Am I able to use C++11 in QNX? - c++

I have some cross-platform code with some C++11 features like #include <thread> and others. I will soon be using a QNX 6.6 board, and I'm wondering if my code can compile on it, and which features will be available.
QCC is the official QNX C++ compiler, but I can't find any documentation citing which C++11 features, or even which C++ features in general, it supports. Is this a wrapper around GCC or its own thing? Either way, can I get or compile other compilers on this platform?

From what I know qcc is just using gcc internally. Because of this you can use all functionalities provided by the version of gcc that QNX decided to put into their package.
Judging from the release notes of QNX 6.6 gcc 4.7 is used:
GCC 4.7 tool chain, including support for the Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
GDB 7.5
New: Binutils 2.24
Python 2.7.5, as a host-side tool
The release notes provide a link to information about gcc 4.7 but I think this link better shows which specific features are supported. There is too much information on the linked page, because of that I do not copy it. But in essence the link states:
GCC provides experimental support for the 2011 ISO C++ standard. This support can be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler option ... GCC's C++11 mode implements much of the C++11 standard produced by the
ISO C++ committee

Whereas #Marged's answer seems to cover absolutely every important aspect of your question, I'd like to add that it is also possible to get more current versions of all GNU dev tools (like gcc, gdb or make..). This is officially provided by the QNX staff for "experimental use only", I guess1. But so far I've had only good experiences with them.
Check out QNX's updated Core Development Tools
(You need to register to the QNX community portal first to open the link)
You would then update your Linux dev system like that:
Get files from here
Extract files into a new folder
(do not extract and overwrite existing folder directly since it might be that symbolic links don't get updated)
that should create the host and the target folder
Copy & paste the new files into the actual QNX folder and overwrite existing files
Optionally: update the config default file's value to the new compiler version
e.g. /../qnx650/host/linux/x86/etc/qcc/gcc/default
make sure 32bit libraries are installed (if not):
$ sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
if not installed correctly errors like the following can occur
$ i486-pc-nto-qnx6.5.0-g++: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
1 Official text:"Stable versions of the Core Development Tools are included as part of QNX Momentics. You can download updated versions of these tools currently being developed through this project and benefit from their enhancements earlier!"

The version of gcc that is used by qcc does support much of the C++11 specification. I've used it. Just add -std=c++11 to the compiler line.
I did find one issue with C++11 support on QNX 6.6. This was in July 2014, so things may have changed. The support of vector initialization (std::vector<int> {1,2, 3, 4};) in the C++11 library shipped with QNX 6.6 was broken. Code would compile cleanly, but then fail rather cryptically when run. Again, I don't currently know the current status of this issue, so YMMV.


Using GCC with new glibc and binutils to build software for system with older sysroot

