Verilog if-else statements - if-statement

I'm trying to write a module for a BCD counting stop watch. when I check the syntax I get errors saying:
ERROR:HDLCompilers:26 - "../counter.v" line 24 expecting 'end', found 'else'
ERROR:HDLCompilers:26 - "../counter.v" line 25 unexpected token: '='
ERROR:HDLCompilers:26 - "../counter.v" line 25 unexpected token: '+'
ERROR:HDLCompilers:26 - "../counter.v" line 25 expecting 'endmodule', found '1'
in the middle of my code. I'm not quite sure where the error is coming from and have tried to implement more begin/end but that did not fox the problem. Here is my code currently:
module BCDCount(en, clk, rst, direction, cTenths, cSec, cTS, cMin);
input en, clk, rst, direction;
output [3:0] cTenths, cSec, cTS, cMin;
reg [3:0] cTenths, cSec, cTS, cMin;
always #(posedge clk)
if(direction == 0)
if(cMin== 4'b 1001)
cMin <= 4'b 0000;
if(cTS == 4'b 0101)
cTS <= 4'b 0000;
cMin = cMin +1;
if(cSec == 4'b 1001)
cSec <= 4'b 0000;
cTS = cTS +1;
if(cTenths == 4'b 1001)
cTenths <= 4'b 0000;
cSec = cSec+1;
cTenths = cTenths +1;
cSec = cSec+1;
cTS = cTS + 1;
if(direction == 1)
if(cMin== 4'b 0000)
cMin <= 4'b 1001;
if(cTS == 4'b 0000)
cTS <= 4'b 1001;
cMin = cMin -1;
if(cSec == 4'b 0000)
cSec <= 4'b 1001;
cTS = cTS -1;
if(cTenths == 4'b 0000)
cTenths <= 4'b 1001;
cSec = cSec-1;
cTenths = cTenths -1;
cSec = cSec-1;
cTS = cTS - 1;
always #(posedge rst)
cMin <= 0;
cTS <= 0;
cSec <= 0;
cTenths <= 0;

Based on your indenting structure, it looks like you expect that for this code
if(cTS == 4'b 0101)
cTS <= 4'b 0000;
cMin = cMin +1;
if(cTenths == 4'b 1001)
Cmin = cMin + 1 will be executed in the case that cTS == 4'b0101. However, in Verilog, if statements only apply to the statement immediately preceding them (just like in C). To make them apply to multiple statements, we need to wrap those statements in begin-end blocks (just like {} in C).
So, you're getting errors that your code has an else statement, but it can't find the matching if!
You'll want to use the following:
if(cTS == 4'b 0101)
cTS <= 4'b 0000;
cMin = cMin +1;
if(cTenths == 4'b 1001)
Also of note - you're mixing blocking (=) and non-blocking (<=) assignments in your always block. For clocked always blocks, you should (basically) always use non-blocking assignments. Move any sequential assignment to their own always#(*) block.
You're also going to get errors that signals have multiple drivers, since you assign some signals values in multiple always blocks.


What is the proper name for this if-statement logic error?

I'm a CS teacher and I've been trying to cast a name to this common situation.
Sometimes you have adjacent if statements, and the instructions within the first cause the second one to verify unintendedly.
For instance, if I were to omit the continue statements in the following script, the sunny weather could transition into cloudy and then verify the Weather.state == 'cloudy' right after it, in turn possibly transitioning into rainy afterwards, silently messing up the model as a result.
I reckon this probably has a proper name.
from random import randint
from time import sleep
class Weather:
state = 'sunny'
def advance():
p = randint(1,100)
if Weather.state == 'sunny':
if p < 10:
Weather.state = 'rainy'
if p >= 10 and p < 40:
Weather.state = 'cloudy'
if p >= 40 and p < 100:
Weather.state = 'sunny'
if Weather.state == 'cloudy':
if p < 30:
Weather.state = 'rainy'
if p >= 30 and p < 70:
Weather.state = 'cloudy'
if p >= 70 and p < 100:
Weather.state = 'sunny'
if Weather.state == 'rainy':
if p < 50:
Weather.state = 'rainy'
if p >= 50 and p < 90:
Weather.state = 'cloudy'
if p >= 90 and p < 100:
Weather.state = 'sunny'
while True:
print(f'Weather today is {Weather.state}')

