Kubernetes Multinode CoreOS gude doesn't create ELBs in AWS - amazon-web-services

The CoreOS Multinode Cluster guide appears to have a problem. When I create a cluster and configure connectivity, everything appears fine -- however, I'm unable to create an ELB through service exposing:
$ kubectl expose rc my-nginx --port 80 --type=LoadBalancer
service "my-nginx" exposed
$ kubectl describe services
Name: my-nginx
Namespace: temp
Labels: run=my-nginx
Selector: run=my-nginx
Type: LoadBalancer
Port: <unnamed> 80/TCP
NodePort: <unnamed> 32224/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
The IP line that says looks promising, but no ELB is actually created in my account. I can otherwise interact with the cluster just fine, so it seems bizarre. A "kubectl get services" listing is similar -- it shows the private IP (same as above) but the EXTERNAL_IP column is empty.
Ultimately, my goal is a solution that allows me to easily configure my VPC (ie. private subnets with NAT instances) and if I can get this working, it'd be easy enough to drop into CloudFormation since it's based on user-data. The official method of kube-up doesn't leave room for VPC-level customization in a repeatable way.

Unfortunately, that getting-started guide isn't nearly as up to date as the kube-up implementation. For instance, I don't see a --cloud-provider=aws flag anywhere, and the kubernetes-controller-manager would need that in order to know to call the AWS APIs.
You may want to check out the official CoreOS on AWS guide:
If you hit a deadend or find a problem, I recommend asking in the AWS Special Interest Group forum:


Target health check fails - AWS Network Load Balancer

NOTE: I tried to include screenshots but stackoverflow does not allow me to add images with preview so I included them as links.
I deployed a web app on AWS using kOps.
I have two nodes and set up a Network Load Balancer.
The target group of the NLB has two nodes (each node is an instance made from the same template).
Load balancer actually seems to be working after checking ingress-nginx-controller logs.
The requests are being distributed over pods correctly. And I can access the service via ingress external address.
But when I go to AWS Console / Target Group, one of the two nodes is marked as and I am concerned with that.
Nodes are running correctly.
I tried to execute sh into nginx-controller and tried curl to both nodes with their internal IP address.
For the healthy node, I get nginx response and for the unhealthy node, it times out.
I do not know how nginx was installed on one of the nodes and not on the other one.
Could anybody let me know the possible reasons?
I had exactly the same problem before and this should be documented somewhere on AWS or Kubernetes. The answer is copied from AWS Premium Support
Short description
The NGINX Ingress Controller sets the spec.externalTrafficPolicy option to Local to preserve the client IP. Also, requests aren't routed to unhealthy worker nodes. The following troubleshooting implies that you don't need to maintain the cluster IP address or preserve the client IP address.
If you check the ingress controller service you will see the External Traffic Policy field set to Local.
$ kubectl -n ingress-nginx describe svc ingress-nginx-controller
Name: ingress-nginx-controller
Namespace: ingress-nginx
External Traffic Policy: Local
This Local setting drops packets that are sent to Kubernetes nodes that aren't running instances of the NGINX Ingress Controller. Assign NGINX pods (from the Kubernetes website) to the nodes that you want to schedule the NGINX Ingress Controller on.
Update the pec.externalTrafficPolicy option to Cluster
$ kubectl -n ingress-nginx patch service ingress-nginx-controller -p '{"spec":{"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster"}}'
service/ingress-nginx-controller patched
By default, NodePort services perform source address translation (from the Kubernetes website). For NGINX, this means that the source IP of an HTTP request is always the IP address of the Kubernetes node that received the request. If you set a NodePort to the value of the externalTrafficPolicy field in the ingress-nginx service specification to Cluster, then you can't maintain the source IP address.

Using existing load balancer for K8S service

I have a simple app that I need to deploy in K8S (running on AWS EKS) and expose it to the outside world.
I know that I can add a service with the type LoadBalancer and viola K8S will create AWS ALB for me.
type: LoadBalancer
However, the issue is that it will create a new LB.
The main reason why this is an issue for me is that I am trying to separate out infrastructure creation/upgrades (vs. software deployment/upgrade). All of my infrastructures will be managed by Terraform and all of my software will be defined via K8S YAML files (may be Helm in the future).
And the creation of a load balancer (infrastructure) breaks this model.
Two questions:
Do I understand correctly that you can't change this behavior (create vs. use existing)?
I read multiple articles about K8S and all of them lead me into the direction of Ingress + Ingress Controller. Is this the way to solve this problem?
I am hesitant to go in this direction. There are tons of steps to get it working and it will take time for me to figure out how to retrofit it in Terraform and k8s YAML files
Short Answer , you can only change it to "NodePort" and couple the existing LB manually by adding EKS nodes with the right exposed port.
type: NodePort
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: http
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: http
nodePort: **30080**
But to attach it like a native, that is not supported by AWS k8s Controller yet and may not be a priority to do support such behavior as :
Configuration: Controllers get configuration from k8s config maps or special CustomResourceDefinitions(CRDs) that will conflict with any manual
config on the already existing LB and my lead to wiping existing configs as not tracked in configs source.
Q: Direct expose or overlay ingress :
Note: Use ingress ( Nginx or AWS ALB ) if you have (+1) services to expose or you need to add controls on exposed APIs.

