Get HITID on Mturk - list

I would like to know how can I Get the HITID of my surveys of Mturk ? It's easy to see on TurkPrime, but on MTurk I can't seem to find it.
Thank you !

The HITId is not easily accessible on the Requester website, which uses "batches" instead of HITs to organize the interface. If you visit the "Manage HITs Individually" page, you will find a listing of HITs. The HITIds for each are not visible, but you can find them by either:
Doing an "inspect element" action from your browser's context menu on the iframe displaying the HIT. The HITId will be in the URL of the iframe's src attribute, or
Click on "Delete this HIT" (or just copy the link to that page). The HITId is part of the URL.
Another option, which requires that you created the HIT in the requester website (not on TurkPrime or anywhere else) and requires downloading a file, is to click the "Download CSV" for the appropriate batch. The HITId will be listed in the CSV.

Navigate to Manage HIT and select the HIT you want to get her HITID. Press the results button and download the results CSV file. The first two columns in the CSV are HITId and HITTypeId.

You can get it by going here:
Then hover over "Delete this HIT":
Right click and copy the URL. Analyze the URL and you'll see the HIT ID as a parameter.
The format will be something like:
It's the value after &HITId=

This past week, Mechanical Turk made finding the HITTypeId easier when you use the Requester UI. Here's how it works:
Visit and login
Click the Create tab
Click "New Batch with Existing Project"
Click on the "Project Name"
A pop up lightbox will appear. It used to show only "Layout ID" and "Layout Parameters" but it now also shows "HITTypeId"
To get the HITIds, the best approach is to download the CSV results which include the HIT IDs for your batch.
Hope that helps!


Not able to fully see "Create Credentials" page on Google Console?

As the title says, I'm not able to fully view the Create Credentials page on Google Console. It is being blocked by the hamburger menu on the left.
Here's how it looks. Any help would be appreciated!
Move your mouse button screen from the API page or else click on the right side page then it will show the full page. This is just scrolling issue.
Eg : Below is the image shown the same as your issue.
I have checked in my console, able to see the full page and also able to create the keys.
If there are any other issues, do post your question clearly.

Dialogflow CX | How to let the bot initiate the conversation?

Dialogflow ES has an event called 'WELCOME' which makes it possible for the bot to initiate the conversation.
How can I do the same in Dialogflow CX?
There is no entry fulfillment option in the Start Page of Dialogflow CX.
Delete the 'Default Welcome Intent' route.
I am unable to perform this. I get the following error.
In 'Default Welcome Intent' change the intent from 'WELCOME' to nothing.
I get the following error. I have set the condition to true. I have also set the page transition to 'onboarding' page.
Please let me know if more screenshots are required.
To accomplish what you're asking, the easiest way would be to:
Open the "Default Start Flow" and select its Start page.
Remove all routes and add a new one.
This new route takes a "custom condition" in the form of true (in the condition pane, click on customize expression and then just type true) and goes to a new page
called "Onboarding" (on the bottom of the route creation page, click on new page and name it Onboarding).
Go to the Onboarding page and add an entry fulfilment "Hello there, how are you doing today?"
in this way every time the default start flow is activated (window is opened) the bot will use that fulfilment.
ok, i tried creating a new agent and i think i solved the problem.
it seems as though we can't erase the default welcome intent, but it doesn't matter.
i created two pages: onboarding and first page. from start i added an always true route to the onboarding page, and i did the same with the onboarding and first page. As you can see from the testing console we only get the expected behaviour for the second transition, look at this:
start page:
onboarding page:
"first" page:
After looking for info on the documentation i think i understood this: from the testing console, google doesn't let you see the actual behaviour of the conversation. If you see the screenshots, when i say "hi" and go the the onboarding page, i get immediately brought to the next page by that "true" transition. Since the same exact sequence is on the start page, the same behaviour should apply there: you only can't see it in the console because "opening the window" in the console is not the same as opening the conversation "in real life".
So, what i suggest you to do is create a new integration or develop a testing environment for the bot, say a website with the messenger integration, a telephony integration or whatever else, and test this onboarding on there. Speaking from personal experience, try with the messenger one maybe: you get a link and you just embed the script in any webpage (works well and easy).
It should work, as in, as soon as you open the conversation, the bot should go the onboarding page and say "hello there!"
So, I'm not sure what your end use-case is, but DFCX (at it's core) isn't exactly designed to initiate an unsolicited message because it's really just a language model with a bunch of features built on top of it.
With that being said, if you want to create a pop-up window for your website chat-widget, you can actually configure this in the integration settings with your embed code. Here's an example:
//The DF Messenger element:
<df-messenger df-cx="true" chat-title="Agent Name" agent-id="<your agent ID>" language-code="en" expand="true"></df-messenger>
//The window load script :
<script src=""></script><script>
window.addEventListener('dfMessengerLoaded', function (event) {
const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
const openText = ('<The Text You Want To Display On Page Load>');
Please note this will only work if you have the DF Messenger Integration enabled on your agent. See the docs for integrating DF Messenger here
1.Use the attribute intent inside the df-messenger tag in your UI/HTML page
2.Then create a Custom Event in Dialogflow CX (By clicking on Event handler '+' icon)
3.Check the 'use custom event' checkbox and provide event name and provide a text response in fulfillment section of this custom event.
4.Finally provide this custom event name as value to the attribute intent(mentioned in step 1)
please refer to this document for df-messenger HTML customizations
According to Dialogflow CX documentation, the WELCOME event (although not visible in the Start flow) is also available. As you can see in this link and the picture below.
To invoke this event, you have to use the detectIntent method of a Session client. You'll need to specify the event name in queryInput.event.event of the request used in detectIntent.
Hope this helps!

