Lua coroutines -- setjmp longjmp clobbering? - c++

In a blog post from not too long ago, Scott Vokes describes a technical problem associated to lua's implementation of coroutines using the C functions setjmp and longjmp:
The main limitation of Lua coroutines is that, since they are implemented with setjmp(3) and longjmp(3), you cannot use them to call from Lua into C code that calls back into Lua that calls back into C, because the nested longjmp will clobber the C function’s stack frames. (This is detected at runtime, rather than failing silently.)
I haven’t found this to be a problem in practice, and I’m not aware of any way to fix it without damaging Lua’s portability, one of my favorite things about Lua — it will run on literally anything with an ANSI C compiler and a modest amount of space. Using Lua means I can travel light. :)
I have used coroutines a fair amount and I thought I understood broadly what was going on and what setjmp and longjmp do, however I read this at some point and realized that I didn't really understand it. To try to figure it out, I tried to make a program that I thought should cause a problem based on the description, and instead it seems to work fine.
However there are a few other places that I've seen people seem to allege that there are problems:
The question is:
Under what circumstances do lua coroutines fail to work because of C function stack frames getting clobbered?
What exactly is the result? Does "detected at runtime" mean, lua panic? Or something else?
Does this still affect the most recent versions of lua (5.3) or is this actually a 5.1 issue or something?
Here was the code which I produced. In my test, it is linked with lua 5.3.1, compiled as C code, and the test itself is compiled itself as C++ code at C++11 standard.
extern "C" {
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#define CODE(C) \
case C: { \
std::cout << "When returning to " << where << " got code '" #C "'" << std::endl; \
break; \
void handle_resume_code(int code, const char * where) {
switch (code) {
std::cout << "An unknown error code in " << where << std::endl;
int trivial(lua_State *, int, lua_KContext) {
std::cout << "Called continuation function" << std::endl;
return 0;
int f(lua_State * L) {
std::cout << "Called function 'f'" << std::endl;
return 0;
int g(lua_State * L) {
std::cout << "Called function 'g'" << std::endl;
lua_State * T = lua_newthread(L);
lua_getglobal(T, "f");
handle_resume_code(lua_resume(T, L, 0), __func__);
return lua_yieldk(L, 0, 0, trivial);
int h(lua_State * L) {
std::cout << "Called function 'h'" << std::endl;
lua_State * T = lua_newthread(L);
lua_getglobal(T, "g");
handle_resume_code(lua_resume(T, L, 0), __func__);
return lua_yieldk(L, 0, 0, trivial);
int main () {
std::cout << "Starting:" << std::endl;
lua_State * L = luaL_newstate();
// init
lua_pushcfunction(L, f);
lua_setglobal(L, "f");
lua_pushcfunction(L, g);
lua_setglobal(L, "g");
lua_pushcfunction(L, h);
lua_setglobal(L, "h");
assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0);
// Some action
lua_State * T = lua_newthread(L);
lua_getglobal(T, "h");
handle_resume_code(lua_resume(T, nullptr, 0), __func__);
std::cout << "Bye! :-)" << std::endl;
The output I get is:
Called function 'h'
Called function 'g'
Called function 'f'
When returning to g got code 'LUA_OK'
When returning to h got code 'LUA_YIELD'
When returning to main got code 'LUA_YIELD'
Bye! :-)
Much thanks to # Nicol Bolas for the very detailed answer!
After reading his answer, reading the official docs, reading some emails and playing around with it some more, I want to refine the question / ask a specific follow-up question, however you want to look at it.
I think this term 'clobbering' is not good for describing this issue and this was part of what confused me -- nothing is being "clobbered" in the sense of being written to twice and the first value being lost, the issue is solely, as #Nicol Bolas points out, that longjmp tosses part of the C stack, and if you are hoping to restore the stack later, too bad.
The issue is actually described very nicely in section 4.7 of lua 5.2 manual, in a link provided by #Nicol Bolas.
Curiously, there is no equivalent section in the lua 5.1 documentation. However, lua 5.2 has this to say about lua_yieldk:
Yields a coroutine.
This function should only be called as the return expression of a C function, as follows:
return lua_yieldk (L, n, i, k);
Lua 5.1 manual says something similar, about lua_yield instead:
Yields a coroutine.
This function should only be called as the return expression of a C function, as follows:
return lua_yieldk (L, n, i, k);
Some natural questions then:
Why does it matter if I use return here or not? If lua_yieldk will call longjmp then the lua_yieldk will never return anyways, so it shouldn't matter if I return then? So that cannot be what is happening, right?