Why polyxpoly does not work in GNU octave

I want to plot Det curve and roc curve Why polyxpoly does not work?
I plotted a DET curve based on the following steps: First, I changed the threshold and count the number of false rejections and false acceptances. Second, I use plot MATLAB function to draw FAR and FRR.
function [TPR,FPR] = DETCurve(G,I)
#load data from the column 4 fscore
% Creates a matrix
TPR = zeros(1, 1000);
FPR = zeros(1, 1000);
#number of positive responses and negative responses in ground truth
P = length(i1);
N = length(i0);
index = 0;
% Assume the threshold as 0.01
for threshold = 0:0.001:1
TP = 0;
FP = 0;
%Provides the D1 count
for i = 1:length(i1)
if (D1(i) >= threshold) TP = TP + 1;
% Provides the D0count
for i1 = length(i0)
if(D0(i1) >= threshold)
FP = FP + 1;
index = index + 1;
% Calculating true positive rate
TPR(index) = TP/P;
% Calculating false positive rate
FPR(index) = FP/N;
% Calculating false negative rate(FNR) using TPR+FNR=1
FNR = (1-TPR);
x = 0:0.1:1;
y = x;
#[x(i),y(i)] = polyxpoly(x,y,FPR,FNR);
fprintf('EER(X): %d n', x(i));
fprintf('EER(Y): %d n', y(i));
plot(FPR,FNR,'LineWidth',2, 'color','g');
hold on;
plot(x,y,x,1-y, 'color','r');
plot (x(i),y(i),'X','MarkerSize',10, 'LineWidth', 2,'Color','b');
hold off;
title('DET CURVE');
xlabel('False Positive Rate (FPR) ');
ylabel('False Neagtive Rate (FNR) ');

Error determining type for input 'conscalc: calc '. Cannot union coder.StructTypes with different sets of fields

