C++ overridden function not called - c++

I am running into an issue where an overloaded function is not called, and the base function is called instead. I suspect this is related to how things are split between the project files.
In files obj1.h/obj1.cpp I have something like this
class obj1{
void print();
void obj1::print(){
cout << "obj1::print()";
In files obj2.h/obj2.cpp I have something like this:
#include "obj1.h"
class obj2 : public obj1{
void print();
void obj2::print(){
cout << "obj2::print()";
In separate files, I do something like this:
#include "obj1.h"
class obj3{
vector<obj1*> objlist;
void printobjs();
void addobj(obj1* o);
void obj3::printobjs(){
vector<obj1*>::iterator it;
for (it=objList.begin(); it < objList.end(); it++)
void obj3::addobj(obj1* o){
Then in a different file:
#include "obj2.h"
obj3 o3;
obj2* newobj2;
newobj2 = new obj2();
My issue is that printobjs() results in the obj1.print() being called. (I have searched around a bit, and read a few dozen posts with overloading issues, but did not see a similar issue)
Can someone point me in the right direction on this? Thanks!

print is not a virtual function, so you are just relying on static dispatch. This will select the function to call based on the static type of the object, which is obj1in this case.
You should make print virtual:
class obj1{
virtual void print();
Then if you use C++11 you can mark obj2::print as override for safety's sake:
class obj2 : public obj1{
void print() override;
Also note that you never allocate any memory for newobj2.

You should declare print() as virtual to calling obj2::print() for obj2 objects.
virtual void print();

I am not entirely sure, it is log time since i did c++, but as I remember You should have the vectors contents be classes with pure virtual functions.
That should force it to look up the right method.
There is a stack overflow answer here, which is slightly related:
Pure Virtual Class and Collections (vector?)


How using object pointer with dynamic array

Hello I'm studying c++ language and I'm really wondering that if use object Pointer with dynamic array. Weapon class is derived by CItem class. At this time I'm typing like this.
CItem* pItem = new cWeapon[m_size];
and I doing initialize each object like this
However this time make problem. Size is different pItem and cWeapon. Because Pointer Operation cause error.
and I wondering that how solve this problem?
sorry about my fool English skill.
Example code:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class BaseItem // abstract class
virtual void initialize() = 0; // pure virtual function (no implementation)
class Sword : public BaseItem
void initialize() override
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
class Shield : public BaseItem
void initialize() override
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
int main()
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BaseItem>> items;
items.emplace_back(new Sword);
items.emplace_back(new Sword);
items.emplace_back(new Shield);
items.emplace_back(new Sword);
items.emplace_back(new Shield);
for(auto& element : items)
return 0;
You can run it here: wandbox.org
virtual void Sword::initialize()
virtual void Sword::initialize()
virtual void Shield::initialize()
virtual void Sword::initialize()
virtual void Shield::initialize()
In this implementation I used std::vector for dynamic arrays. Vector is containing types of smart pointer to BaseItem. In this case smart pointer is std::unique_ptr it helps a lot with resource management and it is easy to use. Without it you need manually delete all elements from vector. I really recomend using it.
Our BaseItem now can provide "interface" that we want to implement in any other class. If you don't want to force class to implement such method just don't make it pure virtual (remove = 0 and add {} body of function)
More information about:
C++ Abstract Class
C++ virtual functions
C++ inheritance
This is kind of "old" approach. You can read also about composition and entity system (ES).

C++ Template interface (list implementation)

I am trying to implement a list data structure in C++.
I want to define a list interface which would be later inherited by implementation such as ArrayList or LinkedList.
I'd like to be able to use it like
List<int>* testList = new LinkedList<int>;
So i've tried to implement full virtual templated class but then realized i cannot mix virtual and templated methods. I tried much different ways and im encountering problems all the way.
Whats the best way to do it ?
Edit (problematic code). I'm trying to make interface to look like this:
template<typename T>
class List {
virtual void add(T*) {};
virtual void remove(unsigned int) = 0;
virtual unsigned int size() = 0;
virtual void get(unsigned int) = 0;
virtual ~List();
and then im trying to implement it here:
template<typename T>
class LinkedList : public List<T> {
/* some stuff */
virtual unsigned int size();
virtual void add(T*); // the problem i guess
virtual void remove(unsigned int);
virtual void get(unsigned int);
virtual ~LinkedList();
So i've tried to implement full virtual templated class but then
realized i cannot mix virtual and templated methods.
Your example code indicates, that you don't want virtual, templated methods, but a template class that has virtual methods. The former is not allowed, the latter IS (this is a common point of confusion).
So this is perfectly valid code:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
template<class T>
class List{
virtual void push()=0;
virtual void pop()=0;
virtual ~List()=default;
template<class T>
class LinkedList: public List<T>{
virtual void push() {
std::cout << "Pushed element to Linked List"<< std::endl;
virtual void pop() {
std::cout << "Poped element from Linked List"<< std::endl;
template<class T>
class ArrayList: public List<T>{
virtual void push() {
std::cout << "Pushed element to ArrayList"<< std::endl;
virtual void pop() {
std::cout << "Poped element from ArrayList"<< std::endl;
int main()
List<int>* list1=new LinkedList<int>();
List<int>* list2=new ArrayList<int>();
// And this is how you would actually create objects on the heap nower days:
std::unique_ptr<List<int>> list3=std::make_unique<LinkedList<int>>();
//no delete(list3) needed
return 0;
Besides that, I don't know, why you want to do that. C++ has a perfectly fine implementation of a linked list and an implementation of and array/vector and thanks to iterator based semantic, you can run (almost) any algorithm on them without the need for a common base class.
I apologize, if this sounds harsh, but it looks like you are comming from Java and trying to learn C++. But instead of learning C++, you try to write wrappers, that make C++ look like java. While this is certainly possible most of the time (as long as you don't forget, that standard c++ doesn't have a garbage collector) its often not a sensible approach. whether that holds true in your case of course depends on your application. But my recommendation ist to learn about iterators and the standard library algorithms.