Supposing instead that lua_yieldk just makes a note within the lua state that the current C api call has stated that it wants to yield, and then when it finally does return, lua will figure out what happens next. Then this solves the problem of saving C stack frames, no? Since after we return to lua normally, those stack frames have expired anyways -- so the complications described in #Nicol Bolas picture are skirted around? And second of all, in 5.2 at least the semantics are never that we should restore C stack frames, it seems -- lua_yieldk resumes to a continuation function, not to the lua_yieldk caller, and lua_yield apparently resumes to the caller of the current api call, not to the lua_yield caller itself.
And, the most important question:
If I consistently use lua_yieldk in the form return lua_yieldk(...) specified in the docs, returning from a lua_CFunction that was passed to lua, is it still possible to trigger the attempt to yield across a C-call boundary error?
Finally, (but this is less important), I would like to see a concrete example of what it looks like when a naive programmer "isn't careful" and triggers the attempt to yield across a C-call boundary error. I get the idea that there could be problem associated to setjmp and longjmp tossing stack frames that we later need, but I want to see some real lua / lua c api code that I can point to and say "for instance, don't do that", and this is surprisingly elusive.
I found this email where someone reported this error with some lua 5.1 code, and I attempted to reproduce it in lua 5.3. However what I found was that, this looks like just poor error reporting from the lua implementation -- the actual bug is being caused because the user is not setting up their coroutine properly. The proper way to load the coroutine is, create the thread, push a function onto the thread stack, and then call lua_resume on the thread state. Instead the user was using dofile on the thread stack, which executes the function there after loading it, rather than resuming it. So it is effectively yield outside of a coroutine iiuc, and when I patch this, his code works fine, using both lua_yield and lua_yieldk in lua 5.3.
Here is the listing I produced:
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
extern "C" {
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
//#define USE_YIELDK
bool running = true;
int lua_print(lua_State * L) {
if (lua_gettop(L)) {
printf("lua: %s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1));
return 0;
int lua_finish(lua_State *L) {
running = false;
printf("%s called\n", __func__);
return 0;
int trivial(lua_State *, int, lua_KContext) {
printf("%s called\n", __func__);
return 0;
int lua_sleep(lua_State *L) {
printf("%s called\n", __func__);
printf("Calling lua_yieldk\n");
return lua_yieldk(L, 0, 0, trivial);
printf("Calling lua_yield\n");
return lua_yield(L, 0);
const char * loop_lua =
"local i = 0\n"
"while true do\n"
" print(\"lua_loop iteration\")\n"
" sleep()\n"
" i = i + 1\n"
" if i == 4 then\n"
" break\n"
" end\n"
int main() {
lua_State * L = luaL_newstate();
lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_print);
lua_setglobal(L, "print");
lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_sleep);
lua_setglobal(L, "sleep");
lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_finish);
lua_setglobal(L, "finish");
lua_State* cL = lua_newthread(L);
assert(LUA_OK == luaL_loadstring(cL, loop_lua));
int result = lua_pcall(cL, 0, 0, 0);
if (result != LUA_OK) {
printf("%s error: %s\n", result == LUA_ERRRUN ? "Runtime" : "Unknown", lua_tostring(cL, -1));
return 1;
// ^ This pcall (predictably) causes an error -- if we try to execute the
// script, it is going to call things that attempt to yield, but we did not
// start the script with lua_resume, we started it with pcall, so it's not
// okay to yield.
// The reported error is "attempt to yield across a C-call boundary", but what
// is really happening is just "yield from outside a coroutine" I suppose...
while (running) {
int status;
printf("Waking up coroutine\n");
status = lua_resume(cL, L, 0);
if (status == LUA_YIELD) {
printf("coroutine yielding\n");
} else {
running = false; // you can't try to resume if it didn't yield
if (status == LUA_ERRRUN) {
printf("Runtime error: %s\n", lua_isstring(cL, -1) ? lua_tostring(cL, -1) : "(unknown)" );
lua_pop(cL, -1);
} else if (status == LUA_OK) {
printf("coroutine finished\n");
} else {
printf("Unknown error\n");
printf("Bye! :-)\n");
return 0;
Here is the output when USE_YIELDK is commented out:
Waking up coroutine
lua: loop.lua
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yield
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yield
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yield
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yield
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
lua_finish called
coroutine finished
Bye! :-)
Here is the output when USE_YIELDK is defined:
Waking up coroutine
lua: loop.lua
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yieldk
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
trivial called
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yieldk
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
trivial called
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yieldk
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
trivial called
lua: lua_loop iteration
lua_sleep called
Calling lua_yieldk
coroutine yielding
Waking up coroutine
trivial called
lua_finish called
coroutine finished
Bye! :-)

Think about what happens when a coroutine does a yield. It stops executing, and processing returns to whomever it was that called resume on that coroutine, correct?
