // The pointer to image Data
int Shift = MatchingSquareCenter * ( W + 1);
int k = 0;
for(int y=0; y < SearchHeight; ++y)
int m = k + Shift;
for(int x=0;x < SearchWidth ; ++x)
if (pProcess[m++] >= Threshold)
Point LocMax;
Mat mROI(ProcessImg, Rect(x,y,MatchingSize,MatchingSize));
if (LocMax.x == MatchingSquareCenter && LocMax.y == MatchingSquareCenter)
vMaxLoc.push_back(Point( x+LocMax.x,y + LocMax.y ));
// imshow("W1",mROI);cvWaitKey(0); //For gebug
k += W;
return vMaxLoc;
which I found in this thread here, which it supposedly returns a vector of points where the maximas are. it does return a vector of points but all the x and y coordinates of each point are always -17891602... What to do???
Please if you are to lead me in something else other than correcting my code be informative because I know nothing about opencv. I am just learning
The problem here is that your LocMax point is declared inside the inner loop and never initialized, so it's returning garbage data every time. If you look back at the StackOverflow question you linked, you'll see that their similar variable Point maxLoc(0,0) is declared at the top and constructed to point at the middle of the search window. It only needs to be initialized once. Subsequent loop iterations will replace the value with the minMaxLoc function result.
In summary, remove this line in your inner loop:
Point LocMax; // delete this
And add a slightly altered version near the top:
vector <Point> vMaxLoc(0); // This was your original first line
Point LocMax(0,0); // your new second line
That should get you started anyway.
I found it guys. The problem was my threshold was too high. I do not understand why it gave me negative points instead of zero points but lowering the threshold worked

On-the-fly terrain chunk generation

I'm writing an engine that can generate landscapes using noise functions, and load in new chunks as the player moves around the terrain. I spent the best part of two days figuring out how to place these chunks in the right position, so they don't overlap or get placed on top of existing chunks. It works well functionally, but there is a massive performance hit the further away you generate the chunks from the player (e.g. if you generate in a 3 chunk radius around the player, it's lighting fast, but if you increase that to a radius of 20 chunks it slows down very fast).
I know exactly why that is, but I can't think of any other way to do this. Before I go any further, here's the code I'm currently using, hopefully it's commented well enough to understand:
// Get the player's position rounded to the nearest chunk on the grid.
D3DXVECTOR3 roundedPlayerPos(SnapToMultiple(m_Dx->m_Camera->GetPosition().x, CHUNK_X), 0, SnapToMultiple(m_Dx->m_Camera->GetPosition().z, CHUNK_Z));
// Iterate through every point on an invisible grid. At each point, check if it is
// inside a circle the size of the grid (so we generate chunks in a circle around
// the player, not a square). At each point that is inside the circle, add a chunk to
// the ChunksToAdd vector.
for (int x = -CHUNK_RANGE-1; x <= CHUNK_RANGE; x++)
for (int z = -CHUNK_RANGE-1; z <= CHUNK_RANGE; z++)
if (IsInside(roundedPlayerPos, CHUNK_X*CHUNK_RANGE, D3DXVECTOR3(roundedPlayerPos.x+x*CHUNK_X, 0, roundedPlayerPos.z+z*CHUNK_Z)))
Chunk chunkToAdd;
chunkToAdd.chunk = 0;
chunkToAdd.position = D3DXVECTOR3((roundedPlayerPos.x + x*CHUNK_X), 0, (roundedPlayerPos.z + z*CHUNK_Z));
chunkToAdd.chunkExists = false;
// Iterate through the ChunksToAdd vector. For each chunk in this vector, compare it's
// position to every chunk in the Chunks vector (which stores each generated chunk).
// If the statement returns true, then there is already a chunk at that location, and
// we don't need to generate another.
for (i = 0; i < m_ChunksToAdd.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m_Chunks.size(); j++)
// Check the chunk in the ChunksToAdd vector with the chunk in the Chunks vector (chunks which are already generated).
if (m_ChunksToAdd[i].position.x == m_Chunks[j].position.x && m_ChunksToAdd[i].position.z == m_Chunks[j].position.z)
m_ChunksToAdd[i].chunkExists = true;
// Determine the closest chunk to the player, so we can generate that first.
// Iterate through the ChunksToAdd vector, and if the vector doesn't exist (if it
// does exist, we're not going to generate it so ignore it), compare the current (i)
// chunk against the current closest chunk. If it is larger, move on, and if it is
// smaller, store it's position as the new smallest chunk.
int closest = 0;
for (j = 0; j < m_ChunksToAdd.size(); j++)
if (!m_ChunksToAdd[j].chunkExists)
// Get the distance from the player to the chunk for the current closest chunk, and
// the chunk being tested.
float x1 = ABS(DistanceFrom(roundedPlayerPos, m_ChunksToAdd[j].position));
float x2 = ABS(DistanceFrom(roundedPlayerPos, m_ChunksToAdd[closest].position));
// If the chunk being tested is closer to the player, make it the new closest chunk.
if (x1 <= x2)
closest = j;
// After determining the position of the closest chunk, generate the volume and mesh, and add it
// to the Chunks vector for rendering.
if (!m_ChunksToAdd[closest].chunkExists) // Only add it if the chunk doesn't already exist in the Chunks vector.
