c++ Opengl handle elements drawn - c++

I am currently working on a game and I want to know if there is any way of handling with the elements i am drawing . For example : if i draw in a loop 100 cubes , how can i show / hide the cube number 15 or 63 or n ... I thought that initializing elements in a list would work , but i didn't find any property of it that could help.
GLuint cube;
cube = glGenLists(1);
for(int i = -30; i < 3; i++) {
for(int j = -30; j < 3; j++) {
glTranslatef(i*2.0,0,j * 2.0);
//something like : glDeleteList(cube); but that only works with entire list not with individual objects..

You have a display list, very good. So now you're back to using your regular language primitives to simply call that function.
std::array<bool, 100> cubes;
std::fill(cubes.begin(), cubes.end(), true);
cubes[15] = false;
cubes[63] = false;
for (bool drawCube : cubes) {
if (drawCube) {
// move a bit, perhaps using glTranslate
OpenGL isn't your statekeeper. It just draws what you tell it to, you're responsible for keeping your objects.


How to add a for loop in a DirectX 10 project?

Before I ask for help, I would like to mention that I am very new to DirectX and yes, I do know how to code in C++. But I'm getting errors when I try to complete my homework.
The homework assignment is simple. Draw a circle (using a minimum of 20 triangles) and put a texture on the circle. No problem. But I have to create the vertices using a For loop. This is what I have so far:
double x = 0.1;
double y = 1.0;
double z = 0.5;
double xin = 0.3;
double yin = -0.1;
// Create vertex buffer
SimpleVertex vertices[] =
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, zf),
XMFLOAT3(xf, yf, zf),
XMFLOAT3((x+xin)f, (y+yin)f, zf),
I haven't finished adding all the code I want to make the circle. It's more of a test run. But I get an error on my for loop. It doesn't seem to want to read the for, expected an expression. I tried putting the For loop outside of SimpleVertex and it works.
How would I add a for loop to make my circle?
Thanks for helping the noob.
I would wait for office hours, but it's Labor day and I've been at it all weekend.
You have your for loop in a declaration, which you cannot do. You need to declare vertices first, then initialise it with for loop:
int main()
// Declare your vertices:
const auto maxVertices = 20;
SimpleVertex vertices[maxVertices];
// Initialise the vertices in a for loop
for (int i = 0; i < maxVertices; ++i)
vertices[i].Position = /* calculate position */
It's likely you'll use i to calculate one of the positions, something like:
vertices[i].Position = { i * x, y, z };

Interfering Vector in glBegin()

