Optional dependency in a Clojure library - clojure

My library, Prerenderer, can work with or without re-frame, but when using re-frame, it requires 0.6.0 or later due to changes in re-frame. Is there a way to specify this requirement or do I have to break Prerenderer into two libraries, Prerenderer with the core and Prerenderer Re-frame with the Re-frame specific part?

I don't think you can specify what the minimum version of a dependency is, but you can put them into the "provided" scope:
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.122"]
[re-frame "0.6.0" :scope "provided"]]
Dependency resolution will not include transitive "provided" dependencies, so they have to be explicitly stated in whatever is using your library (which needs to be communicated in the README).
Update: As #Alex pointed out in the comments, you can add such dependencies to a profile called :provided instead.
Alternatively, you can put the re-frame dependency into your :dev profile which will make e.g. tests pass but not include the dependency in the pom.xml for artifact deployment.


Change exported target name in cmake (install alias to a target)

I have a project which consists of many smaller subprojects. For ease of use we are building everything as one big project - each subproject is add_subdirectory. This way all targets are visible, we can use EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL and build only necessary dependencies, it greatly improves build times. On the other hand, it is possible to unclude some of those subprojects as a platform for another project. In this case we would want to install necessary targets. Here comes the tricky part. Target names have to be unique within the whole cmake invocation, thus out target names tend to be component_subcomponent_module. On the other hand, while we are exporting them, it makes sense to use namespace component::subcomponent. Here is a problem, it still requires using target name, so the user would have to use component::subcomponent::component_subcomponent_module. Is there a way to support both including and importing the project and using namespaced names? I want to export component_subcomponent_module as a module in component::subcomponent namespace. I understand that I can create such alias within the project but I can't find any way to change (alias) the exported name.
add_library(component_subcomponent_mocks ...)
TARGETS component_subcomponent_mocks
EXPORT FindComponentSubcomponentMocks
EXPORT FindComponentSubcomponentMocks
NAMESPACE component::subcomponent
You see where it is going, imported name will become component::subcomponent::component_subcomponent_mocks.
On the other hand I can't create just:
add_library(mocks ...)
If I do it this way, then adding subprojects with add_subdirectory will end up with clashing project names. One option is not to use namespaces at all. If it already has to be unique within the whole project, then what is the point of adding namespaces? I don't like this idea but this is where it is all going to.
I've seen solutions like this: Cmake: Exporting targets with the same name in the build tree
This does not solve my issues at all. I could configure it this way but the whole point of using subprojects is to avoid implementing additional layer of dependency tracking. Either we'd have to call make && make install on each (of a few hundred) dependency before proceeding to our build, or we'd have to believe that none of them has changed which leads to many mistakes. For imported projects we use this approach and it works fine but is unnecessarily slow. Just running cmake on each of them to update them in case of changes is taking a few minutes. All of this for 10 seconds of running tests you are currently developing. That's why the support for adding subprojects as subdirectories is must have for us.
In my understanding, the easiest solution would be installing target it an alias but there is no such option by default. For example:
TARGETS component_subcomponent_mocks
EXPORT FindComponentSubcomponentMocks
EXPORT FindComponentSubcomponentMocks
NAMESPACE component::subcomponent
ALIAS mocks
This way installed target would be component::subcomponent::mocks and target used by add_subdirectory would be component_subcomponent_mocks which I can easily aliast to the same namespaced version. Everything would be neat and consistent except it is not supported by default. Is there any alternative to it?
There were similar but not detailed questions to this, all without a particular answer.
Change name of exported target
cmake install xxxTargets.cmake with a different name from the original target
The whole problem is that I have to keep my target names unique, so they already include their "namespace" in the name and including it once again seems to be pointless.
You can set the EXPORT_NAME property on your targets.
The following setup ensures consistent names (e.g. component::subcomponent::target) both in cmake superprojects as well as in exported configurations.
add_library(component_subcomponent_mylib ...)
set_property(TARGET component_subcomponent_mylib PROPERTY EXPORT_NAME mylib)
add_library(component::subcomponent::mylib ALIAS component_subcomponent_mylib)
install(TARGETS component_subcomponent_mylib
EXPORT FindComponentSubcomponentTargets
install(EXPORT FindComponentSubcomponentTargets
NAMESPACE component::subcomponent::

How to fix "Could not find a package configuration file ..." error in CMake?

