I'm trying to coerce a map using prismatic-schema (1.0.4)
I'm trying to coerce
{:a 1}
{:b 1}
Using a custom matcher with the schema:
{:b s/Int}
But this code isn't working:
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(require '[schema.coerce :as coerce])
((coerce/coercer {:b s/Int}
(fn [s]
(when (= s s/Keyword)
(fn [x]
(if (= x :a)
{:a 1})
#schema.utils.ErrorContainer{:error {:b missing-required-key, :a disallowed-key}}
I tried debugging it by running the following code which matches everything in the schema and outputs the current value and schema being matched:
((coerce/coercer {:b s/Int}
(fn [s]
(when true
(fn [x]
(println s x)
{:a 1})
{:b Int} {:a 1}
#schema.utils.ErrorContainer{:error {:b missing-required-key, :a disallowed-key}}
It looks as though the matcher bombs out as soon as it gets to the map?
Schema first breaks your map up into pieces that match up to the schema, then coerces each MapEntry to the corresponding MapEntry schema, and so on down. This breakdown fails in your case, so you never get to the key.
To accomplish what you want, you'll have to attach the coercion to the map schema and use e.g. clojure.set/rename-keys in your coercion function:
(def Foo {:b s/Int})
(fn [s]
(when (= s Foo)
#(clojure.set/rename-keys % {:a :b}))))
{:a 1})
I was wondering if there was a way to access the arguments value of a thread-first macro in Clojure while it is being executed on.
for example:
(def x {:a 1 :b 2})
(-> x
(assoc :a 20) ;; I want the value of x after this step
(assoc :b (:a x))) ;; {:a 20, :b 1}
It has come to my attention that this works:
(-> x
(assoc :a 20)
((fn [x] (assoc x :b (:a x))))) ;; {:a 20, :b 20}
But are there any other ways to do that?
You can use as->:
(let [x {:a 1 :b 2}]
(as-> x it
(assoc it :a 20)
(assoc it :b (:a it))))
In addition to akond's comment, note that using as-> can get quite confusing quickly. I recommend either extracting a top level function for these cases, or trying to use as-> in -> only:
(-> something
(as-> $ (do-something $ (very-complicated $)))
I am struggling on how to construct a macro that lets me pass patterns and results to core.match/match in the form of a vector. I would like to be able to do this:
(let [x {:a 1}
patterns [[{:a 2}] :high
[{:a 1}] :low]]
(my-match x patterns))
> :low
I have tried the below and several other approaches which do not work, unless I pass patterns as a literal.
(defmacro my-match [e ems]
`(m/match [~e] ~#ems))
(let [x {:a 1}
patterns [[{:a 2}] :high
[{:a 1}] :low]]
(my-match x patterns))
=> CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol, compiling:(*cider-repl kontrakt*:106:10)
(let [x {:a 1}]
(my-match x [[{:a 2}] :high
[{:a 1}] :low]))
=> :low
Macros are expanded at compile time, so you cannot rely on runtime information (the value of a parameter) during expansion. The root problem is that you can't apply a macro in the same way you can apply a function.
In clojure, how to apply a macro to a list?
So you have to either resort to using eval:
(defmacro functionize [macro]
`(fn [& args#] (eval (cons '~macro args#))))
(defmacro my-match [e ems]
`(apply (functionize m/match) [~e] ~ems))
Or approach the problem in a different way (do runtime pattern matching instead of compile time pattern matching).
The simplest way to solve your problem is with a plain old map:
(ns clj.core
(:use tupelo.core))
(def x {:a 1} )
(def patterns { {:a 2} :high
{:a 1} :low } )
(spyx (get patterns x))
;=> (get patterns x) => :low
Since you have no "wildcard values", you don't need core.match at all. If you would like to match on wild-card values, please see the function wild-match? in the Tupelo library. Samples:
(wild-match? {:a :* :b 2}
{:a 1 :b 2}) ;=> true
(wild-match? [1 :* 3]
[1 2 3]
[1 9 3] )) ;=> true
(wild-match? {:a :* :b 2}
{:a [1 2 3] :b 2}) ;=> true
By 'at-least' I mean schema that will ignore all disallowed-key errors.
Consider the following snippet:
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(def s {:a s/Int})
(s/check s {:a 1}) ;; => nil (check passed)
(s/check s {:a 1 :b 2}) ;; => {:b disallowed-key}
(def at-least-s (at-least s))
(s/check at-least-s {:a 1}) ;; => nil
(s/check at-least-s {:a 1 :b 2}) ;; => nil
The first idea about implementation of at-least function was to conjoin [s/Any s/Any] entry to initial schema:
(defn at-least [s]
(conj s [s/Any s/Any]))
but unfortunately such implementation won't work for nested maps:
(def another-s {:a {:b s/Int}})
(s/check (at-least another-s) {:a {:b 1} :c 2}) ;; => nil
(s/check (at-least another-s) {:a {:b 1 :d 3} :c 2}) ;; => {:a {:d disallowed-key}}
Is there's a possibility to get at-least schemas that work for nested maps as well? Or maybe prismatic/schema provides something out of the box that I'm missing?
There is something you can use from metosin/schema-tools: schema-tools.walk. There is even a code that you need in the test:
(defn recursive-optional-keys [m]
(sw/postwalk (fn [s]
(if (and (map? s) (not (record? s)))
(st/optional-keys s)
Is there a way to describe arbitrary lazy self-recursive data structures in Clojure?
Let's say for example I wanted to do something like this:
(def inf-seq (fn rec [] (lazy-seq (cons 42 (rec)))))
(take 3 (inf-seq))
but with a map:
(def inf-map (fn rec [] (??? {:a (rec) :b 42})))
(get-in (inf-map) [:a :a :a :b])
Sequence laziness does not apply to deferred function evaluation in Clojure, which you would obviously need for constructing infinitely nested maps.
Try using Delays:
user=> (def inf-map (fn rec [] {:a (delay (rec)) :b 42}))
user=> (inf-map)
{:a #<Delay#4e9f9a19: :pending>, :b 42}
user=> #(:a (inf-map))
{:a #<Delay#5afd479c: :pending>, :b 42}
Destructuring a map looks reversed to me. Can anybody explain what is happening?
I expect that this is the right form of destructuring a map
;=> (let [{:a a :b b} {:a 1 :b 2}] [a b])
which returns Exception Unsupported binding form: :a clojure.core/destructure/pb--4541 (core.clj:4029). Clojure documentations say that below is the right way. But it looks that keys and values are reversed.
This should be the right way:
;=> (let [{a :a b :b} {:a 1 :b 2}] [a b])
[1 2]
What is happening when destructuring a map?
It is not really reversed, actually it makes sense. It says: bind to symbol 'a' to value that is associated with the keyword :a
Are you aware of this when your map uses keywords as keys?
(let [{:keys [a b]} {:a 1 :b 2}] [a b])
Much neater and elegant!
Other variants exist if your keys are symbols or strings.
Also, it makes it possible to distinguish between these to cases:
cljs.user=> (let [{foo :foo :as bar} {:foo 3 :as 4}] [foo bar])
[3 {:foo 3, :as 4}]
cljs.user=> (let [{foo :foo bar :as} {:foo 3 :as 4}] [foo bar])
[3 4]