Well, let's say you have this code:
function top()
function middle()
function bottom()
local co = coroutine.create(bottom);
At the moment of the call to yield, the Lua stack looks like this:
-- top
-- middle
-- bottom
-- yield point
When you call yield, the Lua call stack that is part of the coroutine is preserved. When you do resume, the preserved call stack is executed again, starting where it left off before.
OK, now let's say that middle was in fact not a Lua function. Instead, it was a C function, and that C function calls the Lua function top. So conceptually, your stack looks like this:
-- Lua - top
-- C - middle
-- Lua - bottom
-- Lua - yield point
Now, please note what I said before: this is what your stack looks like conceptually.
Because your actual call stack looks nothing like this.
In reality, there are really two stacks. There is Lua's internal stack, defined by a lua_State. And there's C's stack. Lua's internal stack, at the time when yield is about to be called, looks something like this:
-- top
-- Some C stuff
-- bottom
-- yield point
So what does the stack look like to C? Well, it looks like this:
-- arbitrary Lua interpreter stuff
-- middle
-- arbitrary Lua interpreter stuff
-- setjmp
And that right there is the problem. See, when Lua does a yield, it's going to call longjmp. That function is based on the behavior of the C stack. Namely, it's going to return to where setjmp was.
The Lua stack will be preserved because the Lua stack is separate from the C stack. But the C stack? Everything between the longjmp and setjmp?. Gone. Kaput. Lost forever.
Now you may go, "wait, doesn't the Lua stack know that it went into C and back into Lua"? A bit. But the Lua stack is incapable of doing something that C is incapable of. And C is simply not capable of preserving a stack (well, not without special libraries). So while the Lua stack is vaguely aware that some kind of C process happened in the middle of its stack, it has no way to reconstitute what was there.
So what happens if you resume this yielded coroutine?
Nasal demons. And nobody likes those. Fortunately, Lua 5.1 and above (at least) will error whenever you attempt to yield across C.
Note that Lua 5.2+ does have ways of fixing this. But it's not automatic; it requires explicit coding on your part.
When Lua code that is in a coroutine calls your C code, and your C code calls Lua code that may yield, you can use lua_callk or lua_pcallk to call the possibly-yielding Lua functions. These calling functions take an extra parameter: a "continuation" function.
If the Lua code you call does yield, then the lua_*callk function won't ever actually return (since your C stack will have been destroyed). Instead, it will call the continuation function you provided in your lua_*callk function. As you can guess by the name, the continuation function's job is to continue where your previous function left off.
Now, Lua does preserve the stack for your continuation function, so it gets the stack in the same state that your original C function was in. Well, except that the function+arguments that you called (with lua_*callk) are removed, and the return values from that function are pushed onto your stack. Outside of that, the stack is all the same.
There is also lua_yieldk. This allows your C function to yield back to Lua, such that when the coroutine is resumed, it calls the provided continuation function.
Note that Coco gives Lua 5.1 the ability to resolve this problem. It is capable (though OS/assembly/etc magic) of preserving the C stack during a yield operation. LuaJIT versions before 2.0 also provided this feature.
C++ note
You marked your question with the C++ tag, so I'll assume that's involved here.
Among the many differences between C and C++ is the fact that C++ is far more dependent on the nature of its callstack than Lua. In C, if you discard a stack, you might lose resources that weren't cleaned up. C++ however is required to call destructors of functions declared on the stack at some point. The standard does not allow you to just throw them away.
So continuations only work in C++ if there is nothing on the stack which needs to have a destructor call. Or more specifically, only types that are trivially destructible can be sitting on the stack if you call any of the continuation function Lua APIs.
Of course, Coco handles C++ just fine, since it's actually preserving the C++ stack.

Posting this as an answer which complements #Nicol Bolas' answer, and so that
I can have space to write down what it took for me to understand the original
question, and the answers to the secondary questions / a code listing.
If you read Nicol Bolas' answer but still have questions like I did, here are
some additional hints:
The three layers on the call stack, Lua, C, Lua, are essential to the problem.