I have been working on a project which uses rplidar_sdk and in the beginning, I was facing this problem:
How can I link locally installed SDK's static library in my C++ project?
Basically, the SDK generates the library in its local directory, and in its Makefile, it does not have install rules. I mean I can run make but after that, if I run sudo make install then it gives make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop. error.
So, with the help of this & this answer, I was able to build my local project. So far so good.
However, the main problem is that I have to hard-code the RPLidar SDK path in CMakeLists.txt of my repo. Now, whenever someone else in my team starts working on that repo (which is quite obvious) then he/she has to update the CMakeLists.txt first. This is not a good idea/practice!
To fix this, I updated the Makefile of RPLidar SDK as follow:
RPLIDAR_RELEASE_LIB := $(HOME_TREE)/output/Linux/Release/librplidar_sdk.a
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/lib/rplidar/Release/
install -m 644 $(RPLIDAR_RELEASE_LIB) $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/lib/rplidar/Release/
RPLIDAR_DEBUG_LIB := $(HOME_TREE)/output/Linux/Debug/librplidar_sdk.a
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/lib/rplidar/Debug/
install -m 644 $(RPLIDAR_DEBUG_LIB) $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/lib/rplidar/Debug/
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/include/rplidar/
cp -r $(RPLIDAR_HEADERS)/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/include/rplidar/
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/include/rplidar/
cp -r $(RPLIDAR_HEADERS_HAL) $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/include/rplidar/
Due to this update, now, I can run sudo make install which basically copies the header files of RPLidar SDK from the local directory to /usr/local/rplidar/ directory. It also copies the lib file to /usr/local/lib/rplidar/<Debug> or <Release>/ directory.
Now, in my local project, I updated the CMakeLists.txt to as follow:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0 FATAL_ERROR)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} src/main.cpp src/another_src_file.cpp)
find_package(rplidar REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${rplidar_LIBRARY})
However, upon running cmake .. command, I'm getting this error:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:12 (find_package):
By not providing "Findrplidar.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "rplidar", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "rplidar" with any
of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "rplidar" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"rplidar_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"rplidar" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
As far as I know, RPLidar SDK does not have rplidarConfig.cmake or rplidar-config.cmake file.
How can I fix this error?
Rants from my soul:
It sucks when you have to use any library foo when the author fails to provide a foo-config.cmake for you to use easily by invoking find_package(foo). It's absolutely outrageous when a reasonably modern project still uses hand written Makefiles as its build system. I myself is stuck with a much worse constructed SDK than yours right now.
Short answer:
Since the author of the SDK fails to provide a config file to support your cmake usage, if you still insists on invoking find_package on the library (and you should!), you are required to write your own Module file to clean up their mess. (Yeah, you are doing the work for the library authors).
To truly achieve cross platform usage, you should write a Findrplidar.cmake module file to find the libraries for you.
To write a reasonable module file, you would most likely use API find_path for header files and find_library for libs. You should check out its docs and try using them, and maybe Google a few tutorials.
Here is my version of Findglog.cmake for your reference. (glog authors have updated their code and supports Config mode. Unfortunately, Ubuntu build doesn't use it, so I still have to write my own file)
find_path(glog_INCLUDE_DIR glog/logging.h)
message(STATUS "glog header found at: ${glog_INCLUDE_DIR}")
find_library(glog_LIB glog)
message(STATUS "libglog found at: ${glog_LIB}")
mark_as_advanced(glog_INCLUDE_DIR glog_LIB)
find_package_handle_standard_args(glog REQUIRED_VARS
if(glog_FOUND AND NOT TARGET glog::glog)
add_library(glog::glog SHARED IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(glog::glog PROPERTIES
And you can use it like this:
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE glog::glog)
Long answer:
The history of developers using cmake is an absolute nightmare. The internet is filled with bad practice/examples of how not to use cmake in your project, including the old official cmake tutorial (which still might be there). Mostly because no one really gives a **** (If I can build my project, who cares if it's cross platform). Another valid reason is that cmake documentations are really daunting to beginners.
This is why I am writing my own answer here, lest you get misguided by Googling elsewhere.
The nightmare is no more. The wait has ended. "The Messiah" of cmake (source) is come. He bringeth hope to asm/C/C++/CUDA projects written in 2020 and on. Here is The Word.
The link above points to the only way how cmake projects should be written and truly achieve cross platform once and for all. Note the material is not easy at all to follow for beginners. I myself spent an entire week to fully grasp what was covered in The Word, when I had become somewhat familiar with cmake concepts at the time (but lost in my old sinful ways).
The so-called "long answer" is actually shorter. It's just a pointer to the real answer. Good luck reading the Word. Embrace the Word, for anything against that is pure heresy.
Response of comment 1-5:
Good questions. A lot of those can be obtained from the Word. But the word is better digested when you become more familiar with CMake. Let me answer them in decreasing of relevance to your problem at hand.