C++ Cannot convert child* to parent* by assignment

Using the following two classes...
//pure virtual...
class Monkey
virtual ~Monkey(){}
virtual void clearMonkeys() = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr<std::vector<sf::Text>> getMonkeyListPtr() = 0;
virtual void addMonkey(String message,Vector2f position,float depthValue) = 0;
class NullMonkey : public Monkey
NullMonkey () {/*Do Nothing*/}
virtual ~NullMonkey () {/*Do Nothing*/}
virtual void clearMonkeys(){/*Do Nothing*/};
virtual std::shared_ptr<std::vector<sf::Text>> getMonkeyListPtr()
//Do Nothing but...
//Return NULL shared pointer
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<sf::Text>> nullSharedPointer;
return nullSharedPointer;
//Of course I am ASSUMING I will check for NULL pointer...
virtual void addMonkey(String message,Vector2f position,float depthValue){/*Do Nothing*/};
...I have issues when casting.
Specifically I am using these classes as static members and have a situation where if one class is not available I use the Null class to fall back on to prevent app crash. It also adds the ability to hot-swap child classes for debug purposes.
Unfortunately the following...
class ServLoc
static void initialize()
theMonkey = &theNullMonkey; //Error here
static Monkey* theMonkey;
static NullMonkey theNullMonkey;
...throws 'cannot convert NullMonkey* to Monkey* in assignment'.
I should also add add I have defined the static members in the .cpp file
NullMonkey ServLoc::theNullMonkey;
Monkey* ServLoc::theMonkey;
The funny thing is I have used similar classes in similiar situations before and did not get this error. I am at a loss. It is probably something simple but still...
In fact I implement a log class using this method. It means I can hot-swap various forms of logging (including the null logger to disable logging) and have access to the logger wherever by just using the ServLoc static members...
class Logger
virtual ~Logger() {}
virtual void log(const logType type,const char *message) = 0;
class NullLogger : public Logger
virtual ~NullLogger() {/*Do Nothing*/};
NullLogger() {/*Do Nothing*/};
virtual void log(const logType type,const char *message) {/*Do Nothing*/};
This when used in same way in ServLoc as shown above works fine!?
Any ideas?
Edit - Fixed spelling mistakes
I suspect (could you clarify?), that you are calling the static function initialize() from another statically initialized class? Since this would all be done at program startup (and C++ does not guarantee any static initialization order between files), initialize may be called before ServLoc::theNullMonkey; has been constructed?!

Why doesn't my inherited interface use my base class's override?

I have a problem with interfaces and multiple inheritance. I hope to design my program such that one update call processes a variety of objects, with each behavioral 'building block' tucked away in a single function.
For example, I'd like to move a creature from point A to B in one place, regardless of whether it must perform pre/post move actions. But, my multiple inheritance scheme fails (below, with the bug rem'd), making me think I'd need to duplicate code somewhere.
Clearly I don't understand this well enough! (but I'm working hard to learn it)
Q1. Why can't IPhysics::Move 'see' Creature::Move(), in the CreatureAirborne class?
Q2. Am I completely missing the proper usage of interfaces and/or multiple inheritance? If so, any guidance is appreciated!
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
class IGameObject
virtual ~IGameObject() {}
virtual void Update() = 0;
class IPhysics
virtual ~IPhysics() {}
virtual void Move() = 0;
class IPhysicsFlight : public IPhysics
virtual ~IPhysicsFlight() {}
virtual void Land() = 0;
virtual void TakeOff() = 0;
class Creature : public IGameObject, IPhysics
virtual void Move() {}
Creature() {}
virtual ~Creature() {}
virtual void Update() {}
class CreatureAirborne : public Creature, IPhysicsFlight
virtual void Land() {}
virtual void TakeOff() {}
CreatureAirborne() {}
virtual ~CreatureAirborne() {}
virtual void Update();
void CreatureAirborne::Update()
int main()
std::deque<std::shared_ptr<Creature>> creatures;
std::shared_ptr<Creature> cow(new Creature);
// The butterfly fails to compile with 'cannot instantiate; void IPhysics::Move(void) is abstract'
// std::shared_ptr<CreatureAirborne> butterfly(new CreatureAirborne);
// creatures.push_back(butterfly);
for (auto i : creatures)
It's somewhat had to follow your hierarchy, but it looks correct evaluation on the compiler's part.
You don't have virtual inheritance anywhere, so CreatureAirborne will have duplicated base classes from some point. You will have two instances of IPhysics. Move, that is abstract from there is implemented on the Creature branch but remains abstract on IPhysicsFlight.
You can cure the situation by using virtual inheritance somewhere, or by implementing Move in descendant (say just calling the parent version where it exists).
I would look at things little differently
class CreatureAirborne : public IPhysicsFlight,Creature
While the code runs
new CreatureAirborne ()
The compiler will try to build IPhysicsFlight base class and Creature base class and the fact that IPhysics is a base class to both doesn't play any role rather than confusing.As far as compiler is concerned IPhysicsFlight is abstract and CreatureAirborne did not implement Move
The diamond issue will actually come into play when you do a
(new CreatureAirborne ())->Move()