If you only have two layers, Lua and C, you don't get the problem.
In imagining how the coroutine call is supposed to work -- the lua stack looks
a certain way, the C stack looks a certain way, the call yields (longjmp) and
later is resumed... the problem does not happen immediately when it is
The problem happens when the resumed function later tries to return, to your
C function.
Because, for the coroutine semantics to work out, it is supposed to return
into a C function call, but the stack frames for that are gone, and cannot be
The workaround for this lack of ability to restore those stack frames is to
use lua_callk, lua_pcallk, which allow you to provide a substitute
function which can be called in place of that C function whose frames were
wiped out.
The issue about return lua_yieldk(...) appears to have nothing to do with
any of this. From skimming the implementation of lua_yieldk it appears that
it does indeed always longjmp, and it may only return in some obscure case
involving lua debugging hooks (?).
Lua internally (at current version) keeps track of when yield should not be
allowed, by keeping a counter variable nny (number non-yieldable) associated
to the lua state, and when you call lua_call or lua_pcall from a C api
function (a lua_CFunction which you earlier pushed to lua), nny is
incremented, and is only decremented when that call or pcall returns. When
nny is nonzero, it is not safe to yield, and you get this yield across
C-api boundary error if you try to yield anyways.
Here is a simple listing that produces the problem and reports the errors,
if you are like me and like to have a concrete code examples. It demonstrates
some of the difference in using lua_call, lua_pcall, and lua_pcallk
within a function called by a coroutine.
extern "C" {
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
//#define USE_PCALL
//#define USE_PCALLK
#define CODE(C) \
case C: { \
std::cout << "When returning to " << where << " got code '" #C "'" << std::endl; \
break; \
#define ERRCODE(C) \
case C: { \
std::cout << "When returning to " << where << " got code '" #C "': " << lua_tostring(L, -1) << std::endl; \
break; \
int report_resume_code(int code, const char * where, lua_State * L) {
switch (code) {
std::cout << "An unknown error code in " << where << ": " << lua_tostring(L, -1) << std::endl;
return code;
int report_pcall_code(int code, const char * where, lua_State * L) {
switch(code) {
std::cout << "An unknown error code in " << where << ": " << lua_tostring(L, -1) << std::endl;
return code;
int trivial(lua_State *, int, lua_KContext) {
std::cout << "Called continuation function" << std::endl;
return 0;
int f(lua_State * L) {
std::cout << "Called function 'f', yielding" << std::endl;
return lua_yield(L, 0);
int g(lua_State * L) {
std::cout << "Called function 'g'" << std::endl;
lua_getglobal(L, "f");
#ifdef USE_PCALL
std::cout << "pcall..." << std::endl;
report_pcall_code(lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0), __func__, L);
// ^ yield across pcall!
// If we yield, there is no way ever to return normally from this pcall,
// so it is an error.
#elif defined(USE_PCALLK)
std::cout << "pcallk..." << std::endl;
report_pcall_code(lua_pcallk(L, 0, 0, 0, 0, trivial), __func__, L);
std::cout << "call..." << std::endl;
lua_call(L, 0, 0);
// ^ yield across call!
// This results in an error being reported in lua_resume, rather than at
// the pcall
return 0;
int main () {
std::cout << "Starting:" << std::endl;
lua_State * L = luaL_newstate();
// init
lua_pushcfunction(L, f);
lua_setglobal(L, "f");
lua_pushcfunction(L, g);
lua_setglobal(L, "g");
assert(lua_gettop(L) == 0);
// Some action
lua_State * T = lua_newthread(L);
lua_getglobal(T, "g");
while (LUA_YIELD == report_resume_code(lua_resume(T, L, 0), __func__, T)) {}
std::cout << "Bye! :-)" << std::endl;
Example output:
Called function 'g'
Called function 'f', yielding
When returning to main got code 'LUA_ERRRUN': attempt to yield across a C-call boundary
Bye! :-)
Called function 'g'
Called function 'f', yielding
When returning to g got code 'LUA_ERRRUN': attempt to yield across a C-call boundary
When returning to main got code 'LUA_OK'
Bye! :-)
Called function 'g'
Called function 'f', yielding
When returning to main got code 'LUA_YIELD'
Called continuation function
When returning to main got code 'LUA_OK'
Bye! :-)


How Can this == nullptr Ever be true Without Invoking Undefined Behavior? [duplicate]

Does it ever make sense to check if this is null?
Say I have a class with a method; inside that method, I check this == NULL, and if it is, return an error code.
