Calling managed code from DLLMain - c++

I'm writing a unmanaged dll (with c++ and WinAPI) but I want to use some C# methods, so, I created a wrapper using C++/CLI.
But the problem is: The unmanaged dll will be 'injected' (LoadLibrary) and I'm stuck here with no clue of how I can call the Wrapper functions.
Unmanaged code:
#include <Windows.h>
//the function I want to call
__declspec(dllexport) void SimpleTest(int *p);
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void MyEntryPoint()
int* test;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(/*DllMain parameters*/)
return TRUE;
The wrapper (C++/CLI):
__declspec(dllexport) void SimpleTest(int* p)
*p = 1;
I don't know what's happening here. The .NET environment wasn't loaded? The Wrapper DLL wasn't loaded? (I looped through the modules and the wrapper wasn't there).
Do I have to initialize the CLR manually?
I read about loader lock but I'm not sure if it is the problem here.

From the documentation to DllMain:
There are significant limits on what you can safely do in a DLL entry point. See General Best Practices for specific Windows APIs that are unsafe to call in DllMain. If you need anything but the simplest initialization then do that in an initialization function for the DLL. You can require applications to call the initialization function after DllMain has run and before they call any other functions in the DLL.
Calling into managed code is one of those things that you cannot do!
The standard way to deal with this is to create a thread in the DllMain, an action that is allowed, and call into the managed code from that thread.

Dlls and shared objects have a problematic life in the C/C++ standards.
The operating system loads a DLL, calls DllMain initialising global variables, then loads dependent DLLs.
This means that
a) during DllMain/global construction you have the loader lock
b) the depend DLLs might not be loaded.
This means that CLR may not be active (not initialized) and may hang if it requires loader lock.
Defering till later is the best solution.
class ImportantOnceWork{
int DoOnce()
static ImportantOnceWork val;
Then call DoOnce(); at each hook point.


SetDllDirectory LoadLibrary inside a DLL

Can I use C++ SetDllDirectory and LoadLibrary commands inside a C++ DLL to load another DLL? I have tried using them like this:
Executable calls the 1st DLL,
then 1st DLL loads the 2nd DLL,
then 2nd DLL does the calculations...
but when I run the executable, I get this error message:
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information.
2nd DLL works fine when linked directly to Executable!
This is the code inside my executable:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
if(hDLL_Link==NULL) std::cout<<"did not load"<<'\n';
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_Link)();
Ptr_OPS_Link Ptr_OPS_Link_0;
this is the code inside the 1st DLL:
#include "Link.h"
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
void OPS_Link(){
Link_Ptr_Object=new Link();
//can not throw inside __declspec(dllexport) functions marked extern "C" that's why std::cout is implemented:
std::cout<<"Error: could not link to FDD DLL"<<'\n';
delete Link_Ptr_Object;
throw "DLL loading could not be done";
}else if(hDLL!=NULL){
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_FDD)(std::string, int, int);
Ptr_OPS_FDD Ptr_OPS_FDD_0;//pointer to procedure inside DLL
throw "DLL exported function address could not be determined";
//run the procedure inside DLL:
There are a few things in your code that can cause failure:
You do not exit if the DLL cannot be loaded:
You are passing objects that internally use dynamic allocation, and thus will use the heap manager.
For 1. above, your main() function only does a simple cout if the library cannot be found. However instead of exiting, the main function proceeds as if the library was found.
For 2. above, passing std::string as a parameter to a DLL function is error prone and not recommended unless you know exactly what you're doing. The reason it is error prone is
The DLL that contains the function call may have been built with a different set of options than the DLL that calls the function. These differing options could cause a difference in the way that std::string is implemeted, how it's layed out in memory, etc.
The DLL that contains the function call may have been built by a different version of the compiler than the DLL that calls the function. Again, same issue with differing implementations of std::string
The DLL's and modules using std::string may not have been built using the DLL version of the C runtime library. If the DLL's/modules are not built and linked using the DLL version of the runtime library, the DLL will be using a different heap than the module. Any operation on std::string will be invalid, due to differing memory heaps being used.
So in a nutshell, unless you can guarantee that
You are building the modules and DLL's with the exact same version of the compiler and compiler options.
You are linking all modules to the DLL version of the runtime library.
Then passing std::string as a parameter, and in general, passing any object that maintains dynamically allocated memory, may or will lead to runtime errors.
Besides the inadequate error handling and using the standard library across module boudaries ,there are two other things to consider.
Can I use SetDllDirectory in a dll to ... ?
Yes you can ,but you SHOULDN'T ! (BUGS waiting to happen).
Why ? because the only entity that is responsable for changing environment is the main-application.
Library code (static or dll) doesn't know in which application it's going to be used.
It might work correctly in some programs and it may fail in others.
Can I use C++ LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary in a dll to ... ?
Yes you can ,but don't use them in the dllmain function since it can deadlock your program.
I solved the problem, and showed how here:
I changed the code inside executable and 1st DLL like below, to consider error handling, and also I added the "return 0;" now the executable links to 1st DLL and it works perfect... Actually the problem was that main needed to return something...I raplaced all the "std::string" with "char*" at the DLL boundaries...By the way, the reason that I want to develop two DLLs and I'm using "SetDllDirectory" inside the 1st one is that I want to call a DLL with a C# GUI, and the problem is that there is no "SetDllDirectory" command available in C#, therefore, I came up with the idea of developing two DLLs, inside first DLL, I will use "SetDllDirectory" to take care of the required dependencies (DLL is dependent on Octave and Octave Bin directory) and then I developed a 2nd DLL which carries out the actual computations...I know that there are some methods like "[DllImport("Kernel32.dll")]" and from there we can use "SetDllDirectory" in C# but that method looks painful.
The corrected code inside executable:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
throw "Link DLL did not load";
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_Link)();
Ptr_OPS_Link Ptr_OPS_Link_0=NULL;
throw "Link DLL exported function not found";
std::cerr<<"Error: "<<char_Ptr_Exception<<'\n';
return 0;
The corrected code inside 1st DLL:
#include "Link.h"
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
void OPS_Link(){
Link_Ptr_Object=new Link();
////can not throw inside __declspec(dllexport) functions marked extern "C" that's why std::cout is implemented:
//std::cout<<"Error: could not link to FDD DLL"<<'\n';
delete Link_Ptr_Object;
//path relative to executable (C# executable or C++ executable)
throw "FDD DLL did not load";
}else if(hDLL!=NULL){
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_FDD)(char*, int, int);
Ptr_OPS_FDD Ptr_OPS_FDD_0;//pointer to procedure inside DLL
throw "FDD DLL exported function not found";
//run the procedure inside DLL:

How to release the object in a TLS-slot at thread exit on Windows?

for example, in a multi-thread program:
struct TLSObject;
void foo()
TLSObject* p = TlsGetValue(slot);
if (p == 0) {
p = new TLSObject;
TlsSetValue(slot, p);
// doing something with p
the first time to call foo() in any thread will makes a new TLSObject.
my question is:
How to delete a TLSObject(if I don't use boost::thread and boost::thread_specific_ptr) ?
boost::thread_specific_ptr can do cleanup work at thread exit,
but it depends on boost::thread I guess, not for normal OS thread,
and it's slow.
Instead of TlsAlloc, use FlsAlloc (and related Fls* functions). With FLS, you register a cleanup callback which the OS will call on the thread before the thread terminates, giving you the opportunity to clean up.
Alright. For Windows Vista and above, as James McNellis said - we
could use FlsCallback.
For a DLL, we could just use DllMain, if reason parameter equals
to DLL_THREAD_DETACH, we do the cleanup. An alternative might be
to use _pRawDllMain, it's just like another DllMain, you could
find it from boost source.
For an EXE, we could use TLS callback, please have a look at
here and here, and, of course, boost source. In
practice, it works on Windows XP, but I found that optimizations
may make it ineffective, so be careful with optimizations, or make
a explicit reference to the pointer of your callback function.
Save the code below to tls.cpp and add it to your project, no
matter it's exe or dll, it will work. Note that for a DLL on
Windows Vista and above the onThreadExit function may be called
twice - one from dll_callback and one from tls_callback.
#include <windows.h>
extern void onThreadExit();
static void NTAPI tls_callback(PVOID, DWORD reason, PVOID)
if (reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH) {
static BOOL WINAPI dll_callback(LPVOID, DWORD reason, LPVOID)
if (reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH) {
return TRUE;
#pragma section(".CRT$XLY",long,read)
extern "C" __declspec(allocate(".CRT$XLY")) PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK _xl_y = tls_callback;
extern "C"
extern BOOL (WINAPI * const _pRawDllMain)(HANDLE, DWORD, LPVOID) = &dll_callback;
#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:__tls_used")
#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:__xl_y")
If you think it's obscure, use boost's at_thread_exit, the
complexity is hidden. In fact the code above is a simplified
version of boost tls. And if you do not want to use boost, on
Windows system this is a alternative.
Or, a more generic way: thread_local.
A 'boost::thread_specific_ptr' should work on any thread (according to the answer to my question: Check if thread is a boost thread)
About it being slow, yes, it isn't ideal. However, what you can do is use whatever normal TLS mechanism you wish (I used the GCC specific modifier) and then create an additional thread_specific_ptr which cleans up the data (create a wrapper to your true TLS pointer). So creation and deletion of the TLS is a bit expensive, but access is unaffected.
You should be able use one of the many scope exit mechanisms to achieve this, for example this one.
Another alternative would be to wrap your TLSObject into an RAII class that releases the object when the RAII wrapper is destroyed. This is a very common resource management pattern and definitely applicable here.