I am trying to implement code for an assignment to render skeleton and mesh animations. In my glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) section, I have some vectors that appear to be interfering with my information when it shouldn't.
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->nfaces.size(); i += 1)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k += 1) {
int j = k;//2 - k;
glm::vec4 myPointPrime;
myPointPrime.w = 1;
myPoint.x = ecks = mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[i][j]][0];
myPoint.y = why = mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[i][j]][1];
myPoint.z = zed = mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[i][j]][2];
for (int t = 0; t < mySkeleton->vertex.at(i).size(); t++) {
myPointPrime += mySkeleton->vertex[i][j] * MyXformations * myPoint;
// glVertex3f(myPointPrime.x, myPointPrime.y, myPointPrime.z);
// glVertex3f(myPoint.x, myPoint.y, myPoint.z);
The myPointPrime += ... code is doing something weird to my Vertex calls, the scene won't render unless I comment out that for loop.
If I comment out the loop, then the scene renders, but I think I kinda need the loop if animating something like 16,000 vertexes is going to have any performance at all.
Is having that there kind of like having it automatically multiply with the glVertex calls?
Below is another version of the code I hope should be more clear, instead of calculating the points in the actual drawing code I change the whole mesh to supposedly follow the skeleton each frame, but nothing is rendered.
for (int vertex_i = 0; vertex_i < mesh->nfaces.size(); vertex_i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k += 1) {
int j = k;//2 - k;
pointp.x = 0;
pointp.y = 0;
pointp.z = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < mySkeleton->vertex.at(vertex_i).size(); t++) {
point.x = mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[vertex_i][j]][0];
point.y = mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[vertex_i][j]][1];
point.z = mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[vertex_i][j]][2];
pointp += mySkeleton->vertex[vertex_i][t] * myTranslationMatrix * myRotationMatrix * point;
cout << "PointP X: " << pointp.x << " PointP Y: " << pointp.y << " PointP Z: " << pointp.z << endl;
mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[vertex_i][j]][0] = pointp.x;
mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[vertex_i][j]][1] = pointp.y;
mesh->vertex[mesh->faces[vertex_i][j]][2] = pointp.z;
//myPointPrime += MyXformations * myPoint;
My assumption is that maybe the calculations for pointp isn't doing what I think its doing?
mySkeleton->vertex[vertex_i][t] is a vector from my 'skeleton' class, it holds all of the weights for every vertex, there are 17 weights per vertex.
"MyXformations" is a 4x4 matrix passed from my skeleton animation function that holds the last known key frame and this is applied to the vertexes.
point is the current point in the vertex.
Your loop variable is t. However, you refer to j in the loop. Looks to me like your loop might simply be crashing for larger values of j.
You're not using t inside the for loop. Is this expected?
mySkeleton->vertex[i][j] looks like it's out of bounds since j should be for mesh->faces/mesh->nfaces.
Also you can use glNormal3fv and glVertex3fv with arrays.
With out of bounds memory operations you can get all sorts of weird stuff happening, although I can't see any out of bound writes. Your * operators don't modify the objects do they?
If you're worried about performance. You shouldn't be using immediate mode. Instead, put all your data on the GPU with buffer objects (including join/bone transformations) and animate on the fly in the vertex shader.
This is from a few years ago, but worth a read: Animated Crowd Rendering.