Chunk chunk;
chunk.chunk = new chunkClass;
chunk.chunk->m_Position = m_ChunksToAdd[closest].position;
chunk.position = m_ChunksToAdd[closest].position;
chunk.chunkExists = true;
// Clear the ChunksToAdd vector ready for another frame.
(if it wasn't already obvious, this is run every frame.)
The problem area is to do with the CHUNK_RANGE variable. The larger this value, the more the first two loops are iterated through each frame, slowing the whole thing down tremendously. I need some advice or suggestions on how to do this more efficiently, thanks.
EDIT: Here's some improved code:
// Get the player's position rounded to the nearest chunk on the grid.
D3DXVECTOR3 roundedPlayerPos(SnapToMultiple(m_Dx->m_Camera->GetPosition().x, CHUNK_X), 0, SnapToMultiple(m_Dx->m_Camera->GetPosition().z, CHUNK_Z));
// Find if the player has changed into another chunk, if they have, we will scan
// to see if more chunks need to be generated.
static D3DXVECTOR3 roundedPlayerPosOld = roundedPlayerPos;
static bool playerPosChanged = true;
if (roundedPlayerPosOld != roundedPlayerPos)
roundedPlayerPosOld = roundedPlayerPos;
playerPosChanged = true;
// Iterate through every point on an invisible grid. At each point, check if it is
// inside a circle the size of the grid (so we generate chunks in a circle around
// the player, not a square). At each point that is inside the circle, add a chunk to
// the ChunksToAdd vector.
if (playerPosChanged)
for (int x = -CHUNK_CREATE_RANGE-1; x <= CHUNK_CREATE_RANGE; x++)
for (int z = -CHUNK_CREATE_RANGE-1; z <= CHUNK_CREATE_RANGE; z++)
if (IsInside(roundedPlayerPos, CHUNK_X*CHUNK_CREATE_RANGE, D3DXVECTOR3(roundedPlayerPos.x+x*CHUNK_X, 0, roundedPlayerPos.z+z*CHUNK_Z)))
bool chunkExists = false;
for (int j = 0; j < m_Chunks.size(); j++)
// Check the chunk in the ChunksToAdd vector with the chunk in the Chunks vector (chunks which are already generated).
if ((roundedPlayerPos.x + x*CHUNK_X) == m_Chunks[j].position.x && (roundedPlayerPos.z + z*CHUNK_Z) == m_Chunks[j].position.z)
chunkExists = true;
if (!chunkExists)
Chunk chunkToAdd;
chunkToAdd.chunk = 0;
chunkToAdd.position = D3DXVECTOR3((roundedPlayerPos.x + x*CHUNK_X), 0, (roundedPlayerPos.z + z*CHUNK_Z));
playerPosChanged = false;
// If there are chunks to render.
if (m_ChunksToAdd.size() > 0)
// Determine the closest chunk to the player, so we can generate that first.
// Iterate through the ChunksToAdd vector, and if the vector doesn't exist (if it
// does exist, we're not going to generate it so ignore it), compare the current (i)
// chunk against the current closest chunk. If it is larger, move on, and if it is
// smaller, store it's position as the new smallest chunk.
int closest = 0;
for (j = 0; j < m_ChunksToAdd.size(); j++)
// Get the distance from the player to the chunk for the current closest chunk, and
// the chunk being tested.
float x1 = ABS(DistanceFrom(roundedPlayerPos, m_ChunksToAdd[j].position));
float x2 = ABS(DistanceFrom(roundedPlayerPos, m_ChunksToAdd[closest].position));
// If the chunk being tested is closer to the player, make it the new closest chunk.
if (x1 <= x2)
closest = j;
// After determining the position of the closest chunk, generate the volume and mesh, and add it
// to the Chunks vector for rendering.
Chunk chunk;
chunk.chunk = new chunkClass;
chunk.chunk->m_Position = m_ChunksToAdd[closest].position;
chunk.position = m_ChunksToAdd[closest].position;
// Remove chunks that are far away from the player.
for (i = 0; i < m_Chunks.size(); i++)
if (DistanceFrom(roundedPlayerPos, m_Chunks[i].position) > (CHUNK_REMOVE_RANGE*CHUNK_X)*(CHUNK_REMOVE_RANGE*CHUNK_X))
delete m_Chunks[i].chunk;
m_Chunks[i].chunk = 0;
Have you tried profiling it to work out exactly where the bottleneck is?
Do you need to check all of those chunks or could you get away with checking the direction the player is looking and only generate the ones in view?
Is there any reason why you draw the chunk closest to the player first if you're generating it all once per frame before displaying it? Skipping the stage where you sort them may free up a bit of processing power.
Is there any reason you couldn't combine the first two loops to just create a vector of chunks which need generating?
It sounds like you're trying to do too much work (i.e. building chunks) on the render thread. If you can do the work of a three chunk radius really fast you should limit it to that per frame. How many chunks are you trying to generate, in each situation, per frame?
I'm going to assume that generating each chunk is independent, therefore, you can probably move the work to another thread - then show the chunk when it is ready.