Holding the console-screen when end-of-file is involved - c++

Here's the scaled down version of the program which accepts an unknown no. of Integer inputs. I used cin.get() before but to no avail, finally used this but unfortunately it too didn't worked. I am using Notepad++ spawning command prompt to run my programs. Is this something to do with Notepad++ OR the CTRL-Z (end-of-file) character?
EDIT : Works fine using cmd.exe
vector<int> vint;
int val = 0;
cout << "Enter integers..... Press CTRL and \'Z\' when done entering!"
<< "\n GO... : ";
while(cin >> val)
if (vint.size() > 1)
std::cin.ignore (std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );

When you enter Ctrl+Z in a console programme you tell that it's the end of the file. Any subsequent reading from cin is then doomed to fail.
It works from the command line, because the command processor doesn't close the window when the programme is over.
Possible solutions:
The portable approach would be to interupt the loop cleanly by checking for a special value (for example 0).
If this is not possible, another approach would be to gain more control on the user input and read lines into a string. You could then end the loop when an empty line is entered. This is I think for the user the most intuitive approach. All you have to do is to parse non empty strings with stringstreams (and eventually complain if non numeric values were entered).
An less perfect approach could be to instruct the user to enter some non numeric value to end the loop. You then have to clear the failure that invalid input would generate:
while (std::cin >> val ) {
if (std::cin.eof()) // display the special case
std::cout <<"End of file encountered !" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press a key...";
std::cin.clear(); // clear the error state of cin
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
Surprisingly, this works compiled with MSVC2015 on windows when entering Ctr+Z: once the end of file state cleared the console is magically restored and you can continue to read. However you can't assume this to work with console front-ends like Notepad++, nor with other implementations of the standard library, nor on other OS.


Keep asking for input and reopen stdin

I have a task to create a program that does some calculation on a vector of numbers. The vector must contain at least 1 number in it and if it doesn't I have to throw an exception and try again. There is a video example how the code should work here: https://asciinema.org/a/283343
I'm guessing that EOF is being signaled using CTRL+D and that's what causes the exception to be thrown.
If they were using Enter (new line), it would leave a blank line behind.
But in my case, after I press CTRL+D, my program just runs in an infinite loop because the stdin stays in a failed state despite me using cin.clear().
Is there another shortcut similar to CTRL+D that they might be using for this, or is there a way to reopen the stream, or restart the whole application.
The program runs fine on Windows when I use CTRL+Z, but on Linux I just can't get it to work the same.
Example code below:
void enter_elements(std::vector<double>& input_list){
double x;
std::cout << "Enter numbers: " << std::endl;
while(std::cin >> x){
throw std::string("You must enter at least 1 number!");
int main(){
std::vector<double> input_list;
try {
} catch (const std::string& e) {
std::cout << "Error: " << e << std::endl;
return 0;
Can anyone help me with this problem or suggest where could I maybe read more about it?
Once the stream is closed, the stream is closed. That's it.
What I'd do is accept a set of numbers on one line. Your input iteration would end at the end of the line. Then you validate those numbers, and ask for another line if necessary.
You can do that by looping over std::getline instead of using formatted extraction. Then you'd need to parse the line you get.
That's not what the video shows, but I don't know how they achieved that. Maybe you should ask them!
Are you asking how to stop the program?
If so, on linux, you should try CTRL+C instead of CTRL+D or CTRL+Z while your program is running
This is the sort of reason why I hate using cin >> anInt. I much prefer to getLine and parse it myself. Then you can make it do anything and decide how you're going to determine end of list, etc.
Yes, it's more code. But you don't run into these weird problems like this.

