How to tell why an EC2 instance was started - amazon-web-services

There are a bunch of different AWS services that can start up EC2 instances: Elastic Beanstalk, ECS services / tasks, EC2 autoscaling groups, Ops Works scripts, Cloud Formation templates, and probably others that I haven't discovered yet. Today I am cleaning up after a bunch of experiments and demos. When I try to stop certain EC2 instances, some of them get restarted by something. Is there some way to determine why an EC2 instance was started, without digging around in each AWS product looking for a reference to a particular machine?

If you enable CloudTrail, you'll be able to see who issued what AWS API call. So you should be able to see what services are launching these instances by checking the CloudTrail logs and searching for the relevant instance ids.
See more about CloudTrail in the docs
But there is no way by default to get this information. It's possible that the free customer support team would be able to help if you provide them with the instance ids.


Is the AWS CLI missing data for the "ec2 describe-instancess" method?

As of the date of this question I'm using the most recent version of the AWS CLI (2.4.6) running on macOS. According to the v2 docs the Instances that are returned should include properties like InstanceLifecycle, Licenses, MetadataOptions -> PlatformDetails and several others that are missing for me. While I'm getting back most data, some fields are absent... I've tried this is two separate AWS accounts and I have admin IAM creds that I'm using locally, why does the aws ec2 describe-instances call not return all of the fields listed in the docs?
Not all outputs is available for every ec2 instance, it depends on the way of provisioning of your ec2 instances.
InstanceLifecycle: is exclusive if you provisioned the ec2 instance as spot instance or reserved one.
Licenses: If you used BYOL when provisioning EC2 (Bring your own license)
Extra.. The docs describe every possible output from querying ec2 api endpoint, but it depends on the different parameters of your provisioned ec2 instance.
For example, try to provision a spot instance, and query the instance lifecycle.

Launching EC2 instance doesn't record 'CreateNetworkInterface' CloudTrail entry

When launching an EC2 instance in the AWS Console I see the expected 'RunInstances' calls in CloudTrail, but I do not see 'CreateNetworkInterface' calls that EC2 makes to create the interfaces it attaches.
When I create a new network interface manually I do see the 'CreateNetworkInterface'. Other services like ELB, also record 'CreateNetworkInterface' entries. Lambda, Cognito, etc. Only EC2 instances do not. I can see the network interface it creates.
Does anyone know why these are not recorded and where I can get find this information via CloudTrail? This seems like a security gap.

How can I update a website running in a private subnet?

I have an AWS website that is running inside a private subnet and I am not sure what the best way is to update it.
I would like something that is non-burdensome, ideally it would be nice to have some EC2 Box (with security groups only allowing select IP's to connect too) running the development page, and then I could simply copy it over to the private EC2 Box with a click of a button.
I am not too familiar with best practices, but the idea of connecting through several EC2 boxes seems burdensome.
Thank You!
Sounds like you might want to make use of AWS CodeDeploy. There are other tools as well, but since you are already on/using AWS this might be a good one to start with:
AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to any
instance, including Amazon EC2 instances and instances running
on-premises. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release
new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment,
and handles the complexity of updating your applications. You can use
AWS CodeDeploy to automate software deployments, eliminating the need
for error-prone manual operations, and the service scales with your
infrastructure so you can easily deploy to one instance or thousands.

Monitoring Memory Usage for multiple EC2 instances

I am able to monitor a Windows instance's memory usage using custom metrics in CloudWatch.
I have followed the following blog to achieve that :
Using that, I am able to monitor only one instance. I am now doing the process in every instance launched.
Can I do it at once for all instances instead of changing .json file and enabling cloud watch integration in every instance?
If the instances are already launched, you have to do it for each instance. Else you can take an AMI of the first instance, then launch other instances from that AMI and you do not have to do it for each instance.
If you have to do it manually, consider something like Ansible to do it for you. There is a bit of learning but not difficult.
BTW, adding custom metrics is straightforward for Linux instances. Monitoring Memory and Disk Metrics for Amazon EC2 Linux Instances
For Windows instance: Sending Performance Counters to CloudWatch and Logs to CloudWatch Logs Using Amazon EC2 Simple Systems Manager
If your instances have the appropriate instance profile and are running the SSM agent (which they probably are if you launched from an Amazon provided AMI), you can use SSM run command to run arbitrary powershell against an instance or a set of instances (using tags). There is even a Amazon managed SSM document called AWS-ConfigureCloudWatch that is built specifically for this use case.

Boot strapping AWS auto scale instances

We are discussing at a client how to boot strap auto scale AWS instances. Essentially, a instance comes up with hardly anything on it. It has a generic startup script that asks somewhere "what am I supposed to do next?"
I'm thinking we can use amazon tags, and have the instance itself ask AWS using awscli tool set to find out it's role. This could give puppet info, environment info (dev/stage/prod for example) and so on. This should be doable with just the DescribeTags privilege. I'm facing resistance however.
I am looking for suggestions on how a fresh AWS instance can find out about it's own purpose, whether from AWS or perhaps from a service broker of some sort.
EC2 instances offer a feature called User Data meant to solve this problem. User Data executes a shell script to perform provisioning functions on new instances. A typical pattern is to use the User Data to download or clone a configuration management source repository, such as Chef, Puppet, or Ansible, and run it locally on the box to perform more complete provisioning.
As #e-j-brennan states, it's also common to prebundle an AMI that has already been provisioned. This approach is faster since no provisioning needs to happen at boot time, but is perhaps less flexible since the instance isn't customized.
You may also be interested in instance metadata, which exposes some data such as network details and tags via a URL path accessible only to the instance itself.
An instance doesn't have to come up with 'hardly anything on it' though. You can/should build your own custom AMI (Amazon machine image), with any and all software you need to have running on it, and when you need to auto-scale an instance, you boot it from the AMI you previously created and saved.
I would recommend to use AWS Beanstalk for creating specific instances, this makes it easier since it will create the AutoScaling groups and Launch Configurations (Bootup code) which you can edit later. Also you only pay for EC2 instances and you can manage most of the things from Beanstalk console.