If this is null, then that means the object is deleted. Is the method even able to return anything?
Update: I forgot to mention that the method can be called from multiple threads and it may cause the object to be deleted while another thread is inside the method.
Does it ever make sense to check for this==null? I found this while doing a code review.
In standard C++, it does not, because any call on a null pointer is already undefined behavior, so any code relying on such checks is non-standard (there's no guarantee that the check will even be executed).
Note that this holds true for non-virtual functions as well.
Some implementations permit this==0, however, and consequently libraries written specifically for those implementations will sometimes use it as a hack. A good example of such a pair is VC++ and MFC - I don't recall the exact code, but I distinctly remember seeing if (this == NULL) checks in MFC source code somewhere.
It may also be there as a debugging aid, because at some point in the past this code was hit with this==0 because of a mistake in the caller, so a check was inserted to catch future instances of that. An assert would make more sense for such things, though.
If this == null then that means the object is deleted.
No, it doesn't mean that. It means that a method was called on a null pointer, or on a reference obtained from a null pointer (though obtaining such a reference is already U.B.). This has nothing to do with delete, and does not require any objects of this type to have ever existed.
Your note about threads is worrisome. I'm pretty sure you have a race condition that can lead to a crash. If a thread deletes an object and zeros the pointer, another thread could make a call through that pointer between those two operations, leading to this being non-null and also not valid, resulting in a crash. Similarly, if a thread calls a method while another thread is in the middle of creating the object, you may also get a crash.
Short answer, you really need to use a mutex or something to synchonize access to this variable. You need to ensure that this is never null or you're going to have problems.
I know that this is old but I feel like now that we're dealing with C++11-17 somebody should mention lambdas. If you capture this into a lambda that is going to be called asynchronously at a later point in time, it is possible that your "this" object gets destroyed before that lambda is invoked.
i.e passing it as a callback to some time-expensive function that is run from a separate thread or just asynchronously in general
EDIT: Just to be clear, the question was "Does it ever make sense to check if this is null" I am merely offering a scenario where it does make sense that might become more prevalent with the wider use of modern C++.
Contrived example:
This code is completely runable. To see unsafe behavior just comment out the call to safe behavior and uncomment the unsafe behavior call.
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
class SomeAPI
SomeAPI() = default;
void DoWork(std::function<void(int)> cb)
void DoAsync(std::function<void(int)> cb)
std::cout << "SomeAPI about to do async work\n";
m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [](auto cb)
std::cout << "Async thread sleeping 10 seconds (Doing work).\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 10 });
// Do a bunch of work and set a status indicating success or failure.
// Assume 0 is success.
int status = 0;
std::cout << "Executing callback.\n";
std::cout << "Callback Executed.\n";
}, cb);
std::future<void> m_future;
class SomeOtherClass
void SetSuccess(int success) { m_success = success; }
bool m_success = false;
class SomeClass : public std::enable_shared_from_this<SomeClass>
SomeClass(SomeAPI* api)
: m_api(api)
void DoWorkUnsafe()
std::cout << "DoWorkUnsafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Call DoWork on the API.
// DoWork takes some time.
// When DoWork is finished, it calls the callback that we sent in.
m_api->DoWork([this](int status)
// Undefined behavior
m_value = 17;
// Crash
void DoWorkSafe()
// Create a weak point from a shared pointer to this.
std::weak_ptr<SomeClass> this_ = shared_from_this();
std::cout << "DoWorkSafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Capture the weak pointer.
m_api->DoWork([this_](int status)
// Test the weak pointer.
if (auto sp = this_.lock())
std::cout << "Async work finished.\n";
// If its good, then we are still alive and safe to execute on this.
sp->m_value = 17;
void ReportSuccess()
// Tell everyone who cares that a thing has succeeded.
SomeAPI* m_api;
std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass> m_data = std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass>();
int m_value;
int main()
std::shared_ptr<SomeAPI> api = std::make_shared<SomeAPI>();
std::shared_ptr<SomeClass> someClass = std::make_shared<SomeClass>(api.get());
// Comment out the above line and uncomment the below line
// to see the unsafe behavior.
std::cout << "Deleting someClass\n";
std::cout << "Main thread sleeping for 20 seconds.\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 20 });
return 0;
FWIW, I have used debugging checks for (this != NULL) in assertions before which have helped catch defective code. Not that the code would have necessarily gotten too far with out a crash, but on small embedded systems that don't have memory protection, the assertions actually helped.