When I try to convert a Matlab program as a group which includes several functions to C++ program by Matlab coder app, I get a error says this:
enter image description here.And variable calc is a struct in Matlab. However, if I try the function conscalc itself, there is no problem at all.
What is the problem?
Here is the code of function conscalc:
function [calc] = conscalc(rho, gv, calc)
tp = 1 + rho;
sqrt2 = sqrt(2);
consadj = 2 ^ (0.5 * (1 - calc.alpha));
% initialization;
cv = zeros(gv.nacatlim, 1); % consumption equivalents of future expected marginal utility;
yac = zeros(gv.nacatlim, 1); % income (y) - end of period asset (a) - optimal consumption given end of period asse (c);
margu = zeros(gv.nvcatlim, gv.nacatlim); % marginal utility next period by next period survival status (1 - 3) and initial asset (1 - gv.nacatlim);
cons = zeros(gv.T - gv.beginage + 1, gv.nvcatlim, gv.nacatlim); % optimal consumption at the current period by age (25 - 99), survival status (1 - 3) and initial asset (1 - gv.nacatlim);
% simplified backward induction;
% calculate optimal consumption and marginal utility for the terminal age %
% the optimal decision is to consume everything at the terminal age;
for vcat = 1: 3; % survival status;
for acat = 1 : gv.nacatlim; % asset;
y = calc.acats(acat, 1) + calc.income(vcat, gv.T - gv.beginage + 1); % total resources in the last period given initial asset and income;
mu = y ^ (calc.alpha - 1); % marginal utility given next period survival status and initial asset;
if vcat == 1; % married couple adjustment;
mu = consadj * mu;
% save to marginal utility next period (when calculating backward to age - 1) for later calculations;
margu(vcat, acat) = mu;
% calculate optimal consumption and marginal utility for ages gv.t to gv.T - 1 %
for age = gv.T - 1 : -1 : gv.beginage; % age;
for vcat = 1 : 3; % survival status;
y = calc.income(vcat, age - gv.beginage + 1); % income given survival status and age;
% calculate expected marginal utility next period given current period end of period asset;
for acat = 1 : gv.nacatlim; % asset;
mu = 0; % expected marginal utility next period given current period survival status and end of period asset;
for rcat = 1 : gv.nrcatlim; % asset return shock;
mur = 0; % marginal utility next period given current period survival status, end of period asset and asset return shock;
% (end of period asset + saving) * asset return shock is asset next period;
% interpolation;
% find corresponding asset grid point of the next period initial asset given current period end of period asset and asset return shock;
acatf = floor(calc.rtransa(acat, rcat));
if acatf >= gv.nacatlim;
acatf = gv.nacatlim - 1;
fa = calc.rtransa(acat, rcat) - acatf;
for vcatt = 1 : 3; % survival status next period;
if vcatt == 1 || (vcat == 1 && age >= gv.surviveage); % the codes are not right. if vcat == 2/3, the program uses margu(1, acatf); should use margu(2/3, acatf); ???
mu0 = margu(vcatt, acatf);
mu1 = margu(vcatt, acatf + 1);
if mu0 <= 0 || mu1 <= 0;
fprintf('Interpolaton Error: Bad mu in rho section: %2d %2d %14.6e %14.6e %2d %2d %2d', ...
calc.obs, age, mu0, mu1, vcat, acat, rcat);
if fa <= 1;
murv = (1 - fa) * mu0 + fa * mu1;
if mu0 > mu1;
dmu = mu0 - mu1;
mufact = dmu / mu0;
murv = mu1 / (1 + (fa - 1) * mufact);
murv = mu1;
if vcat == 1 && age >= gv.surviveage; % both spouses alive;
mur = mur + calc.transrate(vcatt, age - gv.beginage + 1) * murv;
mur = mur + murv;
mu = mu + calc.rprob(rcat, 1) * mur;
% marginal utility this period should equal to the discounted expected marginal utility next period;
% convert optimal discounted expected marginal utility back to consumption level;
if vcat == 1; % both spouses alive;
cv(acat, 1) = sqrt2 * (mu / tp) ^ (1 / (calc.alpha - 1));
elseif vcat == 2 || vcat == 3; % only one spouse alive;
cv(acat, 1) = (mu * calc.srate(vcat - 1, age - gv.beginage + 1) / tp) ^ (1 / (calc.alpha - 1));
yac(acat, 1) = y - calc.acats(acat, 1) - cv(acat, 1); % income - end of period asset - consumption;
% find optimal consumption at the current period given initial asset;
k = 1; % initialize asset grid point;
for acat = 1 : gv.nacatlim; % asset;
nassets = - calc.acats(acat, 1); % - initial asset level at the current period;
% find how much asset left after consumption;
% - asset(t) = income - end of period asset(t) - optimal consumption(t) given end of period asset(t);
% interpolation;
if yac(k, 1) < nassets;
k = k - 1;
while k >= 1 && yac(k, 1) < nassets;
k = k - 1;
if k < 1; % optimal to leave no assets to next period;
f = 0;
k = 1;
elseif k >= 1;
f = (yac(k, 1) - nassets) / (yac(k, 1) - yac(k + 1, 1));
elseif yac(k, 1) >= nassets;
while k < gv.nacatlim && yac(k + 1, 1) >= nassets;
k = k + 1;
if k > gv.nacatlim - 1; % requires extrapolation;
k = gv.nacatlim - 1;
if cv(k + 1, 1) > cv(k, 1);
f = (yac(k, 1) - nassets) / (yac(k, 1) - yac(k + 1, 1));
f = 1 + (yac(k + 1, 1) - nassets) / (calc.acats(k + 1, 1) - calc.acats(k, 1));
elseif k <= gv.nacatlim - 1;
f = (yac(k, 1) - nassets) / (yac(k, 1) - yac(k + 1, 1));
c = y + calc.acats(acat, 1) - ((1 - f) * calc.acats(k, 1) + f * calc.acats(k + 1, 1)); % optimal consumption at the current period;
% calculate marginal utility at the current period given optimal consumption;
if vcat == 1; % married couple adjustment;
mu = consadj * c ^ (calc.alpha - 1);
elseif vcat == 2 || vcat == 3;
mu = c ^ (calc.alpha - 1);
% save optimal consumption to corresponding optimal consumption matrix for later calculations;
cons(age - gv.beginage + 1, vcat, acat) = c; % optimal consumption at the current period;
margu(vcat, acat) = mu; % marginal utility next period (when calculating backward at age - 1), given survival status and initial asset;
% assign the values to structure variable calc for future calculations %
calc.cons = cons;
The error suggests that during the automatic input type definition your function is called with structures that have different sets of fields.
To debug, put a breakpoint in your entry-point function in MATLAB and run your input definition test script. Take note of the structures being passed in to see where the mismatch originates.

