resize an array of pointers without memory leak - c++

I have a pointer to an array of pointers-to-objects, and need to resize the array. I do realize this is a perfect time to use vectors, But I'm not permitted to do so. My code works, but I don't completely follow what I've written, and concerned i may have created memory leaks:
void foo (DataSet &add_data)
if (sets == NULL)
sets = new DataSet*[1];
sets[0] = &add_data;
DataSet **transfer;
transfer = new DataSet*[num_of_sets];
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_sets; i++) // Copy addresses?
transfer[i] = sets[i];
delete [] sets; // Free the array.
sets = new DataSet*[num_of_sets + 1]; // Create new sets
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_sets; i++) // Copy back
sets[i] = transfer[i];
sets[num_of_sets] = &add_data; // Add the new set
delete [] transfer;
transfer = NULL;
Why does Visual Studio throw an exception for:
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_sets; i++) // Copy addresses?
*transfer[i] = *sets[i];
but not:
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_sets; i++) // Copy addresses?
transfer[i] = sets[i];
But both code segments compile and run without fault in linux. This code should copy the pointers-to-objects. Is that what is happening with:
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_sets; i++) // Copy addresses?
transfer[i] = sets[i];
And do I need to be concerned if I want to free these objects with say a remove function later?

You do not need to allocate twice, just allocate once the final size:
transfer = new DataSet*[num_of_sets + 1]; // Create new sets - final size
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_sets; i++) // Copy addresses?
transfer[i] = sets[i];
delete [] sets; // Free the array.
sets = transfer;
sets[num_of_sets] = &add_data; // Add the new set
// now no need to delete[] transfer
That way you also get improved exception safety btw. - in your original code, you deleted the sets before allocating the new data to it - if that would throw std::bad_alloc, not only your object will become inconsistent (having a dangling sets ptr because you do not assign null to it after delete) but also the memory allocated to transfer would leak. If you allocate transfer directly to final size before delete[] sets, if that will throw, sets will stay intact and transfer will not leak (because it threw during allocation i.e. did not allocate).
Of course, make sure that you delete[] sets in the destructor (and maybe the pointers as well, in case your set is owning them).

*transfer[i] = *sets[i];
Does not copy addresses, like the other sample (without asterisks) does, it tries to dereference the uninitialized pointer elements of transfer and call operator= on DataSet objects on these addresses.
It's undefined behavior, that's why it appears to work under changed circumstances.


C++ Delete Pointer to array of pointers without deleting the contents [Memory Leak]

I'm writing my own array sorting method and I have created a duplicate array to stored the objects as they are stored. The arrays are both arrays of pointers and so I need to delete my temporary array without deleting the items it points to. In the code snippet below I am leaking memory as I either delete all the items or do not delete anything.
//In constructor initialiser list
m_listArray( new PathFindingTile*[maxSize] )
void sort()
auto** sorted = new PathFindingTile*[m_size];
sorted[0] = m_listArray[0];
for (int i = 1; i < m_size; i++)
sorted[i] = m_listArray[i];
for (int j = i; j - 1 >= 0; j--)
if (*m_listArray[j] < *m_listArray[j - 1])
PathFindingTile* temp = sorted[j - 1];
sorted[j - 1] = m_listArray[i];
sorted[j] = temp;
sorted[i] = m_listArray[i];
m_listArray = sorted;
//Both 'delete sorted' and 'delete[] sorted' delete the contents of sorted, but I'd only like to delete the array pointer
delete sorted;
How can I transfer the duplicated list back to the original list without leaking memory?
m_listArray = sorted;
On this line, you leak the array that m_listArray was pointing at before the assignment.
You must delete the array before (the only) pointer to it is overwritten. Also, delete is wrong for deleting pointers from new[]. delete[] is correct:
delete[] m_listArray;
m_listArray = sorted;
P.S. It is not a good idea to have bare pointers to owned memory. I recommend using std::vector instead. Also, it should not be necessary to allocate a new array in order to sort one. You could simply swap elements within the array.
I think you just remove pointer to the first element in the array. I believe you need to release the array with the follow command.
delete[] sorted
Read more about delete and delete[] [delete vs delete[]]1