On systems with memory protection, the OS will generally hit an access violation if called with a NULL this pointer, so there's less value in asserting this != NULL. However, see Pavel's comment for why it's not necessarily worthless on even protected systems.
Your method will most likely (may vary between compilers) be able to run and also be able to return a value. As long as it does not access any instance variables. If it tries this it will crash.
As others pointed out you can not use this test to see if an object has been deleted. Even if you could, it would not work, because the object may be deleted by another thread just after the test but before you execute the next line after the test. Use Thread synchronization instead.
If this is null there is a bug in your program, most likely in the design of your program.
I'd also add that it's usually better to avoid null or NULL. I think the standard is changing yet again here but for now 0 is really what you want to check for to be absolutely sure you're getting what you want.
This is just a pointer passed as the first argument to a function (which is exactly what makes it a method). So long as you're not talking about virtual methods and/or virtual inheritance, then yes, you can find yourself executing an instance method, with a null instance. As others said, you almost certainly won't get very far with that execution before problems arise, but robust coding should probably check for that situation, with an assert. At least, it makes sense when you suspect it could be occuring for some reason, but need to track down exactly which class / call stack it's occurring in.
I know this is a old question, however I thought I will share my experience with use of Lambda capture
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class foo {
foo(int no) : no_(no) {
template <typename Lambda>
void lambda_func(Lambda&& l) {
cout << "No is " << no_ << endl;
int no_;
int main() {
auto f = std::make_unique<foo>(10);
f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable {
cout << "lambda ==> " << endl;
cout << "lambda <== " << endl;
return 0;
This code segment faults
$ g++ -std=c++14 uniqueptr.cpp
$ ./a.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I remove the std::cout statement from lambda_func The code runs to completion.
It seems like, this statement f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable { processes lambda captures before member function is invoked.

Thread is not getting Destroyed

I am working on a Multithreaded system here's my code
class demo is defined in .h file
when the loop from the main function is executed second time the COMMENT1 below takes the previous value
doesn't closing handle closes the thread?
int threadentry(void* data)
demo* inst=(demo*) data;
cout << "Value of inst "<<hex << &inst<< endl;
string request;
cout << "Value of inst "<<hex << &inst<< endl;
// COMMENT1 here when the thread is executed second time from the main it is taking previous value
int main()
demo* inst=new demo();
cout << "Value of inst "<<hex << &inst<< endl; //value is coming different from above
HANDLE threads;
DWORD threadId1;
if ((threads = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)threadentry,
(void *)inst, 0, &threadId1)) == NULL)
return -1;
//here is some Processing of data and after processing I close the handle
delete inst;
No -- closing a handle to a thread does not destroy the thread itself. The thread should exit (either by calling ExitThread or by just returning from the thread function) when it's finished doing its job.
In emergencies, you can use TerminateThread to kill a thread, but that should be reserved for true emergencies -- it can leave the process in an unstable state, so it should generally be avoided, and if you have to use it, you probably want to shut down the process as soon afterwards as possible.
Also note that in a program that uses the standard library, it's not really safe to use CreateThread directly -- you should call _beginthread or _beginthreadex instead. These do some setup to allow thread-safe use of standard library functions that use static storage (e.g., strtok and mktime, but there are quite a few more).
Drop all those "(type)foo" casts, they are forcing the compiler to accept things that in reality don't fit. You will have to fix a few errors there by replacing things with the proper type. For the context pointer passed to the thread, the conversion from demo* to void* is implicit. The correct cast to reverse this is static_cast<demo*>(data). If you want, you can use the a static cast for the implicit conversion, too. There are missing return values in functions, too, the only case that is allowed is in main(). The reason I mention th s is that formally, anything can happen in your program, because these things cause undefined behaviour.
Then, you are outputting the "value of inst" but actually outputting the address of local variables called "inst", which is something different. This probably just adds to your confusion.
Now, coming to your problem, CloseHandle() does not stop the thread. It only releases your handle. What you want is WaitForSingleObject() or one of its brethren instead.

Why isn't setjmp saving the stack?

Why isn't setjmp saving the stack?
Consider the following code:
#include <iostream>
jmp_buf Buf;
jmp_buf Buf2;
void MyFunction()
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
std::cout << i << std::endl;
longjmp(Buf2, 1);
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
longjmp(Buf, 1);
return 0;
What I except is that the code will jump back and forth from main to the function and back printing increasing number every time.
