SSDT Unit Test T4 template availability - templates

I want to update the SSDT Unit Test template to wrap a transaction around each unit test using the information from to add this capability.
Are the T4 templates for SSDT Unit Testing available? If so, where can I find them? Or is there another template mechanism used for SSDT Unit Tests?

The file location varies by Visual Studio version, the 2015 files are in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
14.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\SQL Server\1033\


XUnit tests and live unit tests in Visual Studio 2017

Having Visual Studio 2017 last version. I am unable run XUnit tests from test explorer in core Solution.
However, "dotnet test" works properly and Live Unit testing work properly as well.
I couldn't find any information how to fix my Visual Studio.
May you all can suggest me something?

How can I create my own Scaffolding on Visual Studio 2017?

I'm using a scaffolding in visual studio 2017 now, but I want to set up my own scaffolding template and controller and I want to replace the previous one
Play around with all MVC templates at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC\1033
Refer: How do I create my own Scaffold Template in ASP.NET MVC 3?

Error while executing the coded UI automated test cases using MTM 17

Test Logs:
"Queued the TMI run for test run [1594]." TestOutcome 'Warning';
Message 'Warning: Test Run deployment issue: The assembly or module
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.15.0' directly or indirectly referenced
by deployment item 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio'
specified by the test settings was not found.'."
Several other similar errors.
Not sure why is it showing so.
It sounds like you need to install the appropriate version of the Agents for Visual Studio package on the machine where you're trying to run these tests.
The 2017 version should be what you're after if you're using Visual Studio 2017.

How can I get PEX to auto-generate unit tests?

How I can get PEX to auto-generate unit tests in Visual Studio 2013?
I can auto-generate unit tests with PEX in visual studio 2010 and the menu was found by right clicking in the function body.
We did not release a version for Visual Studio 2013.
The good news is that you can now do that same auto-generation of unit tests in Visual Studio 2015 using the "Smart Unit Tests" feature.
For Visual Studio 2013, they do provide PEX framework (lightweight version) named as CodeDigger.
But CodeDigger is limited that it just generates a table of all the possible combinations of inputs and output.
No options to copy that table or Save any of the test suites.
CodeDigger gives a minimal help. Not so great

Can i make unit testing using cxxtest with visual studio 2010 professional?

Can i make unit testing using cxxtest with visual studio 2010 professional?
Of course! I've done that.
Just create a vcproj template where the UnitTest.h file has a custom build step which run the test generation code ( which will generate UnitTest.cpp.
Now you can create new projects from that template and it will work like a charm.