How to configure an AWS Elastic IP to point to an OpenShift Origin running pod?

We have set up OpenShift Origin on AWS using this handy guide. Our eventual
hope is to have some pods running REST or similar services that we can access
for development purposes. Thus, we don't need DNS or anything like that at this
point, just a public IP with open ports that points to one of our running pods.
Our first proof of concept is trying to get a jenkins (or even just httpd!) pod
that's running inside OpenShift to be exposed via an allocated Elastic IP.
I'm not a network engineer by any stretch, but I was able to successuflly get
an Elastic IP connected to one of my OpenShift "worker" instances, which I
tested by sshing to the public IP allocated to the Elastic IP. At this point
we're struggling to figure out how to make a pod visible that allocated Elastic IP,
owever. We've tried a kubernetes LoadBalancer service, a kubernetes Ingress,
and configuring an AWS Network Load Balancer, all without being able to
successfully connect to 18.2XX.YYY.ZZZ:8080 (my public IP).
The most promising success was using oc port-forward seemed to get at least part way
through, but frustratingly hangs without returning:
$ oc port-forward --loglevel=7 jenkins-2-c1hq2 8080 -n my-project
I0222 19:20:47.708145 73184 loader.go:354] Config loaded from file /home/username/.kube/config
I0222 19:20:47.708979 73184 round_trippers.go:383] GET https://ec2-18-2AA-BBB-CCC.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8443/api/v1/namespaces/my-project/pods/jenkins-2-c1hq2
I0222 19:20:47.758306 73184 round_trippers.go:390] Request Headers:
I0222 19:20:47.758311 73184 round_trippers.go:393] X-Stream-Protocol-Version: portforward.k8s.io
I0222 19:20:47.758316 73184 round_trippers.go:393] User-Agent: oc/v1.6.1+5115d708d7 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/fff65cf
I0222 19:20:47.758321 73184 round_trippers.go:393] Authorization: Bearer Pqg7xP_sawaeqB2ub17MyuWyFnwdFZC5Ny1f122iKh8
I0222 19:20:47.800941 73184 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 101 Switching Protocols in 42 milliseconds
I0222 19:20:47.800963 73184 round_trippers.go:408] Response Status: 101 Switching Protocols in 42 milliseconds
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080
( oc port-forward hangs at this point and never returns)
We've found a lot of information about how to get this working under GKE, but
nothing that's really helpful for getting this working for OpenShift Origin on
AWS. Any ideas?
So we realized that sysdig.com's blog post on deploying OpenShift Origin on AWS was missing some key AWS setup information, so based on OpenShift Origin's Configuring AWS page, we set the following env variables and re-ran the ansible playbook:
$ export ec2_vpc_subnet='my_vpc_subnet'
$ ansible-playbook -c paramiko -i hosts openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml --key-file ~/.ssh/my-aws-stack
I think this gets us closer, but creating a load-balancer service now gives us an always-pending IP:
$ oc get services
jenkins-lb 172.30.XX.YYY <pending> 8080:31338/TCP 12h
The section on AWS Applying Configuration Changes seems to imply I need to use AWS Instance IDs rather than hostnames to identify my nodes, but I tried this and OpenShift Origin fails to start if I use that method. Still at a loss.
It may not satisfy the "Elastic IP" part but how about using AWS cloud provider ELB to expose the IP/port to the pod via a service to the pod with LoadBalancer option?
Make sure to configure the AWS cloud provider for the cluster (References)
Create a svc to the pod(s) with type LoadBalancer.
For instance to expose a Dashboard via AWS ELB.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
name: kubernetes-dashboard
namespace: kube-system
type: LoadBalancer <-----
- port: 443
targetPort: 8443
k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
Then the svc will be exposed as an ELB and the pod can be accessed via the ELB public DNS name a53e5811bf08011e7bae306bb783bb15-953748093.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
$ kubectl (oc) get svc kubernetes-dashboard -n kube-system -o wide
kubernetes-dashboard LoadBalancer a53e5811bf08011e7bae306bb783bb15-953748093.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com 443:31636/TCP 16m k8s-app=kubernetes-dashboard
K8S AWS Cloud Provider Notes
Reference Architecture OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services
Configuring for AWS
Check this guide out: https://github.com/dwmkerr/terraform-aws-openshift
It's got some significant advantages vs. the one you referring to in your post. Additionally, it has a clear terraform spec that you can modify and reset to using an Elastic IP (haven't tried myself but should work).
Another way to "lock" your access to the installation is to re-code the assignment of the Public URL to the master instance in the terraform script, e.g., to a domain that you own (the default script sets it to an external IP-based value with "xip.io" added - works great for testing), then set up a basic ALB that forwards https 443 and 8443 to the master instance that the install creates (you can do it manually after the install is completed, also need a second dummy Subnet; dummy-up the healthcheck as well) and link the ALB to your domain via Route53. You can even use free Route53 wildcard certs with this approach.

