Record with List of Records Unit Test Failing - unit-testing

I have the following records:
namespace FunctionalInnovate.Domain
module Voting=
open System
type Vote = {
VoteId : int
SuggestionId : int
VotePreference : int
type Suggestion = {
SuggetionId : int
SuggestionText : string
type User = {
UserId : int
Votes : Vote list
From these records, I have created the following Unit Test:
module ``Voting Tests``
open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
open FunctionalInnovate.Domain.Voting
let``Get Vote from given SuggestionId``()=
let votePreference = 1
let vote1 = { VoteId = 1; SuggestionId = 34; VotePreference = votePreference }
let vote2 = { VoteId = 2; SuggestionId = 654; VotePreference = votePreference}
let votes = [ vote1; vote2; ]
let user = {UserId = 321; Votes = votes}
Assert.IsTrue(true) |> ignore
I've just changed the Assert statement to something simple at this point as it keeps failing at present. Using ReSharper, when I run the test I get an error. Upon investigation, it appears to be a problem with the List of Votes being assigned to the Votes type within my user declaration. What I find strange though is that if I load all of the types into FSI and then load each line of the test in turn, it works without any errors.
Anyone got any ideas as to why the unit test is failing?
The error ReSharper Test Runner is producing is:
System.MissingMethodException : Method not found: 'Void User..ctor(Int32, Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<Vote>)'.
at Voting Tests.Get Vote from given SuggestionId()

As per #Tomas Petricek and #John Palmer's advice, it was an issue with my ''FSharp.Core.dll'' version.
The version of this DLL in my UnitTest project was much older than what was in my Domain project.
All I did to fix it was going into NuGet Package Manager and update that specific package. Upon running my tests again, everything was green and healthy.


Netsuite reconfigure inventory detail error

On a custom record creation i am calling a map reduce script that in creating a negative inventory adjustment.
The script is called on after submit.
I am using following code to populate the inventory detail subrecords
for (var n = 0; n < cp_lotsearch.length; n++) {
if (cree_onhand > 0) {
var cp_lotid = cp_lotsearch[n].getValue({name: 'internalid'});
var cp_parentcasenum = cp_lotsearch[n].getValue({name: 'custrecord_nsts_ia_lot'});
var itemsearch = search.create({
type: 'item',
filters: ['inventorynumber.inventorynumber', 'is', cp_parentcasenum],
columns: [search.createColumn({name: "quantityonhand", join: "inventorynumber"})]
start: 0,
end: 1000
var qtyonhand = itemsearch[0].getValue({name: 'quantityonhand', join: 'inventorynumber'});
var remain_qtyonhand = Number(qtyonhand) - Number(cree_onhand);
if (remain_qtyonhand >= 0) {
var reduceqty = 0 - Number(cree_onhand);
} else {
var reduceqty = 0 - Number(qtyonhand);
log.debug("reduceqty", reduceqty);
subrecord.insertLine({sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',line: n});
subrecord.setSublistText({ sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',fieldId: 'issueinventorynumber',line: n,text: cp_parentcasenum});
subrecord.setSublistValue({sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',fieldId: 'binnumber', line: n, value: cree_bin});
subrecord.setSublistValue({sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',fieldId: 'quantity',line: n,value: reduceqty});
log.debug("reduceqty added to inventory detail", reduceqty);
cree_onhand = Number(cree_onhand) + Number(reduceqty);
var invadjid ={
enableSourcing: true,
ignoreMandatoryFields: true
When i try to run this code i am getting following error:
"type":"error.SuiteScriptError","name":"USER_ERROR","message":"You still need to reconfigure the inventory detail record after changing the quantity."
Same code is running perfect in sandbox account but in production it is throwing error
Can anyone help me to solve this error?
I Got one solution in suite answer that i already tried but it is not working here is link to it:
I've discovered this error can be triggered server-side if :
multiple units of measure feature is enabled.
the stock units of measure are not 1-to-1, i.e. the receipt unit is in packs of 20, but the base unit of the UOM is 1's.
the item is serialised.
However, if the same is attempted client-side, the error becomes "The total inventory detail quantity must be XX" (XX being the quantity set in "adjustqtyby" on the inventory adjustment line).

IllegalArgumentException while running contract unit test in Kotlin (Corda)

When I try to run my Junit tests (Wrote in Kotlin) I get the following exception :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempted to find dependent attachment for class javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter, but could not find a suitable candidate.
I tried to comment/decomment some lines in following code, it seems that the exception occurs when I call command()
class IRIssueTests {
class DummyCommand : TypeOnlyCommandData()
private val ledgerServices = MockServices(listOf(""))
private val ALICE = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name(organisation = "Alice", locality = "TestLand", country = "US"))
fun mustIncludeIssueCommand() {
val ir = IRState(
ledgerServices.ledger {
transaction {
output(IRContract.ID, ir)
command(listOf(ALICE.publicKey), DummyCommand())
transaction {
output(IRContract.ID, ir)
command(listOf(ALICE.publicKey), IRContract.Commands.Issue())
I would like to understand why I'm getting this exception and how to resolve it to make my test passing
Kotlin tests must be run with JDK8.
Change configuration of JDK8 in your project before running tests.
This will avoid this exception

Why isn't Roslyn respecting Whitespace trivia, forcing tab indentation instead?