Pause Function it is Looping Forever

I am trying to implement a pause function in C++, but it is looping forever.
I am using macOS but I am trying to create a pause function that will work in any system... I believe my cin >> is not capturing '\n' or '\r' from the keyboard and it is looping forever.
void Transferencia::pause() {
char enter = 0;
while(enter != '\n' && enter != '\r') {
cout << "(Press Enter to Continue...) ";
cin >> enter;
I want to pause my program until user press the key "enter".
But even when I press "enter/return" it keeps looping...
At very first: enter != '\n' || enter != '\r' is a tautology: Even if enter does equal one of the characters it cannot be equal to the other one. So one of the tests must be true... You actually want to stay in the loop when enter is unequal to both values.
std::cin >> ... won't read data before you press enter, but it will discard the newlines (actually, all whitespace). So it would suffice just to read one single character right without loop (the loop again would get an endless one); solely: If the user doesn't enter anything at all before pressing 'enter' key, there's no character to read from std::cin and we'd still be waiting.
What you can do is reading entire lines:
std::string s;
std::getline(std::cin, s);
That will accept empty lines as well, so does exactly what you want (note: no loop around!).
Edit (stolen from the comments; thanks, Thomas Matthews): An even more elegant way is
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
as it won't create any additional resources that would be discarded afterwards anyway (the std::string object!).
Edit 2:
Depending on type of last input operation, there might still be a newline (or even further data) buffered, e. g. after int n; std::cin >> n;. In this case, you need to skip the input yet buffered. So you would need ignore twice.
However, if the last input operation consumed the newline already (e. g. std::getline – or if there wasn't any preceding input operation at all), then this would lead to user having to press enter twice. So you need to detect what's has been going on before.
std::cin.rdbuf().in_avail() allows you to detect how many characters are yet buffered. So you can have:
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
std::cout << "press enter" << std::endl;
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
On some systems (including mine), though, in_avail can return 0 even though a newline is yet buffered! std::cin.sync_with_stdio(false); can fix the issue; you should execute it before very first input operation. Hopefully, you don't use C++ (streams) and C (scanf, printf, etc) IO intermixed then...
The easiest way to do this is with getline().
cin >> ignores whitespace, newline characters included. getline() will read an entire line, newline character included. However, it does not copy the newline character to the output string. If the user simply hit the enter key and nothing else, you'd end up with an empty string.
So, to get your desired behavior, you would construct your loop like this:
string line;
cout << "(Press Enter to Continue...) " << endl;
getline(cin, line);
if(line == "")
#Aconcagua has answered your question but this is what I want to add in.
Normally, for handling some specific kind of event in computer, we usually follow event-driven paradigm or event-callback.
The idea is there is an event loop that waits for a new event coming into the system. This case, keyboard is an event, the event loop then calls event-callback. What event-callback does is it compares the value of input with some conditions then do some other tasks (it might change some state of the program or notify users).
The idea is keep CPU busy by either 2 ways.
event-driven : do other tasks while waiting for a new event
multithreading: multiple threads in the system. This approach has the disadvantage is at data-race
Have fun

How to move cursor to end of text output after cin.clear() and cin.ignore()?

After clearing invalid input with std::cin.clear() and std::cin.ignore(), the cursor moves to the beginning of the next line printed by std::cout. I experimented with including an extra std::endl in various positions, to no avail.
Is there any way to force the cursor to the end of the line?
do {
std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
if(!(std::cin >> number)) {
std::cout << "Not a number. Try again..."<< std::endl;
std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
} while (number != -1);
Enter a number: |
Invalid input. Try again...
|Enter a number:
'|' represents the cursor position
std::cout isn't always what you think it is. It's not "the output to the terminal" - it could be output to a file, or even printer. Moving the cursor around on a printer wouldn't do what you might want it to do.
As such, you could TRY printing backspace characters (\b) and see what happens, but better yet would be to obtain a terminal library - like ncurses; which will give you far better control of the cursor.

