Test if file exists and executed even at the time of submission - if-statement

I implemented a feature that tests if my file already exists; whether an error message is displayed and a pop up Java script. Otherwise it does nothing.
Except that at the time of registration of my content. He still enters the loop and as the file is already uploaded it still displays the error message and so I can never create my content.
In advance, thank you for your help.
function bportal_tesst_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'document_node_form') {
$form['field_document_file']['und'][0]['#upload_validators']['custom_document_upload_validation'] = array();
return $form;
function custom_document_upload_validation($file) {
$filename = $file->filename;
$errors = array();
if (file_exists('/var/www/vhosts/BP/docroot/sites/default/files-private/documents/'.$filename)) {
$errors[] = t("The new file already exists. Please use a different name.");
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module','bportal_tesst') . '/js/pop-in.js');
return $errors;


Groovy script for scriptrunner

I am currently working on a Scriptrunner script that has the objectives of rejecting push if the user pushes a not freeze dependancies. The script itself is not really hard but I don't know how to use Scriptrunner well enough to make it work, any advices ?
I tried several ways to make my script work, here is the script as it is right now :
def regex = ".*requires\\(\"[^\\d|_|\\-](\\S)+/\\[(\\d)(\\.\\d)*\\]#(eca|exail)/stable\""
def fileName = "conanfile.py"
def file = new File(fileName)
if (file.exists()) {
file.readLines().each { line ->
if (line.startsWith("self.requires")) {
if (!(line =~ regex)) {
log.error("Error: Freeze your dependancies")
return false
// log.info("All 'self.requires' lines match the regex.")
return true
} else {
//log.error("Error: $fileName does not exist.")
return true
as you can see it is pretty simple, we check if there is a file named "conanfile.py", and read it to find a line starting with "self.requires" and compare the line with our Regex ( the double \ is because of groovy). I am quite lost on how to make it works on Scriptrunner.

How to automatically go through and edit long txt files?

I have an issue: I've got some chat logs that are thousands of lines ong, and I'm trying to isolate the messages from one specific user. The log looks like this:
[dd-mm-yy hh:mm pm/am] Username
[dd-mm-yy hh:mm pm/am] Username
[dd-mm-yy hh:mm pm/am] Username
In my file, I want to only keep the messages (not the other information like day hour or their username) that one specific user has send, and delete everything else, so I can process the contents of those messages. Is there anything out there that can help me achieve it, because as you can see its a very tedious process to go through thousands of lines of logs doing this by hand.
I ended up writing a js script to do what I wanted since I couldnt find anything anywhere else, here it is:
const fs = require("fs");
const readline = require("readline");
async function processLineByLine() {
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream("./input.txt");
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fileStream,
crlfDelay: Infinity,
// Note: we use the crlfDelay option to recognize all instances of CR LF
// ('\r\n') in input.txt as a single line break.
let trigger = false;
for await (const line of rl) {
// Each line in input.txt will be successively available here as `line`.
console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`);
if (line.includes("YOU DID THIS TO MY BOI LIM#7483") == true) {
trigger = true;
else if (trigger == true) {
console.log(`Line sent by user: ${line}`);
fs.appendFile("output.txt", line + " ", (err) => {
// throws an error, you could also catch it here
if (err) throw err;
// success case, the file was saved
console.log("line saved");
trigger = false;