Need help optimizing C++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have programmed a simple top-down car driving game that resembles the first GTA, on the GameBoyAdvance. I have used only vector graphics for doing so, and the GBA doesn't handle it very well; basically with 5 pedestrian instances it lags.
I don't have much experience in optimizing code, so I would like to know if there are some tweaks I could make to my code in order to make it run faster, not depending on the fact that it runs on a GBA.
The collision testing I use is SAT (separating axis theorem) as I've found it to be the easisest one for collision check with vector graphics; the game is very simple itself.
Here is the code:
GTA Vector City
Author: Alberto Taiuti
Version: 2.0
#include "Global.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include "font.h"
#include "CVector2D.h"
#include "CCar.h"
#include "CPed.h"
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
void CheckCollisionsRect(CRect *test_a, CRect *test_b);
std::vector<CVector2D> PrepVectors(CRect *shape);
CVector2D GetMinMaxShape(std::vector<CVector2D> vect_shape, CVector2D axis);
void CheckCollisionRectVSPoint(CRect *test_a, CVector2D *point);
/* MAIN */
// The entry point for the game
int main()
// Frame counter
uint32_t frames = 0;
// Previous & current buttons states
static uint16_t prev_buttons = 0, cur_buttons = 0;
// Put the display into bitmap mode 3, and enable background 2.
// Set up the palette.
SetPaletteBG(BLACK, RGB(0, 0, 0)); // black
SetPaletteBG(WHITE, RGB(31, 31, 31)); // white
SetPaletteBG(GREY, RGB(15, 15, 15)); // grey
SetPaletteBG(RED, RGB(31, 0, 0)); // red
SetPaletteBG(GREEN, RGB(0, 31, 0)); // green
SetPaletteBG(BLUE, RGB(0, 0, 31)); // blue
// Create car instance
CCar *car = new CCar(50,50);
// Create a building
/*CRect *test_b = new CRect(100.0f, 100.0f, 30, 30);
CRect *test_c = new CRect(120.0f, 120.0f, 30, 30);
CRect *test_d = new CRect(30.0f, 30.0f, 30, 30);*/
// Pedestrian instances
int ped_number = 10; // Number of pedestrians
std::vector<CPed*> peds; // Ped. entities container (made of smart pointers)
typedef std::vector<CPed*>::iterator p_itor; // Iterator
for(int i = 1; i <= ped_number; i++)
peds.push_back(new CPed(i, RED, 2.0f));
// Check whether the game is over
bool end = false;
// Main loop
while (!end)
// Flip the screen
//Clear the screen
// Update frame counter
frames ++;
// Get the current state of the buttons.
cur_buttons = REG_KEYINPUT;
// Handle Input
car->HandleInput(prev_buttons, cur_buttons);
// Logic
for(int i = 0; i < ped_number; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < ped_number; i++)
CheckCollisionRectVSPoint(car->shape, peds[i]->pos);
/*CheckCollisionsRect(car->shape, test_b);
CheckCollisionsRect(car->shape, test_c);
CheckCollisionsRect(car->shape, test_d);
CheckCollisionRectVSPoint(car->shape, test_ped->pos);*/
// Render
for(int i = 0; i < ped_number; i++)
prev_buttons = cur_buttons;
// VSync
// Free memory
delete car;
//delete test_b; delete test_c; delete test_d;
//delete test_ped;
for(p_itor itor = peds.begin(); itor != peds.end(); itor ++)// Delete pedestrians
return 0;
void CheckCollisionsRect(CRect *test_a, CRect *test_b)
// If the two shapes are close enough, check for collision, otherways skip and save calculations to the CPU
//if((pow((test_a->points[0]->x - test_b->points[0]->x), 2) + pow((test_a->points[0]->y - test_b->points[0]->y), 2)) < 25.0f)
// Prepare the normals for both shapes
std::vector<CVector2D> normals_a = test_a->GetNormalsAsArray();
std::vector<CVector2D> normals_b = test_b->GetNormalsAsArray();
// Create two containers for holding the various vectors used for collision check
std::vector<CVector2D> vect_test_a = PrepVectors(test_a);
std::vector<CVector2D> vect_test_b = PrepVectors(test_b);
// Get the min and max vectors for each shape for each projection (needed for SAT)
CVector2D result_P1 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_a, normals_a[1]); //
CVector2D result_P2 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_b, normals_a[1]); //
// If the two objects are not colliding
if(result_P1.y < result_P2.x || result_P2.y < result_P1.x)
CVector2D result_Q1 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_a, normals_a[0]); // First axis couple
CVector2D result_Q2 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_b, normals_a[0]); //
if(result_Q1.y < result_Q2.x || result_Q2.y < result_Q1.x)
CVector2D result_R1 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_a, normals_b[1]); //
CVector2D result_R2 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_b, normals_b[1]); //
if(result_R1.y < result_R2.x || result_R2.y < result_R1.x)
CVector2D result_S1 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_a, normals_b[0]); // Second axis couple
CVector2D result_S2 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_b, normals_b[0]); //
if(result_S1.y < result_S2.x || result_S2.y < result_S1.x)
// Do something
PlotPixel8(200, 10, WHITE);
PlotPixel8(200, 11, WHITE);
PlotPixel8(200, 12, WHITE);
// Check for collision between an OOBB and a point
void CheckCollisionRectVSPoint(CRect *test_a, CVector2D *point)
// Prepare the normals for the shape
std::vector<CVector2D> normals_a = test_a->GetNormalsAsArray();
// Create a container for holding the various vectors used for collision check
std::vector<CVector2D> vect_test_a = PrepVectors(test_a);
// Get projections for the OOBB (needed for SAT)
CVector2D result_P1 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_a, normals_a[1]);
float result_point = point->DotProduct(normals_a[1]);
// If the two objects are not colliding on this axis
if(result_P1.y < result_point || result_point < result_P1.x)
CVector2D result_Q1 = GetMinMaxShape(vect_test_a, normals_a[0]);
result_point = point->DotProduct(normals_a[0]);
// If the two objects are not colliding on this axis
if(result_Q1.y < result_point || result_point < result_Q1.x)
// Do something
PlotPixel8(200, 10, WHITE);
PlotPixel8(200, 11, WHITE);
PlotPixel8(200, 12, WHITE);
// Returns a container with projection vectors for a given shape
std::vector<CVector2D> PrepVectors(CRect *shape)
std::vector<CVector2D> vect;
// Create vectors for projection and load them into the arrays
for( uint16_t i=0; i < 5; i++)
// Get global position of vectors and then add them to the array
return vect;
CVector2D GetMinMaxShape(std::vector<CVector2D> vect_shape, CVector2D axis)
// Set initial minimum and maximum for shape's projection vectors
float min_proj = vect_shape[1].DotProduct(axis);
float max_proj = vect_shape[1].DotProduct(axis);
// Calculate max and min projection vectors by iterating along all of the corners
for(uint16_t i = 2; i < vect_shape.size(); i ++)
float current_proj = vect_shape[i].DotProduct(axis);
// Select minimum projection on axis
if(current_proj < min_proj) // If current projection is smaller than the minimum one
min_proj = current_proj;
// Select maximum projection on axis
if(current_proj > max_proj) // If current projection is greater than the minimum one
max_proj = current_proj;
return (CVector2D(min_proj, max_proj)); // Return a vector2D as it is a handy way for returning a couple of values
Many thanks in advance to everyone and sorry for the messy code!
I gave it a really quick reading so I may have overlooked something. Well, there are obvious tips for improving performance such as passing vectors to functions by reference. Using prefix incrementation instead of postfix is also a good habit. These two rules are definitely nothing like 'premature optimization the, root of ...'. Do not delete pedestrians one by one but use std::vector::clear(). And If you claim you use smart pointers, you shoud, because it seems you have memory leak because you did not delete the pedestrian pointers. And use const keyword whereever possible. Once you make the obvious correction, and the speed is still not satisfactory, then you need to use profiler.
And read something about optimization, here for example: http://www.agner.org/optimize/optimizing_cpp.pdf
One thing leaps out at me (apart from the continuous passing of vectors by value rather than reference, which will be incredibly costly!)
In you collision detection, you're seeing if the car hits each pedestrian
for(int i = 0; i < ped_number; i++)
CheckCollisionRectVSPoint(car->shape, peds[i]->pos);
Then, in the collision detector, you're repeating a lot of the same processing on the car shape every time:-
// Prepare the normals for both shapes
std::vector<CVector2D> normals_a = test_a->GetNormalsAsArray();
// Create two containers for holding the various vectors used for collision check
std::vector<CVector2D> vect_test_a = PrepVectors(test_a);
.. etc...
You should rework that loop to create the normals etc for the car just once, and then reuse the results for each check against a pedestrian.