Lua module pushing C functions from DllMain

I've got damn big problem. As you know Lua allows making modules and you can load these modules with require() function from 5.1(previously loadlib).
#define LUA extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl
static int l_TestFunc(lua_State * L)
lua_pushboolean (L, 1); // return true
return 1;
LUA luaopen_MyModule(lua_State *L)
lua_pushcfunction(L, l_TestFunc);
lua_setglobal(L, "TestFunc");
return 1;
so in Lua you are just using require("MyModule") and everything works.(luaopen_* is entry point then)
But I need to use standard way(DllMain as entry point). I tried but it didn't work.
Got any ideas?
But I need to use standard way(DllMain as entry point). I tried but it didn't work. Got any ideas?
DllMain is always going to be your entry point (if defined), but you can't use it to load your functions because you have no Lua state to load them into there.
When you run "require" in Lua code, the app executing that code (e.g. lua.exe) will load your DLL (invoking DllMain), then call luaopen_MyModule passing in the Lua state that executed the require statement. There's no way for your DllMain to have access to that state pointer...
...well, no ordinary way. You could work something out so that the host apps writes the memory location of the Lua state to some external location accessible to your DLL (registry, file, etc.) before loading your DLL. Your DLLMain could fetch the pointer register and it's functions into that state. Not sure why you'd want to do that, but in a language like C it's technically possible.
This would require that you wrote the host, so you could arrange to write the state somewhere. Or you could have a separate module, loaded the ordinary way, which writes the Lua_state value, then all other modules could access it from their DllMains.
This smells a lot like an XY Problem. Care to share why you want to register your functions in DllMain?
Try this...
Instead of using the name MyModule in require("MyModule") and luaopen_MyModule use the name of the executable that your DLL is injected into. If that doesn't work change the require call to have .exe at the end.
Lua's require is going to call Win32 LoadLibrary and then GetProcAddress to find the luaopen function. Both calls will use the argument to require(). It appears that PE-inject makes all the functions in the injected DLL appear as if they are in the EXE module. So, you need LoadLibrary to return the handle to the EXE module and then GetProcAddress will find the injected luaopen function.
The are a few reasons this might not work. One is that Lua's require does have the requirement that the DLL file name and the DLL module name match. That's not a Win32 requirement and so might not be the case for your portable executable.

C++ LoadLibrary ERROR_NOACCESS "Invalid access to memory location."

OK, so I have a situation in which I call LoadLibrary on a DLL that I wrote. This call to LoadLibrary returns error #998, or ERROR_NOACCESS "Invalid access to memory location."
The DLL in question uses MFC in one configuration, and not in another; only the MFC configuration has this problem. It used to work, but I have no idea what I changed: I'd actually moved on to the non-MFC version and been tinkering quite a lot with that and I have no idea what I could have done that affected the MFC version.
I don't know a lot about DLLs. The original loading code was actually given to me, and I haven't changed it. Below is that code:
// submodule loading
#ifndef MFC
// Project uses standard windows libraries, define an entry point for the DLL to handle loading/unloading
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hDllHandle, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpreserved)
_MESSAGE("DllMain called.");
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // dll loaded
hModule = (HMODULE)hDllHandle; // store module handle
_MESSAGE("Attaching Submodule ...");
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // dll unloaded
_MESSAGE("Detaching Submodule ...");
return true;
// Project uses MFC, we define here an instance of CWinApp to make this a 'well-formed' DLL
class CSubmoduleApp : public CWinApp
virtual BOOL InitInstance()
{// dll loaded
hModule = m_hInstance; // store module handle
_MESSAGE("Attaching Submodule ...");
return true;
virtual int ExitInstance()
{// dll unloaded
_MESSAGE("Detaching Submodule ...");
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();
} gApp;
Obviously, MFC is defined in the MFC configuration, and not otherwise.
I doubt this is enough information to solve this problem; I realize that. What I'm actually hoping to learn is where to look for problems that might cause this error. I'll be happy to supply any information you need — once I know it's needed.
Thanks for any tips.
OK, this question was answered by a friend of mine (no idea if he has a StackOverflow account; not going to pester him with answering it twice).
The deal is that I had a global object, the class of which had a constructor that called a function that depended upon another global object (ironically enough, the function in question was _MESSAGE, but by the time DllMain or InitInstance gets called, that function works fine). C++ doesn't allow you to specify the order in which globals get initialized, so when this global's constructor got run (when the computer attempted to load the DLL), it caused a memory error by attempting to use another global that hadn't been created yet.
So... that's the answer. A really specific case, but I guess if anyone else finds they're getting 998 errors and need to know what sorts of problems to check, this is something to look for: make sure all your globals are independent!