Magento 2.3.3 dashboard keeps loading

I have installed latest version of magento in my localhost.
After login to admin panel dashboard keeps loading.
Here is the image-
Please help to solve this error.
First Go to magento root directory then :
vendor/magento/framework/view/element/tempalate/file/validator.php (dont exactly copy this url just follow this path)
open this file using any editor and change this line
$realPath = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path); //you can comment this out
with this one
$realPath = str_replace('\\','/',$this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));
then goto to
and search for view_preprocessed
you will find a whole line like this :
and change the Symlink with Copy
Magento 2.3
go to \lib\internal\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\File
go to the function isPathInDirectories and replace the function with following
protected function isPathInDirectories($path, $directories)
if (!is_array($directories)) {
$directories = (array)$directories;
//$realPath = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path);
$realPath = str_replace('\\','/',$this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
//$realDirectory = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($directory);
$realDirectory = str_replace('\\','/',$this->fileDriver->getRealPath($directory));
if ($realDirectory && 0 === strpos($realPath, $realDirectory)) {
return true;
return false;
go to app/etc/di.xml then search for view_preprocessed
you will find a whole line like this :
Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Symlink and change to Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy
#1. go to vendor/magento/framework/View/Element/Template/File/Validator.php#
#2. go to the function isPathInDirectories and replace the function with following:#
protected function isPathInDirectories($path, $directories)
if (!is_array($directories)) {
$directories = (array)$directories;
//$realPath = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path);
$realPath = str_replace('\\','/',$this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
//$realDirectory = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($directory);
$realDirectory = str_replace('\\','/',$this->fileDriver->getRealPath($directory));
if ($realDirectory && 0 === strpos($realPath, $realDirectory)) {
return true;
return false;
#3. go to app/etc/di.xml then search for view_preprocessed
you will find a whole line like this :
Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Symlink and change to
Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy #

Some Problems of Indy 10 IdHTTP Implementation

In regard to Indy 10 of IdHTTP, many things have been running perfectly, but there are a few things that don't work so well here. That is why, once again, I need your help.
Download button has been running perfectly. I'm using the following code :
void __fastcall TForm1::DownloadClick(TObject *Sender)
MyFile = SaveDialog->FileName;
TFileStream* Fist = new TFileStream(MyFile, fmCreate | fmShareDenyNone);
Download->Enabled = false;
Urlz = Edit1->Text;
Url->Caption = Urlz;
IdHTTP->Get(Edit1->Text, Fist);
IdHTTP->Response->ResponseCode = 200;
IdHTTP->ReadTimeout = 70000;
IdHTTP->ConnectTimeout = 70000;
Fist->Position = 0;
delete Fist;
However, a "Cancel Resume" button is still can't resume interrupted downloads. Meant, it is always sending back the entire file every time I call Get() though I've used IdHTTP->Request->Ranges property.
I use the following code:
void __fastcall TForm1::CancelResumeClick(TObject *Sender)
MyFile = SaveDialog->FileName;;
TFileStream* TFist = new TFileStream(MyFile, fmCreate | fmShareDenyNone);
if (IdHTTP->Connected() == true)
CancelResume->Caption = "RESUME";
IdHTTP->Response->AcceptRanges = "Bytes";
try {
CancelResume->Caption = "CANCEL";
// IdHTTP->Request->Ranges == "0-100";
// IdHTTP->Request->Range = Format("bytes=%d-",ARRAYOFCONST((TFist->Position)));
IdHTTP->Request->Ranges->Add()->StartPos = TFist->Position;
IdHTTP->Get(Edit1->Text, TFist);
IdHTTP->Request->Referer = Edit1->Text;
IdHTTP->ConnectTimeout = 70000;
IdHTTP->ReadTimeout = 70000;
__finally {
delete TFist;
Meanwhile, by using the FormatBytes function, found here, has been able to shows only the size of download files. But still unable to determine the speed of download or transfer speed.
I'm using the following code:
void __fastcall TForm1::IdHTTPWork(TObject *ASender, TWorkMode AWorkMode, __int64 AWorkCount)
__int64 Romeo = 0;
Romeo = IdHTTP->Response->ContentStream->Position;
// Romeo = AWorkCount;
Download->Caption = FormatBytes(Romeo) + " (" + IntToStr(Romeo) + " Bytes)";
ForSpeed->Caption = FormatBytes(Romeo);
ProgressBar->Position = AWorkCount;
Please advise and give an example. Any help would sure be appreciated!
In your DownloadClick() method:
Calling Connected() is useless, since you don't do anything with the result. Nor is there any guarantee that the connection will remain connected, as the server could send a Connection: close response header. I don't see anything in your code that is asking for HTTP keep-alives. Let TIdHTTP manage the connection for you.
You are forcing the Response->ResponseCode to 200. Don't do that. Respect the response code that the server actually sent. The fact that no exception was raised means the response was successful whether it is 200 or 206.
You are reading the ReuseSocket property value and ignoring it.
There is no need to reset the Fist->Position property to 0 before closing the file.
Now, with that said, your CancelResumeClick() method has many issues.
You are using the fmCreate flag when opening the file. If the file already exists, you will overwrite it from scratch, thus TFist->Position will ALWAYS be 0. Use fmOpenReadWrite instead so an existing file will open as-is. And then you have to seek to the end of the file to provide the correct Position to the Ranges header.
You are relying on the socket's Connected() state to make decisions. DO NOT do that. The connection may be gone after the previous response, or may have timed out and been closed before the new request is made. The file can still be resumed either way. HTTP is stateless. It does not matter if the socket remains open between requests, or is closed in between. Every request is self-contained. Use information provided in the previous response to govern the next request. Not the socket state.
You are modifying the value of the Response->AcceptRanges property, instead of using the value provided by the previous response. The server tells you if the file supports resuming, so you have to remember that value, or query it before then attempting to resumed download.
When you actually call Get(), the server may or may not respect the requested Range, depending on whether the requested file supports byte ranges or not. If the server responds with a response code of 206, the requested range is accepted, and the server sends ONLY the requested bytes, so you need to APPEND them to your existing file. However, if the server response with a response code of 200, the server is sending the entire file from scratch, so you need to REPLACE your existing file with the new bytes. You are not taking that into account.
In your IdHTTPWork() method, in order to calculate the download/transfer speed, you have to keep track of how many bytes are actually being transferred in between each event firing. When the event is fired, save the current AWorkCount and tick count, and then the next time the event is fired, you can compare the new AWorkCount and current ticks to know how much time has elapsed and how many bytes were transferred. From those value, you can calculate the speed, and even the estimated time remaining.
As for your progress bar, you can't use AWorkCount alone to calculate a new position. That only works if you set the progress bar's Max to AWorkCountMax in the OnWorkBegin event, and that value is not always know before a download begins. You need to take into account the size of the file being downloaded, whether it is being downloaded fresh or being resumed, how many bytes are being requested during a resume, etc. So there is lot more work involved in displaying a progress bar for a HTTP download.
Now, to answer your two questions:
How to retrieve and save the download file to a disk by using its original name?