I have setup a Kubernetes cluster on two EC-2 instances & dashboard but I'm not able to access the ui for the kubernetes dashboard on browser

I have setup a kubernetes(1.9) cluster on two ec-2 servers(ubuntu 16.04) and have installed a dashboard, the cluster is working fine and i get output when i do curl localhost:8001 on the master machine, but im not able to access the ui for the kubernetes dashboard on my laptops browser with masternode_public_ip:8001, master-machine-output
this is what my security group looks like security group which contains my machine ip.
Both the master and slave node are in ready state.
I know there are a lot of other ways to deploy an application on kubernetes cluster, however i want to explore this particular option for POC purpose.
I need to access the dashboard of the kubernetes UI and the nginx application which is deployed on this cluster.
So, my question: is it something else i need to add in my security group
or its because i need to do some more things on my master machine?
Also, it would be great if someone could throw some light on private and public IP and which one could be used to access the application and how does these are related
Here is the screenshot of deployment details describe deployment [2b][2c]4
This is an extensive topic ranging from Kubernetes Services (NodePort or LoadBalancer for this case) to Ingress Controllers and such. But there is a simple, quick and clean way to access your dashboard without all that.
Use either kubectl proxy or kubectl port-forward to access dashboard via embeded Kube apiserver proxy or directly forward from localhost to POD it self.
Found out the answer
Sorry for the delayed reply
I was trying to access the web application through its container's port but in kubernetes there is a concept of NodePort. so, if your container is running at port 8080 it will redirect it to a port between somewhere 30001 to 35000
all you need to do is add details to your deployment file
and expose the service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: hello-svc
app: hello-world
type: NodePort
- port: 8080
nodePort: 30001

How does kubernetes select nodes to add to the load balancers on AWS?

Some info:
Kubernetes (1.5.1)
1 master and 1 node (both ubuntu 16.04)
k8s installed via kubeadm
Terraform made by me
Please don't reply use kube-up, kops or similar. This is about understanding how k8s works under the hood. There is by far too much unexplained magic in the system and I want to understand it.
== Question:
When creating a Service of type load balancer on k8s[aws] (for example):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kubernetes-dashboard
namespace: kube-system
k8s-addon: kubernetes-dashboard.addons.k8s.io
k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
facing: external
type: LoadBalancer
k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
- port: 80
I successfully create an internal or external facing ELB but none of the machines are added to the ELB (I can taint the master too but nothing changes). My problem is basically this:
The subnets and nodes (but not the VPC) are all tagged with "KubernetesCluster" (again... elb are created in the right place). However no nodes is added.
In the logs
kubectl logs kube-controller-manager-ip-x-x-x-x -n kube-system
aws_loadbalancer.go:63] Creating load balancer for
kube-system/kubernetes-dashboard with name:
There is no other output (it should print the nodes added or removed). I tried to understand the code at:
But whatever is the reason, this function to not add nodes.
The documentation doesn't go at length trying to explain the "process" behind k8s decisions. To try to understand k8s I tried/used kops, kube up, kubeadm, kubernetes the hard way repo and reading damn code, but still I am unable to understand how k8s on aws SELECTS the node to add to the elb.
As a consequence, also no security group is changed anywhere.
Is it a tag on the ec2?
Kublet setting?
Anything else?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I think Steve is on the right track. Make sure your kubelets, apiserver, and controller-manager components all include --cloud-provider=aws in their arguments lists.
You mention your subnets and instances all have matching KubernetesCluster tags. Do your controller & worker security groups? K8s will modify the worker SG in particular to allow traffic to/from the service ELBs it creates. I tag my VPC as well, though I guess it's not required and may prohibit another cluster from living in the same VPC.
I also tag my private subnets with kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb=true and public ones with kubernetes.io/role/elb=true to identify where internal and public ELBs can be created.
The full list (AFAIK) of tags and annotations lives in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/pkg/cloudprovider/providers/aws/aws.go
I think the node registration is being managed outside of Kubernetes. I'm using kops and if I edit the size of my ASG in AWS the new nodes are not registered with my service ELBs. But if I edit the number of nodes using kops the new nodes are there.
In the docs a kops instance group maps to an ASG when running on AWS. In the code it looks like its calling AWS rather than a k8s API.
I know you're not using kops but I think in Terraform you need to replicate the AWS API calls that kops is making.
Make sure you are setting the correct cloud provider settings with kubeadm (http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/kubeadm/).
The AWS cloud provider automatically syncs the nodes available with the ELB. I created an type LoadBalancer then scaled my cluster and the new node was eventually added the ELB: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/pkg/cloudprovider/providers/aws/aws_loadbalancer.go#L376