Regular expression for 10 numeric digits [duplicate] - regex

This question already has an answer here:
Java Regex for telephone number - Must Include only 8 digits with not more than 2 dash [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
10 numeric digits, may be in the following formats: 123-4-567890, 1234-567890 or 1234567890
What is the regular expression for above digits?
Any help is appreciated.

Assuming you mean any digit, 0-9, should be found if (and only if) it meets the three formats you presented, one regex that would work is
The above breaks down to three separate patterns, one for each case you presented, separated by regex's equivalent of "or", the | character. Each of the statements above contains [0-9], a character class which will match any digit. Following each character class is a {n} statement, which means "repeat the previous item n times".
Disclaimer, there is probably a cleverer way to do this with a shorter pattern, but my regex-foo isn't quite that advanced yet


How do I simplify that regex? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why doesn't [01-12] range work as expected?
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm trying to get a remaining time data from a text but the times are written as months, weeks, days or hours rather then number. I've written this regex but it's a bit complicated. How can I simplify it?
[0-99] month[s]?|[0-99] week[s]?|[0-99] day[s]?|[0-99] hour[s]?
Example output:
2 days 4 hours
[0-99] is equivalent to a character set from 0 to 9, plus the character 9 - so it's equivalent to [0-9] - which is (often) equivalent to \d.
A character set with a single character in it is superfluous - just use the single character.
Finally, since the only thing that changes between the alternations is the word, put a group around the word and alternate inside the group:
\d (?:month|week|day|hour)s?\d
That's equivalent to your original pattern. But it sounds like you might be wanting to match up to 2 digits instead, in which case you can tweak it to:
\d{1,2} (?:month|week|day|hour)s?\d{1,2}

RegEx to find count of special characters in String [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get the count of only special character in a string using Regex?
(6 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I need to form the RegEx to produce the output only if more than two occurrences of special characters exists in the given string.
1) abcd##qwer - Match
2) abcd#dsfsdg#fffj-Match
3) abcd#qwetg- No Match
4) acwexyz - No Math
5) abcd#ds#$%fsdg#fffj-Match
Can anyone help me on this?
Note: I need to use this regular expression in one of the existing tool not in any programming language.
UPDATE after OP edit
The edited OP introduces a small amount of additional complexity that necessitates a different pattern entirely. The keys here are that (a) there is now a significantly limited set of "special characters" and (b) that these characters must appear at least twice (c) in any position in the string.
To implement this, you would use something like:
Asserts a non-capturing group,
Which contains any number of characters, followed by
Any character in the set ##$%
Followed by any number of characters
Ensures this pattern happens twice in a given string.
Original answer
By "special characters", I assume you mean anything outside standard alphanumeric characters. You can use the pattern below in most flavors of Regex:
This (a) creates a set of all characters not including alphanumeric characters and matches a character against it, then (b) checks to see if the same character appears adjacent.

negation classes regex [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
i wrote this regex for tokenize a text: "\b\w+\b"
but someone suggets me to convert it into \b[^\W\d_]+\b
can anyone explaing to me why this second way (using negation) is better?
The first one matches all letters, numbers and the underscore. Depending on the regex engine, this may include unicode letters and numbers. (the word boundaries are superfluous in this case btw.)
The second regex matches only letters (excluding non-word-charcters, digits and the underscore). Due to the word boundary, it will only match them, if they are surrounded by non-word-characters or start/end of th string.
If your regex engine supports this, you might want to use [[:alpha:]] or \p{L} (or [A-Za-z] in case of non-unicode) instead to make your intent clearer.

Verify string containing certain characters using regular expression in tcl [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Regex for Password: "Atleast 1 letter, 1 number, 1 special character and SHOULD NOT start with a special character"
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a requirement in tcl where we need to accept a string from the user. The string must consist of at least 1 capital letter, 1 number and 1 special character.
Can anyone say what regular expression we should use?
If your assignment states that you have to solve it in one go, sort the string's characters first. Then use a regular expression that looks for the kinds of characters you want in the order digit-uppercase-lowercase, allowing for other characters in between.
If you don't need to solve it with one application of regexp, test three times, one for each of the kinds of character you want. If all tests succeed, you have a strong password.

Regex for range 1-1000 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Regular expression where part of string must be number between 0-100
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I need help creating a simple regex for a whole number range of 1-1000, with no special characters.
The two I have both seem to break or allow characters or not the full range:
Try this:
[1-9][0-9]{0,2} matches any number between 1–999
1000 matches 1000
Use ^(.*[^0-9]|)(1000|[1-9]\d{0,2})([^0-9].*|)$ which will match 1000 or a non-zero digit followed by up to two further digits. It will also allow other characters on either end of the number.