I have a question since some months and I can't come to an answer with Google for a long time.
I am cross compiling software for arm based controllers which are running the linux distribution ptxdist. The complete linux image is built with a cross gcc (4.5.2) that was built against glibc-2.13 and binutils-2.21.
The c++ standard is quite old so I built a new toolchain which supports c++11 (gcc 4.8.5). It now is built against glibc-2.20 and binutils-2.24. I want to use that new compiler for my application software on the controller (not the complete image, just this one "main" binary) which is updated through a package management system.
The software seems to run. I just need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to instead of for the binary. It does not accept the new libc, which is libc-2.20 instead of libc-2.13, though.
So binary uses and the rest of the system is unchanged.
Why is this working?
What risks could I expect running this software and should I anyway?
For example will the binary miss some functions of glibc-2.20 in future because it just gets glibc-2.13 on the target machine? Building gcc-4.8.5 against glibc-2.13 is not possible.
I have read so far that it depends on changes inside the ABI:
Impact on upgrade gcc or binutils
Here it is said that C Code is compatible if build by GCC4.1 to GCC 4.8.
Thank you!
glibc 2.14 introduced the memcpy#GLIBC_2.14 symbol, so pretty much all software compiled against glibc 2.20 will not work on glibc 2.13 because that symbol is missing there. Ideally, you would build your new GCC against glibc 2.13, not glibc 2.20. You claim that building GCC 4.8.5 against glibc 2.13 is not possible, but this is clearly not true in general.
Some newer C++ features will work with the old system libstdc++ because they depend exclusively on templates (from header files) and none of the new code in libstdc++.
You could also investigate how the hybrid linkage model works in Red Hat Developer Toolset. It links the newer parts of libstdc++ statically, while relying on the system libstdc++ for the common, older parts. This way, you get proper interoperability for things like exceptions and you do not have to install a newer libstdc++ on the target.
Good material for this could be here:
Multiple glibc libraries on a single host
Glibc vs GCC vs binutils compatibility
My final solution is this:
I built the GCC 4.8.5 as a cross compiler. I could not manage to build it with the older glibc2.13, only with version 2.20. It may be possible but in my case it did not work. Anyway, that is not a problem because I also built it with the sysroot-flag. Compiling new software depends completely on my old system, including C Runtime. I don't get a new C++ standard with this, but if you switch on compiler optimizations, I experienced better binary compression and performance.
Regarding a new C++ standard, I could link a newer libstdc++ which came with my cross compiler using as LDDFLAG. Therefore I only need to copy an additional libstdc++ on my target beside the old libstdc++.
After having a look into the symbols used by the new lib using
strings | grep GLIBC_
you can observe that it doesn't depend on any newer symbols than GLIBC_2.4. It looks like I could never run into the problem of missing symbols.
So in my case I have luck using a new C++11 standard without having any changes in the rest of the system. If there are introduced new symbols you need to follow the above links in my post which are pretty informative. But I would never try that for myself. In my case, with the GCC 4.9.4, got symbols pointing to GLIBC_2.17. That could give me trouble as I am cross compiling with GLIBC_2.13.

Binary compatibility (using C++11) on older distro versions

I am using GCC to compile a C++ application on Ubuntu 13. I want to be able to use C++11 features in my code, but at the same time still be able to produce a binary that my users can run on older versions of Ubuntu.
If I compile on Ubuntu 13 with the latest version of GCC my binary will not run on Ubuntu 12 since glibc is not forward compatible:
(How compatible are different versions of glibc?)
What are my options?
Is this even possible without requiring my users to jump through massive hoops?
If not, what do my users have to do to be able to run the binary (i.e. can they install the newer glibc on the older version of Ubuntu)?
Note: I don't not want to consider statically linking glibc since:
I've read that this is a very bad idea
Licensing issues
Cross-distribution compatibility issues
Currently my application does not use any C++11 features and I compile on an older version of Ubuntu with an older version of GCC to avoid this problem. But it makes me sad not being able to use the latest and greatest language features :(
You can try to use Boost Libraries which have quite the same features as C++11 and is "more retro-compatible" than C++11 : it will easily compile on older version of Ubuntu.
Otherwise the best option might be to ask to the users of Ubuntu 12.04 to upgrade there GCC from 4.6 to 4.7 or more recent :
You are asking "how do I use code that isn't on older systems".
The answer is of course, "Include the code with your project".
If you think through what you're asking, you'll realize that in any case, you'll need the code for the c++11 functions in libstdc++. So if they aren't on ubuntu 12, YOU have to add them. Therefore, you'd have to have it statically linked. it's the only way to ensure it will run on an arbitrary ubuntu12 system.
Well you could make a fancy installation, but in the end, it'd just be your apps "dynamically linking" to the libstdc++, so it may as well be statically linked, since no other program is going to be looking for it on ubuntu12
In general, a c++ library is compatible only if the same compiler is used and (!) the versions of the compilers are matching (you might be lucky, though). There is no way to be portable in this sense, besides writing C-code.

