Clojurescript `.-name` convention - clojure

I've been trying to learn ClojureScript and stumbled upon some very mysterious function names.
For example:
(.-length str)
From the om docs:
(defn add-contact [data owner]
(let [new-contact (-> (om/get-node owner "new-contact")
.-value ;;What is this?
(when new-contact
(om/transact! data :contacts #(conj % new-contact)))))
What is that .- trying to indicate?

These are retrieving native JavaScript properties. Thus, (.-length str) would compile to the JavaScript str.length.
Contrast this to the ClojureScript (.length str), which would compile to the method invocation str.length() -- a rather different thing.
In the om case given, the code is doing the following in order:
Calling get-node, and taking its result
Taking the value property of that result
Calling the function parse-contact with that value passed.
This is because the threading macro, ->, substitutes the results of each stage as the first argument of the next -- making that code equivalent to (parse-contact (.-value (om/get-node owner "new-contact"))).


Idiomatic error/exception handling with threading macros

I'm fetching thousands of entities from an API one at a time using http requests. As next step in the pipeline I want to shovel all of them into a database.
(->> ids
(pmap fetch-entity)
(pmap store-entity)
fetch-entity expects a String id and tries to retrieve an entity using an http request and either returns a Map or throws an exception (e.g. because of a timeout).
store-entity expects a Map and tries to store it in a database. It possibly throws an exception (e.g. if the Map doesn't match the database schema or if it didn't receive a Map at all).
Inelegant Error Handling
My first "solution" was to write wrapper functions fetch-entity' and store-entity' to catch exceptions of their respective original functions.
fetch-entity' returns its input on failure, basically passing along a String id if the http request failed. This ensures that the whole pipeline keeps on trucking.
store-entity' checks the type of its argument. If the argument is a Map (fetch entity was successful and returned a Map) it attempts to store it in the database.
If the attempt of storing to the database throws an exception or if store-entity' got passed a String (id) instead of a Map it will conj to an external Vector of error_ids.
This way I can later use error_ids to figure out how often there was a failure and which ids were affected.
It doesn't feel like the above is a sensible way to achieve what I'm trying to do. For example the way I wrote store-entity' complects the function with the previous pipeline step (fetch-entity') because it behaves differently based on whether the previous pipeline step was successful or not.
Also having store-entity' be aware of an external Vector called error_ids does not feel right at all.
Is there an idiomatic way to handle these kinds of situations where you have multiple pipeline steps where some of them can throw exceptions (e.g. because they are I/O) where I can't easily use predicates to make sure the function will behave predictable and where I don't want to disturb the pipeline and only later check in which cases it went wrong?
It is possible to use a type of Try monad, for example from the cats library:
It represents a computation that may either result in an exception or return a successfully computed value. Is very similar to the Either monad, but is semantically different.It consists of two types: Success and Failure. The Success type is a simple wrapper, like Right of the Either monad. But the Failure type is slightly different from Left, because it always wraps an instance of Throwable (or any value in cljs since you can throw arbitrary values in the JavaScript host).(...)It is an analogue of the try-catch block: it replaces try-catch’s stack-based error handling with heap-based error handling. Instead of having an exception thrown and having to deal with it immediately in the same thread, it disconnects the error handling and recovery.
Heap-based error-handling is what you want.
Below I made an example of fetch-entity and store-entity. I made fetch-entity throw an ExceptionInfo on the first id (1) and store-entity throws a DivideByZeroException on the second id (0).
(ns your-project.core
(:require [cats.core :as cats]
[cats.monad.exception :as exc]))
(def ids [1 0 2]) ;; `fetch-entity` throws on 1, `store-entity` on 0, 2 works
(defn fetch-entity
"Throws an exception when the id is 1..."
(if (= id 1)
(throw (ex-info "id is 1, help!" {:id id}))
(defn store-entity
"Unfortunately this function still needs to be aware that it receives a Try.
It throws a `DivideByZeroException` when the id is 0"
(if (exc/success? id-try) ; was the previous step a success?
(exc/try-on (/ 1 (exc/extract id-try))) ; if so: extract, apply fn, and rewrap
id-try)) ; else return original for later processing
(def results
(->> ids
(pmap #(exc/try-on (fetch-entity %)))
(pmap store-entity)))
Now you can filter results on successes or failures with respectively success? or failure? and retrieve the values via cats-extract
(def successful-results
(->> results
(filter exc/success?)
(mapv cats/extract)))
successful-results ;; => [1/2]
(def error-messages
(->> results
(filter exc/failure?)
(mapv cats/extract) ; gets exceptions without raising them
(mapv #(.getMessage %))))
error-messages ;; => ["id is 1, help!" "Divide by zero"]
Note that if you want to only loop over the errors or successful-results once you can use a transducer as follows:
(transduce (comp
(filter exc/success?)
(map cats/extract))
;; => [1/2]
My first thought is to combine fetch-entity and store-entity into a single operation:
(defn fetch-and-store [id]
(store-entity (fetch-entity id))
(catch ... <log error msg> )))
(doall (pmap fetch-and-store ids))
Would something like this work?