Chessboard in opengl

I'm trying to create 5x5 chessboard in OpenGL. I have been able to design a 5x6, and 8x8 but the code just won't work for the 5x5.
Can someone look over the code and maybe point out where my mistake is as the width just wont change to 5?
Here is the part of the code i seem to have a problem with:
void drawScene()
glTranslatef(-2.5*1.5, 0.0, 2.5*1.5);
for(double j=0.0;j>(-5*1.5);j-=1.5)
for(double j=0.0;j>(-5*1.5);j-=1.5)
If you have an odd number of columns, your "odd vs. even" for black vs white will go different than if you have an even number. I think the easiest way is to do one loop for all the Squares, and keep a bool white_or_black variable that is set to white_or_black = !white_or_black at the end of each loop.
There is also a large amount of duplicated code that could be made much simpler by having one loop rather than two.
[I'm not 100% sure what is going wrong in your code, so I'm not sure if this will ACTUALLY fix the problem - but I believe it's a worthwhile improvement].
Understand your problem first. You have to draw odd vs even for black vs white board that means at first row if you draw odd white board then you have to draw even black board and in next row even white board and odd black board. For completing 5*5 chessboard pattern for white and black board row wise is given below:
But code you provide is for equal number of white and black board so you have to change the logic.Here is the part of code where I used my logic to draw 5*5 chessboard and its works perfectly.
for(float j=0.0;j>(-5*1.5);j-=1.5)
for(float j=0.0;j>(-5*1.5);j-=1.5)
I suspect that by "the width won't change to 5", you are observing a width of 4 or 6. Would that be correct? It's quite likely in that case to be an error due to double-precision arithmetic.
You see, you assume infinite precision in your loops, but it's quite conceivable that 5*1.5 is not the same as adding 1.5 five times.
What you should really do is have an integer loop from 1 to 5 (or 0 to 4), and then multiply that value by your square size to produce a co-ordinate. It's generally not a good idea to loop over doubles unless you know what you are doing and what can happen.
Another thing that you should PLEASE do is use constants instead of literals. Instead of peppering your code with the number 5, why not define:
const int BoardWidth = 5;
const int BoardHeight = 5;
Then it will be a lot easier to change.
Forget that code, it has bad potential, you should use ints as a counter to create the board. For example:
const unsigned BOARD_SIZE = 5;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i){
for(unsigned j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j){
drawBoardCell(i,j, (i*BOARD_SIZE + j) % 2 == 0);
void drawBoardCell(const int row, const int col, const bool isBlack){
const int callId = isBlack ? _displayListId_blackArea : _displayListId_whiteArea;
That might not work at first try but it should give you a starting point.