boost asio giving You must add -D__USE_W32_SOCKETS to your compiler options on cygwin

I was trying to use the boost library first time. Using as an environment Eclipse 4.3 with CDT and as compiler gcc 3.4 and boost 1.53.
I was browsing various sites to find info on how to setup boost, but it doesn't seem to work. When I compile trying to include boost/asio.hpp I get the error:
You must add -D__USE_W32_SOCKETS to your compiler options
However, I don't want to use windows sockets, I want to use posix, so I don't really know what is wrong. As I need the project to run on HP-UX later, I dont want to get to Windows specific. If I use now windows sockets will the program later be easily portable to Unix, or are all the details encapsulated in boost, and I don't have to care anyway?
I tested a simple testprogram using FOREACH loop to confirm that boost itself works, and this is the case.
I also found this: so does it mean that this problem is currently currently not supported, or am I doing something wrong?
It seems what you're trying to do is not supported by the library, the documentation states the following under supported platforms
The following platforms and compilers have been tested:
Win32 and Win64 using Visual C++ 7.1 and Visual C++ 8.0.
Win32 using MinGW.
Win32 using Cygwin. (__USE_W32_SOCKETS must be defined.)
Linux (2.4 or 2.6 kernels) using g++ 3.3 or later.
Solaris using g++ 3.3 or later.
Mac OS X 10.4 using g++ 3.3 or later.
added emphasis is mine. If that's not possible, you might try the patch suggested in the linked ticket. However, grepping through the source code I see several occurrences of #if !defined(BOOST_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) so it's not obvious that simply patching io_service.hpp will resolve anything. You might try adding -U__CYGWIN__ to your CXXFLAGS, though the cygwin toolchain may not like that.
Full disclosure: I am not a Windows guy so hopefully someone else will chime in.
The libboost-devel package in the Cygwin distribution includes patches to not use Winsock on Cygwin in Boost.Asio. I suggest trying that in conjunction with the gcc4 packages, which provide more recent versions of GCC.

How can I write cross-platform c++ programs on my mac?

My university professor has given a requirement for us in his c++ class: We must write our programs using the gnu C++ compiler (GCC). I understand that after installing xcode, I get an apple version of gcc. However, this is not fully cross compatible as I understand. So I have tried to install the gnu gcc compiler by using mac ports, but I have been unsuccessful. After doing:
port install gcc47
When I go to the terminal and run:
gcc47 -v
I get "command not found"
When I run:
gcc -v
I get:
gcc version 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)
Showing that I am still using apple's version. The part I am not understanding is:
How do I install gcc (the gnu version, not apple's version)
How do I use it with an ide, such as eclipse?
The version of GCC you use (Apple or gnu native) should be irrelevant for you to proceed.
Writing portable C++ has nothing to do with the compiler--outside of ensuring your compiler does it's best to adhere to the C++ standard. Luckily enough, GCC is one of the best C++ compilers out there.
You're not looking to do cross-platform C++ per-se, because true portable C++ is somewhat of a pain to write given the various state of C++ compilers for various systems (for example the CC on VAX/VMS doesn't support templates...). I suspect what you want to do is ensure the code you write on your mac, can be compiled by your prof. As long as GCC can handle it on your mac, it should be fine.
So to your specific questions:
Your first question is unnecessary, as you can use apple's supplied g++ to compile your code.
For your second question, I would highly recommend against using an IDE while trying to learn. IDE's offer some really great time saving features, but they hide some important aspects, that I believe are worth struggling with early in your learning process, and which will help strengthen your C++ skills. And while things have certainly have gotten better, some IDE's were notorious for creating non-portable C++ (ie using void main()).
If you are still set on using Eclipse, or XCode, since it doesn't matter which GCC installation you use, the default setup should work just fine.
I've run into troubles installing gcc47 via ports in the past, but gcc46 went as expected. You may also want to install gcc_select.
From there, you can use gcc_select, or specify the path explicitly in Eclipse's toolchain editor.
Other notes:
If you don't need C++11 features, then Apple's GCC 4.2.1 should work fine. Perhaps you can detail why you can't use it. Basically, Apple's added some extensions to the toolchain in some cases (marked APPLE_ONLY), and you have good control of what options are enabled/disabled.
Recent versions of Clang which ship with Xcode handle C++ well (including some support for C++11). There are some advanced things in GCC that I miss when using Clang, but Clang's current C++ support is really quite good.