Chaining Logical Operations in Lua

Is this the most efficient way to do this in Lua? Thank you!
if X >= 0 and Y >= 0 then
if X1 <= 960 and Y1 <= 720 then
else end
else end
It is a good idea to avoid nested if statements, I would try a single if check.
The best way to be sure is to profile the functions and see what works faster.
-- Be paranoid and use lots of parenthesis:
if ( ( (X >= 0) and (Y >= 0) ) and ( (X1 <= 960) and (Y1 <= 720) ) ) then
This is the same but easier to read. Good code is not only fast, but easy to read.
local condition1 = ((X >= 0) and (Y >= 0))
local condition2 = ((X1 <= 960) and (Y1 <= 720))
if (condition1 and condition2) then
You can also use operators to make it a tad bit shorter:
if ((X >= 0 && Y >= 0) && (X1 <= 960 && Y1 <= 920)) then
The answer by Yowza should also suffice tho, if you're looking for readability.

Miller-Rabin test: bug in my code

I've written a Miller-Rabin primality test based on the following pseudo code:
Input: n > 2, an odd integer to be tested for primality;
k, a parameter that determines the accuracy of the test
Output: composite if n is composite, otherwise probably prime
write n − 1 as 2s·d with d odd by factoring powers of 2 from n − 1
LOOP: repeat k times:
pick a randomly in the range [2, n − 1]
x ← ad mod n
if x = 1 or x = n − 1 then do next LOOP
for r = 1 .. s − 1
x ← x2 mod n
if x = 1 then return composite
if x = n − 1 then do next LOOP
return composite
return probably prime
The code I have rarely gets past 31 (if I put it in a loop to test numbers from 2 to 100). There must be something wrong but I can't see what it is.
bool isProbablePrime(ulong n, int k) {
if (n < 2 || n % 2 == 0)
return n == 2;
ulong d = n - 1;
ulong s = 0;
while (d % 2 == 0) {
d /= 2;
assert(2 ^^ s * d == n - 1);
foreach (_; 0 .. k) {
ulong a = uniform(2, n);
ulong x = (a ^^ d) % n;
if (x == 1 || x == n - 1)
foreach (__; 1 .. s) {
x = (x ^^ 2) % n;
if (x == 1) return false;
if (x == n - 1) continue outer;
return false;
return true;
I've also tried the variant
foreach (__; 1 .. s) {
x = (x ^^ 2) % n;
if (x == 1) return false;
if (x == n - 1) continue outer;
if ( x != n - 1) return false; // this is different
I have a different version of the test that works correctly but it uses modpow. I'd like to have a version that stays closer to the pseudo code that's part of the task description.
Edit: Re: overflow problem. I suspected something like that. I'm still puzzled why the Ruby version doesn't have that problem. It probably handles it differently under the hood.
If I use BigInt, the code does work, but becomes a lot slower than when I use modpow. So I guess I can't get away from that. It's a pity Phobos doesn't have a modpow built-in, or I must have overlooked it.
ulong x = ((BigInt(a) ^^ d) % BigInt(n)).toLong();
In this statement
ulong x = (a ^^ d) % n;
the quantity (a ^^ d) is probably overflowing before the mod operation can take place. The modpow version wouldn't suffer from this problem, since that algorithm avoids the need for arbitrarily large intermediate values.