For the ease of discussion, I'll just use libfoo as an example.
Let's say you always wants to use libfoo like this:
target_link_libraries(your_exe ... foo::foo)
Pretend foo is installed at the following location:
- /home/dev/libfoo-dev/
- include
- foo
- foo.h
- bar.h
- ...
- lib
- libfoo.so
- share
- foo/foo-config.cmake # This may or may not exist. See discussion.
Q: Only one .h file. Why?
A: Because in the case of libfoo (also true for glog), only one search of header location is necessary. Just like the example from libfoo,
where foo/foo.h and foo/bar.h are at the same location. So their output of find_path would be the same: /home/dev/libfoo-dev/include.
Q: Why I'm getting NOTFOUND for my headers and libs?
A: The function find_path and find_library only search locations specify in the documentations. By default they search system locations,
like /usr/include and /usr/lib respectively. Refer to the official docs for details on system locations. In the case of libfoo, however,
they reside in /home/dev/libfoo-dev. So you must specify these locations in cmake variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. It's a ; seperated string.
One would do cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/home/dev/libfoo-dev;/more/path/for/other/libs/;...;/even/more/path" .... on the command line.
One very important note: unlike Unix command find, find_path will only search specific paths inside /home/dev/libfoo-dev, not all the way down:
include (usually also include/{arch} where {arch} is sth like x86_64-linux-gnu for x86 Linux) for find_path; lib variant for find_library,
respectively. Unusual locations would require passing in more arguments, which is uncommon and most likely unnecessary.
For this very reason, for libfoo, calling find_path(... foo.h ...) is undesired. One would want find_path(... foo/foo.h ...). Refer to the docs
for more details. You can also try out yourself.
Also for this reason, it is desirable to organize libraries in the usual bin include lib share quad on Unix-like systems. I'm not familiar with Windows.
Q: Debug & Release
A: There are several options. The easiest one might be:
Prepare rplidar debug and release build in two different folders, /path/to/debug & /path/to/release for instance
Passing to Debug & Release build respectively (cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/debugORrelease" ....)
There are definitely others ways, but perhaps requires special care in your Findrplidar.cmake script (maybe some if statements).
Q: Why glog::glog rather than glog?
A: It's just modern cmake practice, with small benefits. Not important right now. Refer to the Word if you are interested.
Q: You mentioned that you are writing rplidarConfig.cmake. Instead you should rename the file to Findrplidar.cmake.
A: CMake philosophy is as such:
Library authors should write foo-config.cmake or fooConfig.cmake
When they fail to provide one, it sucks. And according to the Messiah, it should be reported as a bug.
In this case, you as library user, should write Findfoo.cmake by guessing how to describe the dependencies for libfoo. For simple libraries, this is not so bad. For complex ones, like Boost, this sucks!
A few side note on this topic:
Note how Findfoo.cmake is written by library users, from guessing.
This is insane! Users shouldn't do this. This is the authors' fault, to put their users in this uncomfortable situation.
A foo-config.cmake file is extremely easy to write for authors of libfoo, IF they follow the Word exactly.
Extremely easy for the authors in the sense that: cmake can take care of everything. It will generate scripts automatically for the authors to use in their foo-config.cmake file.
Guaranteed to be cross-platform and easy to use by the users, thanks to cmake.
However, the reality sucks. Now you have to write Findfoo.cmake
Q: Why only find_package & target_link_libraries?
A: This is what the Word says. It's therefore good practice. Why the Word says so is something you have to find out yourself.
It's not possible for me to explain the gist of the Word in this answer, nor would it be convincing to you. I would just say the following:
It's very easy to write spaghetti CMakeLists that are next to impossible to maintain. The spirit of the Word helps you avoid that by
forcing you to carefully think about:
library structure: public vs private headers, for example. This makes you think about what to include in your headers and public APIs.
build specification: what is necessary to build a library you write (what to include; what to link)
usage requirement: what is necessary for others to use a library you write (what to include; what to link)
dependencies: what is the relationship of the library you write & its dependencies
Maybe more
If you think about it, these aspects are crucial to writing a cross-platform and maintainable library.
include_directories, link_directories and add_definitions are all very bad practice
(according to lots of sources, including the official documentations of these APIs). Bad practice tends to obscure the aspects above,
and causes problems later on when everything gets integrate together as a whole. E.g. include_directories will add -I to compiler for every
target written in the directory of that CMakeLists.txt. Read this sentence a few times and Spock will tell you it's illogical.
Don't worry. It's okay for now to use them when you are not familiar with the Word (Why else would this be in the last section). Once you know the Word, refactor your CMakeLists when you have time. Bad practice might cause problem later on, when your project becomes more complex. (In my professional experience, 5 very small groups of people is enough to cause a nightmare. By nightmare I mean hard code everything in CMakeLists; Create a git branch for every single different platform/device/environment; Fixing a bug meaning to cherry-pick one commit to each branch. I've been there before knowing the Word.)
The practice of the Word very well utilize the philosophy of modern CMake, to encapsulate build specifications and usage requirements inside
CMake targets. So when target_link_libraries is called, these properties gets propagated properly.