C++11 compiler for windows

I was just watching a few videos on Channel9. I found things like lambdas really cool. when I tried to copy the example, it failed. auto didn't work either.
I'm using Nokia's qtcreator which ships with gcc-4.4.0.
I wanted to know which compiler has the fun features implemented so I could play around and learn. I'm not anti MS or anyhting so I don't mind trying Visual Studio if it has those features.
Nearly all C++11 features are implemented in the GCC 4.6.x . A good place to get latest GCC builds (MinGW) is the TDM website - . It should be easy to replace your current GCC with TDM GCC by overwriting files...
A special version of MinGW:
MinGW-Builds gives you everything gcc offers (currently 4.7.2)
That is: Including support for std::thread, std::async, std::future and friends.
As far as I know that's by far the most complete C++11 you can get on Windows.
You just get the MinGW-build binaries here. Unlike other gcc-based installations it supports posix threads, which are currently key to getting the gcc support for C++11 threads and friends working on Windows.
Extract the directory mingw to any location and add the following two paths to your PATH environment variable: (well, change F:\coding ...)
Add both, separated by semi colon. You will need to log out or reboot. To verify that you got it right, you can open a command prompt, and write
g++ --version
You should get a response like this, mentioning MinGW-builds:
g++ (Built by MinGW-builds project) 4.7.2
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ...
I wrote a more complete instruction for getting this going with Eclipse, here:
For playing around and learning C++11 on Windows, I recommend MinGW Distro by Stephan T. Lavavej. The newest version contains GCC 4.8.2 and Boost 1.55.0.
Take a look at MinGW-w64 if you're looking for a gcc-compatible compiler on Windows that supports a number of C++11 features.
Also if you're just looking for lambas and auto, as well as some other C++11 features like decltype, etc., (again, not as many feature are implemented compared to the latest stable gcc branch) then you can also use the free Visual Studio 2010 Express for C++ on Windows.
See here for an overview of the compilers and the supported C++11 features.
Scott Meyers maintains a webpage here:
The First link on the Webpage is:
Apache Wiki Overview of C++11 Support in Several Compilers is what you should have a look at.It doccuments in detail C++11 features supported by all popular compilers.
The Visual Studio 11 preview also supports lambdas.
Visual Studio 2017 has support in C++11, C++14, & C++17. + some of the Modern C++ "experimental" modules. If you decide on Visual Studio, you set the C++ standard at the project properties. C++11 is by default, but you can set it to C++14, C++17, or latest draft.
As regards g++, C++0x feature support should be detailed here: C++0x/C++11 Support in GCC - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
If you want to test most of the C++11 syntax using a Windows machine you have two options:
Install Cygwin and compile from sources gcc-4.7 (latest snapshot) and clang++ with libstdc++. However it is not guaranteed that this will work.
Safest bet: Install a modern Linux (such as Ubuntu if you are a Linux newbie) in a virtual machine (VirtualBox is a free virtual machine application) and in this virtual machine compile gcc-4.7 and clang++. I was able to successfully compile both of them on Ubuntu 11.10 following the instructions from this website.
Best option, as of 2014, is to use Visual Studio 2013 updated with the latest CTP (this will work even for the Express edition).
Few Min-GW Compilers do not support C++ Version 11 or later. This version is required for thread in OpenCV. So I will suggest using TDM-GCC Compiler instead of MinGW Compiler. Install this compiler and set path C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin to the system's environmental variable.