Calling c++ runtime from DllMain or global initializers

The question is inspired by this discussion.
It seems that fears concerning C++ runtime invokations from DllMain (or from global variables ctor's) are sligtly outdated. I'm using global initializers in dlls frequently without any faults, and now I've run a special test program (compiled with VC2010 Express w/o SP) containing exe module with static runtime linkage and dll with dynamic one. Dll is manualy loaded from exe by LoadLibrary().
Dll creates and fills a map object during global initialization (and therefore uses runtime library, at least memory allocatiion functions).
Dll code:
#include <map>
using namespace std;
struct A{
char* p;
static const int num=1000;
map<int,string> m;
for(int i=0; i<num; ++i){m[i]= *new string("some text");}
A a;
extern "C"{
_declspec(dllexport) const char* getText(int i){ return a.m[i].data(); }
Exe code (for Release configuration; change runtime library name to MSVCR100D.DLL for Debug):
#include <windows.h>
typedef const char* (*pfunc_t)(int idx);
int main(int argc, TCHAR* argv[])
HMODULE h_crt= GetModuleHandle("MSVCR100.DLL");
// ensure that runtime library is NOT loaded yet:
MessageBox(NULL,(NULL==h_crt)? "CRT NOT loaded by .exe module": "CRT Loaded by .exe module" ,"before LoadLibrary",MB_OK);
HMODULE hlib=LoadLibrary("dll_example.dll");
h_crt= GetModuleHandle("MSVCR100.DLL");
MessageBox(NULL,(NULL==h_crt)? "CRT NOT loaded": "CRT Loaded" ,"after LoadLibrary",MB_OK);
pfunc_t pfunc= (pfunc_t)(void*)GetProcAddress(hlib,"getText");
return 0;
The output is as expected:
before LoadLibrary: CRT NOT loaded by .exe module
after LoadLibrary: CRT Loaded
map[99]: some text
No failures, nullpointers, pagefaults, etc.
Profiling with DependencyWalker also confirms that runtime lib(MSVCR100.DLL) is loaded only after LoadLibrary call (and is not preloaded and initialized by exe).
It seems that dynamic runtime library is loaded and initialized correctly during the dll_example.dll loading process before global initialization phase.
any thoughts?
PS. I don't encourage to move any heavyweight initialization code to global init phase; but I suppose that simple memory allocation code is safe enough (?).
It all depends what you do inside DLLMain. Since the documentation refuses to state what can and cannot be done, and since the CRT doesn't make any promises, this always feels like a risky area.
Personally I would move all my global initialization into a single routine which is exported from the DLL and insist that all clients call this before calling any other function.
Getting the CRT initialized while loading a DLL is a very common scenario, it happens for any COM server for example. As such you can rely on the CRT explicitly supporting the scenario, as long as you don't require it to initialize your variables with code that in turn depend on the dangerous api calls. Getting managed objects initialized is a famous failure mode, the CLR cannot be initialized while the loader lock is held. The deadlock is very ugly to diagnose but very easy to detect. Which is in general true, you have no trouble finding out that you got a problem. Only finding a workaround for it.
There is however plenty of hell to pay by having the main program and one of more DLLs using different instances of the CRT. Which is what is happening in your test program. You have to very carefully craft the exported functions of the DLL to not return any pointers or C++ objects. You'll get away with returning const char*, the caller isn't supposed to take ownership of that pointer. Presumably.