It is provided by the server in the filename parameter of the Content-Disposition header, and/or in the name parameter of the Content-Type header. If neither value is provided by the server, you can use the filename that is in the URL you are requesting. TIdHTTP has a URL property that provides the parsed version of the last requested URL.
However, since you are creating the file locally before sending your download request, you will have to create a local file using a temp filename, and then rename the local file after the download is complete. Otherwise, use TIdHTTP.Head() to determine the real filename (you can also use it to determine if resuming is supported) before creating the local file with that filename, then use TIdHTTP.Get() to download to that local file. Otherwise, download the file to memory using TMemoryStream instead of TFileStream, and then save with the desired filename when complete.
when I click http://get.videolan.org/vlc/2.2.1/win32/vlc-2.2.1-win32.exe then the server will process requests to its actual url. http://mirror.vodien.com/videolan/vlc/2.2.1/win32/vlc-2.2.1-win32.exe. The problem is that IdHTTP will not automatically grab through it.
That is because VideoLan is not using an HTTP redirect to send clients to the real URL (TIdHTTP supports HTTP redirects). VideoLan is using an HTML redirect instead (TIdHTTP does not support HTML redirects). When a webbrowser downloads the first URL, a 5 second countdown timer is displayed before the real download then begins. As such, you will have to manually detect that the server is sending you an HTML page instead of the real file (look at the TIdHTTP.Response.ContentType property for that), parse the HTML to determine the real URL, and then download it. This also means that you cannot download the first URL directly into your target local file, otherwise you will corrupt it, especially during a resume. You have to cache the server's response first, either to a temp file or to memory, so you can analyze it before deciding how to act on it. It also means you have to remember the real URL for resuming, you cannot resume the download using the original countdown URL.
Try something more like the following instead. It does not take into account for everything mentioned above (particularly speed/progress tracking, HTML redirects, etc), but should get you a little closer:
void __fastcall TForm1::DownloadClick(TObject *Sender)
Urlz = Edit1->Text;
Url->Caption = Urlz;
String FileName = IdHTTP->Response->RawHeaders->Params["Content-Disposition"]["filename"];
if (FileName.IsEmpty())
FileName = IdHTTP->Response->RawHeaders->Params["Content-Type"]["name"];
if (FileName.IsEmpty())
FileName = IdHTTP->URL->Document;
SaveDialog->FileName = FileName;
if (!SaveDialog->Execute()) return;
MyFile = SaveDialog->FileName;
TFileStream* Fist = new TFileStream(MyFile, fmCreate | fmShareDenyWrite);
Download->Enabled = false;
Resume->Enabled = false;
IdHTTP->ReadTimeout = 70000;
IdHTTP->ConnectTimeout = 70000;
IdHTTP->Get(Urlz, Fist);
delete Fist;
Download->Enabled = true;
catch (const EIdHTTPProtocolException &)
void __fastcall TForm1::ResumeClick(TObject *Sender)
TFileStream* Fist = new TFileStream(MyFile, fmOpenReadWrite | fmShareDenyWrite);
Download->Enabled = false;
Resume->Enabled = false;
Fist->Seek(0, soEnd);
IdHTTP->Request->Ranges->Add()->StartPos = Fist->Position;
IdHTTP->Request->Referer = Edit1->Text;
IdHTTP->ConnectTimeout = 70000;
IdHTTP->ReadTimeout = 70000;
IdHTTP->Get(Urlz, Fist);
delete Fist;
Download->Enabled = true;
void __fastcall TForm1::IdHTTPHeadersAvailable(TObject*Sender, TIdHeaderList *AHeaders, bool &VContinue)
Resume->Enabled = ( ((IdHTTP->Response->ResponseCode == 200) || (IdHTTP->Response->ResponseCode == 206)) && TextIsSame(AHeaders->Values["Accept-Ranges"], "bytes") );
if ((IdHTTP->Response->ContentStream) && (IdHTTP->Request->Ranges->Count > 0) && (IdHTTP->Response->ResponseCode == 200))
IdHTTP->Response->ContentStream->Size = 0;
Also, you can try a following function to determine the real download filename.
I've translated this to C++ based on the RRUZ'function. So far so good, I'm using it on my simple IdHTTP download program, too.
But, this translation result is of course still need value improvement input from Remy Lebeau, RRUZ, or any other master here.
String __fastcall GetRemoteFileName(const String URI)
String result;
result = HTTP->Response->RawHeaders->Params["Content-Disposition"]["filename"];
if (result.IsEmpty())
result = HTTP->Response->RawHeaders->Params["Content-Type"]["name"];
if (result.IsEmpty())
result = HTTP->URL->Document;
delete HTTP;
catch(const Exception &ex)
return result;

Magento: Get product id in php block for available in list.phtml

I'm trying to get an attribute for it to be listed on list.phtml, the form that is being made is as follows:
I created a module on the Block and created a function which captures the attribute:
protected function getPreOrder()
$productId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
$preOrder = $product->getNewsFromDate();
$preOrder = substr($preOrder, 0, 10);
return $preOrder;
public function getViewList()
if(strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) <= strtotime($this->getPreOrder()))
return true;
} else {
return false;
However, nothing is returned. I also did this same method to view.phtml and it worked perfectly. That goes for a file before the function getChildHtml() phtml, is not being edited list.phtml
That makes sense to create a loop, but the loop is already list.phtml!
What would be the way?
I thank you.
Have you debugged your block function to see if the product id is correct and if its loading the model correctly ??
Also debug the template list.phtml to check if its correctly loading the block type ?
and see what class type is it.