I am developing a little hobby project trying to bring C# down to be compilable to the NES over at this repository. As of commit 9b532f739be some of the unit tests on my first Code Fix Provider are failing only because Roslyn is ignoring the Whitespace trivia that is coming from a node that I want replaced, in line 90 of the ForbidMuliplicationCodeFixProvider.cs file. I've also tried NormalizeWhiteSpace on the new node with the same WhiteSpaceTrivia indent size, and a couple other failed attemps, only to always end up with standard tab-size indents on the modified document. Will I have to live with this little bug?
var assignment = SyntaxFactory.AssignmentExpression(SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentExpression, variableIdentifier, invocation);
assignment = assignment.WithTriviaFrom(node);
var syntaxRoot = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync();
var modifiedRoot = syntaxRoot.ReplaceNode(node, assignment);
var modifiedDocument = document.WithSyntaxRoot(modifiedRoot);
modifiedDocument = await AddUsingStatementAsync(cancelToken, modifiedDocument);
return modifiedDocument;
The node variable comes from the original document with 6 spaces (3 tiers of indentation) of WhiteSpaceTrivia, which are supposed to be copied into the replacement node but the output of the modified document has 3 tabs of indentation instead.
My test fails with this message:
The checked string has different spaces than expected one. At line 7, col 12, expected '... test = NESMath....' was '... test = NE...'.
The checked string:
["using NINNES.Platform.Shims;
namespace NINNES.RoslynAnalyzers.Tests.Assets {
class MultiplicationAssignment {
public void Multiply() {
var test = 2;
test = NESMath.Multiply(test, 42);
The expected string:
["using NINNES.Platform.Shims;
namespace NINNES.RoslynAnalyzers.Tests.Assets {
class MultiplicationAssignment {
public void Multiply() {
var test = 2;
test = NESMath.Multiply(test, 42);
As an aside: Commentary on the Roslyn code would be greatly appreciated, just learning the ropes of the code modification stuff.

VS 2015: Running Unit Tests from console, Selenium ChromeDriver problems

I'm 100% new here, and I'm not sure if anything else is expected before I post this question. But I didn't find anything about this exact issue when searching, so here goes:
I have a Solution framework using Selenium ChromeDriver for automating a web site, and an included Unit Test project for running the tests.
The tests can be run fine from the VS Test Explorer. But when I try running them from the VS console with
MSTest.exe /testcontainer:d:\Source\Workspaces\QA\Automation\Tests\bin\Debug\Tests.dll /resultsfile:d:\QA\testresults\autotests\regressiontests\tests.trx
i get these errors in the results file:
Test method Tests.BasicTests.Data.GetSiteData.GetMyElementId threw exception:
System.Exception: File not found
at Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.LoadFromFile(String FileName, CacheType Cache, String Delimiter, Encoding Encoding, String Password)
at Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Spreadsheet.LoadFromFile(String FileName)
at TestData.Readers.ExcelByteScout.ExcelFindRows(String url, String sheetname, String value, Int32 col) in d:\Source\Workspaces\QA\FlowAutomation\TestData\Readers\EscelByteScout.cs:line 113
at TestData.SiteData.MyElements.GetElementId(String location, String element) in d:\Source\Workspaces\QA\Automation\TestData\SiteData\MyElements.cs:line 27
at Tests.BasicTests.Data.GetSiteData.GetMyElementId() in d:\Source\Workspaces\QA\Automation\Tests\BasicTests\Data\GetSiteData.cs:line 13
This is complaining about a Project -> Class in the solution which reads test data (user logins, CSS elements...) from an excel file.
Initialization method Tests.TestTests.OpenTests.OpenMyLabDrop2.Init threw exception. OpenQA.Selenium.DriverServiceNotFoundException: OpenQA.Selenium.DriverServiceNotFoundException: The chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable. The driver can be downloaded at
at OpenQA.Selenium.DriverService.FindDriverServiceExecutable(String executableName, Uri downloadUrl)
at OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService()
at Common.Selenium.GCDriver.Initialize() in d:\Source\Workspaces\QA\FlowAutomation\Common\Selenium\GCDriver.cs:line 19
at FlowTests.Base.MyLabDrop2Test.Init() in d:\Source\Workspaces\QA\FlowAutomation\FlowTests\Base\MyLabDrop2Test.cs:line 15
this complains about a missing ChromeDriver.exe which is definetely not missing.
I'm not COMPLETELY new to VS and Selenium, but this I don't get, since the tests run fine from VS but complain about missing references from the console.
So I'm pretty sure there's something I'm missing when running the tests from the console, but what?
The relevant code from ExceByteScout.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Bytescout.Spreadsheet;
namespace TestData.Readers {
public class ExcelByteScout {
public static List<string> ExcelReturnXYZ(string url, string sheetname, string cell1, string cell2, string cell3) {
Spreadsheet document = new Spreadsheet();
Worksheet worksheet = document.Workbook.Worksheets.ByName(sheetname);
List<string> cellvalues = new List<string>();
string name = worksheet.Cell(cell1).Value.ToString();
string user = worksheet.Cell(cell2).Value.ToString();
string pass = worksheet.Cell(cell3).Value.ToString();
return cellvalues;
public static string[] ExcelFindRows(string url, string sheetname, string value, int col) {
Spreadsheet document = new Spreadsheet();
Worksheet worksheet = null;
List<string> values = new List<string>();
string[] userdata = null;
try {
catch (System.Exception ex) {
try {
worksheet = document.Workbook.Worksheets.ByName(sheetname);
catch (System.NullReferenceException nrex) {
int i = 0;
while (!worksheet.Cell(i, col).ValueAsString.Equals("")) {
if (worksheet.Cell(i, col).ValueAsString.Equals(value)) {
int rowcellcount = 0;
for (int y = 0; !worksheet.Cell(i, y).ValueAsString.Equals(""); y++) {
userdata = new string[rowcellcount];
for (int x = 0; x < rowcellcount; x++) {
userdata[x] = worksheet.Cell(i, x).ValueAsString;
return userdata
The FileNotFound problem was due to a relative path.
But the ChromeDriver not found issue is a mystery. Specifically because this has worked before, in a different solution but with the exact same way of running the tests from the console.
Also, I'm standing in the /Debug folder of the project when I run MSTest.exe, and chromedriver.exe IS in this folder. I cannot see where else it needs to be?
File not found usually means that the file is not found on the location you expect it to be. This can happen because you run from an other path or the file is not copied.
Check the url before the line document.LoadFromFile(url); by Console.WriteLine(url). Then copy the excel to the correct location or fix the url.