Why can't I call seq functions in a sequence generated by js->clj?

Although I can get turn a simple js object into a clojure object with something like;
(-> "{a: 2, b: 3}" js* js->clj)
I'm apparently not being able to do so with a particular object,, in a handler function like:
(defn handle-click [e]
(-> e .-evt js->clj keys) ;; <-------------
The function does get applied, but the resulting object doesn't respond to sequence functions like countor first, although I can fetch items using aget. The error message I get, in chrome's console, is;
Uncaught Error: No protocol
method ISeqable.-seq defined for type object: [object Object]
Why is this happening? Shouldn't js->clj work with all objects?
How can I fix this?
The js->clj only changes something that is exactly a JavaScript object (it is implemented using instance? instead of isa?, and with good reasons), when you pass a descendant of js\Object js->clj returns the same object. aget (and aset) works because it compiles down to the object[field-name] syntax on JavaScript.
You can extend the ISeq protocol (or any other protocol) to the and all functions that works with ISeq will work with There is a talk by Chris Houser where he showed how to extend a bunch of protocols to a goog Map. I recommend watching the whole talk, but the part that are relevant to your question begins at approximately 14 minutes.
First, I found out functions in google closure to get the keys and values of an object:
(defn goog-hash-map [object]
(zipmap (goog.object/getKeys object) (goog.object/getValues object)))
Then, by studying the source of cljs.core, I realized all I had to do was to extend the IEncodeClojure interface with it:
(extend-protocol IEncodeClojure
([x {:keys [keywordize-keys] :as options}]
(let [keyfn (if keywordize-keys keyword str)]
(zipmap (map keyfn (gobj/getKeys x)) (gobj/getValues x))))
([x] (-js->cljs x {:keywordize-keys false}))))
The original code doesn't work on this object, because its type must be exactly Object. I tried to change the comparison function to instance?, ie,
(instance? x js/Object) (into {} (for [k (js-keys x)]
[(keyfn k) (thisfn (aget x k))]))
but that didn't work either, wielding the following error, which made me settle for the previous approach.
Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check,
but got function Object() { [native code] }`.

clojure behavior of def

I have a lein project (using cascalog--but that's not particularly important). I'm trying to externalize properties like paths to files, so I end up with code that looks something like this:
(defn output-tap [path] (hfs-textline (str (get-prop :output-path-prefix) path) :sinkmode :replace))
(def some-cascalog-query
(<- [?f1 ?f2 ?f3]
((output-tap (get-prop :output-path)) ?line)
(tab-split ?line :> ?f1 ?f2 ?f3)))
In the example above, assume the function get-prop exists; it's just using standard java to read a property value (based off this example: loading configuration file in clojure as data structure).
Now I have a main method that loads the property values, e.g. something like:
(defn -main [& args] (do (load-props (first args)) (do-cascalog-stuff)))
But when I lein uberjar I get a compile time error saying:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not create a Path from an empty string
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path.checkPathArg(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path.<init>(
at cascading.tap.hadoop.Hfs.getPath(
Are defs always compile time evaluated (rather than runtime evaluated)? Or am I misunderstanding this error?
So, you want the property lookup to occur at run-time? Then yes, you'll need to define some-cascalog-query as a function or macro. A bare def causes the expression to be evaluated when the code is loaded, not when the var is dereferenced.
This can be illustrated pretty simply in the REPL:
user=> (def foo (do (println "Hello, world!") 1))
Hello, world!
user=> foo
From the documentation (emphasis mine):
(def symbol init?)
Creates and interns or locates a global var with the name of symbol and a namespace of the value of the current namespace (ns). If init is supplied, it is evaluated, and the root binding of the var is set to the resulting value.
that error looks like (get-prop :output-path) (get-prop :output-path-prefix) are is returning nothing which is getting wrapped into an empty string by str. perhaps the property is not being found?
does get-prop work as expected?
your understanding of defs is correct, they are are compile time, not (usually) runtime.

Clojure: How do I factor proxy method code out of a long proxy statement?