How to change "Introduction" at the top in Documentation generated by the Postman?

Is it possible to change the name "Introduction" at the top of requests?
It's a documentation generated by Postman, i haven't access to the HTML code.
I need to change this name, does anyone know how I do it?
Those headings are created when you go through the +New > Documentation flow.
They can be changed/deleted from here when you first create the Documentation.
If the Documentation has already been created - You can change the headings by editing the Collection.
Once the Edit Collection modal is open, you will find the details under the Description tab.

Oracle APEX Select RDS Tab in URL

I am developing an application in Oracle APEX 5.1. I have a page which uses a region display selector. The default tab has general information which should be the active tab for anyone navigating to the page from within the app. The other tabs are detailed reports which are relevant to specific users. I want to provide these users with a URL to access the tab containing the reports that they're interested in.
I created a page variable, P14_ACTIVE_TAB, which is the static ID of the region associated with a particular tab. I use this variable in the following JavaScript code..
selectTab = "$('#myRDS .a-Tabs').aTabs('getTabs')['#" + $v('P14_ACTIVE_TAB') + "'].makeActive();";
I have tested the code and it works correctly if I use it on a button, select list, etc. however I have been unable to get it to properly execute when a user navigates to the page using a URL like
If I define a dynamic action on page load it appears that the page is being rendered after the code is executed so I still get the default tab. If I look at the console output I see the correct code, which I can then cut/paste as a console command to get the desired result. So it appears that I have the right code being executed at the wrong time.
Does anyone have any suggestions how I can define the dynamic action to execute after the page has been rendered so the correct tab will be made active?

Adding a Like button to a dynamically generated web page

We have an application that creates web pages dynamically. The user enters a title, some descriptions, some images, etc. and clicks the CREATE button, and Presto! the page is created within our domain and is accessible from any browser by entering
This all works fine but now we'd like to add a Like button to the page we create.
I know that the normal way to add Like buttons to a page is to go the Facebook developer's page, enter some information about the page-to-like, like it's URL, and then copy and paste the code that Facebook generates onto the page. But clearly we can't do that for every page that gets generated by our engine. So my thought was to add the Like code from another page and then dynamically change the URL in the code the the URL for the page being generated. But this doesn't work. It puts a Like button on the page, ok, and when you try to Like the page the "Add Comment" field comes up momentarily, but then the Add Comment field disappears and the like count goes back to 0. It acts like Facebook shuts down the button as soon as they saw something fishy.
I'm wondering if anyone sees a way to do what I'm trying to do. Is there maybe a way to generate a new button on the fly for each page we generate by communicating with Facebook with something like cURL?
Thanks for any ideas.
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