Windows Phone 7 Consuming Webservice WSDL

Ok I have written some basic generic webservices before but I have never tried to consume a 3rd party one.
The one I am trying to consume is
I am not getting any results back from this what so ever and cannot figure out why.
More odd is it is not even reaching PredictionsClient_getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted when I put a break point in the code it doesn't even reach it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
public void Bouy(double meters)
PredictionService.Parameters PredictionParams = new PredictionService.Parameters();
PredictionService.PredictionsPortTypeClient PredictionsClient = new PredictionService.PredictionsPortTypeClient();
GeoCoordinateWatcher gc = new GeoCoordinateWatcher(GeoPositionAccuracy.Default);
//gc.Position.Location.Latitude, gc.Position.Location.Longitude
GeoCoordinate myLocation = new GeoCoordinate(27.931631,-82.802582);
foreach (var bl in BouyLocation.GetAll())
GeoCoordinate otherLocation = new GeoCoordinate(bl.Lat, bl.Lon);
PredictionParams.beginDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
PredictionParams.endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
PredictionParams.stationId = bl.LocationID;
PredictionParams.timeZone = 0;
PredictionParams.unit = 1;
PredictionParams.dataInterval = 6;
PredictionsClient.getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted += new EventHandler<PredictionService.getPredictionsAndMetadataCompletedEventArgs>(PredictionsClient_getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted);
double mymeters = myLocation.GetDistanceTo(otherLocation);
if (mymeters < meters)
TextBlock DynTextBlock = new TextBlock
Name = "Appearance" + bl.LocationID,
Text = bl.LocationName + PredictionResult,
TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.Wrap,
Margin = new Thickness(12, -6, 12, 0),
Style = (Style)Resources["PhoneTextSubtleStyle"]
this.nearByLocations.Add(new BouyLocationModel() { LocationName = bl.LocationName, LocationID = bl.LocationID, Lat = bl.Lat, Lon = bl.Lon });
var test = nearByLocations;
void PredictionsClient_getPredictionsAndMetadataCompleted(object sender, PredictionService.getPredictionsAndMetadataCompletedEventArgs e)
string err = e.Error.ToString();
PredictionResult = e.Result.ToString();
Loooking at the code you have here I think that you have used the importing of a ServiceReference to auto build the classes for you?
Unfortunately I have found that this is rather temperamental on WP7 and the only way I actually got it to work was when I connected it to a Microsoft WCF service. Connecting to anything else just doesn't work.
If you do google searches there are various pages talking about the fact it doesn't work and ways around it (which I couldn't get to work).
However, there are ways around it but it isn't as simple as the auto-generated stuff. Basically you do things manually.
Although there are other ways to manually create the web service what I did was follow the information in the following which worked well:
You will need to parse the response yourself but XML to LINQ works really well for this.
Hope that helps, or maybe someone will have the solution as it is something I am interested in knowing how to get working too