Shape object in Processing, translate individual shapes

I am facing difficulty with the translate() function for objects as well as objects in general in Processing. I went through the examples and tried to replicate the manners by which they instantiated the objects but cannot seem to even get the shapes to appear on the screen no less move them. I instantiate the objects into an array using a nested for loop and expect a grid of the objects to be rendered. However, nothing at all is rendered.
My nested for loop structure to instantiate the tiles:
for(int i=0; i<102; i++){
for(int j=0; j<102; j++){
tiles[i][j]=new tile(i,0,j);
And the constructors for the tile class:
tile(int x, int y, int z){
Nothing is rendered at all when this runs. Furthermore, if this is of any concern, my translations(movements) are done in a method I wrote for the tile class called move which simply calls translate. Is this the correct way? How should one approach this? I can't seem to understand at all how to render/create/translate individual objects/shapes.
Transformations (such as translate, rotate, etc) do not work if you use beginShape() as you're simply specifying direct coordinates to draw to. If you're relying on the result of a translate to put an object into a visible location that could be why you're not having any results.
Also, depending on how you're looking at your scene, you probably have z coming towards the camera, so your objects are being drawn with you looking at them on the side, and since they are 2d objects you won't see anything, try using x/y or y/z instead of x/z which you are doing right now.
You can definitely use pushMatrix() and translate() with beginShape() and such, it may be not completely what you expect, but it will definitely move the things around from the default origin.
What is going wrong with your above example is that you are putting the drawing() code in the constructor where you should be putting it in the display function.
public void display(Processing proc) {
display() also needs to be called in the draw() loop, so initialize your tiles once and then display them in draw().
You should follow #Tyler's advice on drawing in a 2D plane(x/y, y/z, x/z).
Your shapes probably do not render because you might be drawing them once, and clearing the screen in the draw() method, but I'm not sure as I can't see the rest of your code.
Here's what I mean:
tile[][] tiles;
int numTiles = 51;//x and y number of tiles
void setup() {
tiles = new tile[numTiles][numTiles];
for(int i=0; i<numTiles; i++)
for(int j=0; j<numTiles; j++)
tiles[i][j]=new tile(i,j,0,5);
void draw() {
translate(width * .5,height * .5);
rotateY((float)mouseX/width * PI);
rotateX((float)mouseY/height * PI);
for(int i=0; i<numTiles; i++)
for(int j=0; j<numTiles; j++)
class tile {
int x,y,z;
tile(int x, int y, int z,int s) {//s for size
this.x=x * s;
this.y=y * s;
this.z=z * s;
void display(){
//XY plane
Since you're only drawing squares, you could use the rect() function.
int numSquares = 51,squareSize = 10;
void setup(){
void draw(){
translate(width * .5, height * .5);
rotateY((float)mouseX/width * PI);
for(int j = 0 ; j < numSquares ; j++)
for(int i = 0 ; i < numSquares ; i++)