Standards for the C and/or C++ preprocessors? [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What standards document(s) specify the behavior of the C and/or C++ pre-processors?
Wikipedia suggests is valid for C99. Is it? What about C++ flavours?

The C language standard (ISO/IEC 9899) specifies how the preprocessor behaves in C.
The C++ standard (ISO/IEC 14882) specifies how the preprocessor behaves in C++.


How do I tell CMake to link the C standard library, not the C++ one? [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I have a simple C++ file, but I do not want to use the C++ standard library, just the C one.
Can this be done using CMake? Basically disabling access to the c++ headers, and only allowing linking to the C standard.
You can use target_compile_options(yourprog PRIVATE -nostdinc++) for clang and GCC based toolchains and /X with the path to its STL headers with msvc

Who makes standards in a programming language such as C++? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Do the conventions in a programming language such as in C++ (such as extraction operator >> ) can be changed by a developer? Or is it restricted?
You're asking two questions here.
Who makes the C++ Standard?
The C++ Standards Committee
Can I change the behavior of an operator such as operator>>?
Yes, you can, via a capability defined in the standard. See:
What are the basic rules and idioms for operator overloading?

Who is the owner of C and C++? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I just want to know who is the owner of C and C++ like Oracle is the owner of Java and they release new versions of Java. So who can provide updates for C and C++.
C++ and C are designed by (different) ISO committee. The languages are public, with only the official specification being copyright protected and the property of ISO. Anybody can implement the language, however.
In fact two of the popular implementations, Clang and GCC, are open source and free software respectively.

Will biginteger equivalent be introduced in the c++1y standard [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I remember a while ago I heard that there were thoughts of including a BigInteger implementation in the c++0x standard(as it was called back then). Apparently this did not happen but I was wondering if this is planned as part of c++1y or not.
The unbounded integer library is being worked on in SG6, the Numerics study group. It will probably go into a Technical Specification (TS, what used to be called a TR) once we sort out a few things about its interface and about interoperability of library numeric types.
The latest official paper on the subject is N3542. It is not slated for inclusion in C++14.

Creating a python library in C or C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can C or C++ be used to program a library in python? I know that python can be used to write a library but I am wondering if C or C++ can be used.
Definitely. There are lots of high performance libraries written in C (simplejson being a notable and fairly simple example.)