Restricting method call to another method

There probably is a fairly simple and straight-forward answer for this, but for some reason I can't see it.
I need to restrict calling methods from a class only to some methods implemented by derived classes of some interface.
Say I have
class A{
static void foo();
class myInterface{
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere() = 0;
class myImplementation : public myInterface{
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere()
A::foo(); //this should work
void otherFoo()
A::foo(); //i want to get a compilation error here
So I should be able to call A::foo only from the method onlyCallFooFromHere()
Is there a way to achieve this? I'm open to any suggestions, including changing the class design.
So... I feel there's a need to further explain the issue. I have a utility class which interacts with a database (mainly updates records) - class A.
In my interface (which represents a basic database objects) I have the virtual function updateRecord() from which I call methods from the db utility class. I want to enforce updating the database only in the updateRecord() function of all extending classes and nowhere else. I don't believe this to be a bad design choice, even if not possible. However, if indeed not possible, I would appreciate a different solution.
Change the class design - what you want is impossible.
I am unsure of what you are trying to achieve with so little details and I am unable to comment further.
[Disclaimer: this solution will stop Murphy, not Macchiavelli.]
How about:
class DatabaseQueryInterface {
~virtual DatabseQueryInterface() = 0;
virtual Query compileQuery() const = 0; // or whatever
virtual ResultSet runQuery(const Query&) const = 0; // etc
class DatabaseUpdateInterface : public DatabaseQueryInterface {
virtual Update compileUpdate() const = 0; // whatever
class DatabaseObject {
virtual ~DatabaseObject() = 0;
virtual void queryRecord(const DatabaseQueryInterface& interface) = 0;
virtual void updateRecord(const DatabaseUpdateInterface& interface) = 0;
class SomeConcreteDatabaseObject : public DatabaseObject {
virtual void updateRecord(const DatabaseUpdateInterface& interface) {
// gets to use interface->compileUpdate()
virtual void queryRecord(const DatabaseQueryInterface& interface) {
// only gets query methods, no updates
So the basic idea is that your DatabaseObject base class squirrels away a private Query object and a private Update object and when it comes time to call the protected members of the subclass it hands off the Update interface to the updateRecord() method, and the Query interface to the queryRecord() method.
That way the natural thing for the subclasses is to use the object they are passed to talk to the database. Of course they can always resort to dirty tricks to store away a passed-in Update object and try to use it later from a query method, but frankly if they go to such lengths, they're on their own.
You could split your project into different TUs:
// A.h
class A
static void foo();
// My.h
class myInterface
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere() = 0;
class myImplementation : public myInterface
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere();
void otherFoo();
// My-with-A.cpp
#include "My.h"
#include "A.h"
void myImplementation::onlyCallFooFromHere() { /* use A */ }
// My-without-A.cpp
#include "My.h"
void myImplementation::otherFoo() { /* no A here */ }
You probably know this, but with inheritance, you can have public, protected, and private member access.
If a member is private in the base class, the derived cannot access it, while if that same member is protected, then the derived class can access it (while it still isn't public, so you're maintaining encapsulation).
There's no way to stop specific functions from being able to see whats available in their scope though (which is what you're asking), but you can design your base class so that the derived classes can only access specific elements of it.
This could be useful because class B could inherit from class A as protected (thus getting its protected members) while class C could inherit from the same class A as public (thus not getting access to its protected members). This will let you get some form of call availability difference at least -- between classes though, not between functions in the same class.
This could work.
class myInterface;
class A {
friend class myInterface;
static void foo();
class myInterface {
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere() {callFoo();}
void callFoo() {A::foo();}
Though at this point I think I'd just make A::foo a static of myInterface. The concerns aren't really separate anymore.
class myInterface {
static void foo();
Is there a reason foo is in A?