Render Sketchup model API - c++

I am looking for a SDK/API for rendering a Sektchup (.skp) model file in a Qt application. I've found the Sketchup SDK but no hint on rendering.
All I need would be a still-image in one of the standard perspectives, but panning, rotating and zooming would be of course great additions.

Some more googling turned up a a way to extract the thumbnail PNG from the Sketchup-Model file without any SDK or other libraryies. This satisifies my needs to now.
It turns out the thumbnail is simply a PNG embedded in the SKP file, so parsing a QFile and looking for the first PNG signature 0x89504e470d0a1a0a is all that is needed. I then pass the correctly positioned QFile to a QImageReader to read the PNG and display it.
The code is reasonably simple and I could share it, but I'm unsure whether pasting it here is really considered good style. Opinions?

What you need is a rendering engine (API for rendering 3D vector graphics / Rasterization API / Game Engine / other types of rendering engine).
Low level examples - OpenGL, WebGL, DirectX.
High level examples - Ogre3D, Three.js, Unity Engine.
The SketchUp SDK only provides interface to read/write a SketchUp file.
You will need to use the SketchUp C API to extract information about the model (triangulated meshes, textures, camera position ...).
Then feed those information into the rendering engine of your choice to render your model.


Using Illustrator image for custom animation using C++

I have a vectorized Adobe Illustrator image that I would like to animate using custom xyz input (in this case simulated plot points that I would like to visualize over time, using a hand drawn picture/wireframe model) from e.g. a c++ program or perhaps even javascript application. Is there any (fairly straightforward) strategy to achieve this? E.g. using open GL or some other (open source) tool?
If you want to draw vectorized images you would need to use vector image renderer. The easiest way to do this is to use Flash since it has support vector drawing (one of the best) and really strong scripting language to do all sorts of things (anymate stuff based on input, etc) even 3d graphics.
The hard way of doing this is to use a custom library in c++ do draw vector grapics in opengl or directx. I can only speak of gameswf (opensource player for flash files) or scaleform. There two have support for swf files exported by flash. If you only need a renderer without any animation then there should be plenty of libraries out there (check out this thread)

C++ library/file format for exporting 3D skeletal animations?

I'm writing an application for creating 3D skeletal animations. I'm currently using Blender for modeling/rigging, export, then load and render the model with OGRE. But I'm stuck when it comes to exporting.
I'd like to be able to export the finished animated model/scene to some known file format, so that it can be imported back into Blender for rendering. So what's the best way to get the animated skeleton/armature back into Blender?
I think COLLADA is the way to go when it comes to file formats. I'm unsure about the library. FCOLLADA is dead, I'm not sure how up-to-date it is. The latest version of Assimp had COLLADA export functionality added to it, but unfortunately not for animation yet. There's OpenCOLLADA, which doesn't seem to be well documented, but there's two plug-ins which are probably better examples than any tutorial. Lastly there's COLLADA DOM.
Have you heard about FBX? It is widely used as an exchange format for geometry and animation. It support bones/joints which should fit for your skeletal animation.
Autodesk Page:

How to import object in OpenGL and what file format to choose?

I want to create a robot and want to move it in OpenGL. I will create the model in 3DsMax.
I was wondering about importing and moving it in OpenGL.
In which format should I save my file in 3ds Max so that I can import it in OpenGL?
Should I use pivots or save each part of the robot as a seperate file?
Does OpenGL support pivots?
OpenGL has surprisingly little to do with the answer. OpenGL is only used to draw your geometry. It is not a rendering/game engine/scenegraph in itself. Therefore loading a mesh and animating it is something you should take care of, subsequently informing OpenGL what it has to draw.
You can however make your life a bit easier by looking for OpenGL based rendering/game engines/scenegraphs out there that already provide the support you desire. But you'll have to take a look at that yourself. Then export your mesh in whatever suitable format your engine supports. OpenGL itself holds no relevance to whatever file format you wish to use. If you or your engine can deal with it and get all the relevant information out of it, you can use it.

Cinder: How to get a pointer to data\frame generated but never shown on screen?

There is that grate lib I want to use called libCinder, I looked thru its docs but do not get if it is possible and how to render something with out showing it first?
Say we want to create a simple random color 640x480 canvas with 3 red white blue circles on it, and get RGB\HSL\any char * to raw image data out of it with out ever showing any windows to user. (say we have console application project type). I want to use such feaure for server side live video stream generation and for video streaming I would prefer to use ffmpeg so that is why I want a pointer to some RGB\HSV or what ever buffer with actuall image data. How to do such thing with libCInder?
You will have to use off-screen rendering. libcinder seems to be just a wrapper for OpenGL, as far as graphics go, so you can use OpenGL code to achieve this.
Since OpenGL does not have a native mechanism for off-screen rendering, you'll have to use an extension. A tutorial for using such an extension, called Framebuffer Rendering, can be found here. You will have to modify renderer.cpp to use this extension's commands.
An alternative to using such an extension is to use Mesa 3D, which is an open-source implementation of OpenGL. Mesa has a software rendering engine which allows it to render into memory without using a video card. This means you don't need a video card, but on the other hand the rendering might be slow. Mesa has an example of rendering to a memory buffer at src/osdemos/ in the Demos zip file. This solution will probably require you to write a complete Renderer class, similar to Renderer2d and RendererGl which will use Mesa's intrusctions instead of Windows's or Mac's.

How to overlay direct3d in directshow

I am looking for a tutorial or documentation on how to overlay direct3d on top of a video (webcam) feed in directshow.
I want to provide a virtual web cam (a virtual device that looks like a web cam to the system (ie. so that it be used where ever a normal webcam could be used like IM video chats)
I want to capture a video feed from a webcam attached to the computer.
I want to overlay a 3d model on top of the video feed and provide that as the output.
I had planned on doing this in directshow only because it looked possible to do this in it. If you have any ideas about possible alternatives, I am all ears.
I am writing c++ using visual studio 2008.
Use the Video Mixing Renderer Filter to render the video to a texture, then render it to the scene as a full screen quad. After that you can render the rest of the 3D stuff on top and then present the scene.
Are you after a filter that sits somewhere in the graph that renders D3D stuff over the video?
If so then you need to look at deriving a filter from CTransformFilter. Something like the EZRGB example will give you something to work from. Basically once you have this sorted your filter needs to do the Direct 3D rendering and, literally, insert the resulting image into the direct show stream. Alas you can't render the Direct3D directly to a direct show video frame so you will have to do your rendering then lock the front/back buffer and copy the 3D data out and into the direct show stream. This isn't ideal as it WILL be quite slow (compared to standard D3D rendering) but its the best you can do, to my knowledge.
Edit: In light of your update what you want is quite complicated. You need to create a source filter (You should look at the CPushSource example) to begin with. Once you've done that you will need to register it as a video capture source. Basically you need to do this by using the IFilterMapper2::RegisterFilter call in your DLLRegisterServer function and pass in a class ID of "CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory". Adding the Direct3D will be as I stated above.
All round you want to spend as much time reading through the DirectShow samples in the windows SDK and start modifying them to do what YOU want them to do.