What actually happens is that it prints 0 and then 1 infinite number of times. it is as if when it jumps back into the function the stack is reset to defaults. why is it doing it? is there any way I can make it save the stack too?
I know setjmp and longjmp are even worse than goto when it comes to coding style and readable code, but I am experimenting right now, and this code will probably never see the light of a usable application.
Because unfortunately thats not how setjmp works. setjmp copies the current instruction pointer and register set into the jump buffer but it does not copy the stack (obviously be cause the stack is huge). It looks like you want to use some kind of coroutine based techniques. If you want to do this yourself checkout the ucontext procedured (ucontext.h) they will help you to allocate and manage additionaly thread stacks.
or you could use something like Russ Cox's libtask ( which will help do this for you. Or if you want to do it yourself you should take a look at the libtask code (also available through that link). It's pretty easy to read so its a good resource.

Checking if this is null

Does it ever make sense to check if this is null?
Say I have a class with a method; inside that method, I check this == NULL, and if it is, return an error code.
If this is null, then that means the object is deleted. Is the method even able to return anything?
Update: I forgot to mention that the method can be called from multiple threads and it may cause the object to be deleted while another thread is inside the method.
Does it ever make sense to check for this==null? I found this while doing a code review.
In standard C++, it does not, because any call on a null pointer is already undefined behavior, so any code relying on such checks is non-standard (there's no guarantee that the check will even be executed).
Note that this holds true for non-virtual functions as well.
Some implementations permit this==0, however, and consequently libraries written specifically for those implementations will sometimes use it as a hack. A good example of such a pair is VC++ and MFC - I don't recall the exact code, but I distinctly remember seeing if (this == NULL) checks in MFC source code somewhere.
It may also be there as a debugging aid, because at some point in the past this code was hit with this==0 because of a mistake in the caller, so a check was inserted to catch future instances of that. An assert would make more sense for such things, though.
If this == null then that means the object is deleted.
No, it doesn't mean that. It means that a method was called on a null pointer, or on a reference obtained from a null pointer (though obtaining such a reference is already U.B.). This has nothing to do with delete, and does not require any objects of this type to have ever existed.
Your note about threads is worrisome. I'm pretty sure you have a race condition that can lead to a crash. If a thread deletes an object and zeros the pointer, another thread could make a call through that pointer between those two operations, leading to this being non-null and also not valid, resulting in a crash. Similarly, if a thread calls a method while another thread is in the middle of creating the object, you may also get a crash.
Short answer, you really need to use a mutex or something to synchonize access to this variable. You need to ensure that this is never null or you're going to have problems.
I know that this is old but I feel like now that we're dealing with C++11-17 somebody should mention lambdas. If you capture this into a lambda that is going to be called asynchronously at a later point in time, it is possible that your "this" object gets destroyed before that lambda is invoked.
i.e passing it as a callback to some time-expensive function that is run from a separate thread or just asynchronously in general
EDIT: Just to be clear, the question was "Does it ever make sense to check if this is null" I am merely offering a scenario where it does make sense that might become more prevalent with the wider use of modern C++.
Contrived example:
This code is completely runable. To see unsafe behavior just comment out the call to safe behavior and uncomment the unsafe behavior call.
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
class SomeAPI
SomeAPI() = default;
void DoWork(std::function<void(int)> cb)
void DoAsync(std::function<void(int)> cb)
std::cout << "SomeAPI about to do async work\n";
m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [](auto cb)
std::cout << "Async thread sleeping 10 seconds (Doing work).\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 10 });
// Do a bunch of work and set a status indicating success or failure.
// Assume 0 is success.
int status = 0;
std::cout << "Executing callback.\n";
std::cout << "Callback Executed.\n";
}, cb);
std::future<void> m_future;
class SomeOtherClass
void SetSuccess(int success) { m_success = success; }
bool m_success = false;
class SomeClass : public std::enable_shared_from_this<SomeClass>
SomeClass(SomeAPI* api)
: m_api(api)
void DoWorkUnsafe()
std::cout << "DoWorkUnsafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Call DoWork on the API.
// DoWork takes some time.
// When DoWork is finished, it calls the callback that we sent in.
m_api->DoWork([this](int status)
// Undefined behavior
m_value = 17;
// Crash
void DoWorkSafe()
// Create a weak point from a shared pointer to this.
std::weak_ptr<SomeClass> this_ = shared_from_this();
std::cout << "DoWorkSafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Capture the weak pointer.
m_api->DoWork([this_](int status)
// Test the weak pointer.
if (auto sp = this_.lock())
std::cout << "Async work finished.\n";
// If its good, then we are still alive and safe to execute on this.
sp->m_value = 17;
void ReportSuccess()
// Tell everyone who cares that a thing has succeeded.