C++ getline(cin, variable) is misbehaving. No solutions on the site have helped

My code is rather simple. I have a method called promptUserInput that is defined in UtilityFunctions.h; it is implemented in UtilityFunctions.cpp.
My main method includes UtilityFunctions.h. I've correctly written my makefile, and it compiles without issue.
My main method's first line reads:
string input = promptUserInput();
And here's the actual implementation of the promptUserInput function:
/* Prompts user to enter expression */
string promptUserInput()
string userInput;
cout << "> ";
getline(cin, userInput);
return userInput;
But when the program runs, it doesn't display the > symbol. Instead, there's an empty line waiting for user input. I enter some arbitrary character, hit Enter, and the > symbol appears afterwards. None of this makes sense to me. What's going on?
std::cout uses buffered output, which should always be flushed. You can achieve this by using std::cout.flush() or std::cout << std::flush.
You can also use std::cout << std::endl, which writes a line break and then flushes, but the line break might not satisfy your intention.

Strange behaviour when reading in int from STDIN

Suppose we have a menu which presents the user with some options:
1) Do something
2) Do something else
3) Do something cool
4) Quit
The user can press 1 - 4 and then the enter key. The program performs this operation and then presents the menu back to the user. An invalid option should just display the menu again.
I have the following main() method:
int main()
while (true)
switch (menu())
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
return 0;
and the follwing menu():
int menu()
cout << "Welcome:" << endl
<< "1: Do something" << endl
<< "2: Do something else" << endl
<< "3: Do something cool" << endl
<< "4: Quit" << endl;
int result = 0;
scanf("%d", &result);
return result;
Entering numerical types works great. Entering 1 - 4 causes the program to perform the desired action, and afterwards the menu is displayed again. Entering a number outside this range such as -1 or 12 will display the menu again as expected.
However, entering something like 'q' will simply cause the menu to display over and over again infinitely, without even stopping to get the user input.
I don't understand how this could possibly be happening. Clearly, menu() is being called as the menu is displayed over and over again, however scanf() is part of menu(), so I don't understand how the program gets into this error state where the user is not prompted for their input.
I originally had cin >> result which did exactly the same thing.
Edit: There appears to be a related question, however the original source code has disappeared from pastebin and one of the answers links to an article which apparently once explained why this is happening, but is now a dead link. Maybe someone can reply with why this is happening rather than linking? :)
Edit: Using this example, here is how I solved the problem:
int getNumericalInput()
string input = "";
int result;
while (true)
getline(cin, input);
stringstream sStr(input);
if (sStr >> result)
return result;
cout << "Invalid Input. Try again: ";
and I simply replaced
int result = 0;
scanf("%d", &result);
int result = getNumericalInput();
When you try to convert the non-numeric input to a number, it fails and (the important part) leaves that data in the input buffer, so the next time you try to read an int, it's still there waiting, and fails again -- and again, and again, forever.
There are two basic ways to avoid this. The one I prefer is to read a string of data, then convert from that to a number and take the appropriate action. Typically you'll use std::getline to read all the data up to the new-line, and then attempt to convert it. Since it will read whatever data is waiting, you'll never get junk "stuck" in the input.
The alternative is (especially if a conversion fails) to use std::ignore to read data from the input up to (typically) the next new-line.
1) Say this to yourself 1000 times, or until you fall asleep:
I will never ever ever use I/O functions without checking the return value.
2) Repeat the above 50 times.
3) Re-read your code: Are you checking the result of scanf? What happens when scanf cannot convert the input into the desired format? How would you go about learning such information if you didn't know it? (Four letters come to mind.)
I would also question why you'd use scanf rather than the more appropriate iostreams operation, but that would suffer from exactly the same problem.
You need to verify if the read succeeded. Hint: it did not. Always test after reading that you successfully read the input:
if (std::cin >> result) { ... }
if (scanf("%d", result) == 1) { ... }
In C++ the failed state is sticky and stays around until it gets clear()ed. As long as the stream is in failed state it won't do anything useful. In either case, you want to ignore() the bad character or fgetc() it. Note, that failure may be due to having reached the end of the stream in which case eof() is set or EOF is returned for iostream or stdio, respectively.