I am given a Directed Graph that is not weighted. If traveling only with the direction of the edges, if I am given a vertex I want to know if every other vertex is reachable. If the graph is a Complete Graph this is obvious. I'm interested in the case where the graph is incomplete.
As far as implementation I store each connection in a multimap. The multimap key edge tail the multimap value is the edge head. So say that I have the following pairs:
(1, 2)
(2, 3)
(1, 4)
In this graph if 1 was the given node, each node can be directly or indirectly reached. If another pair was added to the multimap: (5, 3) 5 would not be directly or indirectly reachable from 1, nor would any node but 3 be reachable from 5, so no given node in this graph would be able to reach all other nodes.
My question is this: If all I'm doing with this graph is testing if a single node can reach all other nodes, should I add edges to the multimap to make all indirect connections direct and then check if all nodes are connected to the given node? Or is there a better way to do this?
So you're using the multimap as an adjacency list? Are you asking us if you should insert adjacencies in this list if two nodes can reach each other? I would strongly recommend against such an approach. If later you want to perform any graph traversal, your structure will be polluted with edges that aren't really there.
If you really need to memoize such information, use a separate structure for reachability.
I'm doing an adjacency list implementation of a graph class in C++ (but that's kinda irrelevant). I have a weighted directionless graph and I am writing the addVertex method. I have basically everything down, but I'm not sure what I should do when I add a vertex in between two others that were already there and had their own corresponding weights.
Should I just throw away the old weight that the vertex stored? Should I use the new one that was passed in? A mix of both? Or does it not matter at all what I pick?
I just wanted to make sure that I was not doing something I shouldn't.
I guess it depends on what you want to achieve. Usually, an adjacency list is a nested list whereby each row i indicates the i-th node's neighbourhood. To be precise, each entry in the i-th node's neighbourhood represents an outgoing connection from node i to j. The adjacency list does not comprise edge or arc weights.
Hence, adding a vertex n should do not affect the existing adjacency list's entries but adds a new empty row n to the adjacency list. However, adding or removing edges alter the adjacency list's entries. Thus, adding a vertex n "between two other [nodes i and j] that were already there and had their own corresponding weights" implies that you remove the existing connection between i and j and eventually add two new connections (i,n) and (n,j). If there are no capacity restrictions on the edges and the sum of distances (i,n) and (n,j) dominates the distance (I,j) this could be fine. However, if the weights represent capacities (e.g. max-flow problem) you should keep both connections.
So your question seems to be incomplete or at least unprecise. I assume that your goal is to calculate the shortest distances between each pair of nodes within an undirected graph. I suggest keeping all the different connections in your graph. Shortest path algorithms can calculate the shortest connections between each node pair after you have finished your graph's creation.
Here's an illustration of the steps taken thus far:
Pseudo-random rectangle generation
"Central node" insertion, rect separation, and final node selections
Delaunay triangulation (shown with previously selected nodes)
Rendering of triangle edges
At this point (Step 5), I would like to use this data to form a Minimum Spanning Tree, but there's a slight catch...
Somewhere in the graph (likely near the center, but not always) will be a node that requires between 3-5 connections to it from other unique nodes. This complicates things, since every other node should only contain a single connection, and the data structures being used make it difficult to determine "what's connected to what" in a solid, traversable format.
So, given an array of triangles in the above format, and a random vertex to use as the "root node", how could I properly traverse the network to create an MST where there are at least 3 connections to our "central node", but no more than 5 connections to it? Is this possible?
Since it's rare to have a vertex in a Delaunay triangulation have much more than 6 edges, you can use brute force: there are only 20+15+6 ways to select 3, 4, or 5 edges out of 6 (respectively), so try all of them. For each of the 41 (up to 336 for degree 9) small trees (the root and a few edges) thus created, run either Kruskal's algorithm or Prim's algorithm starting with that tree already "found" to be part of the MST. (Ignore the root's other edges so as not to increase its degree further.) Then just pick the best one (including the cost of the seed tree).
As for the general neighbor information problem, it seems you just need to build a standard graph representation first. For example, you can make an adjacency list by scanning over all your Edge objects and storing each endpoint in a list associated with the other (in a map<Vector2<T>,vector<Vector2<T>>> or an equivalent based on whatever identifiers for your vertices).
I've taken a workaround approach...