SomeAPI* m_api;
std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass> m_data = std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass>();
int m_value;
int main()
std::shared_ptr<SomeAPI> api = std::make_shared<SomeAPI>();
std::shared_ptr<SomeClass> someClass = std::make_shared<SomeClass>(api.get());
// Comment out the above line and uncomment the below line
// to see the unsafe behavior.
std::cout << "Deleting someClass\n";
std::cout << "Main thread sleeping for 20 seconds.\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 20 });
return 0;
FWIW, I have used debugging checks for (this != NULL) in assertions before which have helped catch defective code. Not that the code would have necessarily gotten too far with out a crash, but on small embedded systems that don't have memory protection, the assertions actually helped.
On systems with memory protection, the OS will generally hit an access violation if called with a NULL this pointer, so there's less value in asserting this != NULL. However, see Pavel's comment for why it's not necessarily worthless on even protected systems.
Your method will most likely (may vary between compilers) be able to run and also be able to return a value. As long as it does not access any instance variables. If it tries this it will crash.
As others pointed out you can not use this test to see if an object has been deleted. Even if you could, it would not work, because the object may be deleted by another thread just after the test but before you execute the next line after the test. Use Thread synchronization instead.
If this is null there is a bug in your program, most likely in the design of your program.
I'd also add that it's usually better to avoid null or NULL. I think the standard is changing yet again here but for now 0 is really what you want to check for to be absolutely sure you're getting what you want.
This is just a pointer passed as the first argument to a function (which is exactly what makes it a method). So long as you're not talking about virtual methods and/or virtual inheritance, then yes, you can find yourself executing an instance method, with a null instance. As others said, you almost certainly won't get very far with that execution before problems arise, but robust coding should probably check for that situation, with an assert. At least, it makes sense when you suspect it could be occuring for some reason, but need to track down exactly which class / call stack it's occurring in.
I know this is a old question, however I thought I will share my experience with use of Lambda capture
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class foo {
foo(int no) : no_(no) {
template <typename Lambda>
void lambda_func(Lambda&& l) {
cout << "No is " << no_ << endl;
int no_;
int main() {
auto f = std::make_unique<foo>(10);
f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable {
cout << "lambda ==> " << endl;
cout << "lambda <== " << endl;
return 0;
This code segment faults
$ g++ -std=c++14 uniqueptr.cpp
$ ./a.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I remove the std::cout statement from lambda_func The code runs to completion.
It seems like, this statement f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable { processes lambda captures before member function is invoked.

SetJmp/LongJmp: Why is this throwing a segfault?

The following code summarizes the problem I have at the moment. My current execution flow is as follows and a I'm running in GCC 4.3.
jmp_buf a_buf;
jmp_buf b_buf;
void b_helper()
printf("entering b_helper");
if(setjmp(b_buf) == 0)
printf("longjmping to a_buf");
longjmp(a_buf, 1);
printf("returning from b_helper");
return; //segfaults right here
void b()
void a()
printf("setjmping a_buf");
if(setjmp(a_buf) == 0)
printf("calling b");
printf("longjmping to b_buf");
longjmp(b_buf, 1);
int main()
The above execution flow creates a segfault right after the return in b_helper. It's almost as if only the b_helper stack frame is valid, and the stacks below it are erased.
Can anyone explain why this is happening? I'm guessing it's a GCC optimization that's erasing unused stack frames or something.
You can only longjmp() back up the call stack. The call to longjmp(b_buf, 1) is where things start to go wrong, because the stack frame referenced by b_buf no longer exists after the longjmp(a_buf).
From the documentation for longjmp:
The longjmp() routines may not be called after the routine which called the setjmp() routines returns.
This includes "returning" through a longjmp() out of the function.
The standard says this about longjmp() ( The longjmp function):
The longjmp function restores the environment saved by the most recent invocation of
the setjmp macro in the same invocation of the program with the corresponding
jmp_buf argument. If there has been no such invocation, or if the function containing
the invocation of the setjmp macro has terminated execution in the interim
with a footnote that clarifies this a bit:
For example, by executing a return statement or because another longjmp call has caused a
transfer to a setjmp invocation in a function earlier in the set of nested calls.
So you can't longjmp() back & forth across nested setjmp/longjmp sets.