Free memory from vector of objects inside a function

I have memory leaks inside my code but I couldn't figure out a solution to free the memory allocated inside the function where the object is created and pushed into a vector of an object.
The main function is the following:
void foo(vector<vector<BCC>> &features){
vector<MinutiaPair*> matchingMtiae;
for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++){
Match(features[0], features[i], matchingMtiae);
ms += s;
// Free memory
for (int j = 0; j < matchingMtiae.size(); j++)
delete (matchingMtiae[j]);
Each step of the loop a comparison is executed between values and a "new" vector matchingMtiae is returned with new objects. Then, for the next iteration, I want to completely free this vector and deallocate its content from memory. The Match function where objects are created and pushed into a vector matchingMtiae is presented below:
void Match(vector<BCC> &qt, vector<BCC> &tt, vector<MinutiaPair*> &reducedMatchingPairs) {
vector<MinutiaPair*> localMatching;
for (int i = 0; i < qt.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < tt.size(); j++)
double currSim = qt[i].Match(tt[j], true);
if (currSim > 0)
qt[i].minutia.Flag = false;
tt[j].minutia.Flag = false;
MinutiaPair *pair = new MinutiaPair(qt[i].minutia, tt[j].minutia, currSim);
sort(localMatching.begin(), localMatching.end(), MtiaPairComparer::ComparePointers);
for (int k = 0; k < localMatching.size(); k++)
if (!localMatching[k]->QueryMtia->Flag || !localMatching[k]->TemplateMtia->Flag)
localMatching[k]->QueryMtia->Flag = true;
localMatching[k]->TemplateMtia->Flag = true;
delete (localMatching[k]);
Debugging my code I realized that after the delete and clear of the vector matchingMtiae, the objects created were still allocated in memory and I can not understand the reason why this is happening since the pointer is not being lost but keeping it inside the vector.
I would like to deallocate the created objects from memory and completely clean the vector from pointers. Both are my aims.
Thanks in advance.
You can "submit" a non-binding request to the C++ library std::vector to release its allocated memory by calling shrink_to_fit after clear or resize.
Note this is nonbinding which practically means every sane implementation actually releases memory but you cannot portably rely on this assumption strictly speaking.
I would also strongly suggest replacing the raw pointers in your vector with std::unique_ptr (or even just the objects themselves, if there is no concern of inheritance/slicing). It will ease the visual load of your function and prevent memory leaks in the future.

c++ How to deallocate and delete a 2D array of pointers to objects

In SO question [How to allocate a 2D array of pointers in C++] [1], the accepted answer also makes note of the correct procedure of how to de-allocate and delete said array, namely "Be careful to delete the contained pointers, the row arrays, and the column array all separately and in the correct order." So, I've been successfully using this 2D array in a cellular automaton simulation program. I cannot, however, get this array's memory management correct. I do not see an SO answer for how to do this other than the reference above.
I allocate the 2D array as follows:
Object*** matrix_0 = new Object**[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
matrix_0[i] = new Object*[cols];
My futile attempt(s) (according to Valgrind) to properly de-allocate the above array are as follows:
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
matrix_0[i][j] = NULL;
delete [] matrix_0;
matrix_0 = NULL;
Clearly, I'm missing the rows and cols part as reference [1] suggests. Can you show me what I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
[1]: (20 Nov 2009) How to allocate a 2D array of pointers in C++
You have a tonne of deleting to do in this:
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
delete matrix_0[i][j]; // delete stored pointer
delete[] matrix_0[i]; // delete sub array
delete [] matrix_0; //delete outer array
matrix_0 = NULL;
There is no need to NULL anything except matrix_0 because they are gone after delete.
This is horrible and unnecessary. Use a std::vector and seriously reconsider the pointer to the contained object.
std::vector<std::vector<Object*>> matrix_0(rows, std::vector<Object*>(cols));
Gets what you want and reduces the delete work to
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
delete matrix_0[i][j]; // delete stored pointer
But SergeyA's suggestion of storing unique_ptr, std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>>> matrix_0; reduces the deletions required to 0.
Since speed is one of OP's goals, there is one more improvement:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> matrix_0(rows * cols);
Access is
matrix_0[row * cols + col];
This trades a bit of visible math for the invisible math and pointer dereferences currently going on behind the scenes. The important part is the vector is now stored as a nice contiguous block of memory increasing spacial locality and reducing the number of cache misses. It can't help with the misses that will result from the pointers to Objects being scattered throughout memory, but you can't always win.
A note on vector vs array. Once a vector has been built, and in this case it's all done in one shot here:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Object>> matrix_0(rows * cols);
all a vector is is a pointer to an and a couple other pointers to mark end and the the location of the last location used. Access to the data array is no different from access to a dynamic array made with new. Using the index operator [] compiles down to data_pointer + index exactly the same as using [] on an array. There is no synchronizing or the like as in Java's Vector. It is just plain raw math.
Compared to a dynamic array all a preallocated vector costs you is two pointers worth of memory and in return you get as close to no memory management woes as you are likely to ever see.
Before setting the pointers to NULL, you should delete them first. After every pointer in the column are deleted, you can delete[] the row and set it to NULL, as every element is deleted and gone.

C++ resize array of pointer without STL (vector...)