After step 3 of my algorithm, I simply remove all edges which connect to the "central node", keeping track of which edges form the "ring" (aka "edge loop") around it, and run the MST on all remaining edges.
For the MST, I went with the boost graph library.
That made it easy to loop through the triangles I had, adding each of its three edges to an adjacency_list. Then a simple call to whichever boost-provided MST algorithm took care of the rest.
Finally, I readd the edges that were previously taken out. The shortest path is whatever it was in the previous step, plus the length of whichever readded edge that connects to another edge on the "ring" is shortest.
I can then add (or remove) an arbitrary number of previous edges to ensure there are between 3 to 5 edges connecting from the edge loop to the "central node".
Doing things in this order also allows me to know as soon as step 3 if we'll even have a valid number of edges, so we don't waste cycles running a MST.
Given a graph, I want to find all edges (if any), that if removed spilt the graph into two components.
An initial idea would have been to assign a weight of 1 to all edges, then calculate the mincut of the graph. mincut > 1 implies there is no single edge that when removed causes a split.
For mincut == 1, it would have been nice if the algorithm would provide for each mincut the edges it consists of.
Unfortunately, BGL does not seem to support that kind of thing:
The stoer_wagner_min_cut function determines exactly one of the min-cuts as well as its weight.
Is there a way to make this work (i.e. to determine more than one mincut) with the BGL or will I have to come up with something different?
This may come a little bit late...
From what I see you only need to find all edges that don't belong to any cycle in the graph(assuming the graph is already connected).
This can be done by iteratively removing leaf nodes(and the edges connected to a them), much like what you do in topological sorting, until there's no leaf node left i.e. every edge in the remaining graph belongs to at least one cycle. All edges removed during the process will be the ones you want.
In pseudocode, for a connected undirected graph G=(V,E), you can do this:
S = Ø
while(there exists a node n∈V s.t. degree(n)==1)
e = edge connected to n
S = S∪{e}
E = E-{e}
V = V-{n}
return S
which can be done in O(|V|+|E|) time
I have been going through Breadth First Traversal at this link
Breadth First Traversal
Now what if the graph structure is changed to this
The node 3 is now disconnected from the graph.
When traversal program is now used, it does'nt display vertex 3.
Is there a way where we can dispaly this vertex as well?
To my understanding, BFS would keep looking for unvisited nodes as long as they exist; however, if this is not done, BFS only visits nodes in the connected component of the initial vertex. This seems to be more a matter of definition than an actual programming problem; simply restart the BFS implementation on unvisited nodes as long as they exist - if visiting of all connected components is desired.
Many implementations of BFS/DFS assume implicitly that the graph is connected.
Is there a way where we can dispaly this vertex as well?
Yes there is. If after finishing BFS still there are some unvisited vertices, enqueue them into the queue.
If you have a list of all nodes, your graph search algorithm of choice (DFS/BFS) will discover the connected components one at a time.
You could do this in the following way.
For example, consider your example graph in which there are 4 nodes and edges between 0, 2, 2, 0 and 1, 2 and node 3 has no incoming or outgoing edges.
You would have a list of nodes {0, 1, 2, 3}
And to discover all connected components, you would do the following:
Initialize visited array. Set all nodes to false
for node in list:
if not visited: dfs(node)
where dfs is implemented in the usual way. Here when you run the code on our list {0,1,2,3}, the nodes {0,1,2} will be visited by the first dfs call and 0,1,2 will be marked visited. Then when we come across 3, since it is not visited, there will be another dfs call.
Hope you get the idea.
I am representing my graph as a adjacency list. I want to know how can I find a cluster of nodes which are internally connected but no edge points outwards from them. Is there any well known algorithm out there which I can use?
for e.g.This is my graph.
Here nodes 4 and 5 are internally connected. Yet no outside edge comes from this. This would be my answer. Similarly nodes 1,2,3 even though they form a cycle, do not fit the criteria as an outside edge emanates from node 3.
So it is not same as finding a cycle in a adjacency list.
Optional read: (why I need this)
I am working on a Ranking page (search engine) algorithm, nodes like 4 and 5 are called rank-sink.
You could detect strongly connected components using Kosaraju, Tarjan or Cheriyan-Mehldorn/Gabow algorithm.
After finding these components, you compress each strongly connected components into one single node (i.e. you represent a whole component by a single node).
In the resulting graph, you look for nodes with no outgoing edges. These nodes represent the components you are interested in.