OCaml: using Oasis with multiple-level src folders

I am trying to use oasis to compile my project, and my project is organized in this way:
Note that in the plugin_a.ml, it refers to module type.ml (i.e., open Type).
When I use oasis to compile the project, it reports:
Unbound module Type
Here is the simplified version of my _oasis file:
BuildTools: ocamlbuild
BuildDepends: deriving, deriving.syntax, core, batteries
Executable "main"
Path: src
MainIs: main.ml
CompiledObject: best
Install: false
BuildDepends: deriving, deriving.syntax, core, batteries
Am I doing anything wrong here? Or what I am doing is not the best practice to organize a project like this?
I think your project structure is a bit strange. You have a sub directory for plugins, but you should note that there's no namespace or package hierarchy so this is not really useful in practice.
As for whether this is possible, the answer seems to be mixed:
It's not possible to do it with just oasis because it doesn't let you specify multiple values for the Path option.
It should be easily done with ocamlbuild however by tagging everything you need with include (but I don't recommend this).
As your oasis project grows, you should look into defining library sections in oasis and using those to organize inter project dependencies. E.g., in this case you could create a "plugins" library where you include plugin_a and plugin_b. But without some planning ahead here, you will quickly run into circular dependencies.

How to have CMake show headers-that are not part of any binary target-in the IDE?

In our workflow, we can have a module A that is composed of several header files, module A not producing any binary (side note: it will obviously be used by other modules, that include some of the headers from module A to produce binaries).
A good example would be a header-only library, for which CMake 3 introduces a good support thanks to the notion of INTERFACE library (see this SO answer, and CMake's documentation of the feature).
We can make an interface library target out of module A:
add_library(module_A INTERFACE)
That gives us all the nice features of CMakes targets (it is possible to use it as another target's dependency, to export it, to transitively forward requirements etc.)
But in this case, the headers in module A do not show up in our IDE (Xcode, yet we expect it to be the same with most/every other IDE).
This proves to be a major drawback in the workflow, since we need the files composing module A to be shown in the IDE for edition. Is it possible to achieve that ?
Several months down the line, I did not find a way to directly list the header files for an INTERFACE library.
Since the question still has some views, here is what I ended up doing (i.e. what appears like the lesser hack currently available).
Imagine module A is a header only library. In the CMakeLists.txt declaring its target:
# Define 'modA_headers' variable to list all the header files
add_library(moduleA INTERFACE) # 'moduleA' is an INTERFACE pseudo target
# From here, the target 'moduleA' can be customised
target_include_directories(moduleA ...) # Transitively forwarded
install(TARGETS moduleA ...)
# HACK: have the files showing in the IDE, under the name 'moduleA_ide'
add_custom_target(moduleA_ide SOURCES ${modA_headers})
I do not accept this answer, since I expect further releases of CMake to offer a more semantically correct approach, which will then be accepted : )
You can use the new target_sources command in CMake 3.1.
add_library(moduleA INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(moduleA INTERFACE ...)
target_sources(moduleA INTERFACE
It is also transitive.
The limitation of not being able to export targets which have INTERFACE_SOURCES has been lifted for CMake 3.3.

What is relationship between project.clj and dependent library jar files?

I am using lein 2.0
If a main application
(defproject rexfer "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Filters standard report from Patriot Properties' AssessPro."
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[org.clojure/tools.cli "0.2.2"]
[org.clojure/data.csv "0.1.2"]
[rexfer-csv "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[util "1.0.7-SNAPSHOT"]]
:omit-source true
:main rexfer.core)
depends on a library (util 1.07-SNAPSHOT)
(defproject util "1.0.7-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A general purpose Clojure library"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[clojure-csv/clojure-csv "1.3.2"]
[org.clojure/data.csv "0.1.2"]]
:aot [util.core]
:omit-source true)
is the reference fetching a .jar file or a standalone .jar?
Another way to ask this question is should I be building standalone jars for libraries like
util "1.0.7-SNAPSHOT"
that require a main application to use them?
You should deploy the jar produced by lein jar rather than lein uberjar. You can also safely expect all reasonable libraries to be deployed in this way.
This is roughly because of the following:
correctly prepared jars contain metadata on their dependencies, so users will know to fetch the dependencies along with your jar;
it often happens that a project uses several libraries which share common dependencies -- it would be wasteful to have each shared dependency replicated in several jars;
the user may have good reason to override some of your dependency choices (which happens all the time, incidentally; replacing a transitive dependency with a different version or excluding a transitive dependency is common) -- with a regular jar they will be able to do so easily, while it would be a pain with an überjar.
Of course if the coordinates of some of your dependencies do happen to point at überjars, that's what's going to end up being pulled in by Leiningen. I've never come across a library misdeployed like that though.
If you don't want to run lein uberjar then the answer to your second question would be yes. These jars need to be available on the class path for the main application to run. The job of lein uberjar is to include all the dependencies and dependencies of dependencies etc.