I got following problem.
I want to resize my array of pointers on structure ( car ) . I got following code.
Class Car{
char * Owner_Name;
char * carID
Class Register {
int CarCNT;
int car_num_default;
Car ** dataBase;
Register ()
{ //constructor
car_num_default = 5 ; //for example;
dataBase = new Car * [car_num_default];
Now when I add 6th. car I need to resize my array of pointer to car. How should I do that without create any memory leak ? Or memory error ? :)
I tried folowing code but it makes some memory leaks..
void Register:: Add ( const char * carID, const char * owner)
if (carCNT == car_num_default) // now it's full array need resize
car ** tmp = new car * [carCNT]; //create new array ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < carCNT;i++)
tmp[i] = new car(databaze[i]->car_ID,databaze[i]->owner_name);
free(database); //free memory and than alloc new bigger
database = new car * [car_num_default * 5];
for(int i = 0; i < carCNT; i++)
data_by_RZ[i] = tmp [i];
car_num_def = car_num_def * 5;
databaze[carCNT] = new car(....);
Thanks for any help!
Here's a list of obvious bugs in your memory management:
You allocate with new[] but deallocate with free. See Is there any danger in calling free() or delete instead of delete[]?
On reallocation, you create new car instances and copy the data of existing car objects instead of copying the pointers to the existing car obejcts. This causes all the previous cars objects to leak. This bug is only when copying database to the tmp table. The copy from tmp to the new database would be correct if tmp contained the pointers to the old car objects.
You needlessly create a tmp array and copy the database to it. You should simply create the new, bigger array, copy, deallocate the old and then set the database pointer. This bug does not cause a leak, but is entirely pointless and does waste memory bandwidth.*
* Here's the code as requested:
Car** tmp = new Car*[car_num_default * 5];
for(int i = 0; i < CarCNT; i++)
tmp[i] = database[i];
delete[] database;
database = tmp;
Remember that functions destroy their parameters after the function finishes its execution.
Since you are passing carID and owner as pointers and inserting them into the array, the values are destructed after execution and the pointers placed inside the array become invalid causing the leak. Use pointers only when you want to make a change to the pointer itself but never store it as it will soon be destructed.
It seems that you are using pointers in places you shouldnt or where you don't have to. Here is a simpler version of your code that does the same:
Class Car{
char Owner_Name;
char carID;
Class Register {
int CarCNT;
int car_num_default;
Car * dataBase;
Register ()
{ //constructor
car_num_default = 5 ; //for example;
dataBase = new Car [car_num_default];
void Register:: Add ( const char carID, const char owner)
if (CarCNT == car_num_default) // now it's full array need resize
car * tmp = new car [carCNT]; //create new array ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < carCNT;i++)
tmp[i] = new car(dataBase[i].car_ID,dataBase[i].owner_name);
free(dataBase); //free memory and than alloc new bigger
dataBase = new car [car_num_default * 5];
for(int i = 0; i < carCNT; i++)
data_by_RZ[i] = tmp [i];
car_num_def = car_num_def * 5;
Car x(...);
dataBase[CarCNT] = x;
Finally, I have four points to make:
1) This doesnt seem like C++ or you are not using proper naming
2) I am not sure how this code complied since most variable names are incorrect (i tried to fix what i came across).
3) Excessive use of pointers (memory locations in other words) is the main cause of memory leaks. Handle them with care and only use them when you have to.
4) IFFF you have to use pointers that much then add destructors (Anti-constructor) like this ~Car or ~Register on any class that is used as a pointer to signal when the element is destroyed. That way you know where the leak is taking place by writing to the console or handle the destruction gracefully.
Hope that helped

Freeing memory between loop executions

Hi I'm coding a C++ program containing a loop consuming too much unnecessary memory, so much that the computer freezes before reaching the end...
Here is how this loop looks like:
float t = 0.20;
CustomClass a(t);
a.writeResultsInFile("results_" + t);
t += 0.001;
If relevant, the program is a physics simulation from which I want results for several values of an external parameter called t for temperature. It seems that the memory excess is due to not "freeing" the space taken by the instance of my class from one execution of the loop to the following, which I thought would be automatic if created without using pointers or the new instruction. I tried doing it with a destructor for the class but it didn't help. Could it be because the main memory use of my class is a 2d array defined with a new instruction in there?
Precision, it seems that the code above is not the problem (thanks for the ones pointing this out) so here is how I initiate my array (by the largest object in my CustomClass) in its constructor:
tab = new int*[h];
for(int i=0; i<h; i++) {
tab[i] = new int[v];
for(int j=0; j<v; j++) {
tab[i][j] = bitd(gen)*2-1; //initializing randomly the lattice
bitd(gen) is a random number generator outputing 1 or 0.
And also, another method of my CustomClass object doubles the size of the array in the following way:
int ** temp = new int*[h];
for(int i=0; i<h; i++) {
temp[i] = new int[v];
for(int j=0; j<v; j++) {
temp[i][j] = tab[i/2][j/2];
delete[] tab;
tab = temp;
Could there be that I should free the pointer temp?
You're leaking memory.
Could there be that I should free te pointer temp?
No. After you allocate the memory for the new array of double size and copy the contents, you should free the memory that tab is pointing to. Right now, you're only deleting the array of pointers with delete [] tab; but the memory that each of those pointers points to is lost. Run a loop and delete each one. Only then do tab = temp.
Better still, use standard containers that handle memory management for you so you can forget messing with raw pointers and focus on your real work instead.