I have a Clojure proxy statement that was getting large and messy, so I decided to try factoring the code of the beginDrag method redefinition out of the proxy statement, like this:
(defn enhanced-start-drag
(let [pobj (. pie getPickedNode)
pobj-coll (seq (.. pie getInputManager
getKeyboardFocus getSelection))]
(println pobj)
(println pobj-coll)
(println "----------")
(proxy-super startDrag pie))) ; THIS IS LINE 94 (SEE ERROR MSG)
(defn custom-selection-event-handler [marqueeParent selectableParent]
(proxy [PSelectionEventHandler] [marqueeParent selectableParent]
(decorateSelectedNode [node]
(let [stroke-color (Color/red)]
(.setStrokePaint node stroke-color)))
(undecorateSelectedNode [node]
(let [stroke-color (Color/black)]
(.setStrokePaint node stroke-color)))
(startDrag [pie] ; pie is a PInputEvent
(enhanced-start-drag pie))
(endStandardSelection [pie] ; pie is a PInputEvent
(let [pobj (.getPickedNode pie)
slip (. pobj getAttribute "slip")
(swap! *last-slip-clicked*
(fn [x] slip))))))
I get the following compile error:
cd /Users/gw/tech/clojurestuff/cljprojects/infwb/src/infwb/
1 compiler notes:
Unknown location:
error: java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: this in this context
error: java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: this in this context
Compilation failed.
As soon as I restore the body of enhanced-start-drag into the body of the proxy statement, everything works.
My question: Is there a way to move the messy details out to a separate function to improve the readability of my code?
Thanks for all your ideas and solutions.
UPDATE, 10/27/11: See the comments below. Arthur Ulfeldt was sharp in pointing out that the issue is captured references, and Dave Ray is also correct in saying that all you have to do is add this as a parameter to enhanced-start-drag and then proxy-super will work correctly. When I made the following two changes (without any changes to the body of enhanced-start-drag), my code was working again:
(defn enhanced-start-drag
[pie this]
(startDrag [pie] ; IN THE PROXY STMT IN custom-selection-event-handler
(enhanced-start-drag pie this))
BTW, my project uses Dave Ray's seesaw project to get a Java Swing UI. seesaw is awesome, as are its docstrings and sample code (which are much better than most commercial software). I highly recommend it! And thank you, Dave!
You have been bitten by symbol capture. In this case it is intentaional though you need to stay aware of it. From the doc for proxy-super
Use to call a superclass method in the body of a proxy method.
Note, expansion captures 'this`
proxy is creating a class that calls a function, when the call gets into enhanced-start-drag the value of this is not where proxy-super expects
you may needs to pass this as another argument into enhanced-start-drag and then call (. saved-this ...) instead of using proxy-super.

Setting Clojure "constants" at runtime

I have a Clojure program that I build as a JAR file using Maven. Embedded in the JAR Manifest is a build-version number, including the build timestamp.
I can easily read this at runtime from the JAR Manifest using the following code:
(defn set-version
"Set the version variable to the build number."
(def version
(-> (str "jar:" (-> (.getProtectionDomain)
(.. getMainAttributes)
(.getValue "Build-number"))))
but I've been told that it is bad karma to use def inside defn.
What is the Clojure-idiomatic way to set a constant at runtime? I obviously do not have the build-version information to embed in my code as a def, but I would like it set once (and for all) from the main function when the program starts. It should then be available as a def to the rest of the running code.
UPDATE: BTW, Clojure has to be one of the coolest languages I have come across in quite a while. Kudos to Rich Hickey!
I still think the cleanest way is to use alter-var-root in the main method of your application.
(declare version)
(defn -main
[& args]
(alter-var-root #'version (constantly (-> ...)))
It declares the Var at compile time, sets its root value at runtime once, doesn't require deref and is not bound to the main thread. You didn't respond to this suggestion in your previous question. Did you try this approach?
You could use dynamic binding.
(declare *version*)
(defn start-my-program []
(binding [*version* (read-version-from-file)]
Now main and every function it calls will see the value of *version*.
While kotarak's solution works very well, here is an alternative approach: turn your code into a memoized function that returns the version. Like so:
(def get-version
(fn []
(-> (str "jar:" (-> (.getProtectionDomain)
(.. getMainAttributes)
(.getValue "Build-number")))))
I hope i dont miss something this time.
If version is a constant, it's going to be defined one time and is not going to be changed you can simple remove the defn and keep the (def version ... ) alone. I suppose you dont want this for some reason.
If you want to change global variables in a fn i think the more idiomatic way is to use some of concurrency constructions to store the data and access and change it in a secure way
For example:
(def *version* (atom ""))
(defn set-version! [] (swap! *version* ...))